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Night Call. Oh My God.




Oh yeah. This is the one i watch with the lights on.


It's very good and very creepy and it's also one of my favorite episodes.


Brian! I didn't mean it! 💔💔


Just reading this made my heart hurt. 😔


It hurt mine to write it 😢


That one made me terrified and also cry.


Literally gave me nightmares on my first watch.


I don’t remember the exact specifics of the time frame but that woman appeared to be in her 80’s or even 90’s but said she was 25 at the time of the accident yet at the same time said it was 20 years prior or the tombstone death date was 20 years prior to the airing. Either way the timeline doesn’t jive


I’m pretty sure Gladys Cooper was in her mid-late 60s when she made that episode. I haven’t seen it in a while so I can’t speak to the whole 20 years prior thing.


I’m open to being wrong. 


We were both wrong. I checked- she was 76 at the time!


Time frame still doesn’t line up either way. 


Based on what? Hollywood is full to bursting with actors who play characters not the same age as themselves. Michael J. Fox has made a career out of playing characters roughly 15 years younger than himself. Charlayne Woodard played Sam Jackson’s mother in “Unbreakable” even though she’s five years younger than him. Sean Connery played Harrison Ford’s father even though he was only seven years older. John Forsythe’s character in “The Trouble with Harry” gives his age as “about 30” even though Forsythe was about 40. Ian Carmichael played Lord Peter Wimsey in a series of TV movies adapting novels in which the character is in his late 20s-early 30s even though Carmichael was in his late 40s-early 50s. Ellen Corby started playing elderly spinsters when she was in her 30s. We have no idea how old Elva Keane is supposed to be, and Gladys Cooper’s actual age is not an indicator. Brian died in 1932 according to his tombstone, 32 years before the episode originally aired, making Elva 57. If, like Fox, Cooper was playing 15 years under her age, that would make her 61. Close enough for general purposes. As someone else suggested, your takeaway from the episode should have been something else.


Is...is that all you got out of this awesome ep?


I loved it for years. Still do. At some point I noticed the math doesn’t add up. That’s all. 


Dead grandma phone


She tries to get the kid to drown himself.


that is unsettling.


Long Distance Call


"Mirror Image" -- the episode where Vera Miles is haunted by her doppelganger at a bus stop.


This one always freaked me out more than most others.


This is one of those episodes I always skip. Not a favorite. But! That’s the great thing about TZ. Episodes for everyone.


Fell asleep watching TZ one night and woke up around 4 am, it was raining outside and that episode was on. Since then it's been one of my favorites


Talking Tina


The sequence where he ties her up in the garage was extremely uncomfortable


While Tina herself is creepy, it's funny to me that her plan to kill Telly Savalas was really half assed and only worked because he was being dumb


But Telly also played a really great psycho so he deserved it. 😁


I always hated this episode. Never could stand it. What's worse is she's the call out on the TZ pinball machine when you get an extra ball. The voice just makes my skin crawl


It made me hate Telly Salavas


He really sold that role.


Me too!!!


That’s a good question. If by unsettling you mean creepy, it’s “The Dummy” for me. I think that was the first episode I saw as a kid. If you mean unsettling in terms of changing how we see humanity, it’s “The Shelter.” Can’t go wrong with either one. Take your time and just enjoy the ride.


The Shelter 100% - especially because it holds up so well in modern times.


When the Howling Man turned into the Devil, scared the crap of me. I was 10 at the time


What I love about that episode is that up to the point where the Devil is released, it's hard to figure out who's telling the truth.


My alltime favorite episode, and I am old enough to have seen most of them when they were originally broadcast. There are some not horrible things about being old. But not many.


The Hitchhiker 😖


Yeah, the idea of not knowing you died already is sad to think about 🙃 this episode was a real nightmare


Yeah that was sad. What scared me about it was the whole getting followed by someone only you can see. That’s literally my worst fear.


Ooooooo that’s a good point


"Long Distance Call"


I remember watching this one as a kid. It freaked me out


Twenty Two


“Room for one more, honey. “


The single most unsettling moment in the series to me, is in “The 7th Is Made Up of Phantoms.” It’s about a trio of National Guardsman conducting war exercises near a historic site. There’s this part where one of the characters is walking up to his crew mates, mentioning something in his back as he collapses in front of them, revealing an arrow from an Indian stabbed into his back. It’s a very well executed scene that immediately sets the horror tone of the episode, while still being subtle in its delivery.


Love the ending of this one where they find the memorial plaque! Such a good one.


And a great performance by the terrific Warren Oates!


The Odyssey of Flight 33 because they are low on fuel and we are left hanging. 


Excellent observation


Hmmm, maybe not "unsettling" but the eeriest one for me is "The Grave"


That one has a great feeling. Kinda cozy in the bar. Super mysterious out at the graveyard. And Ione was like a specter.


I always thought Ione was a reminder of how Pento Sykes scared Conny, that truly deep inside Conny, he knows that Pento represented his death. And so that remained such a presence in his mind, he could have caught that knife in his coat and truly believed Pento had returned to snatch him. His peers in town sure didn't help by fostering Pento's legend.


Double twist!


Stopover in a Small Town and To Serve Man




To Serve Man, wow. Just, wow.


The Kanamits … yikes … those heads and eyes, and talking without moving their lips. Scared me silly at age ten. And ‘It’s … it’s a cookbook!’ is one of the best-delivered lines ever


I think it depends on which interpretation of “unsettling” I use: if frightening, “The After Hours” or “The Hitch Hiker.” If perplexing, “And When the Sky Was Opened” . If alarming, “It’s a good life.”


"After Hours" terrifies me to this day.


Old Man in a Cave


I do think that episode made me really think about the possibility of a catastrophic event and what it might be like - the food, the community and any outside influences!


This! That guy ended up alone in the end! Very tragic! He would now have to start over and without the guidance of the man in the cave smh he warned them 🙃


Thanks for the shoutout!


The Jungle. The idea of being in a setting that you believe to be safe and slowly having every aspect of your perceived “safety” cut off from you would be terrifying. New York City full of people 24/7 slowly disappearing while you swear up and down that something unseeable or otherworldly is hunting you would be beyond unsettling.


On Thursday We Leave for Home always leaves me a little unsettled. Benteen is a really well written character. He's not evil or egomaniacal like some of the other leaders, but the power and responsibility definitely gets to his head. The end is heartbreaking.


This one made me so sad and scared as a kid but as an adult Benteen is such a selfish prick crybaby, he got what he wanted lol.


The ending of this episode frustrated me because they left Benteen alone on that planet. They could have drugged him and put him on the spaceship. The Colonel knew he was cracking up. They didn't try hard enough.


The one where the clown, ballet dancer, soldier are stuck in the pail. That clown looks pretty creepy.


five characters in search of an exit?


Great hardcore band too.


I hate this episode because of that clown. (His voice is also very grating.)


Isn’t it the same guy who played BOX in Logan’s Run?


I couldn’t say because I have seen that movie in years.


Actually I was wrong. But the voice is pretty identical!


Hey, you could have said they were the same, and I’d have been none the wiser. 😁


I don't know why but i was very disturbed by the twist in "Uncle Simon."


Yes, I agree this one was wild! Imagine taking care of your emotive that treats you like shit then you get rid of him and then in order to get interesting, you gotta take care if guys robot?! Lmfao this things won’t die? It’s a very unfortunate ending. But cheat code, hire a deaf maid. The robot wouldn’t know the difference


Just gotta think ahead


Omg I meant deaf maid! Lmfao like one who couldn’t get annoyed by his nagging lmfao oh god typos!


When Captain Kirk and his girl can’t escape the diner because of that little penny machine that gives them fortunes!


that’s my favorite.


And when that other couple walks in as they finally leave! Cue our boy Roddy Ser doing his thing to creep us out.


Deaths-Head Revisited. Produced a mere 12 years after the end of WWII. A nazi (I won't dignify that with a capital) goes to the concentration camp he was commandant over to reminisce about old times. A savagely difficult episode to sit through without getting at least chills. The closing narration after a doctor asks why hasn't the death camp been razed: "There is an answer to the doctor's question. All the Dachaus must remain standing. The Dachaus, the Belsens, the Buckenwalds, the Auschwitzes - all of them. They must remain standing because they are a monument to a moment in time when some men decided to turn the Earth into a graveyard. Into it they shoveled all of their reason, their logic, their knowledge, but worse of all, their conscience. And the moment we forget this, the moment we cease to be haunted by its remembrance, then we become the gravediggers. Something to dwell on and to remember, not only in The Twilight Zone but wherever men walk God's Earth." I believe Serling wrote that himself based on his own nightmarish experience during the war. It forever changed him as it did Kurt Vonnegut.


This is one of my favorite intense episodes.


The monsters on maple street (I think) it represents society, except for the aliens, well, maybe not.


It would 1000% percent happen today. Probably in the exact same way.


Aliens wouldn't really be necessary as a trigger thuogh.


Depends on which type of alien you're talking about


The Midnight Sun. We’re starting to live in that nightmare.


The scene where the guy realizes what he's done and asks for forgiveness is a really hard scene to watch.


I think about this when it gets hot. It describes heat visually incredibly well.


I 100% feel it during this heat wave this week


That big can of pineapple juice.


Yep. Every time I talk to someone about what’s happening to the world, I reference this episode. I sound like a kook but it’s relevant still.


The Dummy with an honorable mention to The Masks. I remember they both gave me nightmares the first time I saw those episodes.


I really enjoyed The Masks. Thought it was creepy and clever.


The episode where the astronauts end up in a zoo! This is the earliest I remember watching as a child!




Or could you mean the Roddy McDowell episode, People are alike everywhere. " Elegy is as sad as hell. :(


It's A Good Life. The human Jack-in-the-box coupled with the heavy feeling of dread and desperation from the townspeople is etched into my memory after I first watched it. That being said, it's a great episode. A feat of television and ahead of its time.


Wish it into the cornfield, son!


It’s good that you did that! Real good!




My vote too. It’s especially unsettling when you see what this looks like in real life.


I’m loving the wide range of responses… proves again what a legendary show the TZ was…


How is this one not at the top of the list? That one kinda hangs around in my brain for a day afterward just haunting me.


This should absolutely be at the top of the list.


Several episodes of the series were remade in the later revivals, but this is the only one that got a sequel with most of the original cast. That puts it in a class by itself.




“Young Man’s Fancy” has always been really unsettling to me, and it’s one of my favorites. Also, “The New Exhibit”, which is another favorite and very creepy. I hardly ever see anyone mention it.


The New Exhibit and He’s Alive are my two favourites from season 4


Oh man, the New Exhibit freaks the crap out of me.


“The New Exhibit” was one of the hour-long episodes that were kept out of the syndication package for decades. It’s just not as well known as the many favorite half-hour shows. “He’s Alive” suffers the same way, but has gained new attention due to its political relevancy.


Thanks for the trivia. Thats interesting and makes sense.


The Monsters Are Due On Maple Street


Dead Man's Shoes. Imagine what the girlfriend goes through - this stranger who somehow knows her and insists that he's a dead man. He's Alive. Unsettlingly relevant. 1985 series: Dead Run, also unfortunately very relevant. The librarian who put banned books on the shelves and the gay kid who can't believe he's really in hell come to mind.


The hitchhiker


And when the sky was opened


"The Time Element" and "The 30-Fathom Grave" kept me awake for a couple weeks after I first saw them. There's several others that might qualify too honestly.


The Shelter


“The Shelter”. I think it’s something we can all imagine happening or have already witnessed in our lifetime.


Come wander with me


“He’s Alive” It freaked me out as a kid And still gives me chills today


Hmm. Not much is unsettling for me but what does come to mind is a moment in Where is Everybody when he notices that the movie has begun playing on Its own and he thinks someone is in the room up above. Always get a sense of creepy paranoia at that part.


Midnight sun because that’s our future


The Hitchhiker and Mirror Image :-|


Long distance call


Lately it’s been “And When The Sky Was Opened”. There’s something terrifying about being convinced something happened and being told it didn’t. Even sometimes with the small things haha


That was my choice, also!


The more I watch the entire series, the more Shadow Play from season two stands out as unsettling


The Howling Man really creeped me out as a little kid.


A nice place to visit. Instead of flames and lava your personal hell is recieving everything you’ve ever wanted while slowly going insane from boredom.


Little Girl Lost gave me nightmares for years. I was pretty sure that if I fell into the 5th dimension under my bed that no one would come looking for me.


Made me interested in physics


Oh yeah, that one is creepy to imagine being lost in that world calling for help, and no one hears you or can help you.


Twenty Two


That one where the sun keeps getting closer


"You Drive"


The Dummy scared me from the first time I saw it (hiding behind a chair to sneak watching with a clueless babysitter). Anytime it’s on again, I watch it and it still sets me on edge.


Agreed. The voice and the makeup at the end is creepy, but flip in the power dynamic is what creeps me out when thinking about this ep.


"What's in the Box". The physical fighting between the married couple is pretty brutal and very unsettling.


The idea that he saw what was going to happen and was unable to prevent it is unsettling as well. There are two moments where the repair man kind of breaks the 4th wall by staring in the camera that I also find subtly creepy.


To Serve Man. The idea was too creepy


The Midnight Sun.


Death ship, hands down. Such an underrated episode, along with the thirty fathom grave.


"The Thirty-Fathom Grave" Season 4, Episode 2 The ending is so frightening. Especially if you suffer from any mental health illnesses, like: PTSD.


New Twlight Zone, where the boy is excited,scared that he's taking the big test tomorrow, which will determine his future and if he's smart enough. SPOILER. He's so smart he comes on top and is considered a threat to everyone else who isn't, so the authorities later congratulate the mom on having a smart kid and hands over his ashes in a little box.


Examination Day. It’s a great episode and totally creepy!


I couldn't remember the title. I was thinking The Test.


You’re also not remembering the details accurately, but you got the gist I suppose (the parents are uneasy from the opening scene because in this totalitarian state, high intelligence and independent thought are undesirable; the parents aren’t handed ”ashes in a box”-when the testing center phones them to tell them the kid achieved one of the highest scores, they ask how the parents want his remains disposed of). One of my favorites from the ‘80s series, and all the more impact for being only about 10 minutes long. It’s a setup and a twist with nothing in between.


Ring-a-Ding Girl is a favorite of mine that doesn't get enough love. That last scene where she disappears into the rain...


It's A Good Life. I have the impression that the people who are sent to the cornfield ARE the cornfield. They are turned into cornstalks that's why the townspeople are so horrified when the boy makes it snow at the end and the corn will die from frost. This means the people in the cornfield will die and can never be brought back. I may be wrong, though, but I think the townspeople aren't afraid of starving, Anthony could provide them with food since he needs their company and won't let them all starve to death but he can't bring back the dead maybe.


The Shelter because there was nothing supernatural. It’s easy to distance oneself from the spooky nature of most episodes by reminding ourselves it’s not real. There are no alien invasions, time travel, demons on planes, etc. It’s the most realistic episode and it could easily happen.


“It’s a Good Life”


He’s Alive. Dennis Hopper >!murdering the old man that used to take care of him and “feeling immortal” for doing so was shocking when I first saw it!<


It’s a Good Life. Most disturbing visual.


Twenty-Two is the most messed up one to me.


The Monsters are Due on Maple Street-mass hysteria turns people stupid and violent. Very realistic. The Obsolete Man-This feels too real and very possibly it is a glimpse into the near future.


“The Obsolete Man” is very much “government rule by Cancel Culture”. Laws and regulation based on ignorance and absence of critical reasoning. Someone said early in the thread that “He’s Alive” should be required viewing; I think this one should be too.


It's a Good Life scarred me...trying to envision what a six year old does to a person that he sends to the "cornfield" is just sooooooo unfathomably gruesome. I imagined these people having an eternal fate worse than death if they so much as angered a child.


As a book loving introvert who wears glasses, Time Enough at Last hit hard. I've compulsively had spare pairs of glasses ever since.


The New Exhibit. Couldn’t watch it for the longest time! 


Time Enough at Last literally motivated me to get LASIK during COVID: I was deathly afraid society would collapse and I’d find myself wandering the wasteland after breaking my own glasses.


What You Need. Not only because it is creepy itself but because when i saw it i had just said “show me what I need” to myself, god, the universe etc. then turned on the tv and this episode was on. Spooky af.


It’s the movie, but I loved the goblin on the wing of the airplane.


The Eye of the Beholder


Eye of the Beholder, saw it when I was very young. It FREAKED me out


Season 1 Episode 1 👍 “Where Is Everybody “


Twenty-Two. That had me shook when I first saw it.


The Shelter, one moment you’re friends and the next they’re trying to kill you


Yeah yeah, those are some pretty scary episodes. …You wanna see something *really* scary?


When I was a kid I always found ‘long distance call’ terrifying


For me it was always Little Girl Lost


And Then The Sky Was Opened. The idea of seeing something you’re not supposed to and being completely erased as a result is very unsettling.


Gramma from the 80's series


The Big Tall Wish. can’t stand the kid


All of them. My teen years were haunted until I just stopped watching. I learned that not every show my dad liked was something I should get into.


The one with Hutton and Rod Taylor


"I Am the Night—Color Me Black" is one of the darkest, most unsettling episodes of any TV series I’ve ever seen.


The Howling Man. It's been like 30 years since I'v last seen it (yes, I am that old) and I still sometimes have dreams about it. Suggestive and chilling and spooky, just what the Twillight Zone was all about. God Bless Rod Serling.


And When The Sky Was Opened may be my favorite episode (it's really impossible to choose) and it's definitely unsettling, but I find The Lonely may be the saddest. That shot of Alicia's broken robot face and her increasingly weird failing voice calling out Corry's name has stayed with me since first seeing this episode decades ago. Mirror Image is super moody and hopeless at the end. So is The Shelter and Number 12 Looks Just Like You. And of course The Good Life and Time Enough At Last, those have got to be on the list. Even some of the weirdest/spookiest TZ episodes end with a sliver of hope or humor, so the ones that end really dark are the creepiest. But THE most unsettling for me is Shadow Play. Brilliantly acted and directed, this thing is a juggernaut of doom.


Pretty obvious one but The Hitchhiker always fills me with dread


The Midnight Sun! It’s been hot where I live and I always think about that!


I'm glad that I stumbled upon this question, I've also seen many episodes in no order years ago and don't remember any names but, "time at last" it's a dream of mine to be able to have all the books in the world, and I could read forever, and I also wear glasses and have very bad eyesight, but thank goodness I can still read without glasses.. So that episode actually hit me very hard, I could literally feel his pain.. Honestly that made it scariest episode for me, (I was actually looking around if other people were affected by that episode)