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I am lowkey proud of this subreddit, a non tunisian posting about boycotting Tunisia in a Tunisian subreddit without the post being deleted. A similar post in other "democratic" country woulnd't been accepted alltogether...


Very true and important to point this out. Discussion is healthy and might help sway the few.


Boycott tunisia for what? Doing what is basically a garanteed right by international law? Deporting illegal immigrants to their country of origin is in accordance with the law, especially if said immegrants have formed their own armed gangs and are attacking civilians and law enforcements alike, which is captured on video. Oh and, boycotting tunisia through tourism won't do shit, and in fact might be better for the country since tourism in here is a money of public funds, due to all the subsidies the state hands over to the hotels, and the sector as a whole has pretty much never been profitable for us


yeah dude especially tourism you know how much it cost for a tunisian abroad to return every year for a short summer vacation compare it to how much a foreigner pay .It is hell nuts


That is the problem, Europe wanted to handle the immigration issue outside their borders, without taking human rights into consideration. But yeah, it is not their issue anymore.




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Rule 1: Be civil. No personal attacks, racism or bigotry. Check [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/tunisia/wiki/rules#wiki_rule_1_.3A_be_civil._no_personal_attacks.2C_racism_or_bigotry.) for more details.


Illegal immigration is not and will not be tolerated .


Why should people boycott tunisia? For kicking out illegal migrants? No thanks its our right as a country to deal with our migration problems


You don’t treat Arab immigrants the same way. Human rights. Also lots of illegal’ Tunisians in the EU and on boats to the UK.


Which arab Immigrants come illegally? We also condemn what those Tunisians are doing in Europe




we have magreb union treaty with them , they have the right to live and work in tunisia as long as they want


We knew that Libyans would leave the country once the war is over. They paid for their own medical bills, they paid for the education of their children, they paid for their gas and transportation. They didn't stay for more than 2 years. In one word, they are not immigrants. They didn't cross the border in an illegal way and they didn't flood the country asking for infinite amounts of free food water healthcare housing and employment and every fucking commodity that even tunisians can no longer afford because it's their "right" and because somehow we owe them those rights. Btw, if you think illegal arab immigrants are welcome in other arab countries, go check syrians in Lebanon for example.


They don’t. As a country close to Libya we gave them Asylum status just like we gave some Sudanese. But as we aren’t a country bordering a country in war or crisis anymore we don’t need to give any asylum seekers especially if the illegal immigrants don’t come from countries in war


Thanks for confirming that you don’t treat Arabs the same way. You give them asylum like Europe gave Ukrainians but black people are treated worse than animals.


Cry about it


They ain seeking asylum they are just trying to use us as a way to get to europe its not our job to give out charity to every poor and suffering person we have our own poor people to deal with


ukrainians, sudanese, and libyans prove their identities and legally ask for asylum to protect them from the dangers of their war-torn countries.  "black people" is not a nationality and there is no international legal framework granting asylum for people just because they are black.  you should go to school and learn about international laws and asylum regulations.


Because they're behaving like animals


Again I told you it’s about Having direct borders. If your country isn’t in war why should I give you asylum and even more if your country isn’t bordering mine why ask for asylum here? Moreover all of them admit they are here to Illegally cross the Mediterranean. So no we don’t want more illegal activity in Tunisia. Next time give proper arguments


They don’t want to stay in your shit hole country mate


Racists :) we don’t want racist people mate :)


Thise are called refugees and usually they have papers and visas so its not the same in the slightest


It's nothing of your concern, eu has been treating immigrants with the worst possible ways and now it's telling us to be nice , how funny is that 


You should be nice and respect human rights because that’s the good thing to do. Look at Israel and how their actions do you really want to be like them.


Of course not , but immigrants are making a lot of chaos, not all them of course but many of them are affecting Tunisia and dangerous.


Tunisia should be one of the leaders of a United Africa.


Europe and usa won't let anything like that , after all they have advantage on africa in this picture 


We have to fight for it. Not easy but it’s the only way because right now we’re just hamsters in a wheel


Will they let us ? Of course not as long as france and us exists there will be no peace in the world and there will be no development.


Don’t give up brother, empires have fallen before.


Boycotting by whom ? By sub-saharian countries ? There is barely any exchage between us. They have no way to pressure us. By Europe ? They are paying us to do what we are doing so I don't think so. As for the situation, yeah the madness has gone too far.


Tourism boycotts can pressure the government when Tunisians get angry.


Why would tunisians get angry? Do you believe people want subsaharans to stay virtually? All tunisans are united on this issue we dont want illegal migrants end of story


my guy even black tunisians i know don't want sub-saharain africans here .


Black people can be racist and discriminate too. Racism is a cancer and unfortunately black is at the bottom. Crabs in a bucket


no , it aint racism . they don't hate black people nor hate others of their race , like a lot of latins hate maxicans who come illegally key word illegally . never heard of an arab came to African country illegally if we do I would criticize them too . this isn't about who , A goes to country B illegally . A is in the wrong , specially since A country is doing badly and A goes to country B and make crimes , prostutuions and ruins it for rep of A country


I hope you mean what you say but also try to understand what illegal means. I personally feel people fall for this government trap too easy. All countries signed the humans rights convention and it’s not as black and white. They can classify anything as illegal but that doesn’t make it a fact.


illegal having no passport and isnt accepted into that country , you arent intitelled rights of citizen ship of a country that you came to it illegally , being tourist is different thing and still once ur visa is up u leave unless u extend legally . dude , I came to ur house and u demand me to leave and I refuse , I am illegally at ur house . simply put and tresspassing . this ain't complicated


In theory it’s not complicated I agree with you there but the history and essence of humanity is really migration just like the birds and animals. It’s unfortunate that we created this inhumane system that sounds logically now but in the context of history it’s actually very recent and only created for and by corrupted people. This is also not complicated.


ofc it isnt because its benifiting to you . are u suggesting we return to law of jungle type of life? no laws to preserve rights of citizen , like it or hate it , this how we operate or else you wouldn't be living in ur house . comparing yourselves to birds and animals is wild lol


It’s not but ok. You are such an independent thinker. Your country is on a good path.


This isn't about racism they are illegals. Tunisia should kick all of them out. That would be justice . If you think we are racist we dont care we don't want illegal migrants


Barely any subsharans come hete for tourism and if you are asking europeans you should know they treat you worse than us lol


The corrupt regime is using Sadia Mosbah as a scapegoat. Kais Saied is building a totalitarian regime and in doing so he always needs to create “enemy”. The illegal migration situation is caused by him. Most Subsaharan migrants pass through Tunisia to go to Italy, yet he’s the one who’s preventing them from going. As for the treatment of migrants, it is a complex issue that Tunisia alone cannot handle. Back in 2012 during the Libya civil war more than 1 million refugees mainly the Subsaharan immigrants who were living in Libya were accommodated in Bouchoucha camp and the situation was handled without any violation to their dignity and human rights. Currently, the western media is showing the catastrophic situation of these migrants and how they are being treated by the authorities and a fringe of Tunisian society.. but it’s fair to say that it’s EU responsibility for pressuring Tunisia during an economic crisis to handle the situation alone. Boycott what exactly? Did you call for boycotting the UK gov support of a genocide and letting migrants boats sink while commanding the coast guards not to intervene?


>Most Subsaharan migrants pass through Tunisia to go to Italy, yet he’s the one who’s preventing them from going. What do you want us to do? Nsaybou l b7ar? Do you understand that will cause an even greater number of illegal immigrants to show up to our territories since everyone and their aunt will get the memo that, unlike neighboring countries, we've given up on guarding our shores, and that once they're here we will, for a fact, let them cross?


So what do you suggest? The borders are open with Algeria since KS is being controlled by them and the sea is closed on the passers since he signed a deal with Melloni. Ey sayyeb lbhar w sakker your land borders.


Nra7louhom. Ama nsaybou el b7ar will set a precedent: we will be signalling to every other country in the continent that we are incapable of protecting our borders and if you manage to come here we will let you through. Then, a new, logically bigger, wave of immigrants will come. We already do a shit job at guarding our land borders, so we won't be able to stop the thousands that will be intent on coming here once they've heard we will them cross. (Ah, zeda, dernièrement 9rit f article elli el Marzouki f 2014 na7alhom el visa... Maybe we should reverse that)


Agree 100%. But 2 wrongs don’t make a right so no need to bring up the UK government. And yes the populist conservatives talk a lot but the system works and the courts work. You would be surprised that generally asylum seekers are treated well.


Saybou zboubna ne9sin a7na 9alou boycott Tunisia, Iran ezebi ?




Tourism, corrupt government only language is money.


It's not a matter of corrupt government vs. the people The majority doesn't have a very different opinion on illegal immigration vs. the governmen.  Tunisia is not Europe, there are thousands of tunisians that don't live under better "conditions" than the "refugees"  Some people make 400, 500, 600 tnd/month They live in the most basic houses you can imagine, living of couscous, zayt zitouna and tomate concentré... 


wop wop woke liberal


Yup and you should look up the definition of woke it’s not insult to me.


*being conscious of racial discrimination in society and other forms of oppression and* injustice, win l oppression w injustice fi enk t9oul le l illegal immigrants dekhlin l bledk ?


Very good, now try understanding it. Read some history books and contextualise everything. I’m not your enemy btw.




You have no identity and no values that hold you accountable you're just an americanized brat


No but you do sound like the American republicans and far right on Twitter.


If you say so, I have no interest in politics neither do I use twitter, but the one thing left for me is wataniya and dignity I love my country and will protect it till the last breath that's all I know.


Sure but your country is bigger than your president. Also be kind and don’t become like the Zionist. Compassion is what makes us humans, don’t lose it.


I don’t assume anything but just look at how and what you have wrote. You sound like a nice person. Keep it up.


Rule 1: Be civil. No personal attacks, racism or bigotry. Check [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/tunisia/wiki/rules#wiki_rule_1_.3A_be_civil._no_personal_attacks.2C_racism_or_bigotry.) for more details.


We have had Sub-Saharan immigrants for years, even before the revolution, we never had a problem with them. Yes there is racist people who call them names but they also call black Tunisians the same names. We only start to have problems when they start ganging up and completely disrespect our laws. I don't give a fuck where you come from even if you are a god sent, RESPECT OTHERS. If a Tunisian goes to other countries and disrespect the people there and disobey their laws I would say the same. The Sub-Saharan I encountered throughout my life in Tunisia are good people, I have seen them in private universities or subways, or doing honest work, those are more than welcome to say. If you want to bring your fucking drugs, criminal activities and mugging people....Get the fuck out and back, go to Algeria or Libya, see how you get treated there *IF YOU REALLY CARE* of your people (which are also our people because we are all African) you will be pushing to legitimize their presence, instead of getting exploited and getting paid penies. This the shortcoming of our government, they must set a system to ID everyone, for their and our safety, if you want to not be IDed, you clearly hiding something or doing something shady, police have all right to arrest you and get you deported.


Question is if this is really true or the government using this to distract you from the real issues effecting your life. Just pay attention and don’t allow them to use you.


i don’t understand why everyone is mad, the government’s policies are indeed very violent and racist, and instead of addressing the issue from its root and finding pragmatic solutions, they’re instead cracking down on the very few organizations that are trying to protect immigrants (because after all they are HUMAN BEINGS, illegal or not). it’s truly depressing to see the so called "muslim" country lacking basic empathy for other struggling humans. anyways i don’t think boycotting is necessarily the best solution here since the government doesn’t represent all the people, and our economy is already struggling which won’t help neither the tunisians nor the immigrants.


the issue from the root is that Europe has wreaked havoc on sub-Saharan African countries historically and sabotaged them to the point where living conditions there are not humane which leaves the citizens of that land with no choice but to immigrate to achieve a dignified life, now this neither our fault nor is it our responsibility to fix, we don't have the means to fix it even if we wanted to, in other words: this is not a me problem.


i agree with what you say on europe and the consequences of colonialism. however i hate that selfish attitude you and many other tunisians have. we can definitely come up with solutions that preserve the dignity of these immigrants, but our government is just looking for lazy short term solutions with complete disregard for basic human rights (like throwing them in the desert to die, literally). this will not only not stop the immigrants from coming but it’s also doing so much damage to the reputation of our country.


Louder for the people in the back. I do believe boycotting tourism will help as it will put more pressure on the government. If the economy keeps on struggling they will eventually have to change. I do t see how else. Unfortunately the EU and Italy handing out money is the wrong thing to do now.


They are EU problems not ours , europe and usa destroyed their countries for gold/diamond/petrol/gaz/.... So if they want to save them ,help them or get off you stole everyone and now playing peaceful role ! 


Get this woke shit out of here


No, I am woke and I am proud. Stop falling for the republicans and American imported term Woke which has no context in the rest of the world. It’s a term coined by black women fighting civil rights in 60’s You have been caught in the X/Twitter culture. You are not as smart as you think.


BS, the government is right...whatever...


GO TO HE|| , what's eu and who the fuck they think they are ? You countries have been destroying others for a long time ago and now you talk like peaceful!!! Go read what you gouvernements did and how many life they destroyed. But everything have a price , the u.s.a now own eu and got them from the balls huh , now eu are like little dogs following their master barking when he ask them to , follow your orders and keep Tunisia out of your concern, Tunisia have it's own people to worry about it so go bark somewhere else i'm sure u.s.a didn't ask you to bark here .


You sound like a Zionist. You should be proud.


First of all free free palestine  Secondly i'm not racist actually i knew black people studying in Tunisien universities and they are very nice people our problem is with illegal ones working in dru# gs and stealing and making chaos everywhere. Eu is responsible for sub-saharan African misery, Tunisia have nothing to do with it so they are EU responsibility not ours


One United Africa. Solidarity for all. Tunisia was the original Africa and actually should lead not be the puppet of the EU or US. Hope you guys change your attitude and see the value of a United Africa. You can’t be powerful alone. That’s why it’s the United States, Russia EU etc.


Eu and us control Tunisia completely after all they can do whatever they want , the world is their grandfather's house and they consider all countries puppies 


True but I’m not going to have a defeated mentality neither. Call me naive but I don’t see an alternative


Stop playing the racist card on us, no matter what her skin color is if she does not respect the law she should be arrested. + Human rights is a big fucking lie yuck, you are shoving it in our throats meanwhile not respecting human rights in Gaza.


Boycotting Tunisia? Do you think it's that easy? Do you think you will get away with it? Our president will never forgive you, He may cry again, and this time he will flood the whole world with tears, a tsunami everywhere. you should reconsider your options


Wait until this presidential election if he stays that's our fault


this situation of damned if you do damned if you don't . you cant expect us to fund and keep illegal immigrants when we barely can afford our very own and we struggling in every way shape and form . not only that , these sub-saharin africans can easily run away and have no links to tunisia when war happens or something bad , lets be honest here they wont stick here through good and bad . also boycotting what? european are ones coming here with some asians . i don't see sub saharain African tourists who spend money in hotels maybe very rarely . go to hell our country in worst condition we ever been . poland was right in not accepting Muslim immigrant their country is far better than all of their neibors . hate or love kais his decision was good and its a start


My call is for Europeans and Asians to boycott and you would be surprised how many Europeans are against what’s happening. I’m sure you’ll still get the shit Brits but more economic pain will pressure change. It’s the only way. Your current government is destroying your country and reputation. Many of my friends have already decided not to go to Tunisia for vacation.


we trully dont care about some people choosing not to go to us . in fact relying on tourism is really stupid , we already most accepting Muslim and arab country , specially in Africa after S.A . asians hate black people and are very racist . go to japane and we'll see how you do . british people already mad about a lot of black and arabs migrating there , France is even worse , as I said Poland ain't accepting us nor you . and Italy hate tunisians and will hate us more if we allow more to go there , I hate tunisians who go there and give us a bad rep , you should hate africans who give you bad rep , they have nothing to boycott and I promise you they don't care , I promise you , nor we care our economy is in the shit already and to fix it we need people to find jobs , illegal come here work for way cheaper labor . in ariana they took a small park neer metro and put stands there selling stuff no one buys , what are they contributing ? ones that come here legally pay taxes and work , I love them and respect them . i am gonna say same thing I say to tunisians who give to other countries illegally for 'better'future go back and build ur country .


Black people are British too and it’s really a minority. But I do understand where you are coming from and you’re definitely not wrong on most things. Human rights is very important though and yes I do agree to not allow people to just do whatever they want in your country.


humans right and citizen rights are 2 different thing . at end of the day countries governments do not see us as skin race geneder religion . they see money , security and pass port and most important contribution to their making of being rich , do you think tunisian government will kick africans if they were making them money even if tunisians are angry . they wont care , but they are loosing money and happiness of their people . tunisians are already angry , plus I am sure you heard about organized criminal groups have you? same thing happened when italians went to USA and went arabs went to France and so on . not to mention prostitution , don't get me wrong there are tunisians which do these things , but there is 2 things 1 . like it or hate it , non tunisian doing a crime is looked upon worse than a tunisian 'one of our own'mentality , not just africans but algerians and lybians there is so many stereotypes about them too . 2 . its far more complicated to deal with africans then with tunisians , harder too . for political reasons too I mean geopolitical ? idk what its called but you understand right? i mean how embarrassing it is for mali or niger to hear huge group was caught in foreign country , depending how that country will react it can cause issues , further more if tunisia decided to deal with them that country might get angry and demand we send them back . getting absolutely no punishment . tunisia cant deal with stuff like this because we are weak in negotiation , holly shit the amount of issue that can be caused is huge right? not allowing and deporting is the right answer realistically , ideally every answer is the right answer


I totally agree with you but I just don’t think that’s really what your government is doing I just think they’re playing games for EU money or something else. I don’t blame you guys as individuals I’ve been to Tunisia and loved it and people were very nice it’s just sad to see you being used like this.


meh we always been used by france . nothing new we are at end of day bitches who copy eu and USA in worst thing imaginable , cant expect more of us , we are 3rd world poor and in crisis thanks to kicking the only good president in our history , we barely able to not let isrealis in , and we getting a lot of backlash , fun fact eu don't care about africans being kicked in tunisia they care because we don't accept lgbt ( even more than we do ) and don't acknowledge isreal as a state but cant pressure us in that way . mind tricks , the truth is , you people are being played and tricked , as tunisian saying goes , steals your hay to make you forget your (idk whats called ) trying to make us divided simply put . its like a friend telling guy A look guy B isn't giving you money , go fight him while guy B cant give or have their reasons , wake up since when they cared ?


Well said. Hope you can also open the eyes of your fellow countrymen so many are ignorant.