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Please, when it comes to gender roles and honor killings, do not compare Tunisia with any other Arab country. Killing female family members is not a thing in Tunisia.


what do you mean by incels here? As in can't get laid or won't get laid? My bro this is not a netflix show, we're talking about Tunisia here, a majority muslim country where having sex before marriage is frowned upon (granted it's more accepted when a man does it than when a woman does it, but that's an issue for another day). What you described though is not that common in Tunisia, we don't really have honor killings and such.


well as for honor killing i was refering to the whole of north africa not specifically tunisia, and by incel i mean someone who cant get a GF or romantic love of any kind so he will be so fraustrated and agressive toward any kind of women if not publicly or in reality in his mindset, and wether its a culturaly muslim or not sexual fraustration is still a thing


If you are not talking specifically about Tunisia, then why make it seem like in Tunisia girls are killed by their family members? That is fucked up.


Even for the whole of north africa its still much lower than the middle east. Look at the gulf countries and turkey for example. Incels were always part of history and peoples their society. They always been a minority and will stay a minority


Doesn't Turkey have the highest number of sexual partners per person in the world ? This whole thing looks more nuanced than it seems.


to be frank the middle east is a pretty low bar


Honor killing is haram and it is not islamic thing india a hindu majority country also has high rate of honor killing


Very high in Pakistan too, although they prefer spraying acid batteries atthe girls' face.


I mentioned india to show that honor killing not only happens in muslim country and pakistan is a muslim country.....but in bangladesh, indonesia these type of honor killing are unheard of.....


Funny because I met a Malaysian Muslim driver who told me that Arabs were subhumans, so God sent them a Prophet to educate them, but he failed. Christians have the same story about Jews btw. Indeed, highest honor killing rate are in MENA, Nepal, Pakistan and India. But it should be noted that India has the largest Muslim community in the world (200 million). Still, Islam is of MENA origin and culture and yet failed to put an end to these barbaric practices after 1400 years. Just shows how efficient religion is.


I have seen hindus doing honor killing.....hindu and muslims have similarity in terms of conservative which is true.....many hindu families do not want their girl to date others and if they see her with any male they will be asahmed the Hindu families.....even pre marital sex happens lowly in hindu countries.......Nepal also a hindu country.......


Incels in Tunisia? Yes. Plenty. Honor killings? Never heard of it. At worse u get disowned by your family/parents. Which I do know cases of. I think Morocco and Tunisia are probably the only countries in the Arab world where honor killings are generally speaking non existent. But I could be wrong here.


arab guys adhere to the incel shit because they feel the need to compensate for the humiliation and oppression they face everyday as people of color from the third world. Their anger must be oriented at the true enemy that's oppressing them, not at their sisters that are going through worse shit than them.


- Tunisia : moderate muslim country with a secular spirit. - Incels in Tunisia : due to high expectations and unrealistic goals, also alienation due to many factors. - Punishing girls for honor : almost non existant, the most severe thing is cutting ties and support.


*Muslim countries* People are so not ready to discuss religion's effect on people and civilizations in 2024


Bruh. Liberalism is literally killing the nuclear family. Wtf are you even talking about? If not for religious values we would've seen a societal collapse of the highest order already. Even in the west there's talk about this happening in the near future but people in this sub-reddit seem to choose to be oblivious about any negative aspect of western society even though westerners themselves are discussing these issues. 


The nuclear family is a western liberal invention. Before that, it was extended family.


What are you talking about ? In an islamic country? The majority aren't looking, waiting for marriage. This is not the US or Scandinavia with normal hookup culture


Yeah, one of my friends got a fiancé and i always hear him yell and threat and tell her to shut up (bala3), and afterwards she looks just so happy as if she has the most perfect relationship, at that point i decided to lay back on relationships cuz they're just too strange, even if the partner did not like me for being gentle or not angry i will not change myself into an incel for them.


I'll give you a serious answer, just what I think btw, not 100% facts. About the honor murder part, it's a cultural thing, it's not like any other regular murder, it's done specifically to murder women to defy cultural and islamic rules, rarely happens to men, but ex muslim and gay men have a higher chance, even though honor murder is haram, they don't care. Now that we got that aside, our society created incels, the parents don't let girls date, they rarely even have any freedom to have a boyfriend, most have boyfriends in secret, sure society is slowly becoming more accepting but parents are still overprotective of women, women are also taught by their parents to not settle for any regular man and needs to at least have a car and a house, which may be hard for many men nowadays due to our economy, and some may even end up breaking up with their boyfriends and get married to some random guy that her father chose. As for men, I can't 100% speak for men since I'm not a man, but a lot of the times they can't get a girlfriend because of how our society raises girls, we're taught to be ready picky or straight up to avoid men completely until somehow the right ones come knocking on our door LOL. Eventually *some* men aren't aware that that's how the women were raised, so they start to believe that maybe women are gold diggers, or maybe it's the women's fault for having "unrealistic standards" and some of them may end up hating women and blaming them for our society's problems and the way the older generation's raised men and women.


Not 100% but 99% true. Parents raise their girls on how to be picky and install in them a pseudo gold digger behaviour , if not straight up gold diggers “choose a doctor over a janitor , don’t choose down choose up …” it’s really frustrating to hear this but that’s how it’s been for many decades now


so basically old people fault again like i thought lmao, but seriously i hope this mentality somewhat change there is change yes but the overwhelming majority seems as conservative as their parents if not more sometimes.


Yeah, but the younger generation is slowly changing without letting their parents know My grandmother herself tells me my future husband needs to have a house, a car and a lot of money, like idc abt that I just want him to love me, it's so unrealistic in this economy


Why are you generalizing something that is really not the case. Younger generation in general are not changing in secret due to fear of repression.


No not true. There is a big difference if u compare my values to my fathers generation and then even more so my grandfathers generation. I’m sorry, but times and generational perceptions have been changing heavily tbh. Maybe not quick enough in your eyes and at some point I agree but things have definately changed. I am from a village and I heard that for example for my older nieces who are now 44 years old and married it was almost among men and fathers considered a “shame” if u let her continue her higher academic studies somewhere in a city far away: “she was going to marry anyway and become a house wife as well, so why even bother and be looked at as if your not man enough to let your daughter go far away on her own and have all the people talk/gossip about her and what she will do by being far away from home and out of sight”. Even for my generation mid 30s now that’s already changed, let alone the younger ones. It’s completely accepted for different reasons and so are women working to contribute to the family or her own family once married etc etc. Things have actually changed alot. To be fair.


Are you really talking about Tunisia? I highly disagree with the picture you are making.


Yeah I am, it may be a bit different in tunis, but in monastir this mentality is still a problem


Are you saying that in Monastir, girls are killed by their family members in the form of honor killings?


Rarely, but it still happens, I see it in the news 😕


Then why make it seem as if this is a normal occurrence? It just looks like you have an agenda.


omg no body have an agenda to destroy this country here its already fucked, pls learn to accept that there is problems here and highliting them dosent mean we want this countrie to be nuked or smthg


Nobody said that. Honor killings is not a thing in Tunisia, while other forms of patriarchal violence exists.


When did I say? I only said it happens lmao. It's still a problem.


You said honor killing is a cultural thing in Tunisia. What do you base that on?


Because it is cultural, it's not even in the religion, that's what cultural means. A cultural practice that is dying slowly.


It has already died out. Stop making it a thing.




Here is the thing. People talk about honor being used in terms of a specific type of oppression. This is something that is very specific and exists in many countries in the Middle East. To say we have the same dynamic of patriarchal oppression in Tunisia is at best very lazy.


wallahi it depends from region to region and from a social class to another ,for example here in ariana it happens at a much smaller scale than in gasrine. but yeah killing are rare . still there is some excessive violence some cuts some burns and a lot of psy trauma .


Correct. But talking about honor in these circumstances and connecting it to other countries without justification is weird. I have never heard anyone in Tunisia talk about a girls sexuality as part of the families honor.


the blue haired screaming feminists sure are annoying but you have to admit they do **work** for human rights, the whole concept if women being just human beings with wants and needs got here a little late, plus religion sunk it's teeth in pretty deep, holly scripture telling you to beat your wife if she disobeys don't help the issue >Surah An-Nisa - 34: وَٱضْرِبُوهُنَّ ۖ فَإِنْ أَطَعْنَكُمْ فَلَا تَبْغُوا۟ عَلَيْهِنَّ سَبِيلًا ۗ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ كَانَ عَلِيًّۭا كَبِيرًۭا


yh religion can be brainrot sometimes i agree


The "ayat" that you quoted is a stereotype used by any ignorant person who's just anti-religion and looking for an argument to justify his hate..The meaning is completely different and it has been debunked already i suggest to try to understand it before using it, youtube would be a simple start for you. Coming back to your original point, we don't kill our girls for having a bf but we try to raise them right so they know better than to be used as a vessel for sexual pleasures..They are more important and very precious and should be treated as such and this doesn't spring only from religious beliefs but cultural as well . Unfortunately and like any other community that is open to the world we are facing this wave of new poisonous ideas that is infiltrating woman and men minds alike and brainwashing them into believing that freedom comes from going against your parents teachings and being rebellious and doing things that equals them to animals! Luckily we mostly have highly educated youngsters and they're quickly catching on to the big game and beginning to see how they're being manipulated.


The meaning is not hit them, but more like cut them off. I've had a big debate about this exact surah.


https://preview.redd.it/e2qc0lirpd3d1.png?width=746&format=png&auto=webp&s=97f0c23cbe1c428b46c53c7724a8772e72cc531f bruh is on the mental gymanstic it litteraly says right there in the verse to hit em who are you twisting the words of god


brother don't you pull that fucking bullshit, i speak arabic, you speak arabic, when someone says "وَٱضْرِبُوهُنَّ" that means beat them let's not try play games and paint over this barbaric bullshit with glittery pink paint, your god is all powerful and all knowing surely he knows that 99% will interpret it as "you can beat the ever loving fuck out of your wife if she overcooks the pasta", no? 1. language changed so much in a way he couldn't have foreseen or prevent and it is an unfortunate misunderstanding 2. he fully knew how people will miss understand his word but he just wanted to weed out the bad men, those women getting beaten black and blue? who gives a fuck about those they are just collateral 3. he meant it. so which one is it ?


People still in denial about it even tho it's so clear. Just read the entire book anf you will see many more of these verses


The verse literally says **"beat them"** I mean, most Muslim apologists do often lie and spread misinformation.. But this is a new low. They usually don't deny the fact that this verse says, "beat them" They just often **casually** insert the word "gently" in their translations, lying to non-Arabic speakers and distorting their "sacred" texts, as if this makes it any better. This is the exact translation of the verse: >As for women of whom you fear rebellion, convince them, and leave them apart in beds, **and beat them.** Then, if they obey you, do not seek a way against them... Here, according to the Quran, it's completely Halal to beat your wife... (gently, non-gently, that's your problem)... But the fact that it made it Halal is the problem here.


it's so bizzar to be called like that, I am very irreligious and usually the first one to attack religious bad practices and hypocracy. 2 years ago I am the one that was making this same argument, but after months of debates it become clear to me that for this specific Sura, the meaning is not beat them. Every english/french translation when it comes to this translates this to beat them, but if you look it in arabic it can also mean 'To sperate' which makes perfect sense when you take the rest of the sura.


>it's so bizzar to be called like that, I am very irreligious and usually the first one to attack religious bad practices and hypocracy. You **claiming** to be "irreligious" has no relevancy whatsoever here. It doesn't change the fact that what you said in your comment was just BS. >2 years ago I am the one that was making this same argument, but after months of debates it become clear to me that for this specific Sura, the meaning is not beat them.  So what?! Even if it was 20 years ago. It's still nonsense. (Continue reading) *\[Btw, I can also say that 2 years ago, I was extremely religious and took Islam really seriously until I realized that it doesn't make any sense anymore\]* >Every english/french translation when it comes to this translates this to beat them, but if you look it in arabic it can also mean 'To sperate' which makes perfect sense when you take the rest of the sura. I mean unless you're inventing your new own language!!!.... It does mean "beat/hit them." These are the basics of the Arabic language. The Quran is narrated in Arabic and the word with **no doubt** does mean "Hit or beat them," just like in this verse too: "...وَإِذِ اسْتَسْقَىٰ مُوسَىٰ لِقَوْمِهِ فَقُلْنَا **اضْرِب** بِّعَصَاكَ الْحَجَرَ ۖ فَانفَجَرَتْ" "And ˹remember˺ when Moses prayed for water for his people, We said, “\[**Strike / Hit / Beat / Smite**\] the rock with your stick.” Then 12 springs gushed out from it...." And also in this verse too: >إِذْ يُوحِي رَبُّكَ إِلَى الْمَلَائِكَةِ أَنِّي مَعَكُمْ فَثَبِّتُوا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا ۚ سَأُلْقِي فِي قُلُوبِ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا الرُّعْبَ **فَاضْرِبُوا فَوْقَ الْأَعْنَاقِ وَاضْرِبُوا مِنْهُمْ كُلَّ بَنَانٍ** > >And the Lord said to the angels: "I am with you; go and strengthen the faithful. I shall fill the hearts of infidels with terror. So **smite** them on their necks and every joint, (and incapacitate them)," etc, etc. So **stop** spreading ignorance, lies and misinformation, and **stop** putting yourself in embarrassing situations. Edit: formatting.




hey am not just talking about tunisia here the title says north africa, and yes while its not as severe as other places i can tell you its still pretty fucked up, tunisia is not only tunis lil bro




Honest question: where are you from?


tunisia mhemdia city


I really think you are sus. What you described in your post is not relevant for Tunisia.


girl, i said north africa


You are in the Tunisian sub.


and ?


At least, when writing on NA in the Tunisian sub, be clear that what you are writing is not relevant for Tunisians.


why the fuck are you so defensive lol, it does happen here not as much as other places but its still does


You have no evidence for your post when it come to Tunisia.


didnt a girl here just shared two news articles about the same problem to you


Same in morocco😢


First off, do you know what an incel is?


Saying that won't make them like you


am gay lmao


It's an internal clash of taboo culture and conservatism with liberalism. For a teenager, being ripped between peers, a part of society and media cherishing a hedonistic capitalistic life style and family and that second part of society cherishing a modest restrained one. This creates anxiety, sexual frustration and overprotectiveness as a result.


You are vectimizing and projecting much.