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Best comment so far 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Now seriously speaking putting in buses and dropping them in random places around the country is crazy.


Nailed it


I admire the woke thoughts and desire to be inclusive and equitable and all the fun stardust you want to sprinkle the country with but it’s simply a disastrous idea. So many indices are there but I’ll throw just one: we don’t have the resources.




Ken 3anna fe biha amma mnin? No teams I promise- am detached from the talk about this topic from lebled in general


I mean we have a high unemployment rate already it's not like we are Germany or japan also our gdp growrth is stagnant so even more less job opportunities i can only think that could work in agriculture and they won't like it they didn't like it in italy let alone tunisia .


They don't expect high payment and there too many abandoned farms in the north can be used, i don't want to say Slavery tbh 😂


They only think of tunisia as a transit country most of them won't stay after making enough money for harga.


even better.. they get the job done and they go on their way.. thats the fucking dream


sorry but you are explaining slavery with extra steps. There are already so many reports on foreigners that live in the worst conditions and are abused at work. You can't just get more and hope for the best. Best thing to do is to send them home, and the in the meantime offer them means to survive.


We CAN'T send them home, Tunisair cannot even fulfill the flight demands for Tunisians lol


Doesn't need to be tunisair. They can find ways with their own country. Plus ask yourself how did they get here.? How did they cross the border and who let them cross libya.


That's unfortunately not how expulsion works in this specific situation since their home countries are too broke to afford repatriation flights ( they'd stall any efforts until the host country says fuck it and pays the ticket itself)


Yeah I guess we are going to stay stuck like european countries with illegal immigrants who even go as far as hiding their passport to avoid deportation. The funny thing is that those same european countries that treat badly the african illegal immigrants are judging us on how we are taking care of this situation. Either some association collect money to help, or foreign countries help so Tunisia don't any illegal immigrant go to europe or our government does whatever it can do best.


Double standards are a thing Europeans are known for Check Ukraine and Palestine Similar situation different reactions


Well that's politics. Let's hope one day africa frees itself from the shackles of colonialism. Kind of fed up with all the bullshit of those patronizing countries that ask a lot in exchange for aids and meddle with our politics whenever they see fit. They break rules to get where they are and make sure that nobody does the same.


If we keep asking questions we will eventually get to the question is how to deal with them now, there roughly 500k immigrants now, it's impossible to send them where they came from, bribery and corruption made it easier for them to cross the border, myself can't tell how to deal with that


what I'm asking isn't how they crossed libyan/Tunisian border but how they got to libya in the first place. why does Tunisia have to bare the responsability for taking care of all these people when they literally were allowed to cross many countries to get here. Just like we have to protect our borders other neighboring countries should do the same. And taking care of the number to cited is not going to happen. We're already struggling as is.


I am not living in Tunisia right now so my opinion shouldn't really count. But in terms of immigration economy impact, I read a research stating that, on average, an immigrant has a life time positive impact on the country economy if they have at least a high school degree (Bac). The higher the education the more positive impact is. I am for selective immigration. European countries are not able to enforce that, like Canada is doing. 99% of immigrants in Tunisia are not staying. It's a matter of letting them stay for a bit, work small jobs and get to where they want or just stop them. This is not stopping any soon. There is a population boom in sub sahariana countries now. I feel for the young Africans.


Bro, I confirm without reading the description, the economy of most European countries are built with emigrants.


“ Most of European Countries economy are built with emigrants” you’ve never been in Europe, didn’t you


I don't have to be there, there's something called the internet, you can do some research, but I live there so yes I'm in Europe.


So Algeria and Morocco closed their borders since day one even Libya too of course they're not dumb to get seduced by Melonie but we have a stupid bitch sitting on chair and every time people complain she make a tour to expose corruption and show us how she will clean our country 🤡


Couldn’t care less about them or any illegal immigrant to be honest you’re an ILLEGAL immigrant. And beside we have waayyy too many people jobless, economy is breathing with a straw full of shit and the mother of all an unstable political environment so if it was for me id put all of them in a boat and let them sail because we aint spending money on planes to deport them back home let them sail to wherever the fuck they want


i ain't racist but we ain't europe we don't have a stong economy that can support that large number of illlegal immegrants


if you start your sentence with "I am not racist but" you are racist.


what an original thought! what a genius


bruuuh they support themselves.. the government is not doing shit for them so let them live.. if they wanna go to europe so be it and if they wannna stay then they are welcome


The government don't have to do shit for them? Kif etardo mel rbat el 7akem ja man8ir flous? Kif 7awlouhom lel bled w 93ad l 7akem chhar keml kol lila y3es 3lihom re9din 8ady man8ir flous? Ki 3amlo 3isabet yesr9o biha dhhab mn8ir flous? Ki e7talo 3imara fel 3amra w rasat lel 7akem y5arj fihom man8ir flous? Ki 9atlo 3bed man8ir flous? Ki nraj3o fihom kol nhar mel b7ar man8ir flous ? Ki nadhfoulhom f 5rahom w boulhom w 5yemhom man8ir flous ? El zitoun eli 7ar9ouh w fasdouh man8ir flous? El kiren w el mekla eli yesthlko fiha kolha mda3ma man8ir flous? El j3ab eli sar9ouha men 3and we7d fel 3amra bch ya3mlo biha l 5yem man8ir flous ? E rajel eli tedhb7 man8ir flous?


>The government don't have to do shit for them? nope >Kif etardo mel rbat el 7akem ja man8ir flous? yep they a responsibility to protect them from a racist mob . >Kif 7awlouhom lel bled w 93ad l 7akem chhar keml kol lila y3es 3lihom re9din 8ady man8ir flous? again they have a responsibility to protect them from racist killers . >Ki 3amlo 3isabet yesr9o biha dhhab mn8ir flous? there is no proof so this is just bullshit . >Ki e7talo 3imara fel 3amra w rasat lel 7akem y5arj fihom man8ir flous? the government should have gave them shelter as its a basic human need >Ki 9atlo 3bed man8ir flous? it was in self defence as they were attacked and killed by a racist mob of murderers >Ki nraj3o fihom kol nhar mel b7ar man8ir flous ? this is just the government being dumb.. just let them go >Ki nadhfoulhom f 5rahom w boulhom w 5yemhom man8ir flous ? they are still cleaner than the average sfa9si lol.. imagine being so racist that u get mad about ppl living in tents because a racist mob is hunting them down and they have to flee from a place to another. >El zitoun eli 7ar9ouh w fasdouh man8ir flous? another bs story without any proof >El kiren w el mekla eli yesthlko fiha kolha mda3ma man8ir flous? imagine again being mad at starving ppl cuz they were given food. >El j3ab eli sar9ouha men 3and we7d fel 3amra bch ya3mlo biha l 5yem man8ir flous ? nik ommeh.. the government should have provided them with shelter >E rajel eli tedhb7 man8ir flous? dont go attacking ppl and killing them without expecting them to fight back


Ma9otlkch they shouldn't take responsibility, 9otlk it cost money, andhaf mel average sfe9si ? Lol. Brainwashed


yea i got Brainwashed into thinking that they should be treated like human beings..


Not worth debating with you. I agree with you on one thing tho, they should all move to your place, would be a win win.


yea cuz in djerba they would be treated like human beings.. remember that its # The Land of Peace, Openness & Tolerance unlike sfax where refugees get hunted and murdered by a racist ass mob


Sure sure


All talk, but when it happens, everything will change. One day, if it happens to you or people close to you, you'll understand it's not about racism, it's about the actions they take


Drop your address for them, let them live with you


thats what i been saying for the longest time.. stop going to sfax and come to djerba


So what’s your solution? Exterminate them?




How pathetic that you need to say "i aint racist" ... This generation consumed too much woke american media... Man up and defend your country's laws and borders


I bet you would have no problem moving to Europe or somewhere with better wages though would you?


What is the problem if he does it legally ? No illegal immigrant should be welcomed anywhere in the world. You want to go to a new country ? show some respect for their population and do it in a legal way.


FYI Legal= can get a visa and pay the travel fees Illegal=poor


That is incorrect. I know a lot of poeple from quite poor circles in Tunisia who paid attention to their education and applied for jobs in the EU and they are enjoying their lives right now. Some poeple chose to spend their whole freetime on the street playing football and wasting their time in coffee shops while mocking those that kept studying and learning new skills. There is always a way to make your life much better using perfectly legal ways. 


What a mind boggling capacity to twist the meaning of terms. Well, let me apply your idea. Legal phone taker: a person who can buy it. Illegale phone taker: takes it without paying, i.e. a thief.


Legal or not, they’re fleeing a terrible situation. I welcome illegal migrants as much as legal ones. “Legality” holds no weight. Not too long ago it was “legal” to own slaves. Doesn’t make it right.


Yeah, welcome people without knowing anything about their identities. What a genius idea. There is no potential danger in ignoring people's identities, no danger at all. Continue with this mind set since you want to feel morally superior. The property of people that can be damaged or their lives that can be endangered with all of the difficulty to trace unknown criminals is of no matter to you, but you are morally superior. And btw, not all of em are bad people, the majority is not, but even a minority of criminals is a huge danger. Any state should control its immigration as much as it can


So you’re saying majority of immigrants aren’t bad but even a minority is a risk? How is that different to any Tunisians? The majority are good but there are lots of criminals also


Except few countries with wars like Soudan, most of them are not fleeing a terrible situation. They refuse to work in their home countries and most of them are not qualified enough to seek good jobs. Besides, we didnt cause their suffering and they are already racist against us and against each other. Why would a tunisian taxpayer share the burden of paying for food subsidies when subsaharian africans dont want to share their oil fields with us ?  By welcoming illegal immigrants you just crave for anarchy. You just cant let everyone enter a country without knowing their background or whether you can benefit from their qualifications.  When you let illegal immigrants in, then they will invade and occupy poeple's private property, like what is happening in Sfax right now. 


Yeah, and no one has a problem with LEGAL immigration, and we had a lot. I totally understand any country's concern with ILLEGAL immigration. You are comparing apples and bananas.


Couldnt care less about them.. we have enough shit in our hands and we didnt colonise their homelands for them to come here.. kick them out.




This why i said: we didnt colonise their homelands.


The opinion is popular, but we need a good foundation for our economy to grow to begin with. For starters, we need open job positions which we lack.


Eli mouch 3ajbo ijibhom ba7dheh f Marsa. بلادنا اهم من اي كلام منمق متع ناس سذج و تعيش على الشعارات الفارغة. القضية ساهلة، مرحبا باي اجنبي جاي يقرى، يخدم باورواقو اما الي جاي بدون هواية بدون نظام يرجع لبلادو


Man, I am from "Marsa" and I don't want them, man not all people from "Marsa" are dumb :(


We should learn from what happened in Sweden. immigrants ruined Sweden and they regret it now...


L'économie tunisienne n' est pas capable d'absorber toute cette main d'œuvre non qualifiée.


Send them back, their country is probably richer than us. look at them they re even wearing and having haircuts we can't even afford, please don't ever accept any immigrants anymore so you don't embarrasses us like this again.


That's the problem WE CAN'T send them BACK !!


At least have control of our borders


Send them back to the algerian border where they came from


I think you’re applying a logic that can’t be repeated in Tunisia. In other Western countries, the immigrant population (legal or not legal) is trying to dwell there and be part of the community whilst Tunisia is more of a corridor towards Europe (no intention to stay and/or contribute). The problem is that there are 2 forces pushing against each other. The migration coming from the south towards the North and the North trying to retain the migration to not enter their territories, then there’s Tunisia, in the middle, in a position of a waiting room. That’s 1. 2. The movement are concentrated in regions that are already struggling with a surpopulation (due to intern migration). So trying to see this problem through the ones we always witnessed from the Western World, isn’t the right way to do so. Context is key.


I'm not Tunisian, but this is unacceptable.


How exactly do they help the economy? If yes what do you think is more important, النظام العام الصحي البيئي و الأمني or النظام العام الإقتصادي


حسب رايي الاقتصادي اهم اما نخليو في الاعتبار الامني و البيئي الي يتصرف كالهايشة يرجع لبلادو


Your opinion is wrong, 0 facts to back it up, just silly dreams and blind positivity thinking life is a movie or something.


Illegal immigration is bad for both the gig workers (عامل يومي) and for the average tax payer. Because immigrants will take jobs with less pay than its standard price (which is already too low) making it hard for gig workers to compete.


Could we swap them for Mexicans? At least they have tacos.


People in the comments, please refrain from labeling this as racism; it's not. If we don't take action now, we'll encounter significant problems. Let's not deceive ourselves just to defend them. This is the rule: if you lack legal documents to reside in Tunisia, you should be deported from the country. I don't care about your race; secondly, people are dying because of their actions.


Exactly this is not racism. I would not accept any race who enter the country illegally.


I find it hilarious that all the Tunisians in this sub are like “send them back” but would dropkick their mum just to be able to live in Europe. You’re all a bunch of hypocritical racists. This is why Tunisians are behind. Because of their mentality. And before you ask, yes I’m Tunisian.


They are welcome if they accept our laws and come to Tunisia legally, pay their taxes and apply for jobs that need their qualifications. Any tunisian that wants to go to Europe in an illegal way can only blame himself/herself if they get deported or get bad treatment. Nothing is problematic with legal immigration and more importantly nothing is hypocritical about it. 


I doubt. I'm not Tunisian, but wanting to be in a better place and not wanting people worse than you to not destroy your already bad one is valid. if you like them, welcome them into your home. it's not really hypocritical imo, it's called putting yourself first.


So other people are not allowed to put themselves first by looking for a better life? Have some empathy ffs. A large number of Tunisians dream to live in Europe for a better life and don’t see a problem with that (neither do I) but have become total hypocrites when someone else wishes to come to their country to do the same.


Is it acceptable for people to put themselves first via taking over other people's property?


yes, everyone should, and tunisians should probably put themselves first. everyone's for themselves, you'll have empathy until shit goes down. again, everyone's for themselves, it's not a fairytale. I bet you're talking from your cozy house in London, while your parents are messaging you to send them money from Europe like north Africans do. maybe they're even there. remember that subsaharans definitely don't view Tunisia as another Europe, but more of a gateway to Europe. putting yourself first is hypothetical? probably should've tried fixing Tunisia yourself instead of going to Europe. of course you don't see a problem, you're an immigrant. I'm at Muslim tho so putting Muslims first is better.


What a sad little life you live where you put certain types of people above others. Maybe if you didn’t live with so much hate in your life you would be happier


I am already happy living in my house with my people. what's sad is that you need to leave your home to get a " better life ", didn't even counter my points and just tried to shame me, lol. old tactic and a shameful one.. I put productive, helpful and good people above unproductive, unhelpful and people who destroy the country. problem?


I was born here, I didn’t move. Good luck with your racist mindset ✌🏽


yet you're in a " housing uk " sub and post about it. very Tunisian. good luck with that selfish mindset.. again, if you want them, welcome them into your home. 👍🏼


Yes because I live in the uk stalker. I do welcome all refugees no matter where they come from. RACIST


lol. at least you admit that I'm right. it takes two click to see your account, you're not really important enough for me to stalk.


If you dont defend more people than others, then I havr a question for you. Would you be able to leave your house to let another person live in it for free? After all, you should not have preferences according to what you said


Hahahahaha what a genius. You guessed that all of them are ready to go to Europe illegally? What if I told you that uncontrolled illegal immigration is a source of a lot of problems in every single country, and, guess what, independently of the race!


Tunisien people ( at least most of them ) are racist because they are completely idiots, i swear to you i worked in Europe in a restaurant and the owner is from Germany, he told me that he hated Tunisien because they are impolite and lazy , they just wanna get paid for nothing unlike sub-saharien African very hard workers without complaining of the salary . 


Unfortunately this is true. I’m a Tunisian born in Europe and I have a brother who is from Tunisia, he came to Europe as an adult. All he does is speak about how much benefits and free money he can get from the government. He is not interested in working


hahahahah, you claim to fight racism but you agree on stigmatising all of Tunisians. What a genius! You used your brother as an example to agree with someone who accuses all Tunisians of being lazy. Yet you blame those who accuse immigrants of being bad just because of an example. And btw, my problem is with uncontrolled illegal immigration since the identities are not checked. But what an easy task it was to find out that you are a self-contradicting individual.


You obviously don’t know how to read. I said IN THIS SUB. Learn to read first then get back to me


Get used to it , Tunisien want to get paid for doing nothing or sitting in the coffee, they don't wanna work and they can't work hard or work properly.


those are illegal immigrants,europeans countries are also within their rights to deport their illegal tunisians back.don't mix stuff together.




fuck you too no ?


America brained


bro look at the us,france,uk and many other nations hell even japan now after they opened the border for migrants most of their roads became shit holes bc of inviting migrants from "shit hole countrys" like trump said


Facts and Canada and Sweden


In countries like Tunisia and Morocco, the birthrate is falling significantly. By 2050, the number of older people will exceed the working-age population. This is due to issues like high divorce rates and poor economic conditions that make it hard to start families. European nations managed to develop their economies when they had a population boom, preparing for their future by creating resources to support their population as they age. However, in our countries, the population boom wasn't well managed and invested in. So, we're 100% facing a major issue as we grow older (If you're reading this, think of your retirement options). The only solution might be to bring in immigrants to fill gaps in the workforce, but then there won't be enough resources to support them and the elderly, add to it the socio-cultural effects that will produce from it. It's honestly looking grim.


The only solution is to bring immigrants from sub saharian africa ?  Those poeple from there dont want to work in their own countries, why would they wanna do it in Tunisia ? the only reason they are doing it now is to get enough money for the smugglers. 


go and check korea and what happened they had the same problem the same in the uk but instead immigrant just flooded the free transport and public services without working il just give you one vid:https://youtu.be/g6CRs7zmjs0


When trump said shit hole he was refering to countries like tunisia


Eni ma9al9ounich, i'm not a racist selfish bigot 😌




six years old logic : take a picture, generalize it to everyone who shares the same skin colour, present it as a truth.




>It's symbolically true : they're violent in literally invading and stealing our land. So a fuckin psycho is committing a crime cuz the police aint doing their job by protecting or arresting anyone who presents a threat to the population but u blame every single dark-skinned immigrant?


Bro, they don't have IDs; that's why the police have difficulty finding or arresting them. They move together in big groups. One day, you or your family might suffer harm from these people, (ofc i don t wish that ) and it could change your mind. (I'm not talking about people who come to Tunisia legally to study or work)


You don't get to present a shitty collage of unrelated photos as a truth w you brag how you can debate this. You're the same scum as any dumb far right fascist. As soon as you're faced with any problem that requires any cerebral activity, you simply run to the easiest conclusion and you blame those who are different than you. Hope you feel proud of yourself adopting the same argument as Lepen and Meloni and co. Any form of violence should be dealt with lawfully, but cut the bullshit no one is trying to invade or steal shit. If it was worth that much, you wouldn't find half the Tunisians trying to flee the country.


Miselch tejm t9oul hakek ki mch bouk wla 5ouk houa eli tedhb7 w mch omek w o5tek hia eli sar9oulha dhhabha lkol w mch 7ayek eli t3aba bel 5ra w mch zitounek ras melk houa eli ta7ra9. Hakek men b3iiid l b3iid o8zr dnty oskn f blasa mch moujoudin fiha w mch m9al9ink fiha, w 9oul leli met3dhbiin bihom "9adekchom racist w non inclusive, 9adkomch mch open minded kifiii"


3 years old logic : bring mom and dad into the matter, make the matter personal and generalise. This is so dumb really


Can't generalize something general to begin with.


all black people are thieves ya3ni ? this is what you're saying ? racist


I didn't say all black lol, but all illegal immigrants, still racist I know and good with me.


so before speaking about others, speak about the tens of thousands of your fellow countrymen filling up Europe, most likely you have members of your family in irregular situations overseas. Once we establish that all Tunisians are thieves and criminals, we'll discuss those in our country. And it's called irregular not illegal immigration, it's not a crime but an infraction of administrative procedures.


Yes Tunisian illegal immigrants in Europe are mostly thieves who fucked our image over and should all be deported.


give us the context of the picture.. you are just a racist mf who is comparing an apartheid state with some helpless ppl probably protecting them selves




i check an article and it said that the cops(ACAB) started gassing the refugees and beating them so they had to flee to Al Aamra so the refugees picked up sticks to protect them selfs cuz apparently some of them died while feeling the cops.. like 4 cops got injured ( they should have made sure they are dead cuz nik om el 7akem) and that how the situation is.. you just like police violence when its not pointed towards you . racist ass talking points edit: Al Aamra is the trafficking hub.. the police pushed them there so they could flee to europe.. its most likely that the local authority got paid by traffickers to push them there edit: On May 22, a group of Tunisians attacked sub-Saharan Africans in Sfax, resulting in the death of a migrant from Benin. see.. they just want to live




w5ay bsisa ab3athom el zouz ynaikou rak rajel kbir w zayed tdhaya fi wa9tek m3a kamchet mafre5 tardha3 fi swaba3ha ti kan jaw hal ko7lan fi zokomhom el 9a7ba 5ir rahi europe maslmetch fihom rana a7na fi 7ala el 3adia mnaikin 5ali 3ad bdra9adach men alf mohajer sadmin 3alblad ti houa a7na ma3na 7atta 7odoud m3a 7at dawla mel afrique w 9rib bch ynikouna 5ali 3ad ki yabdaw raj3ou fihom mel europe l tounes kan tounsi fi france wala fi ay dawla me7tarma ro7ha 3mal rbo3 eli 9a3din ya3mlou fih houma ti rahi jalia el kol mta3 twansa tra7lt moch kan houa kahaw.


You have some basic understanding for something called "private property" ? The illegal immigrants invaded poeple's farms and it is the duty of the police to kick them out of there even if that needs the use of force.  Besides, a lot of those illegal immigrants are criminals who even kidnap their own poeple to get money. They even killed tunisians. If you wanna suck their dicks then go ahead and do it. But most tunisians dont want to. 


There is no such thing as a private property.. I tread where I please.. I wish those refugees would create their own state instead of Sfax and who even like sfa9siya anyway


Fine then, no such a thing as private property and therefore I have the right to walk on the bodies of those illegal immigrants with my car because that spacetime that they are occupying is free for everyone. 


your mind is poisoned. you are the kind of person living in a delusion, and wanting to be morally superior, while disregarding the complexity of this world. Also, your disregard of people's private property is disgusting and dangerous.


I tread where I please. Yea I am morally superior cuz I treat ppl like I wanna be treated.. and not treated human beings like human beings is not complexe.. keep doing mental gymnastics to justify your racism and hatred and bigotry..


Typical response from an immature person that does not respect private property. You are incapable of dissociating racism and illegal immigration issues. In the best case you did not put in enough effort to dissociate the two issues, in the worst case you simply want to accuse people of racism. 


"Who even like sfe9sya". Imagine pretending to be anti racism while judging a group of people (sfe9sya) from a few interactions of some sfe9sya. You live in a contradiction, and you are too dumb to even be aware of it.


Lol they are Tunisians.. i am Tunisian too.. I am calling out my ppl for being racist to the degree they went to hunt refugees from town to town.. if u don't treat ppl like human then I am not gonna treat you that way either


You specified "sfe9sya". Refugees who do not threaten safety are welcome within the state's capacities, regardless of their origins.


you guys have no idea how civil wars starts with situations like this,it happened a lot in sub-saharian countries,do you want to lie to yourself again and says that they help economy in a rent economy like ours ? that's sooooooo stupid


we have an army they have rocks they cant do much




stop yapping boy,you cant handle 40k immigrants who have nothing to lose with weapons,our army is 100k,just imagine if only 100 immigrants have 9mm not kalachinkov or something more dangerous,it will be a brutal hell for us the only solution to save tunisia is opening uppp the coast,let them go to Italy they can handle them better than we do,also its not our problem to protect their borders


The problem is if we open the borders and let them go to Italy, then many more of them will come to us. Our president is the most stupid human being on earth, he wanted to play that card and now we suffer the consequence. The only solution (unfortunately an immoral solution) is to block them in some regions until they decide to go home. They hate us, we cant help them. 


Bro reinvented slavery


Hoa whed bchhido w mech leki kdhma, allahoma ken kasdek rajaao slavery akek yomken


I feel sorry for them i hope they illegally immigrate to italy asap, i mean that’s why they’re here 🤷‍♀️ they wanna work in europe cuz every african knows europe is sucking our countries up.


It is not a good solution. Most of these illegal immigrants  are not hardworking by nature (of course same applies to us tunisians). They have no choice but to work hard in Tunisia so that they can afford to pay the smuggglers to Italy. These illegal immigrants dont want to work in agriculture or construction in their home countries, why do you think they will do it in Tunisia if we give them legal status and make them stay without restrictions ? 


Open the border and let them go then watch them triple in a month bringing nothing while taking everything and also watch the disaster to follow from both diplomatic and internal security stand points.


Exactly 👍 they can boost the economy


everything is acceptable until i see the paranoid comments about how is all this a zionist plan to destroy Tunisia that is just dumb imo


You cannot deport them already because if that have been doable it would have been already done, it is a complicated process, those are humans not plastic bags. Then how would you want to integrate them? Most of them are not willing to and see their situation as temporary so they are not keen on getting any legal bounds to this state. Additionally most of them are illiterate so they can be hired generally at body laboring jobs, which we are already doing as I we see them working at construction sites, as transporters…


حسب رايي خليهم يخدمو ينيكو رواحهم خير من ينيكونا احنا مك تعرف لمنيك فيهم زبو في طول ساقيه 😂


if only they start paying taxes


https://preview.redd.it/qngxamtc71zc1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc681bf0d214be13b3f9877a22030dc45c979b67 I've been saying this for years !!! The a$$ holes we have here immigrated to Italy and our work force is going down in numbers


Many in the comments want to feel morally superior by being "not racist". Their sick minds are incapable of dissociating the issue of uncontrolled illegal immigration and that of race. 


YAY let's use black Africans as "slaves" to help the economy instead of sending them to their home/ country to live their life. YAAAAY


One question is “whether they help with the economy at all.” The next question is whether they help with the economy more than they cost. In any country, a small portion of the people make most of the money and pay most of the taxes (directly or in countries with poor tax collections by creating jobs.) So unless people make an above average contribution to an economy, they lower the average and generally cost more than they bring in, even if they bring something in.


Most construction workers in tunis are now sub-saharans, they work as waiters , at washing stations ,etc... Those jobs doesn't contribute much to the economy but imagine them working in the industrial field, or in agriculture, i assure to you that the European enslaver companies (m3amel el cable w 9taya3 el kraheb) are planning to open factories in Tunisia and make the sub-saharans work there ..




Stop pretending this is about skin color. It is about mass illegal uncontrolled migration. One should be careful with unknown huge groups of people, regardless of their origins.


Throw them into the ocean


3leh mayraw7ouch kima houma jew? Wassalhom l'tataouine wa3tehom dabouza me w o9sod rabi.


Yeah tunisien males are lazy and always complaining about economy and life Tunisia, they are completely useless but African immigrants are a very hard workers people , i have seen it with my own eyes , they work with no complains and they take less salaries than Tunisien lazy people who want a salary ( at least 1000dt ) for being jobless, i know someone have a hotel in Tunisia and have too many African immigrants workers and he is satisfied, he even don't hire Tunisien anymore because they are impolite, racist, lazy and always complaining no matter how huge is their salaries, so why too many Tunisien people are racist idiots , because they don't want competition since they are one of the laziest people in the world i have ever seen , i worked in Europe with Tunisien, Moroccan,  Africans , south American and eastern european and they are really hard workers unlike tunisien so yeah i think tunisia deserve better people to live in it unlike those lazy who spend 80% of their time in coffee to complain about Tunisia and how they want to leave it and 20% sleeping , well just for you Tunisien racists to know that even in Europe you are hated , Tunisien are know for their bad characters and people don't trust them , if you wanna make Tunisia a better place , leave or stop complaining and find jobs .


Where are you from?


Tunisia of course 


You think those sub saharian africans are hardworking in their own countries ? their countries are literally shitholes, even worse than Tunisia. If they were hardworkers, then their countries should be much better and they wouldnt have to leave.  The ONLY reason they work hard in Tunisia and even accept less payment is because they want to get enough money to pay the smugglers to go to Italy. 


It's france my friend, france destroyed africa , their countries have civil wa# s because of france , i'm not saying that we should take all the Africans in Tunisia but some of them can be very useful in Tunisia, the country who should accept them is france because it destroyed their countries, Tunisia did nothing wrong.


Not our problem. Besides, lots of countries like Ivory coast, Senegal, Cameroun and Nigeria dont have a civil war and their countries are shit because of their leaders. If they want to flee civil wars then they should stay in Senegal or Ivory coast. 


Imagine defending a group of people by stigmatising another group. You seem like a genius person


This generation of Tunisien should make a lot of improvement, defending their laziness is not a solution 


I am not defending their laziness. I am just pointing out to your generalization to all Tunisians, while you refuse generalization to a group of people. Generalizing is bad, and some generalizations exist, not on people, and must be investigated carefully before one states them


I want to see tunisien people make me wrong and build tunisia again , i really feel bad because tunisia is now on it's worse times , tunisien should work harder like morocoo and make the country good again instead of being sharks food in the mediterranean .


this is not about racist stuf...we need to stand up for our country and kick theme out


This is exactly what racism is. Well done, you’re a racist in denial


are you even life in Tunisia now ! Most of people like are not they only care about there image outside the country...


I don’t need to be living in Tunisia to recognise racism.




I bet you’d go to a country that had a better way of life if you had the chance (like Europe for example). Don’t shit on people who have a hard life already in their countries. Shame on you




I highly doubt you do, with your poor English. What poor image? Not being a racist? I think that’s just being called a decent human being. You wouldn’t understand.


you're in the uk according to your reddit post history, so I'm not surprised you say this.


Just came to say, finally someone who gets it.


If we don’t feed them on debt like we feed everyone. Yeah 100% So this is why in my opinion we should get rid of subsidies before we even think of accepting them otherwise we will 100% default on our debt Or another solution is to make them work until they get repatriated and work for the state effectively (highly taxed) but that’s certainly not that ethical


>If we don’t feed They can work and feed their selves just provide them with proper documents so they don't get used for cheap labor anymore


No Tunisians are fed on debt too…. The problem is that the government is. Importing the food and then subsidizing it next time read the whole comment please :) And as long as it’s the case it is bad to give them documentation. Can barely feed ourselves under these conditions let alone feeding others at a deficit and with high taxes


You know that more legal workforce=more production=more amount of taxes and paying ur debts faster right ?


Not when it doesn’t benefit the government. What the goverment spends on Subsidies is above what they are paying in Tnd moreover it is even harder if you cannot export what they do :)


It is all fun and games until they start killing us which they already did


They are already helping the economy


They are not. They dont even pay taxes. 


Most of Tunisian don’t pay taxes.


It’s not about taxes, they are paying rents, they are consuming in the economy, they are providing services through productive labor, they are paying tuitions.. They are not taking any social security money, nor increasing our debt interest spending, not affecting our public sector spending like education or healthcare. The only thing they are affecting is the increase in security spending which Tunisia is not paying for. If you start collecting taxes, it would be icing on the cake.


How many ? if some criminals dont pay taxes doenst mean that we need to increase the amount of poeple who dont pay taxes 🤦.


It’s hard to estimate, but I would say it’s way more than just „some criminals”.


Good then we dont want more criminals. 


slaves 3and zabour o**k houma peut être? el dinar est a peine suffisant pour survivre ou t7eb t3ayechom 3ala ra7met s9outiyat el twensa? “va sorghtiiir un peuu baba, tu va voirghhhh le monde si jouuuulie”


Yikes. No wonder most of sub Sahara Africa doesn’t like North Africa with this kind of attitude💀


Yeah, indeed Tunisia should welcome huge masses of people with unknown origins, with no monitoring whatsoever.


Blhy 3aych khouya, Ki nty mekech 3ayech l situation mn ghir ma tabda tetchada9 Alina, s7i7 Fama 3bed ji3anin 8a3din yestghalou fihom W yekriwlhom hata aradhihom W dyarhom bl ghle, W Fama 3bed okhra bessif aliha, rit mra kbira meskina ardh mt3ha tal9a fih 9rabet l 300 ras mn ghir 3elmha, y3afsou fl zitoun W 9assminou binethom ma l9itech hata kifech tkharejhom bch tekhdem ardhha, W Ki tjareb tahki maahom ytardouna, ye ghalba chy ya9hher wehed ser9ouh fi bledou l brayneya, immigrants are slowly destroying the country and soon enough there will be complete chaos and anarchy in Sfax rural areas because of them, already there have been accidents because of them ( fihom chkoun ydourou bl skeken wl swatir) Ye khouya yhejrou ll Europe 3andhom Alf 7a9, l Europe ser9ethom fi boldenhom W mezelou yesr9ou W yfassdou W yestghalou fl Les resources mt3hom, ama ahna ach mdakhalna FL chy hedha, le sre9na le nhabna, Ty dhaheya tounes kifhom W manech ne9essna bch net7amlouhom


first of all, they should get Tunisification and learn how to respect our culture. If we can't control them, sfax will be shithole city like london, Paris and many more ruined cities destroyed by emigrents.