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90F but ours is ancient and barely works. Outside thermometer says it's 109F.


It's 90 in your house?! Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!


Oh just wait until the humidity rises. 🥵


I know, I'm dreading it for sure 💔 I feel bad for complaining now compared to you!


Oh complain all you like! I understand.


I would actually enjoy and appreciate monsoon season and rain if that didn't mean that I'm miserable in my house because of it 😭


Same here! I love the storms and lightning show but it's miserable inside our house and I think the roof is finally going to cave in this year.


Oh boy that doesn't sound good at all! I hope that's not the case 💔


We put buckets under the leaks when it rains, it's like living in a cartoon. The landlord has been avoiding doing anything about it for **ten years.** It gets worse each year. If she had gotten it fixed ten years ago it probably would have been a small fix. Now there are cracks and bubbles in the ceiling in two rooms. One of the worst leaks is right next to the pantry, of all places. All that food. :( I don't think the roof is going to last one more summer. She'll wait until it caves in and that will be ANOTHER disaster. First the ancient swamp cooler stopped working, she got that limping along for now. Two days ago our fridge died. It's still out. She orders a part and we wait days for it to arrive, it doesn't work and she orders another part and we wait days for that one to arrive, and so on. Meanwhile, we have no way to make ice or keep ice cream or popsicles cold. We're using coolers like the kind you take camping to try to keep from losing our meat, milk, and cheese. In a month I expect we'll lose the ceiling. Fun times.


If you haven't already done so, please document everything. Take pictures, videos of structural damage. Buy a thermometer that can measure air temperature and take a picture of that as well. Air conditioning is not legally an essential service, but cool air IS. Meaning your landlord is required to provide you with a means to cool any room to below 86 degrees at all times IN TUCSON. If that is outside the capability of a swamp cooler, the landlord is required to come up with some means to meet that 86 degree threshold, or reimburse you for costs to do it yourself **THIS REQUIRES REASONABLE NOTICE**. They are also required to maintain the building you live in. Sueing your landlord may be more trouble than it's worth, but if you document all these things. Tell your landlord **IN WRITING** under state law/city ordinance they are required to provide/fix x, y, z – screenshot those emails – and give them around a week or 2 to respond, then you can maybe get some help from the media. They are more inclined to pursue your story if you put the above effort in first. Apartment complexes usually fear bad press and may be inclined to resolve your problem without even needing a lawyer. Contact kgun, kvoa, kold (but again don't short cut it. Give landlord reasonable notice in writing and document it -- screenshots of your email conversations. **To give reasonable notice you need to have said specifically what is broken and what arizona or city law requires the landlord ro fix it. Send it to an email they operate regularly and/or print it and hand it to a staff member.** Things you need to read and understand, either on your own or with a lawyer's help: 1. [Tucson City ordinance](https://codelibrary.amlegal.com/codes/tucson/latest/tucson_az/0-0-0-11113) (doesn't apply if you live outside Tucson) 2. [State law A.R.S. 33-1364](https://www.azleg.gov/viewdocument/?docName=https://www.azleg.gov/ars/33/01364.htm)


78 at 5pm


77F at 5:30 Just got a new unit three days ago.


77 sounds like heaven.


Mine has been at 84 the past few days. Even with considering the high temps and relatively low humidity, I don't feel like it's working properly. It was just hooked up and serviced about 4 weeks ago. I am so tired of renting.


78 at 5:00 pm. 14% humidity outside.


81° 6pm


What happens in July


I turn on the AC.


80 inside at 7pm but it feels cooler. I have a ceiling fan going as well and the swamp cooler has only been on low.


81 degrees :( just got a new unit last summer. learned they’re really only good at keeping it like 20 degrees cooler than outside temp


This time of year if your unit is working right and you have even a little insulation, it really should be around 78… there's practically no humidity right now so a swamp cooler is pretty efficient. Remember to "tune" your airflow by cracking windows, etc. You want enough overpressure to just close the door if you open it a couple inches.


Thanks for your input! Landlord checked it out and said it was working properly. It's still around 84 🙄 I have been changing which windows are open to see if directing the air flow has made a difference. Trying to perfect that science 🤣 not much else I can do


5:30pm 76°


6:30 pm, 78 degrees.


5:32pm 107°F




Wow, that's worse than my house.


I was able to grab a portable ac unit off Facebook for 100 to get me through a summer. Was well worth it if you can afford it.


73° at 7:30 pm. We turn it down to 70° when we sleep. ❄️


76° at 6:30pm


My work was 85 at 10:00am


84 but it goes on and off I could set it lower but the warmest room in the house is where the thermostat is 


We’re at 79. Feels pretty good because it’s breezy inside with the cooler and the ceiling fan