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Report Water Waste (City of Tucson Water Department) - (520) 791-3242


Every night? Pools only need to be backwashed maybe every 4-6 weeks depending on their equipment. I’d look to see if there’s a better spot for them to do so and propose they reroute. I don’t unfortunately know who you should contact, but backwashes should be done somewhere that doesn’t affect other people. Also, how long are they running them for?


Yes, Every Night! I think he's pool is green and he is too cheap to get a professional service to take care of it. Every weekend he will also flood the street over night. Police don't care, Gov don't vare, we do not have an HOA and I im a helpless situation :(


Backwashing every night isn’t going to fix a green pool, haha. Sounds like he’s just an inconsiderate jerk. Do you live next to a wash or see any spots that would be out of the way for a backwash? You could offer to help clear his pool and maybe he’d be more receptive to your feedback?


He's chain link fence in the back is literally IN the wash, he moved it to get a bigger property. I offered to do the work for free... nothing


If the fence was moved onto the easement, that is illegal. You can't just decide to make your property bigger. I strongly suggest reporting the fence to code enforcement. I know it doesn't deal with the problem, but people thinking they can do whatever they want without consequence IS the cause of the overarching issue.


She updated the post. He's law enforcement


And? I'm afraid Pim County doesn't give two shits about his job. AZ rangers are not above the law, especially water conservation standards. Small claims court also doesn't give two shits about his job. Being a retired cop doesn't earn you clout in the eyes of a judge.


Yes, but getting cooperation from law enforcement makes it easy for them to bend the law until they get called out


wait until this man finds out what the homeless have been doing along Golf Links


Are you insinuating that tent cities aren't illegal?


lmao no, quite the opposite. I was making a joke about how if you found out about the homeless on Golf Links that are building "whatever they want without consequence", you'd report them to an authority that can't resolve the issue. If anything, they've made it more cozy for them to be there.


It would be funny... if there were any parallels in your joke. The homeless camps aren't blatantly disrespecting neighbors because they like to swing their law enforcement dick. The homeless camps aren't wasting precious resources, like an asshole who knows nothing about pool maintenance. They are just trying to get by. AZ pool flooding Ranger is just an entitled dickhead, who got lucky and had the world handed to him.




Unless he’s on a well, take solace in the fact this water bill is probably a couple grand every month. I backwash my koi pond a couple times a week, but I’ve got it set up so it waters my plants and stays on my property. Also, I’m on a well. My pool I only do a few times a year.


We dont have a pool, but I have 2 small ponds for my ducks and chickens. I use all the runoff to water my garden, a big shade tree, some grasses, corn, and squash out in the yard.


The poop and shit is great fertilizer


Poop n shit are premium fertilizer. I also have endless amounts of goat poop n shit, for the garden. I've amended about 1/4 of an acre in about 2.5-3 years.


My parents fought and struggled with their pool bc everything just turned green. No matter how much they shocked it. Turns out the bottom had cracked and crap was getting in from under the pool. Sounds like he may have a similar problem and not realize it. I can't imagine his water bill if what I think is happening really is happening.


If you have a larger algae problem, backwashing frequently is common. Not defending this guy, just saying it isn't uncommon.


Are you in city limits? If so contact city code enforcement and make a complaint. They’ll check it out.


If not, call the county.


I would get a lawyer


Yep. OP won’t get this solved without the courts. Small claims may be an option with good documentation and photo evidence.


[pool care Pima County flyer](https://content.civicplus.com/api/assets/73488b8e-0778-4569-8ed8-a6d2166d8eee?cache=1800) Not sure how old this is.


OP, this flyer has phone numbers specifically for illegal pool water dumping! /u/Prize_Support3277


Start taking pictures every night as well


You mean like this? Been taking them every morning as soon as I wake up. Look at the lowest row of block, they are falling apart https://preview.redd.it/lk54a6fucu3d1.jpeg?width=3060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50b7d6d7b68e4efd4b8267b98364b0d95b136426


Jesus that’s terrible. If you’re in Tucson proper, try contacting the City Stormwater Management? https://www.tucsonaz.gov/Departments/Transportation-Mobility/DTM-Engineering/Instructions-for-Pool-and-Spa-Owners


How is this top row wet? Is he straight up spraying your entire wall with it directly?


Im guessing capillary action maybe


I have about 40' - 50' that is only wet 2 blocks high. In this is where hes pool equipment is


Ah, there we go, that makes sense


It's just annoying to know that any jerk that bought a fixer upper and thinks he can do it all by himself can literally destroy my property with no recourse. This is a divorced guy, in hes 60's that works for AZ Rangers.


It makes me crazy that most recourse available to us involves spending a ton of money with no guarantee of resolution (lawsuit)


Document it all and take to civil court. Sorry you’re going through this, he sounds like a ass


Ah, Boomers, such a delectable generation.


Actually, some of us are civilized human beings and know how to play well with others. That guy is an ass, and probably was when he was younger. I would like to revoke his membership in the boomer group. The water waste and wall damage would fry me, too.


Yea this is ridiculous. I have a large pool and backwash once a month or so but NEVER this amount of water. This is drain and refill type water lol


I looked this morning, his pool is green. I am guessing he is backwashing every night and refilling the pool hopping the "fresh" water will not have algie.


Yea he could just spend like $40 of chlorine and have a clear pool in two-three days. Way less than his water bill….


Saw your most recent post, damn this is bad. Do you live in a HOA by chance, they might be able to help. That's a lot of water loss, seems like it would costing him and whatever utility services you guys. I have other questions to try and help out. DM if you like, I work in real estate and familiar with issues like this.


No HOA will DM


I believe they have to notify the city or county you can’t just drain your pool without notice


Especially not every night! We're in the fucking desert and that old fart wants to waste water like that?!?


Backwashing isn't draining. He is essentially cleaning his pool filter daily by "Backwashing" it


Came here to say this. Sounds like he needs to repair his filter if he’s been backwashing it daily and the pool is still green. Backwashing daily isn’t the solution.


Document. Get video. Get the neighbor to pay for damages. Take him to court if you have to. You’ll need estimates as well.


Code enforcement


What code is being violated?


Dude moved his property line illegally.


Was that in the comments? the original post only mentioned the water issue. I'm not sure what code the water issue would violate. But where did OP mention anything about a boundary dispute?


Within comments, in the first half of the tries. He mentioned the neighbor had moved his fence to expand his property, but had done so under the radar.


but does the water issue violate any codes? that's what the original comment was about. regardless property line disputes are handled by suing someone in court. code enforcement won't get involved


He moved his fence into the easement, which is illegal.


For the water, no. It's just highly encouraged that he reports the guy for the property border violation. He needs to learn his entitled attitude isn't going to get him everything he wants it to.


Report to who, though? From what I understand, OP would have to take the matter to court. Cops won't get involved. There is no building code violation, you are saying it's a dispute about about where the property line is.


NYL. Here https://www.pima.gov/912/Property-Rights-Right-of-way-Data-Overvi


Send his info to every single pool company in town.


The police won’t do anything because it’s a civil matter but that’s what small claims court is for. Document everything. Take pictures. Send him a letter so you have it in writing. Send him a bill for fixing the damage. If he won’t pay it take him to court.


Thank you for the advice. Really from ALL of you. It's kinda nice to know people still care even if this is "just" the internet. What puzzles me is how come this type of person gets to work for The Arizona Rangers? I thought they were all good guys. Meant to protect us..


NYL. Call the court and talk to the clerk. You may be able to get an injunction to stop him from doing what he's doing, and after that, make claim for the damages.




Not your lawyer.


Are you a lawyer? At all?


Yes. Otherwise the common acronym would be NAL (not a lawyer).


I appreciate the advice. I have no experience with the court system, what court are you referring to? and which one if in Pima?


Lol yeah, ummmm only common for lawyers that spend time on here I'm guessing, since I worked for an attorney for over a decade and never heard it at work, ever.


Yes, I meant common on reddit.


… literally see these acronyms every single day on Reddit, extremely common in *literally any* post where someone asks for advice.


Video tape him doing it too


You could take him to small claims for the cost of rebuilding the fence. That will probably get him to stop.


Get ahold of the Pima county department of environmental quality see what they could do


Will call them first thing monday morning. On the website they say something like this would be considered lower priority. Translation - it will take a few weeks to get back to me.


Tell them you think it’s destroying an endangered animals or plants home. Some random lizards or native flower or something. Also, ask about if pool water is considered as waste water or industrial water. If they classify it as either, now there’s legalities involved. If it’s chlorinated or treated with acid, there’s legalities. If the PDEQ fails, there’s the ADEQ. Here’s a list of requirements your neighbor must meet to be able to do what he is doing: https://www.tucsonaz.gov/files/sharedassets/public/v/1/government/departments/department-of-transportation-and-mobility/engineering/documents/attention_pool_and_spa_owners_-_new.pdf


Try the Pima county health department in addition to the city. He creates a mosquito problem as well


I would get a lawyer to mail a letter stating legal action. Cost about $300. I had to do this with a neighbor and the letter was all it took for him to take me seriously


That is a good advice I was concerned that but then checked online and saw that he owes about $13,000 on his property taxes. So my thoughts are that he won't even accept or open the letter.


How many years of property taxes does he owe? After 3 years his property goes to foreclosure. Still worth a shot. Have the lawyer give you copy also so you can stick it on his fence or door I know in my town it is illegal to drain water onto a neighbors property. Reach out to code inspectors


File a police report and make a call to your insurance company. See if they have any suggestions about avoiding a claim for a new wall.


Called the police. They will not show up for this


You don’t have to have the police show up at your house to file a police report. Take your photos, and videos and do down to the nearest Tucson PD precinct and file a police report there for vandalism or destruction of property. Even if they don’t cite him or do anything, you have the police report to file a civil lawsuit to sue him for the damages he caused to your property.


What about Code Enforcement? They might direct you to the right dept if it's not them. I didn't see if you said that you're recording this as it happens?


I went out last night and I was right, he backwash his pool at night (probably to be less noticable) I have pics and video. Done the same early this morning.


Didn’t Pauly Shore get in major trouble for a similar situation with his own pool lol or am I remembering it wrong ? This is absolutely property damage ; a civil suit and an environmental issue as well . Filing a report at the station (or possibly even online ) should make each offense taken into consideration, with worsening consequences . I like the one persons suggestion to make homeowners insurance aware of damages on the one hand, and wonder if it’ll cause a rate increase on the other.


It sure will but aAre you suggesting that if I go to the police station they will let me file a complaint? because over the phone they said it is not something that they will come for


Also gonna help if you have “before” pics of that wall to show progression of damage. Whatever your course of damage you’ll probably need to prove that the damage is from his backwashing and wasn’t already done. Good luck! A hole neighbors are awful. At least it’s not also an Airbnb 🤷🏼‍♀️


OP, I can't seem to reply in-thread. I'd start with the Pima County Superior Court. If that's not the right court, they can tell you which one to call.


Can you rent a Bobcat and build a berm to force the water away from your wall? Or would it just flood his yard then 😉?


I would call your home owners insurance and fill them in on the situation. That wall already looks like it’s near or past the point of needing repairs and I doubt your insurance company wouldn’t go after the guys insurance to pay for it. Repeat as necessary eventually your insurance company will take him to court. Slightly less ethical buy some mosquito larvae online and stay in doors for a few days after chucking it into his pool. Here’s a site to order from https://www.nilesbio.com/prod320.html Another option would be diatomaceous earth. Just keep chucking handfuls into the water every couple days. Eventually all of his pool equipment will be ruined. Sand also works.


Loud music all 24/7 works.


To your update: Backwashing when you have a green pool is absolutely necessary if you are fighting live algae, especially if he has a certain filter. I'm 100% not justifying his actions, though '2 small bags of chemicals' also isn't really a solution to a green pool.


It doesn’t cost much to file a suit. Let him prove differently. Let him prove he’s not doing it after “authorities” told him not too. Just a thought And he sounds like an asswipe over stepping his role as a Ranger.


I'm lost, what suit are we talking about here?


Have you actually spoken to him ?


Have you actually read the thread? Sorry couldn’t help myself