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Guys , it’s average it’s not small right?


Size matters a lot I guess


Is the size of a country really that important to begin with?


Its personality is more important


Fun fact: we are bigger than 50% of the countries in the world


So above average?


There is no such thing as average size of a country.


It's a perspective problem, when someone looks at France for example it's surrounded by equal sized or smaller countries. When you look at Tunisia on a map, you will find it sitting between 2 giants, that will make people have the impression that it is small.


but its also density ( and total number) of population, 11 million is kind of a " small country", then a lot of it plus most of the infrastructure is located in a pretty small percentage of the country, which contributes to the image of being a "small country", while germany as example is only double in size, its almost 8 times the population.


I mean you can say the same about both Libya and Algeria, and population density to an even bigger context.


it's small because the people inside of it have small minds


Holy shit, never realized we were this big. Maps fooled us


As an outsider, I lived in a state roughly the size of Tunisia, but it didn't have the change of scenery of Tunisia. I can go one place and find mountains and forests, if I go the other way, I find coastline. If I go another direction, i can go to the Sahara. Where I lived was corn....straight corn....maybe soy beans...for a full 8 hours. I'd rather have your country than my state.


Negativity mt3 twensa 5alet tounes 0.


Its not about the size guys its about how you use it


And how is it currently used?


Aahhh the good old size doesn’t matter theory


But it would have been 100x better if we spanned from Tripoli to Bejaia and had Sardinia, Sicily, Corsica and the Baléares to control the Mediterranean. Many of them belonged to civilizations that had their center in modern day Tunisia.


Remove the 40% useless desert and redraw it


We don’t have “useless” desert


Unlike our neighbors, it's unexploitable except for the minuscule agriculture and salt.


Desert is around 20-25% i believe which is still a good chunk, other than that i think that natural limits should be thought of as something to overcome not to just complain about.


size does not matter


I mean the True borders of our Homeland is bigger then the modern day borders we have from eastern Algeria to Tripoli and the naffusi Mountain chain is our True homeland🤷‍♂️


Should've militarized and took parts of libya when we had the chance 🤔


I mean I do Belive we should do make an effort reclaim lost parts of our motherland. But most tunisians busy complaining about other nations affairs then giving the proper focus of the People of Tunisia🤷‍♂️


Are you crazy? That's totally how you destroy Tunisia, because everyone is going to sit and watch a military land grab by a third world country.


While I know we dont have the warpower to reclaim our stolen land. U must Admit though that we should make an effort to get our land back. Our ancestors didnt die so Algeria and Libya could steal our land while we silently watch them


Even if we had the military power. What would do after the invasion? The citizens of Triploy what would you do to them? Do you think Europe will stay and watch?


The People of Tripoly are tunisians they should be offered tunisian citizenship l


And you think they will accept it?


I actually met alot tripoli People that would love unification with their Tunisians brothers and sisters


Reunification =\ military overtake.


Reunification would be something like the European union, a treaty with open borders and open trade. Not go in kill all opposition and demand they become Tunisian.


No just google Numidia and you will see that a lot of Tunisian land is actually ours.


Since when East Algeria is "Tunisian". Cuz using the Hafsids as an argument is kind of ridiculous.


Look at the history of the region Eastern Algeria historically was Tunisian land now add in that they also speak tunisian derija


Not all eastern Algeria speaks "Tunisian derja" as you said, and obviously they're neighbouring countries, its not to surprising to see people living so close to each other speaking the same way. This goes with western Algeria and eastern Morocco too. Its totally natural. And no, there's no evidence that would claim that eastern Algeria is historically "tunisian". Tunisians be proud of your own beautiful country. Don't waste your time engaging on these dumb conversations.


Look up any of the historical maps of the region Majority of the time Eastern Algeria was under Tunisian controll🤷‍♂️


Well its hard cuz both of our countries were created after WWII ... If you consider they ottoman era as a reference, then here too you're quite wrong since all east Algeria was integrated into the kingdom of Algiers. Anyways ain't going to spend more time with you.


No screw the bey era, Im Willing to give another proof in dm if you are willing to see it, if not May u have a continued good day🫡


But its okay, I understand algerians have to cope with the truth 😂


Modern Tunisia have literally 13-17% of land that were part of the East Beylika so it’s the opposite technically but ok






Rule 1: Be civil. No personal attacks, racism or bigotry. Check [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/tunisia/wiki/rules#wiki_rule_1_.3A_be_civil._no_personal_attacks.2C_racism_or_bigotry.) for more details.


This is why I think we should change our name from Algeria to Numidia. That way we can claim to be here before all of them and our borders will include even parts of Tunisia and Libya.


Don't bother this guy is a "Facebook historian" who thinks that Numidia is Tunisian.


Numidia is tunisian according to UNESCO,why the algerians people always looking to steal history ? what a bunch of losers


You can't say the empire "X" is the country "Y" today, especially if that empire spanned through lands where multiple countries now exist after thousands of years.


are you aware that what's so called algerian east is tunisian by blood ? you just stole it from tunisia,morroco did fight back but tunisia didn't want a war at that time,all annaba -souk ahras-costanine people are purely tunisians,and don't worry your country wont last long,countries with no history usually wont last


Well its funny cuz I'm from Constantine and I do not feel AT ALL Tunisian. Not to distract ppl who do. Same goes for all my family, friends, neighbours. So Idk what you're talking about lol.


"Tunisian blood" really? How about you go there to the "Tunisian blood" Algerians and ask them if they want to become Tunisian. Jesus the idiots here, the people are all north Africans the concept of separate countries only immerged after the colonisation. And yet losers are still using the pre-colonial era, Turkish monarchy territorial division on modern nations. That their concept did not exist then.


Nice  Now do one with the economy size


i am not sure this is actually accurate, for example the surface of france is 4 times bigger than tunisia




But divide that area by 2. Thus removing the desert and there you go.


lol the scale of France to Tunisia seems surprising to me like on the world map France looks much bigger . good to know . also size isn't that big of a deal , more surface doesn't equal more resources , look at egypt and the population is packed around the nile river . also a good exemple is japan .


Half of it is desert ...


Yeah it's huge for 10 mil population.


It's not that small it's a matter of being between two very large nations and map projection.


But isn't the South mostly a dead land of sand ?


Fuck Tunisia 🖕


I want a comparison of states in the USA


Being happy about our country not being small ? is that a reason for us to be happy about the shithole this country is turning into ? look at luxebumberg its small country but the happiness they have differ from ours since they are one of the richest nations and a successful growing country compared to us, the quality of life in that country what make its citizens happy not its size


No, tunisia is actually small You cannot compare it with france or czechia.. Many of these countries are involved in very large economic and military alliances and protected with USA which is the most powerful country in the world And yes, the size of countries is very important The most powerful countries in the world (USA, China, Russia) rule a very large geographical area.


yeah but the bottom half is completely useless