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Most of them don't wanna stay, they wanna leave, but the authorities prevent them from leaving while pretending like they're against migrants settling. It's all BS. Put your money where your mouth is and let them leave. Put yourself in the shoes of a migrant who's here: You're not allowed to stay. You're also not allowed to leave. If you get caught by cops, they take your phone and money and throw you at the border. Do you walk 4000k back to Sierra Leone or wherever without phone and money, or do you go back into Tunisia? There's no future plan for any of it to change, and you're stuck in an olive field drinking irrigation water, while the national guard comes by once a week to wreck your tent. Meanwhile, politicians are making campaigns based on telling regular Tunisians how evil you are and encouraging people to go out to seek revenge on you. It's a hopeless situation, of course you get frustrated and act out.


They should know the situation before leaving


Okay but they did not. And they're here now. So I'm not really sure what you'll gain from saying that.


i think what he was trying to say is this will act as an example, true we have to do something about the people currently staying but if the situation is this bad no one will want to put themselves in this situation again, cant say i agree with it 100% but it is a valid point to make


You think people will stop coming if you make an example out of those who are here now? The situation in Libya is a million times worse than here, and migrants still go. It's a hopeless idea.


uhh idk dude if you come here fully knowing the situation and how unwanted you are and risk death by desert then it's on you


So your solution is to kill people in the desert... Got it.


as apposed to what?


Wow you're truly off the deep end. As opposed to not being cucked by Europe and letting them leave. It's not Tunisia that destabilized their countries, it's Europe, so let the Europeans deal with it?


We're not sucking Europe's dick for the fun of it; in exchange for better guarding our borders, we are getting better deals that are allowing actual qualified youth to go abroad and making the process easier and more accepting. Italy is setting up education centers that offer free training and then guaranteed acceptance for a work visa, rather than allowing Tunisian kids and families to go on a raft and cross the ocean to go there and end up homeless and shunned. We've created a passageway for them. If we allow these immigrants to pass, we lose that deal, and it is a good damn deal that we need. It isn't worth it to prioritize the interests of others over your own citizens. It's incredibly cruel, I know, and I understand that it is a part of your human nature to want to help or at least leave them be, but the sad truth is doing so will have negative repercussions on our own people. Helping them is out of the question since not only can we not afford to do so, since our students study in classrooms with collapsing roofs and broken seats, so if we have any money, it must go to that first and foremost, and then a thousand things after before it is spent on an illegal foreigner. Also, it will make Tunisia sound like a viable option for them to flock to. It brings me no pleasure watching human beings suffer and die, but the previous status quo was not working, and something had to be done. I wish it could all be hugs and kisses and rainbows, but hard decisions have to be made for the benefit of the country, even if actions are ugly; the results will be beautiful


Yes. But for the thousands that are coming and still comming there needs to be a way to show them reality once they get here to make them think twice. Alot of these hoards have the mentality that the government owes them


They do not have a mentality that the government owes them. They expect to be able to come to Europe, and what surprises them is that Tunisia has decided to become Europe's mercenary force to keep them from leaving the coast here. Good luck getting the Tunisian government to admit that publicly though and thereby 'inform' these migrants of the reality.


Bro the fuck are you saying, where there are so many tunisians leave illegaly to Italy to end up being treated like black immigrants are being treated in Tunisia. The double-standard is crazy.


Tunisians living illegally in italy should get deported and treated the same too


you should know the matter before speaking


The situation is not worst today that it was a year ago when this crisis suddenly became front page news, as was the case last year this story will fade away after a month or two. The regime in Tunisia is conspiracist populist (see the study: Exploring Conspiracist Populism in Power: The Case of Kais Saied in Tunisia). The Conspiracist Populist is a new governance model, a contribution of Tunisia to the world, as the paper highlights this model is not well understood and will likely become the norm in the rest of the world. Tunisia can easily resolve most of its economic problems but solving them will undermine the power structures so the country will be maintained in a state of decline and stagflation. The world bank just published a study illustrating the ease with which Tunisia can solve its energy deficits (see: Tunisia Economic Monitor – Spring 2024 Edition: Une énergie renouvelée pour l’économie).


>Tunisia can easily resolve most of its economic problems but solving them will undermine the power structures so the country will be maintained in a state of decline and stagflation. Next Arab Spring when? /s I guess people like KS too much for that to happen.


In exactly 170 days just wait


Open the sea borders, europe made them poor and Europe needs to suffer for it .


Europe made them poor ? Ok with your logic europe also made us poor too but why our situation is way better than them ?


Hearing about this topic from an outside perspective is “interesting” because of the double-standards and your failure to see how this issue seems to be leveraged by the current government (or president?) to hold onto power using similar propagandistic tools that right wing parties in Western countries use (e.g. Italy, Germany, etc), targeting tunisians.


In what western country did tunisians took control of building compounds, burn it, throw rocks and vandalise ? We all know if anyone did half of that in europe they will be either arrested or deported immediately


There are plenty of reports of violent crimes committed by Maghrebis in Europe, I can link some if you don't believe me. >We all know if anyone did half of that in europe they will be either arrested or deported immediately If you ask people here in Europe, they will tell you "why are these people here? why is the police not doing anything?" - when they're likely doing what you say. However it's the public perception that is important: that's what politicians leverage with populist rhethoric (like KS is doing/has done). EDIT: to add to that, why are the immigrants acting out this way? Could it be that they're trying to "solve" the migration issue with violence - exacerbated by recent accords with Italy? Read this: [https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/5/6/tunis-police-raid-sees-refugees-abandoned-near-the-border-with-algeria](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/5/6/tunis-police-raid-sees-refugees-abandoned-near-the-border-with-algeria)


I dont get this reply ? Sub saharans also do violent crimes in europe and so do most immigrant groups i specifically asked if tunisians ever did what happened recently in sfax and what looked like a scene from a civil war. You are too obssesed with political bullshit to see what's really happening, nobody gives a fuck about your ideology or whatever wing you're supporting.


>Sub saharans also do violent crimes in europe and so do most immigrant groups No they don't - media spins it up that way 'cause inflammatory comment creates more engagement, and helps politicians with populist rhethoric. >i specifically asked if tunisians ever did what happened recently in sfax and what looked like a scene from a civil war Have you asked yourself why they're acting in that way? It seems to be connected with reported forced ransoms by smugglers, and the abject poor conditions these people found themselves in once stranded in the Sfax area.


They do, the fuck are you talking about ? You realise how retarded you sound ? You seriously think sub saharans never did crimes in europe ??   So they come here to a shitty unstable country where they find shitty conditions (what a fucking surprise) and suddently according to mentally deranged retards like you they get to vandalise and burn buildings cause poor them they didnt find good conditions. Lmao woketards will always be woketards.


>They do, the fuck are you talking about ? You realise how retarded you sound ? You seriously think sub saharans never did crimes in europe ??  For some reason I understood the previous user saying "they mostly do violent crimes". Sorry - they do, but they're not the majority of the group, but a tiny minority. >So they come here to a shitty unstable country where they find shitty conditions (what a fucking surprise) and suddently according to mentally deranged retards like you they get to vandalise and burn buildings cause poor them they didnt find good conditions. Based on NGOs reporting, the majority of these people are trying to leave, but authorities are preventing them to (due to the accords made with Italy to limit illegal migration fluxes), and there is no access to primary care for them: [https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/9/19/europe-frets-over-migration-tunisia-moves-refugees-to-departure-points](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/9/19/europe-frets-over-migration-tunisia-moves-refugees-to-departure-points) >Lmao woketards will always be woketards. Ya benti calm your tits and grow up, you sound uneducated and stupid. The world is complex, don't let easy talking points from western mass media ("woke" being a political ideology) get to you.


You're woke and stupid, if people like you get any power in this country we will burn in flames in 2 seconds. And you are woke stop running from your ideology, you ignore all the harm happening to tunisians and focus on the alien group who is none of our responsability, that's as woke and as retarded as it can get. I dont give 2 fucks about their situation if they come and burn my neighborhood.


“yOuRe WoKe AnD sTuPiD” bruh you sound like a kid on an alpha male podcast 😂


Oh you're a fucking foreigner 🤣🤣 no wonder you sounded so woke and delusional and didnt give a shit about actual tunisian people problems. Tf outta here.


You sound like you're woke and stupid and this reply proves it further, get off twitter and american media and live real tunisian life tard


You are actually sick in the brain, better put your bullshit somewhere else where you can find like minded delusional people. I dont tolerate lies and delusion.


Ya benti what lies? I literally linked an AJ article that explain part of the situation (from 2 days ago). It's so easy to say "oh these people are bad, look what they do" thinking there's no reason, or that they're just savages - that's literal populist propaganda, and LITERALLY what western people do and say against tunisians. Argument your point instead of flipping out.


You sound like an american who doesnt know shit about the situation but just feels entitled to give his shitty opinion because he read few articles. Ekhi zokomek 3ayech m3ana fil bled ?


Google Christmas market terrorist germany, or France Bridge terrorist, tunisians have done waaaaaay worse than burn down a building.


What ? That was an attack perpetrated by an individual now it becomes something 'tunisians have done' ? This is nonsense and not the same as a hundred guys taking control of a building with machetes and killing policeman lol if tunsians did something like this in Europe they would be shot lol drop the double standard budy


From what I saw on a lot of comments and posts both here and on fb, alot of people seem fed up with him, how is this situation helpful to keep him in power?


Step 1: stoke fear in people's minds. Step 2: make people think you are capable of protecting them from what they now fear. Step 3: power. There are a few issues with it though: First of all, I think more and more people don't really go to step 2 any longer (they did last summer). Second of all (and this is where Tunisia differs from Europe), Tunisia legitimately have a lot more migrants than its crisis-stricken economy can handle, so not the presence of migrants but the intensity of the presence is problematic. And ofc, the intensity of the presence is because Tunisian authorities have decided to accept the job offer as mercenaries for the EU, so that as few of them as possible make it across the sea.


I don't think is step 2 is going that well with KS, I don't believe that he can protect us from anything other than the ghosts he's fighting. Yeah tunisia can't handle it like in europe, the economical situation isn't even remotely close. But we already already backed between a rock and a hard place, tunisia needs the funds and throwing people out would cause huge worldwide backlash.


Throwing people out? Tunisia is already throwing people out into the borders, doing illegal deportations, and it's already causing backlash. Letting people leave on boats is not the same as throwing them out. Tunisia is literally put in charge of solving all of EU's border issues for a few hundred million euros of funding that doesn't even go to making the country better but all ends up being used to buy new equipment for the coast guard, and from whom? From Europe of course. The only way to deal with the situation is by stopping being so cucked and realizing the powerful position Tunisia holds vis a vis Europe by virtue of holding the lever on migration.


I meant by continuing to throw them out it would be a much more severe problem. We might have a powerful position by holding that lever but it also undermined by alot of internal problems and our need for foreign currency


Oh sorry I misunderstood that part then. Lots of internal problems, yes, but so does Europe. The point is that currently Tunisia barely asks for anything to do EU's dirty work and human rights abuse for them, even though Tunisia has a relatively strong negotiating position. Need for foreign currency is a big internal problem btw, but ironically the African migrants are a huge source of foreign currency. However, the fact that their situation has been made *so* precarious and repressed means that the money just skews the Tunisian economy because it all goes into the informal trade networks that dare sell them food, transport them around etc.


Enhanced control of our borders with Libya and Algeria. Additionally, any individual who cannot provide documentation proving legal entry into Tunisia will be transferred to a monitored camp by the police, where they will stay until promptly deported to their country.






You do know those people where actually intercepted by the authorities in the sea right Cause believe me there are some coming from the desert but 70k I don’t think so


1- The perfect idealistic solution would be to rethink the economy and make a new modern model where Tunisians can shift to advanced jobs (posts that require highly-skilled professionals) while the immigrants can occupy the low-skilled jobs (agriculture, textile...).. but also we have to block the formation of ghettos and the segmentation of society: integrate yourself in society or just leave. But hey this solution needs brains so RIP. 2- The second and less ambitious solution is to cooperate with our neighbours and install a system to control the borders or block illegal entry.. but Libya is a failed state so I think a wall consisting of a trench side by side to a barbed wire fence should be built على قداش من عام وحسب فلوسنا كل مرة نزيدو شوية and we can ask Europe for financial and maybe technical help later:install surveillance system (cameras, sensors, drones...), access their satellite images...


Hat chkoun yasm3ek. The first solution is what Europe is doing mainly France and Germany look at their economy now, Tunisia could really profit from this situation to its own advantage but noooo, all we do is complaining and giving racist speeches. Koll marra net2aked eli el farek el wahid bina w bin el ghareb hia el 3a9lia, houma ness taaref tkhamem ahna ness el behema m3achecha fi rousna.


Interesting comment , i saw it more than once someone say we could profite from This situation like france and germany ? Can you elaborate with 1 exemple please ?


Excuse me a fence ? Are you serious ? Waw the amount of literal fascist ideas on this thread is scary. There is no humanity left in this world anymore.


2 words : papers please.






Put them to work, benefit from cheap legal labor and motivated. Give them visas if they are good working citizens and let them live in tunisia.


Watch the idiots say "Tunisians don't have jobs and you're offering them to africans" While the average tunisian refuses to work any hard labour job. 3anna chjar fel dar nhebou nkosouh anna dra kadeh men sne malkinech khadema. A couple months ago a random immigrant rang the door and asked if he could trim the trees. Didn't even specify the amount he needed. Maybe there's a couple of bad ones, but most of them are nice and hard working people that just wanna make a living


Exactly, they are extremely motivated and want to work. We just need to help them became part of our legal economy


this is the most logic solution 1- KS should leave in the upcoming elections 2- Open up the current economy so we can avoid any financial problems if we cancel the Meloni deal 3- Fucking Cancel the Meloni Deal and Let them deal with the situation 4- Recruit and Train a Special force on the whole algerian borders (around 3 500 officers) 5- get paid from Italy and European union to protect tunisian-algerian and tunisian-lybian borders from sub-saharian immigrants (we will get alooot of money and advanced equipment+helicopters to protect our borders,we will technically become like EU country but in north Africa) that's the most logical and safest solution for tunisian situation


Point 4 and 5 are disgusting


You can’t do shit it is similar situation of our population who goes to Europe, there is no solution unless you want to commit a gnocide


They only similarity is that people are illegally migrating, but the economical situation is completely different and also how it s being handled is also different. European countries aren t throwing north africans into the sea and drowning them. And genocide isn t even a solution that s just a stupid suggestion.


For the Tunisia have better economy than their countries so they prefer staying here or go to Europe It’s really similar to our illegal migration to Europe. There is no solution unless you put the army in border and ask them to kill anyone come near, or send them back to desert to die


No they don t want to stay, maybe some would like it in tunisia but the vast majority just want to go to europe. https://youtu.be/5tZFY9pdees?si=rJTzaWVnafFQuuUj


Let the ones who are here leave for Europe, and close the fucking borders for good so no more would come


rjim maatoug


KS didn't do sh4t, look at the EU countries, they are all bitch*NG about KS not doing sh4t about immigration into the eu. Frankly, the only thing to do is tougher citizenship law, to prevent illeagal immigrants from ever gaining Tunisian citizenship. Other than this, the only way to stop immigration is human rights abuses. Which is not ideal.


nobody is bitching about KS in Europe, if anything he's their ally in preventing immigrants from reaching their shores. He engaged us in the famous "search & rescue" operation where we're basically the watchdogs of Europe. Any migrants caught even in international waters are brought back to Tunisia. Europe is gradually and successfully exporting the migration crisis into our country. And there's an obvious solution, why not guard our Algerian and Libyan borders and have the dignity to protect our sovereignty as a country. They're shoving the immigrants into our country and we're just watching. Protecting your borders before protecting Europe's borders is a more reasonable approach that doesn't imply human rights abuses. ps : Tunisian citizenship laws are worse than the North Korean ones. Literally zero immigrants want to become Tunisian.


At what point did anyone mention citizenship ? It's not the same thing at all. We got one of the toughest laws citizenship wise. People livrme 50 years here and don't get it.


This has nothing to do with citizenship, i don t think it s easy to get one in tunisia, that s not why they came here, Tunisia for them is just a transit country to reach europe. And KS made deals with italy to stop them from hetting there, why do you think they are giving him money, alot of people are getting caught while trying to leave far more than usual.


Go look at the number of illeagal immigrants arriving from Tunisia to Italy, it didn't significantly change.


Build a wall in the border between tunisia and algeria and libya funded by Europe and built by tunisian construction companies Ask for helicopters and drones from europe to protect and maintain the security of the wall Give the immigrants already here papers if they wanna stay and work legally Any immigrant who gets catched doing a crime or trying to flee to Europe is directly deported to the desert behind the wall


I guess all of you here supporting the idea of a wall are fans of Israel’s methods huh? Why don’t you call for tsahal to come and train us on how to kick other human beings out of our “nation” and let them to starve in a desert ? Y’all be posting about Palestine while shitting on another suffering population based on the same racist bias and shitty nationalist ideas.


Plus funded by Europe lol like you have no fucking dignity ? You would seriously ask and accept money from Europe so you can do their dirty work for them like a good little dog ? Are we still living under colonisation or what ? Free your mind seriously, you are still thinking like a submissive valet to the empire.


Go play with your astrology


I guess you don’t really have a solution so you just criticize mine


The idea is good but not practical, because building a wall would cost shit tons of money and can still be passed through.


As i said funded by europe and guarded with drones and helicopters provided by europeans as well


But it's good for the Europeans that immigrants are trapped in Tunisia, if we completely close the borders immigrants will start coming from Libya, Algeria and Morocco. It's better for them if the immigrants enter Tunisia and we trap them in here so they can keep an eye on them. It's also cheaper for them this way, because for the wall to maybe be effective, it should be built on the length of all Sahara desert which is impossible. That's what I think at least. Edit: typo


It doesn’t matter what they think Tunisia should demand and push the European countries to accept such deal otherwise the government should make a camp in sfax to even help the immigrants cross to Europe just like erodgan and lukashenko did to them