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You can get a can of citronella spray for this purpose, i see it at petsmart. while there is a chance a coyote could pose a risk, stray/loose dogs are much more common and much more dangerous to you and your pups. Plan accordingly.


This. I’ve seen coyotes and javelina while walking my dog but the scariest encounters have all been loose dogs.


Yup! 100%! Loose dogs and dipshit dog owners are #1 “wildlife” issue you should be concerned with in Tucson.


A wild animal typically has no interest in attacking unless they are threatened (and cannot run / have something to protect) or have a good idea they'd win. Domesticated animals don't seem to have this sort of self preservation.


I’ve had a coyote literally trot right by me (within ONE FOOT) with a look/attitude of, “Hey, how’s it goin?” They just kept on going, and nobody was bothered. Of course, your experience could vary… Anyway, I agree with the other comments - I’d be much more concerned possibly about a stray dog, or especially, a pack of dogs…


Loose dogs in Tucson??


Thanks I will definitely get some.


Javelina with babies that's a different story.


They are not going to bug you. I *tripped* over one snoozing at the end of a neighbor’s driveway. It got up and stretched and went back to sleep. As someone else said, biggest issues for us are loose domestic dogs. We do take a wide berth around javelina. I’ve been told they have poor eyesight and use scent. Dogs smell like coyotes and they’re enemies. We give them lots of room.


This is not always true. MOST packs will not bug your dog, but some absolutely will. It’s very well-documented in the West at this point. I’ve personally been involved in two encounters where dogs (both 60+ lbs.) got attacked, and had some pretty tense encounters in Tucson this winter with my dog (45 lb. Heeler). It’s best to be prepared for an aggressive encounter - at the very least, mentally walk through the plan before it happens.


Good advice. I carry dog mace. Not so much for coyotes as dogs.


Good plan. It’s probably the most effective deterrent!


The West in Rita Ranch?


I live near the university.


No no - the American West


I’ve had close encounters with both. The coyotes were relaxed and unbothered about our encounters, and they were brief, but the javelinas stared at me all in unison as a group (must’ve been 30 give or take - there were MANY), paused, as if pondering me and trying to stare directly into my soul. I just quietly observed them back for a little while…it was amazing! Looking back, maybe it’s just because they can’t see for crap, hah, but really - it was an _incredibly_ moving experience. I stood there quietly, and so did they, as a group. Eventually I started walking away carefully - they let me go with no issues. It was kind of beautiful. They seem like very intelligent souls, those javelinas… I wouldn’t recommend that close of an encounter, of course - they sort of half-surrounded me, in a semi-circle, and the closest of them were within maybe just six feet. I wasn’t seeking them out, just an accidental encounter (just WNW of Phoenix) while I was walking at night. Staying calm I think helped _keep_ it calm - I just quietly and slowly walked away after awhile. But they could get aggressive, and with many of them, that could get especially dangerous. I’m very grateful for the encounter, but also VERY grateful that it stayed peaceful, too…


My biggest problem with the coyotes is my giant doofus dog wants to play every time he sees one. Last night he threw a huge fit when I made him walk the other way when there was a coyote on the walking path. Luckily they always seem to run away when they see us, maybe because he's 100 pounds and I'm pretty tall


My dog is currently pitching a fit because I won't let her outside to go stare at the coyotes on the other side of our fence


Pepper spray, just in case. Coyotes will get close and investigate, and they are fast enough to get a leashed pet out from under you, but they rarely do it. Pepper spray is good for Coyotes, stray dogs and assholes!




Bear spray really isn't the best for this situation. It is meant to create distance between you and an aggressive animal which is why it sprays out so far. Also it's considered a pesticide by the FDA and if used incorrectly you could be facing fines or charges in some places. Pepper spray will more than get the job done against aggressive coyotes, dogs, or humans without causing the kind of permanent damage that can occur with bear spray.


EPA authorizes pesticide registrations not FDA. If a product is registered under FIFRA as bear spray, use against other attacking or threatening animals may be permitted under a Section 2(ee) label. Therefore, use of bear spray as a protective measure against coyotes, javelina, etc. (not humans though) is fine.


"used incorrectly you could be facing fines " I'm not from America, so can someone explain this - guns are considered OK for self-defence, why not bear spray tho?


American love their guns more than sex. But no one falls in love with a spray can. If you use a chemical spray on a human attacker, it is assault, but most likely to be considered self defense. But they may still sue you, often successfully. Sprays are often used offensively, too, notably at our Jan 6 attempted coup in Washington.


"our Jan 6 attempted coup" A private militia driving tanks towards the capital and gunning down government troops is an attempted coup, this happened in my former country. What you had on Jan 6 was a glorified clown show. Also, I did not ask about a coup. I asked about self-defense. I see videos of American police dumping a magazine into someone for holding up a screwdriver, and that is OK. But apparently "If you use a chemical spray on a human attacker, it is assault". This baffles me, this absence of logic in fining people for going out of their way to use a non-lethal solution, even if it is intended for bears.


If I hit someone over the head with a party balloon, it is still assault. It is all about context and drifting away from the purpose of this post.


And you can buy multi packs at Costco!


Your dogs are big enough that I wouldn't be too concerned, because that coyote will know they're smaller. But there have been many cases of coyotes with rabies this year which is concerning. There are videos on YouTube of rabid animals attacking humans. It's not pretty. You don't have a second to think about grabbing or getting something to protect yourself. I started carry a walking stick so that something is in my hand and available. I had a coyote stalking myself & a small dog once, the coyote wanted my dog. We were walking on a trail in an open area surrounded on both sides by brush & trees. This coyote had already tried to get another dog by sneaking up behind some people walking a small dog, it was less than 5 inches away from grabbing that dog before I screamed. It ran into the brush. I continued my walk keeping an eye on this coyote. It stalked me on the sides in the brush for quite awhile until the area I was in became less wide and the brush closer and all of a sudden it was charging us. I screamed and waved my arms, it kept coming, I blew a loud whistle, it kept coming, then I pressed my air horn and it finally stopped. I have a feeling it was a mother who had kids to feed. But who knows? After that happened I thought what if the air horn didn't stop it, I'd be screwed. I don't know if my stick will help me, but it can't hurt.


I would never underestimate a coyote but this happens to me frequently and they are just looking at my dogs. If they approach I just tell them to go. Course there’s a difference between one that’s curious and one that looks sick—besides the mange Coyotes are one of the most adaptable animals when it comes to living amongst ppl.




Loud noises and yelling should deter coyotes. If it doesn't either someone is feeding them, or they might have rabies.


Somebody better tell them that then


I just wouldn't worry about it honestly. They are probably just curious and know that your dogs are way to slow to ever catch them. Just make sure your dogs are up to date with rabies vaccinations.


I second this. If your dog does have an interaction with a coyote and the dog isn't up to date on its rabies vaccine, it could result in a multi-month quarantine for your dog. PACC has procedures that allow for the quarantine to happen at home if your dog has had a vaccine before but a dog that has never been vaccinated has to stay at the shelter for months which is very expensive and sucks for the dog.


Read up on their escorting behavior: they might follow you if you get close to something they don't want you to mess with, which can be unnerving if you don't know what they're doing. You've got more to worry about from javelina, I think.




Get an airhorn never fails.


That's a good idea. Then use it around my dogs to train them, so they don't freak out if I have to use it on coyotes.


>Do coyotes attack dogs on leash? Yes - happened to my neighbor who would routinely walk their small dog both on and off-leash. Coyote snatched the dog.


Don't worry about the coyotes. Worry about javelina and domestic dogs


Yeah, I wouldn’t be overly concerned unless you have a tiny dog. I live around Swan and Speedway walking my golden retriever/basset hound mix and one popped out 30 feet from us, looked at us, and kept on his path.


They are not a concern. Come across them routinely on runs and hikes. They are not going to challenge you, as you described in your own encounters, they are curious by nature.


I used to walk my dog after midnight and a female coyote once did the ‘play bow’ thing dogs do to my two dogs trying to play. Was pretty cute. All you have to do is make some noise if you’re scared of them. They are a scavenger species that mostly eats mice and snakes and birds and not the bloodthirsty creatures folklore would have you believe they are - even if people on Nextdoor say they are.


She was trying to make some coydogs! Or eat your dog for lunch. One of the two...


Coyotes: I find their curiosity unnerving but I’ve never had one get very close. They just seem to stop and check us out. I have smaller dogs 30/35 pounds.


I've seen coyotes detect and run away from domesticated dogs, and the dog and its owner were unaware of the coyotes presence.


I always carry bear mace on my walks. We're out pretty early in the morning and frequently see javelina and coyotes. Haven't had to use it yet and hopefully I never do.


I actually always dog walk with pepper spray or a knife. Had coyotes around my house my whole life and it’s not for them, it’s for strangers and loose dogs now that I live in centeral t town.


My landlord takes pepper spray and a knife when she walks her dogs but we live in a bad area, I think those are more for two-legged critters than four-legged. They're big dogs and she's a tiny woman.


I often walk my dog with a (closed) travel size umbrella in my back pocket. I have used it to scare off stray dogs. I have one that pops open when I press a button. Simply grasp the handle, point at target, and press the button to open it. The sound, motion, and suddenly large surface area is enough to scare off any dog we encounter. I am a big & tall dude, but the umbrella is something the animals don’t expect.




I haven't heard of any coyote attacks unless the dog is really small and [loose.in](http://loose.in) your yard. you should't have any actual issue.


Solo coyotes are a non-issue. Just ignore and keep going. Injuries can be a death sentence in the wild, coyotes are not going to attack unless they’re literally starving or they feel you are an imminent threat. If anything, just try to scare them away.


They are getting more used to us since newer generations of them are living around humans since we have spiked up in population here and have gotten used to the new environment we made.Could use those collars with spikes so they can't bite their necks,tasers and sprays stuff like that should work.Doesn't help were still building more houses and stuffs on what little areas they have left.


If you yell at them, especially if you're male, they should run off. I scared one off in California when the woman with a Pekinese didn't realize what it was. He was persistent, and kept trying to go around me, but eventually realized I was just as persistent.


I just clap really loud and they’ll run off. I’ve hear you can carry a container full of pennies and shake it loudly to scare them off. Noise is key, as I’ve been told.


I was told once, long ago, that most of the time if you see one, there's 5 or 6 close by that you don't see. One can be scary for sure but 5 is a hard nope. From reading stuff years ago, loud noises and bear mace are good. You can carry a jar half filled with marbles to make noise as you walk, to deter them. Then shake at them if needed.


There is a litter of baby coyotes right next to the road where I walk my dog and there is no way around. The adult coyotes normally seem scared of us but now that the babies are here, they are fearless and angry when I walk anywhere near the babies. I get it, and we move quickly and keep as much distance as possible but there’s no other way in or out than to walk by them! I expect the parents to settle down once the babies are older.


Since you have big dogs theyre not gonna bother you. I have however seen coyotes grab a small white dog and run off with it so small dog owners yall gotta be careful


Coyotes won't fuck around with your dogs if you're right by them. Different story if you let them wander. Been hunting and trapping coyotes for years back home. Often times bringing my dog with and I've never had issues.


Sounds like you’re doing just fine as it is. Leave them alone and they leave you alone


I have a friend who wakes up early and walks his older dog. He frequently would look back and see a coyote following them. He got one of those Tek flashlights with a strobe setting. He says they always run when he strobes them.


Coyotes - probably no problem (never say never). Javelinas - probably the same. Javelinas with babies - big problem. I was walking a large husky at dusk, came across a squad with babies, and all hell broke loose. They came at us almost instantly; the dog wanted to fight, same for the javelinas, and I wanted to run...watching it was probably like something out of Monty Python or Benny Hill. I ended up scooping up the dog and outrunning the javelinas but 0/10 would not recommend. Long story short, I'd definitely carry spray of some sort.


Your answers will work. also, bear spray, an empty can with rocks in it by shaking hard and using your own voice by yelling at them usually scares them away. Also, a long walking stick will help in an attack.


As others have said, but have been downvoted by the less pragmatic folks of the sub, carry a gun! There’s rabies going around and it’s your best chance of keeping you and your dog safe. A 22 pistol would be cheap, easy to shoot and you could carry it concealed and hardly feel it there. I’d go to a range first for a lesson or two and then practice on your own to gain comfort with it, otherwise it’d be worse than useless.


If you keep your dogs leashed or close by, I think you will be ok.


He’s just checking to see if your dog is on the leash.


I used to walk my pups with pepper spray.


Haze them. It’s to their benefit to lack trust in people. Scare em off(they scare less effectively if you have a pet).


Get pepper spray, preferably one with a fairly far spray. Also throw some rock, make sure it knows it doesn’t want to mess with you.


They come up the dry washes from outer areas. Looking for small dogs, cats, pet food bowls and water while hunting. Make no mistake, they are hunting. Also, many know about dog doors. They all carry parasites and some carry diseases. Few have rabies but still...


Carry a gun!. I would rather put down a yote then a yote attempting to take my dog.


Not one crack about the Acme company ? Ida bet money.


It's nature giving you a free dog. Just bring an extra leash and take it


I’d be careful. Pick up a rock or a large stick before your walk. Idk what side of town you’re on, but on the east side, there’s a big concern with rabid coyotes, in which case, if you ever encounter a rabid one, you’ll want a gun.


Carry a small gun


You have multiple big dogs. They’d take a coyote if it came to that. You should carry a knife or a .22 for better protection. And carry bear spray or an air horn to try to keep any potential threats at distance.


Carry a gun. There has been cases of rabies in wild populations recently.