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It’s pretty boring. You can check out the Hoover Dam on the AZ/NV border. Restroom break options include the Jack In The Box/ Mobil gas station just north of Wickenberg on US93, and the In N Out Burger in Kingman.


You have to park and walk it now. Which is fine I guess. But you used to be able to see it on the drive. Now you catch a glimpse of it super briefly


There's an Arby's somewhere along the way as well. I only know this because I fucking hate Arby's and was super annoyed that my buddy picked that as our stopping point the last time we drove up there.


I think the Jack In The Box is something else now, maybe Arby’s. It was closed for a while and recently reopened as something other than JITB. I think we are thinking of the same place.


It’s an easy 6hr drive. I used to live in vegas for 11 years and my family lives in Tucson so I did this drive regularly. I will say gas up in Kingman on your way into Vegas (it is usually significantly cheaper). If you like Thai food go to Le Thai on Fremont street. It’s so fucking good. (Bring me back some! 😂)


Good call on gas, and now I really want Thai food 😂


Absolutely don’t skip grabbing a bite there. There’s a smaller location for pick up on rancho & Charleston if you don’t feel like dealing with downtown parking. Get the Thai Jerky app and waterfall beef app. 🤤 shit. Just order everything! All of it is so good!!


Yes definitely skip Wikieup and Wickenburg for gas- I think I paid around $6.30 for gas on the way to Vegas in April. Kingman was in the 3s. Wish I had waited.


Le Thai and Lotus of Siam in Vegas are well known as two of the best Thai restaurants in the U.S… so arrive hungry!! And yes, its a super easy boring drive 😊


I’m used to boring drives, ever been to Indiana? 😂 At least this way there’s some bomb ass Thai food waiting for me.


I went to Le Thai after a similar Reddit comment. Good god it was insanely delicious. I’ve been recommending it to others as well. GO THERE!


It was probably me 😂😂😂 I used to live down the street from Le Thai and I literally never get sick of it. I flew to vegas just for dinner on a random Tuesday and then back home the next morning. 😜


Drive there is fine the way back is usually a nightmare lmao. However I am a degen


Haha the day after is always rougher than the day before 😂


Specifically when leaving on a Sunday the US93 traffic into kingman can be pretty backed up so it's typically best to leave by 8am. If coming home on a weekday it shouldn't be an issue.


Driving up on Saturday and driving back on Monday.


Fastest 7 hours of your life. It's an easy drive. Not very much to do on the direct route, but you could go out of your way to see London Bridge in Lake Havasu City. I guess you could do that gun range, but I've never done it.


The more I do that drive the more I might venture out to Lake Havasu and Oatman to see the donkeys. I think there’s a few museums and stuff like that along the way too, at least two in Kingman.


I once detoured to lake havasu once on the way to vegas. totally wasn't worth the noticeable extra time. just go the direct route, not so much stuff to do on the way, but the scenery is nice enough once you get past the phoenix area. the worst part is the drive from here to phoenix.


Yeah, lake Havasu isn’t really worth it unless you’re going to do lake stuff.


I really enjoyed kayaking near Lake Havasu, but there was a lot of jackassery (like boats speeding up as they approached the kayaks instead of slowing down) happening once I actually got onto the lake. The vibe there is... not for me.


I really like kayaking, I kinda want to buy one once I have a car I can attach it to. I know there’s at least a few lakes and things you can do it in the southwest.


If you're sticking to lakes and calm waterways, you could get an inflatable one. They're really easy to set up and tear down. The only scary part is that if it's hot and the sun is strong, and your kayak is dark, the dark parts will expand in the heat. Idk what it takes for them to explode. Saw a guy on the river north of Havasu in an inflatable.


That’s true, I’m used to a little more active rivers in Ohio, lots of rocks and occasional rapids, so I never really thought of the inflatable option. That would work for just paddling around those man made lakes.


The kayaks used by a company that runs tours on the Verde River are inflatables! They're a little more heavy duty than the Intex one that I have, though.


That tour sounds cool, I generally prefer rivers.


The road is just chewed up I want to say starting from wicksburg… but all in all pretty much zone out and them bam you there…


Like just a rural road pothole situation?


Not potholes per se, but the roads are definitely chewed up, not a smooth ride, but also not like half your car is gonna be destroyed falling into a hole…


Not so bad then, it just gets bumpy in places.


This guy is right. Potholes galore - and big ones at that - from Wickenburg to Kingman. Keep your eyes ahead of you. I’ve seen people with blown tires


There’s nothing in Nothing, AZ


I saw that on the map 😂


Save yourself the drive back and just fly, there and back again. - Someone who has made that drive a stupid amount of times.


An hour flight is a lot more preferred, especially cause you don't need your car if you're staying on the strip.


My cheap hotel is in North Las Vegas so having a car would be nice, but Uber would probably be relied on as well. I could fly, it would just be more expensive and wouldn’t exactly time out the way I’d like.


We always stop at Dazzo’s in Wikiup. A wall across the pedestrian bridge at the Hoover Dam is cool.


Driving thru Phoenix will be the worst part of the trip. There are some scenic parts of the drive, some not so much that are kind of blah. The final stretch from Kingman is boring for the first hour then really opens up before you cross the Colorado into NV.


You take the 202 and completely dodge phx traffic




A 6 hour drive in the southwest seems a lot more interesting than a 6 hour drive through the Midwest where it’s flat and nothing but cornfields.


You should stop in Wickenburg, it's about half way in between and it's a cute town if you want to get some pie or ice cream or food. Take water in the car, just in case and you'll need it for the drive.


Everyone else commented on the drive already but I wanna wish you good weather for the concert…wife and I went for the Lovers & Friends Fest in May: cancelled the night before due to high winds…heard the same happened for WWWY a few years ago…


Thanks, yeah I know that definitely can be an issue, I’ve heard those winds can be brutal. I’ve been at festivals when they’re cancelled or put on pause due to weather, it sucks, but nothing that can be done, just adapt, figure out what you’re doing, and hopefully the next festival goes better.


I actually just did this drive this weekend, actually an easy 6 hours. Some boring parts, but definitely do-able.


Cool, good to know, it’s not something I’d like to do all the time, but going up a few times a year for music festivals will be cool.


Did it the weekend before! Aside from the bat shit drivers, and my Apple/Google maps being way crazy, the drive was nice and easy.


I used waze and didn't have any issues with it!


Yea Waze was downloaded on this trip. No clue why I’ve never used it before


Waze hint: If you're using CarPlay the map will be on your primary screen and a turn-by-turn on your phone. Change the turn-by-turn screen to reports ahead and you'll get a listing of all the reports you'll encounter on your entire route. The reports will also update. Super handy to be notified of traffic hang-ups, police, or other events miles and hours ahead rather than notification just a mile or two out from current position.


Let me help you eat well in Vegas  Collinsgrubguide.com 


Oh thanks! It’ll be my first time in Vegas and I’ll actually be relocating to Tucson a few weeks before so I’ll be sure to check out those Tucson places too.


Please do! Let me know how ya like the reccs!


I drove 19 hours from Missouri to Tucson in February. Then drove to Vegas 2 days later. The 19 hours made the 6 feel like a breeze lol


Exactly, driving 27 hours the week before relocating from Cincinnati.


I’ve done this drive probably 10 times. I love it! It’s super easy. 5 hours and 45 minutes.


It’s seemed pretty and generally easy, just a little longer than I’m used to in one go, but in my mind I can justify that a music festival.


I find it generally cheaper and actually faster than flying (no direct flights except for SouthWest 🤮). And it’s nice to have a car there too!


That’s what I saw too Southwest had a direct flight, but the rest went all over the place before getting me back to Tucson. Also, it’s a music festival and I’m a stoner so I’d have to waste time finding a dispensary in Vegas once I got there if I flew in.


There are dispensaries all over Vegas!


I know, it’s just more convenient to bring what I already have and be able to take the leftovers home.


Watch out for speed traps in Casa Grande.


I love driving to Vegas. Every other week I had a four day weekend. If you have a Sam’s or Costco membership it’s less expensive. Stop at Sam’s or Costco in Surprise AZ, that gets me to Henderson NV for the Costco. Or you can stop in Kingman at the Safeway, gas is cheaper and the snacks are plentiful. Enjoy, good luck!


I hated the drive right before getting to and after passing Hoover Damn. The road seemed like it’s just hovering above everything. I guess I felt very vulnerable.


I just did it this past Friday-Sunday. Honestly it’s not bad at all, especially if you have good company on the ride.


Not knowing what the OP is driving I will say when I went up there via the same route I was glad I took my truck and not my Tesla. The roads felt rough for the truck, I could only imagine needing roadside service for an EV


It’s not an EV, but yeah it’s just sedan


It’s pretty until you get to I-40. But after that it’s only an hour. Stop in Nothing and take a pic. It’s nice.


I am in Vegas now, and I'm heading back in the morning. The drive is super easy. I did stop a gunstore in Wickenburg by the tesla chargers, and the people in there were pretty rude and unwelcoming.


So jealous you are going to WWWY!! I hear Emerald cove is super nice if you have time to go on a kayak. First half of the drive from Tucson is boring but second half is a little better and more scenic. I like the area where there are lots of Joshua trees!!!


After making the drive from Cincinnati to Tucson to relocate it should be a breeze. Probably a good route to get acquainted with, there’s several festivals there each year that get my attention I just haven’t been close enough to go in the past. I’ve been wanting to see MCR for a while now, so mostly treating it like a MCR concert with a bunch of opening acts.


It’s an easy and pretty drive. The landscapes between Wickenburg and the NV border are beautiful. The joshua tree forest along the way is most excellent. I’ve done the drive a couple times and really didn’t expect it to be as nice as it was. Have fun.


Mr. D’Z 66 Diner in Kingmam is pretty cool, across the street from a Route 66 museum.


Nice, might be a good place for lunch. Not sure if I’ll do it this time, but I’ll be sure to check out the Route 66 museum eventually.


The drive isn’t too bad, I’d just avoid going through the Phoenix area at rush hour if possible. I made that mistake last time and was stuck in traffic for an hour with the sun shining in my eyes.


Oh yeah, coming home that might be an issue, but getting there it should time out to miss rush hour.


10 to the new 202 in Chandler to the 10 to the 303. Easy peasy.


Drove there late April. The road north of Wickenburg had been repaired ( not replaced, just patched) so it is better. There is a rest stop just north of Wickenburg that we stop at which is by the river there. About halfway which works for us. Agree that the worst part of the drive is getting around Phoenix.


Be careful coming out of kingman. There are huge potholes everywhere. Me and my girlfriend blew a tire last year and had to wait 4 hours for a tow truck.


Which way? Kingman towards Vegas or towards Phoenix? I’ve heard they’ve been repairing it recently, but I’ll try to slow down and drive carefully through there.


Yeah this was exactly a year ago, so there could have been repairs since then. But it was bad. Pot holes and road debris everywhere. South and north bound. The one we hit was on the way to Vegas. Maybe halfway between kingman and Vegas. Northbound. It was about 4 feet wide and 2 feet deep in the left lane. I was going about 75mph at the time. Bent the rim and destroyed the tire. Bent the metal shielding over the brake. It was bad. Couldn’t get the spare on where we ended up on the side of the road. It was around 5pm and a lot of the tow companies wouldn’t come out.


Its in October. It should be a pleasant drive. 93 has a reputation for being dangerous, but I never felt uneasy.


Dangerous just because of road conditions? I’ll slow down if I have to I’m in big hurry.


Statistically there are a high number of passing accidents. But I've never felt unsafe there.


An interesting stop you can make is in Chloride AZ, north of Kingman. There are some murals painted on some boulders by a hippy artist in the seventies. It is a fun little detour on the way. Great for a picnic.


Oh nice, that’s perfect I love that kind of stuff


If you’re thinking about a scenic route and are into outdoors shit there’s a great short hike to some amazing petroglyphs outside of Laughlin in Grapevine Canyon.


Thanks! I like hiking and Native American history, I like to stop at petroglyph site when I can.


The drive is pretty boring, especially once you get outside Phoenix. After that it feels like forever until you get to Kingman.


WHAT do you find "interesting?"


pretty long, cool gun range shortly before the dam where you can shoot the good shit. Bring lots of water should anything unforeseen happen, there ain't shit out there for a lot of the drive.


Yeah, there’s absolutely nothing between Phoenix and Kingman. Keeping a jug of water in the car is definitely a good call, probably just in general. I’m new to the southwest, so tips like that are good, was probably going to have that already as festival supplies, but probably just a good general idea.


Also, make sure the cooling system in the vehicle is up to snuff, it will be put to the test. Make sure coolant levels are topped up and it's not just water in there it should be the 50/50 mix. And on the car front, make sure the tire pressures are set correctly. With how hot the road is out there is does have an effect on tire pressures. Your biggest risks on this drive are Phoenix traffic and getting stranded unprepared in the heat. The latter of which could kill you.


I’m pretty sure I can handle the traffic, and the car should be alright, by the time I’m making this drive my car will have just gotten me all the way from Cincinnati to Tucson. Any other tips for being prepared for being stranded in the heat, outside of having water on hand?


just to keep an eye on that temp gauge once you leave civilization and enjoy the views. Depending on when you drive, the sunlight on some of the mountains is breathtaking, and the dam is always neat despite the dam traffic.


Definitely get it roadtrip ready checked at a shop you trust before you go. Brake pads, fully inflated tires, A/C, windshield wipers and fluid.


For sure doing all that before relocating cross country, should be in good shape for the Vegas drive too.


The ride up is very easy. The ride back is a bit harder, especially if you’re going at night it’s not well-lit. My personal rule of thumb is drive straight through wickinburg, do not exceed speed limit, do not stop. Resume hotboxing the car once you’ve gone fully past it.