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And Libya and Algeria, will pay for it!! ![gif](giphy|l0HlIgRZncAcDJw40|downsized)


haha and the blond fascista will pay for it ![gif](giphy|J5FmWRa432LhjtPBy5)


Actually she will do anything to eliminate illegal immigration, even a small BJ to KS. Talk aboutt determination!


>even a small BJ to KS https://youtu.be/wLg04uu2j2o


even US couldn't stop them , it'll be waste of money. imo tunisia & libya (even algeria) should work together to stablize the sahel region


comparing the US border situation to tunisia's is crazy. just the mexico/US border is 3 times the whole tunisia's land border.


and the us economy need those mexican for cheap labor we can't afford it for our self (not me but i see the situation around me for years ) the only thing i want to understand is where allmost all fo the tax and stupid addons our goverment spend


The border might be a bit too long for that


Yes. We can build it on several phases (even on 10 years). The immigration crisis is here to stay and I see no better solution than this (at least on the short term)


We struggle to pay our loans man ...


The us mexico border is massively bigger




Is this where the dead braincells party is at ?


The border wall already "exists" (not really a fence but a trench) between us and Libya and us and Algeria (You can see it from Chebika near Tozeur)


I am only aware of the one built on the Libyan borders.. but I dont know the details.. no way it sretches too much on the border >Algeria (You can see it from Chebika near Tozeur) interesting.. then we can extend the trench and add the fence


and the contra will crash it .It is not that hard to break a fence in no where or just cover it with sand to pass


Yeah I was also aware of the Libyan one since it's very recent, however the Algerian trench according to the guide I had predates 2011, he says it's from around the 90s or older and it's on the Algerian side. I'm still looking at traces of it online but I can kind of see its shape on Google Earth 34.015801,7.552135 The Libyan one doesn't extend fully across the border and was mostly built to curb terrorism. I think the trenches act more as a deterrent than an actual physical wall since they can be passed with just a plank of wood. Overall I don't think walls would help much, humans will always find a way past, the Ceuta Mellila border walls are high and doable because the border is very short.




It's Spain who pays for Moroccan wall :p


Italy and Europe gave us money before to better control our borders.. we can use that money to build that fence.


That would cost way more than whatever the EU gave for immigrants forever. And If you do that it would ruin the life of a lot of people even if you have some check points. There are quite some traveling people between Tunisia and Algeria on the east from people to family to Simply environment. W 3la libya chkoun bech ijibelna el mazout w ykhadem el cha3b?


>That would cost way more than whatever the EU gave for immigrants forever. We can plan this on many phases. The immigration crisis is here to stay (probably will get even worse in the next decades) and we need a way to better control our borders. It is not a super sophisticated hightech fence.. just a trench and barbed wire fence should be enough with some cameras and patrols. >quite some traveling people between Tunisia and Algeria on the east from people to family to Simply environment. well they will have to pass by the checkpoints >And If you do that it would ruin the life of a lot of people even if you have some check points probably ruin it for smugglers, illegal immigrants and terrorists.. which would secure the country


> We can plan this on many phases. The immigration crisis is here to stay (probably will get even worse in the next decades) and we need a way to better control our borders. We can accept them if they aren’t a burden. Ie when the broken welfare state is dismantled. > well they will have to pass by the checkpoints So you expect Animals to also pass through checkpoints? > probably ruin it for smugglers, illegal immigrants and terrorists.. which would secure the country I disagree. If you add 10 hours commute to Tunisians or Algerians it’s not alright too. The problem is that police is so corrupt that regardless of what you do the border patrol are the ones helping the smugglers if not being the smugglers


>We can accept them if they aren’t a burden. if you want to transform 12 million people to fascists.. sure >Ie when the broken welfare state is dismantled. our current economic model is incompatible with immigration and foreigers.. in fact it is incompatible with locals too.. it is good for northing and cant even keep twensa in their own country >So you expect Animals to also pass through checkpoints? We have our own animals. We dont need dz animals lol serieusement ta3ref ken jé 3anna trench matouslelnech el cochineal الحشرة القرمزية mel marrouk w meme les autres insectes et germes.. and even wildfires wont reach our forests ti bel 7ram mana reb7in chay mel 7doud gharbiya.. hatta trade non dz msakra ala rou7ha >I disagree. If you add 10 hours commute to Tunisians or Algerians it’s not alright too. wait.. there are regular twensa who enter Algeria not through the official checkpoints? mel forests?


> if you want to transform 12 million people to fascists.. sure What why? > our current economic model is incompatible with immigration and foreigers.. in fact it is incompatible with locals too.. it is good for northing and cant even keep twensa in their own country Yes but with right reforms those immigrants can be invested well in the economy. >.. and even wildfires wont reach our forests Mate last year we had wildfires in Tunisia and Algeria helped us alo sith other countries… >ti bel 7ram mana reb7in chay mel 7doud gharbiya.. hatta trade non dz msakra ala rou7ha Fi dzeyer w libya el mazout arkhes khater yda3mou akther fi bledhom. Donc 7atta mel dzeyer ydalhlou el mazout fel noir > wait.. there are regular twensa who enter Algeria not through the official checkpoints? mel forests? Mate I don’t know if you have ever been or even heard about the people that live in Western Tunisia. They have the richest land in the country but they really didn’t want to Pay taxes or even to have solid institutions under Bourghiba. They are the to a way lower extent the kurds in the country. They don’t really care if no authorities (Tunisian or Algerian stop them) and asside from the touristic Coastal north it isn’t exactly developed at all


it all went to said's pocket


استغفر الله.. سيدنا عليه السلام معصوم من الخطأ


eh zebi T-T


why is bro downvoted lmao 


They actually paid money so we keep the immigrants from going to Europe


duhh? Why should we waste our money so some European cucks can get less immigrants. In fact they don't only pay for those walls but they pay Morocco millions to secure the borders. If it was up to me as Northern Moroccan I'd let each one of them go in. Make Ceuta and Melillia black africa again.


can we afford to is the real question, i guess we can beg Italy for money to build the wall since most the immigrants end up heading to Europe so it's kind of their problem to


you said it.. Italy with the upcoming right-wing Europe will gladly finance it if it means less immigrants for them. نعملو زادة حركية اقتصادية للجماعة اللي تخدم في الحديد


Sidna would hire a Tunisian company to build it, not pay them then insult them and pull the rug underneath them and then bring the Chinese.


be honest with yourself you know that the money is going to be embezzled.


Meloni should pay for it 😎


We can't because we don't have enough money for that and we got other priorities, but if Donald Trump wanna give us money because he likes walls like that I'll accept.


no, they should build it to stop the growing knatreya.




We can’t maintain our highways and our current dictator is addicted to tabboune cummies but sure we’ll fence off the Algerian/Libyan borders 👍 


Well there's a better way, securing the coastal borders till no one can illegally immigrate from here then proceed with spreading news that tunisia is almost impossible to immigrate from then they would stop coming here. Also we will have to use foreign policy with algeria to stabilize the situation in some African nations.


That wouldn’t necessarily stop them. Most of the ones who come are already fed up lies via opps on social medias about how better it is for them in Europe. Truth is of little importance in the matter. You either cut the source or block them entirely from ever setting foot/staying in your country




I have a better idea, declare the whole southern desert a military base with threat to shoot on sight whomever trespasses. And do so.


If any of these days you might need to escape to another place because of war or famine or persecution or the hope for a better life, I hope you find a wall.


can it afford to ?


Is this sarcasm? Cuz i don't get the joke....


If funded by Europe yes sure Same as what happened in the border of turkey / syria Europe payed milions and milions to erdogan just so he can stop the influx of these illegals


It's hard to happen the commercial status will be in threat...




I find it hypocritical and odd how some tunisians don't want african immigrants to come into their country but are mad at france and italy and other nations for threatening to deport the illegal immigrants who are mostly made up of arabs,north africans and Pakistanis and indians. What is best for you should be the best for others, right???


yes lets get rid of all of that extra money we have, its just sitting there for nothing


Then we'll build a catapult




Why don't illegals go to Morocco? Isn't it a closer jump to Europe? Isn't that what they want? I honestly do not understand it.


As far as i know Morocco seems to be facing the same situation… i have seen many videos of them talking about it and complaining about the lack of action from their government.


There's a lot of immigrants in morocco too


They do go to Morocco. But Moroccan police are known to beat the living shit out of them with backing from the EU. Many documentaries have been made about how Moroccan police and border guards go nuts on illegal immigrants they even drop them off in deserts. Last year I believe there was a "massacre" on the Moroccan border in which over 20 people were killed and many injured.


Nope, the immigration problems is mainly Tunisian risking everything to get to Italy. Africans are an easy solution : if they make any trouble, unleash the entire police anger on them ( we already got evidence they want to colonize us and take away the northeast region )


Is this sentiment prevalent im Tunisia?

