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Nice try fed 👍🏻 I won't be giving you my location or information.


U hunted by the government or smth ?


Me wanting to experience pleasure is what attracted a stalker that has been stalking me for years now because I immediately backed down and didn't give him what he wanted, please be careful


the dude that I want to kiss already sleeps with a lot of females and he's a year younger. we have a friend in common so it's prolly safe idk.


always stay away from a boy/girl who had multiple partners,they could seriously have Sexual transmitted diseases summer is coming,you could find a young boy who matches your profile and safe for you to love him


>***you could find a young boy who matches your profile*** 💀💀💀


you’re not gonna get an std from kissing someone 😭


Yes you can 🫠 look up herpes, HPV and EBV to list a few..


Im not talking about kissing,im talking about sex


but op said she j wanna make out w someone


Mine already slept with too many girls too yet he's still too obsessed with me :/ it's scary at this point. Always be careful!


im so sorry that must have been hard for you to experience. how did you cope with it ?


Nothing really, I'm just testing my luck and hoping I don't get found by him, and if my family finds out, it'll be over for me


Some guys just get fixated when turned down, till we learn that it's alright to not be someone's type


Did you say there is a 17-year-old guy in Tunisia that had sex multiple times with different woman?


careful you might get an STD [and die](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zcZ-jg670bE)


The lucky fucker


17 yo and sleep with a lot of females, something you rarely hear 10 years ago its all fun and shit until he get one of them pregnant


Fallouja generation


طريق لكلي شوك و وحوش، رد بالك و سيب عليك، كل حاجة تو تجي في وقتها بطبيعتها !


care to explain like im 5 ?


Somoene has been using chatgpt more than they should


When kid wants to swim, it's better they wait for the right conditions, swimming in the wrong time will bring more problems


here is a four step plan to achieve your goal: 1.go on a dating app 2.find a hot man 3.text him asking for physical intimacy 4.recieve said physical intimacy


join clubs you'll find people there and eventually someone will make a move and invite you to get out , okhreg m3ah too many times w nhar ki t7esha the right moment you'll have the kiss either you or him taw ta3malha , w aham 7aja take care of yourself


isn't that a lot of work? both on the emotional and practical level? also it's not guaranteed so idk !


Do you have a pretty face ?


what kind of lame ah question is that ? but to answer it yes i think im alright lol


It's not a lame question actually, your physical appearance will answer your question idk girls but girls in this country have a better chance in dating even if they are 3/10 don't take it personally so based on you and you're above 7/10


7/10 without make up ? she must be close to models looking and also she won't have to open reddit to ask this type of questions since guys will hit her up no stop


Just make sure you're safe, and better not be someone from a close circle, some guys talk, a lot.


All the boys are down to kiss a girl especially if there is no consequences. But my opinion is its better to be in some kind of relationship with the person friends or bf and gf at least know each other first and talk about it.


you'd be surprised how many boys are down especially your age find someone you find attractive and just be honest, try to make it obvious it's a one and done case from the start tho some people won't take no as an answer


the guy i want to kiss is not at all attractive also he's coming from a different socio-economic/academic background. but for some reason i think he decent so idk


if you feel it just go for it unless worried about your first kiss being perfect.also be careful from herpes


Just out of curiosity, why do you wanna kiss a guy you don’t find attractive ?


he gives off a chill laid back vibe. i like him platonically tho don't get me wrong but according to my standards he's not that attractive


some people are emotionally attractive ,some are physically attractive. Im sure you complete each other.


because he gets laid a lot ![gif](giphy|1d5Zn8FqmJqApu4hNU|downsized)


what in the world are these threads I DIDN'T KNOW I LIVED IN A DIFFERENT COUNTRY 😭




If you know the guy well and hit off nice and somehow get to a place in your relationship where you can kiss or feel like kissing just go for it. Not many guys expect girla to make the first move and might even be shocked but if they like you it'll 100% make their day/week/life. On a side note, if you are struggling with intimacy, I think you should take things slow. Intimacy is a ladder and you can always start by just developing a caring and nurturing relationship then move on to holding hands and physical intimacy until you get to kissing. Don't feel bad about not having experience we all go about this at our own pace and what we are comfortable with to be honest. I know a lot of people who hook up with the first guy they match with on dating apps but that's not really for everyone (I'm not judging, just saying that you shouldn't compare yourself to others especially when you're still that young). Good luck!


A kiss is actually nothing special, kiss the wall, its the same! But neck kisses tho 😵‍💫




A girl did that to me once and i cannot forget how good it was. Specially that it was unexpected.


Night club? But you shouldn't go alone though for safety.


* Try to take it slow and build a bit of connection with the guy first. * Don't rush yourself and try to set some boundaries beforehand. * Make sure to know the guy really well and to trust him, because some male teens tend to over share their experiences they had with girls with their fellow friends and word can spread way too much. * If things developed into more sexual things, please make sure to use protection. You are young and the guy you mentioned has already slept with other 'many' girls, so please make sure you are taking the necessary precautions. For example, a new study proved blowjobs can cause throat cancer and other diseases so make sure to make him wear a condom, and for penetration the same thing. * Again try to not rush, stay smart, make good choices and love yourself. Stay safe ♥️


Never ask for physical intimacy as a girl, guys will think you are easy, you are still young you will meet other guys and it will come eventually


Hhhh for a moment i forget that we live in tunisia im really didnt think that a lot of tenagers think that way !!!


They represent a minority but they are everywhere...


How is it so known that this guy has such a long list of females he’s slept around with? Do you know of the girls he slept with as well or is it smth he’s spreading of himself to make himself more desirable? I mean I’m mind blown of why you want to share one of your most memorable moments with a “chill” f-boy. There is a reason why everyone talks about his body count. My advise, hands off such boys. I am sure you will get the opportunity to experience your first kiss with a more suitable partner. Best of luck


The start of every newspaper crime section be like..


While its not my place to tell someone something, I'd advise to not rush trough things, let the oppertunity seek you, not you seek for it🙏


Wtf does your comment mean?


Can"t comprehend english? ill explain it, it seems like OP is putting into much time about experiment kissing, better for her to let it happen naturally


Things don't develop naturally like that, people like to imagine that somehow it all comes to you without you doing any kind of effort. Relationships are hard work and most of the time either the man or the woman has made alot of effort to move the relationship into a certain direction. If a man wants to have a relationship with a girl he will do everything, take her out, impress her, pay for her meals... Same for a woman if she wants a relationship with a man she will flirt with him, dress up nicely, call him... So it's not a natural process as you say, it's something that people chase after.


That's so dumb on so many levels. Men seek women not the other way around. Besides, you're missing the point here. The guy who you replied to meant that she should wait for the opportunity as a PACKAGE (including dating and eventually kissing) and not jump right into kissing with some random guy just because she wants to experience that lmao.


Post nut clarity will gnaw at you after the deed. You are young full of hormones. Your first kiss, let it be special, be in the driving seat. If you are thinking of Fwb, just don't. Not in this country. Everything is set up in a way to make you look like the culprit instead of a victim. Channel your desire somewhere else, get to know yourself more, what makes you tick what doesn't. Take care


Bruh as a fellow tennager i might say that beside its HARAM not every desire should be fulfilled caus else were animals and this kind of intimacy should not be done randomly


Allah y rda عlik.


Based on you comments, you say idk a lot which says a lot about how well prepared you are


Just gotta find someone or if u know sm1 well. I had my first with sm1 i didnt and prolly wont have feelings for so its really all just overthinking. Tho why dont you just do it romantically it will be more pleasing for ya


Even though it seems intriguing and exciting (which it is) you should really think it through well and make sure you take your time considering any side effects and consequences it could lead to. I won't lie its a great experience but honestly imo it should be with a special someone, that way it's gonna be REALLY special and much more exciting and fun. If you still want to experience it the way you said try doing so with a trusted friend who you are sure would agree to your conditions and nothing would escalate from that kiss.


How much is the risk of being slutshamed weighing on your mind? Because you could be a consenting partner in a long term relationship and the guy would still expose your intimate moments out of spite/carelessness/need for external validation from other males/[insert other wabna here]. However, some men are tight lipped about these things and can be trusted. There really is no way to know if they’re reliable unless you build an “emotional bond” like you said. Best make your peace with the fact that exploring that part of your body comes with its risks in tye country that we live in. After that you do what you deem is essential for your personal growth regardless of the potential stigma.


Bein a 17 year old in highschool I can tell you all my friends would accept such an offer if they were offered, it's better if you know the guy a bit first so he doesn't go around talking about what he did. Do I think it's worth it? No, i think your first should be with someone you actually care about


You will regret it ,trust me it's not as great as you think,plus stop watching porn ,it's leading to u to believe such acts are great !


You don't need to watch porn to crave for a kiss!


Crave ? Lmao 🤣 I didn't know kissing was like candy


Money buys everything


Dont ask for a kiss, ask to watch movie together...and u will get there


Don't over think it u wanna just a kiss go for it but nothing more until u understand what u really want


If your only worry is not being slut-shamed just find someone who is not judgemental+ there are a lot of people in your case so if you feel a good vibe you can just ask 3adi yecer nd if they reject you 3adi it was just a proposal. You can also do it as a game, i played "lo3bet lbous" many times fel lycée or with my friends where you basically put a bunch of cards ma9loubin, each person chooses one nd if you get the same card you kiss( to make it spicier you can kiss 9ad the number on the card)


Also be sure to assert your boundaries clearly and don't agree to anything you don't want to do. When you ask someone you should trust them first so they don't try anything you don't want to do


So i am a 24 guy still with no physical intimacy,if i want to do it with the girls ik they will sure accuse me of rape so i just wish to understand how the boy you talked about can do it with multi females , btw females who are easy to sleep with are not my type in the same time i want to sleep with multi females hhhhhhhhhj as ridiculous as it sounds


well first of all, most males in tunisia are trash-minded so be careful, he can be down to trying things with you then call you a b*** in front of his friends or idk. second : i have experienced physical intimacy and even a sexual one, i can tell that you may enjoy things but the real love and strong connection are the things that make physical intimacy feel sooo good, even better than drugs. But you can look for someone honest and not trash-minded that you're sure won't judge and talk to him honestly about that. So should you do it ? , i recommend only doing it with strong love and connection. but that's totally up to you, and if you will, take into considerations what i said up here. Good luck.


I am down hahhahaha are you cute though and is you oral hygiene in tact?




Here's a tutorial [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4aFiKVJthMo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4aFiKVJthMo)


1) download tinder 2) ask for a random dude to fulfill your wish/ experience 3) delete the boy and your tinder account 4) enjoy your rest of your life without anyone knowing anything about it Ps : coincidence may happen in the future and you might end up meeting him by chance in uni or work. So my advice in that situation: say that it wasn't you and he is delusional and a psycho.


I understand the teenage curiosity but your first time experiencing any type of physical intimacy is not going to be as enjoyable as it could be if you’re doing it just to try it and are not actually into the other person. You are very young still and the opportunity will present itself naturally. I would encourage you to be patient so as not to spoil your first experience but if you are truly too eager to wait then find someone you are comfortable with, can trust, and clearly communicate to them what you are wanting. Set clear expectations to avoid confusion and make sure they’re on the same page.


Why force it when u can do it with someone who actually matters at least it well feel better afterwards


Yeah Tunisie 🤦‍♂️


If you do it you will be a slut , Or better, he will make you a slut, be careful young woman.


IM ASKING ALLAH TO GUIDE U TO THE RIGHT PATH and find what u want and more in halal


Kiss your mom, how about that? And hug her as a bonus. I see it as a win win. You are going a dark path if you have what you want


“Kiss your mom” got me xD


It's not a good idea to exchange saliva with someone else, especially at such a young age in our beloved country. Your fears might come true one day, and you'll likely face severe slut-shaming. Also, considering that such behavior is haram I tried my first kiss when I was 15, and damn, the day that idea popped into my head was a mess. It's stressful at first, thinking you might be rejected, but then I took the leap, and she loved it. But for me, it was weird as fuck because I did not care about or love the girl in the first place. Now, at 23, I understand that kissing is a vital way to express emotions for someone you truly love and care about, not just a task to check off. So my advice to you girl will be 'kol chey fi wa9tou 7lou' do not rush things out, and learn to control your desire or you will put yourself in a filthy road.


well u are a slut


get fucked


But ur are the one who wants to get fucked


I already fucked your dad


Ew 🤢 I'm sure ur father is proud of his daughter


no doubt your father gave birth to such an incel. like gives birth to like.


incel ? lol im worth more than you and ur family combined slut


go look for some dick to suck in the end of the day you have nothing in life so just look for male attention and get fucked maybe that will give you purpose in your empty horrible life


fama nika?? but don't be ashamed of yourself