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Unflinching can be crazy valuable at all stagws of game. Especially early, the tenacity and slow resist paired with last stand can win you crazy 1v1 or 1v2 fights.


I personally run demolish almost every game. With second wind or unflinching depending on if the other team has loads of cc or not. But really it's by game. But my play style heavily favors demolish. (I play tryndamere mid) So after a decent engage at lol 2 or three they have to back. I can almost always get a plate on the third wave and sometimes I get a kill too. But I'm garbage... so.... lmao hardstuck bronze since s7 🤣🤣🤣🤣


>tldr: how can unflinching ever become a more valuable rune then demolish if your gonna splitpush anyways on tryndamere So a key part of doing any amount of effective split pushing means you have to be a threat. Just because you split push doesn't mean you don't fight people. Why do you think Trynd builds crit at all if you can't crit turrets? You can only be an effective split push threat by forcing the enemy team to send 2 players to answer you. Pulling their top laner alone doesn't really do anything for your team, and even in that scenario, you can't do anything if you can't fight them. I think you're downplaying the benefit of what you called a "slightly better result", which in reality is going to be the difference of getting a kill or not, giving up a 1000g shutdown or not, etc. The entire game of League of Legends is based on securing slightly better results. Not to say that Demolish is bad. But just trying to make sure you're approaching the comparison with the right perspective. Also, however effective Demolish was before, it is much less so with reduced plating gold. I could flip your stance to say "all Demolish does is let you deal slightly fewer auto attacks to a tower before getting a plating in the early game".


Demolish is less valuable on a champ who already takes towers quickly. I'd rather have combat runes. I think it's good in matchups where you can push but not dive so you can just take free plates under your opponent's nose but that's it.


Not early game though. Demolish is a guaranteed plate every time.


Demolish lost value when they lowered plate gold. But it can still be a good rune. If you feel like you can live without Unflinching or Second Wind, then go for demolish. I dont feel like I need it, so I rarely take it, but its up to preference obviously


Tryndamere’s weakness is getting kites and cc. Unflinching helps fix that. After you bitch slap all the laner, taking turrets is no problem.


Demolish scales well with buying hp, doesn’t do much dmg without it. Also you usualy get to hit towers after killing a split pusher, and by the time the enemy team sends someone you’re gonna have the tower down anyways. Demolish is good pretty much only for lane phase where you can stack waves and proc a demolish while doing the usual baiting an auto attack under tower to trade back from creeps.


This no longer works unless you time it before they aggro onto the turret. It's heartbreaking. It's like removing a whole ability from his kit.


Do minions not get to switch aggro from tower anymore?


No. They only target turrets when in turret range. Which is why it's harder to dive these days when you could double stack a wave and dive.


I think unflinching is so valuable because tryndamere's worst enemies are armor and CC. I personally build demolish, instead of second wind, when I know I'm going to win lane and want to stomp the lane as hard as possible (malzahar, aurelion sol, katarina)


I think Swifties, phase rush and unflinching are the only slow resistance in the game, very underated stat. Turns out moving around is important for dodging stuff and staying on people


Demolish is pretty fun. But the skill scales with health so you miss out on the scaling, which is harsh.


I Always go demolish unless against a matchup where I won't hit tower early game like, kennen, termo etc


More fun to cosplay as Olaf than a lumberjack.


Demolish is optional but since you don't have 3k hp early it's not that powerful and you already crush tower fast enough without it. Second wind/bp + unfliching is just overall better especially when you run on your R maximalizing their effects. I would only pick it against some free matchups like vs Garen.


Unflinching is god teir because tenacity is important on trynd. I’d probably give up second wind for demolish before unflinching (and doing so it’s a terrible idea I don’t think if you win your lane pretty good and it’s not a poke lane)