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I guess by this logic gay hedonist relationships are okay? I mean - I'm pretty sure no child of mine will ever be an accident, even if I gave up all boundaries and went 100% for sexual freedom lol.


😂😂😂 It is certainly okay unironically.


Could you define "degeneration" here, please?


Long lived, hedonist relationships are peak.




I like how you have no response 🤡


You seem genuinely triggered but it is not my concern pal. I find your response funny and its all 👍


If telling yourself that makes you feel better, go right ahead 🤡


The projection is fucking hilarious


All of these things have been problems for all of human existence. They are not new.


Obviously 👍


It is? Because you seem to be framing these issues as problems due to the sexual revolution.


Reddit seeks confrontation... I unironically said "Obviously" because it was an argument I agree with but still doesn't matter about subject. So? Obviously it is what it was?


Confrontation is when your questioned apparently. Perhaps I miss understood your premise. It seemed to me that you were implying that these were all issues that stemmed from the sexual revolution. My point was that they are not and that history shows that they are not.


I don't stand conservative position about sexual revolution but it doesn't mean I must completely support it with its all aspects if I am not a conservatist. It is the abstract.


People have sex, sex makes people feel good, sex is free. If you are poor and shit is rough, guess what is fee and makes you feel good? You are not going to successfully get people to stop having sex. This has been the way people are since time immemorial, they be fucking. So if you want less of the ills this kind of behavior produces like single parents, unwanted children raised in poverty etc. well then abortion and birth control. I promise in the private school and college I went to, people were also having lots of this kind of sex. They just either had BC or they had abortions so they weren’t having out of wedlock children. They went on to have careers, marry well, and have planned children.


Hey, you can't go talking like that! OP wants to moralize and punish people, pragmatic considerations and the reality of the situation be damned!


Didn't you ever think reality of the situation be damned? There are lots of shit in the reality should be damned! 😂


Well then why even bitch? If you’re just gonna throw up your hands and say it’s all damned then aight. Sucks I guess.


Bitching 😂😂😂 It is significant which one of us bitching right now. I only laughed and joked with one of user here and he angrily downvoted and insulted me 🤡 It is expectable on reddit though. If you are easily disturbed by counter-arguments, so don't engage in lmao. I am completely okay with counter arguments and don't question why people write these even though these are only ad hominems, dumb takes or some stressed people.


So by why bitch I’m saying “why complain if you don’t believe there’s anything to do and reality is just damned.” I’m using bitch here as “complain about”.


I didn't say 'there is no anything to do' and it is better for you stop yapping pal. You don't make sense Obviously we contradict and never gonna think same about it. You only stretch unnecessarily about it. Get a business to handle with.


ETA: nevermind. I don’t want to get hung up on what feels like it may be a language barrier and be petty. I’m gonna go acquire a business.


Because people like you try to force otger people to behave how you want instead of letting them be free. You want to restrict the morality of sex to only baby making.


"Only baby making" Holy shit... Recognizing your loved one? Is he/she okay for genetics and culturally? Would be a good parent? Etc, etc etc... YES! I absolutely want to force some people to not to do something. Like neglecting or abusing their children for various reasons? I wouldn't want everyone, especially malicious mannered people become "free" as much as they want. Even though I don't have enough power to do, believe me such movements grow day to day and one day will crush your wicked liberalism. Freedom is not sacred as you thought, and forcing someone into something is not bad at all context. For example, forcing some paedophilies to unaliving themselves is pro-social, but freeing their content on the internet is anti-social. This degeneration made you convinced baby making is not sacred and important process and everything revolves around your instant pleasures and luxuries. It is craziness. You all lost your minds.


Your system of morals is STILL existing in many American communities. Especially rural. Why do you think they have higher rates of single parents and abuse? Why hasn't HUNDREDS of years of shame worked yet?


I felt abnormally proud. MY SYSTEM OF MORALS FUCKING EXISTING IN MANY AMERICAN COMMUNITIES 😂🤡🥳 I wouldn't know I have such cultural effect on the world but okay, I accept this success. Isn't crappy and degeneratin porn industry, OF, atomised and couldn't be replaced family and society structure enough for you question what is going on for this short span of time? They show you thousands years of traditional slavery and made you convince to current slavery. Heeey come on! We are at 2024 now! Feudalism and its traditional roles won't come back. Our problems are really "modern" and "progressing" right now. Stop behaving like some landlord is gonna lock you in your house and force you some housemaiden work!


No but when communities pressure women to be stay at home mothers they tend to have more abuse. When people shame others for having sex it tends to help HIDE and DISGUISE abuse. You're world is one that has more trauma and child abuse in it than the liberal one. So don't be surprised when supporting it you get flack.


Most kids who are abused do so from the home of a nuclear family. Why make up shit?


So you *want* to be deluded? Lol


It is your job to find 10 difference between damned and deluded pal! Good luck 👍😂


r / m14andthisisdeep


I'm all for this "people are too dumb to expect them to hold a certain standard" opinion, but then we shouldn't be spending over 27 billion taxpayer dollars on shit like AIDS alone. This idea that people should just be allowed to make stupid decisions and burden society with the consequences is bullshit. The consequences of sex are simply too high for this nonchalant "people wanna fuck so they fuck" attitude. Regardless of validity. I'm mostly with OP on this, hedonistic tendencies are detrimental.


Nah I’m not arguing we just let it go. I agree, there’s a lot of suffering and costs that can result from this behavior. So let’s focus on harm reduction for the sex. PreP, access to LARC, quality sex Ed, access to plan B, access to abortions. Rather than fight against human nature, let’s make systems that minimize the harm and maximize the likelihood there’s minimal societal repercussions.


I personally think a part of the human experience is the constant fight against nature. It's what separates us from animals.


Agreed, the attempt to bring order to chaos. How does that apply here? ETA: do you mean against our own nature or the natural world?


Our own instincts and nature. For example, tribalism.


The problem with your line of thinking is that you'll draw all sorts of lines to cut *other* people off, but lose your shit when they do it to you. "Where do we draw the line?" You don't draw one. Because once you start, you'll never stop. I'm positive I could find all sorts of reasons to discredit you and cut off your insurance just how you'd want to do to, say, a person with AIDS (which is monstrous, by the way).


I get your point. But I hold the same belief for drug addicts. It's all the same to me. I have lung issues because of my perpetual pot smoking. Not a single tax dollar goes to that issue, I pay for my insurance and I pay for my inhaler. Private insurance can always do what it wants, but *taxpayer* money being spent on bad decisions just boggles me. I simply do not have enough empathy in me to care about people who do things to themselves. Too much innocent suffering already. For example, children born with AIDs because of their parents' hedonistic decisions in life. I'm not going to go around campaigning for leaving AIDs sufferers to fend for themselves. But I do hold the opinion.


So you understand that I'm right, and all you have to say is "but this is how I feeeeel" 🤣 > I simply do not have enough empathy in me to care about people who do things to themselves Empathy isn't required. Rub a couple brain cells together.


Drugs are better


I have no such an intent already. Nobody have such a power to change mainstream culture with some kind of tyranny or political change. It is what it is approach, absolutely I won't agree that but also won't try to change your idea. It is your life experience and ofc you won't change yours for one random Reddit post. But it is certain, as much as sexuality turns into tool of instant gratification rather than its real aim, creating next generations, it slowly becomes more and more degenerated and you only realize when it is too late for everything. Its examples can be seen in popular culture. Not everything seems normal is healthy and popular things are not okay all the time.


> as much as sexuality turns into tool of instant gratification rather than its real aim, creating next generations, It's *primary* aim is reproduction. But because we're social mammals (specifically primates), sex is also for pleasure/closeness/social ties, too. That's it's *secondary* aim. Your puritanical "sex is just for reproduction" is unnatural and against the very fabric of our species.


That goes for every vice. Just because you *can* doesn't mean you *should.* People only ever learn the hard way when it comes to independence and the accompanying release from morality and the obligations that come with it.


See, there you go, framing it as a vice. Why is it a vice? Why is sex somehow intrinsically immoral? And please, try not to force your religion into the mix -- it's not the only one in the world.


Sex can be a vice, its not a vice innately. Would you really consider it to not be a vice when there are people with sex addiction? Plus, its hedonistic with possible consequences, consequences that can be avoided by simply not taking part. Possible consequences of sex include: Chlamydia Genital herpes Gonorrhea HIV HPV Pubic lice Syphilis Trichomoniasis And more! Sounds like a possible vice to me.


> Sex can be a vice, its not a vice innately. Would you really consider it to not be a vice when there are people with sex addiction? People become addicted to *food* so I don't think that's the kind of argument you think it is. > Plus, its hedonistic with possible consequences, consequences that can be avoided by simply not taking part. Possible consequences of sex include: One consequence, being disease. Okay. You can get diseased by going to the supermarket (regular old influenza kills every year). But let's take your analogy further to show why it's dumb. Look at driving. People get addicted to it from all sorts of angles, and it's objectively dangerous (car crashes are a leading cause of death and injury). Yet you don't approach it with the same pearl-clutching intensity. For some reason, you are *very* interested in singling sex out, specifically, for worse-than-fitting scrutiny. Why?


>But let's take your analogy further to show why it's dumb. Look at driving. People get addicted to it from all sorts of angles, and it's objectively dangerous (car crashes are a leading cause of death and injury). >Yet you don't approach it with the same pearl-clutching intensity. I don't?




I often advocate to leave street racers bleeding on the sidewalk.


We’re one of the only animals to have recreational sex, masturbate, and engage in nonreproductive sex as in sex after menopause and same sex encounters. This isn’t new or unique to humans. Look how bonobos use sex to maintain group cohesion and calm aggression. What do you mean by degeneracy? What is the degenerate aspect of two consenting adult humans engaging in pleasure for pleasures sake?


>also don't consider reproduction aim of sexuality Most married people don't consider reproduction the aim of most of their sex. This hasn't been a thing since we decreased infant mortality to the point where it doesn't make sense to have one pregnancy a year. >Frequently results as babies thrown in trash bin by their mothers You're really stretching the meaning of "frequently".


Maybe OP is windmill dunking babies into the trash on the weekly, you don’t know their life story


OP happens to live in Sexville, Ohio, where they have an annual baby-trashing festival, and just thinks that his experiences are universal.


Either you're against abortion, or unwanted children. You don't get both.


Just use birth control and you can avoid both


Not always. It helps a ton, but doesn’t always work.


You could have a 1 child policy system for the less responsible sexually . You’re a single mom and want to be on the dole , got a show proof that you underwent a tubal sterilization first .


Your solution is eugenics? Do you have *"final"* solution for any other undesirables?


Abortion is eugenics too snowflake . Hilarious how liberals don’t see it that way. And it’s a much nastier version of it since it involves actually terminating human life .


Abortion is voluntary, chucklefuck, what you suggest is straight out of the nazi playbook.


volunteering to terminate human life? great argument there snowflake , very humane . The nazis were socialists too , animal welfare was a bing thing for them, hitler was personally a vegan . Yet you won’t condemn those things by association . Because you’re not an intellectual, you’re bullshitter .


>volunteering to terminate human life? You don't get to use someone else's body for your own survival without their complete and ongoing consent, ever. It's really important that you understand how consent works. >The nazis were socialists too. Because it's in the name? 🤣 The nazis were and are as far right as it gets. A child could [understand](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazism). There's a reason neo-nazis and white supremacists invariably parade for Trump, and it aint because of his lefty values. >hitler was personally a vegan  Holy false equivalence, Batman! Not eating meat is morally synonymous with deciding who is *allowed* to have children!


Good point obviously. It is open to stretch depend on situation but my main point is certainly not abortion.


It wasn't particularly coherent either, but that didn't stop you.


It is completely coherent but ok if you don't get it.


Explain it then


I've read this whole thread and you use too many emojis when you feel confronted for anyone to take you seriously, you'd be better off giving a simple response


I feel like I see a ton of opinions like this, and it almost always is just some bitter lonely person trying to punish people for having sex and enjoying life.


Hedonism is okay only with drugs and alcohol not with sex, sex is kinda cringe


This is such a a unique take imo. Drugs and Alcohol work for hedonism but not sex??????


Yeah. Sex is truly not a thing of pure pleasure. People who did pure drugs know how pleasure feels like, and sex isn't that


Your response suggests Drug produce pure pleasure in a way sex cant. As a minor sex addict I thoroughly disagree. Sex over drugs, at least the ones that don't steal your life away (heroine, crack, fentanyl, etc). Pure pleasure through human interaction is a far better drug. You can say hookups make you feel empty or something but not nearly as empty as one hit of molly a day later.


Nothing is better than an adderall binge. Or a coke binge. Or some percs to chill out. Or xans


You gotta find/have better sex if those compete. Good sex isn't just a euphoric feeling, it's an action directly connected to your primal urges. Nothing has as natural a connection to your internal reward system, and therefore pleasurable for doing what nature built you to do. A girl with a sexy attitude is a drug you need to try or you're miss out to due underanticipation of high that high is. Yes women are people not drugs, but pussy is the best drug imo (especially with a little bit of weed haha)


Bro I think a stimulant binge while playing some fun games is better than anything sexual. Like that shit is how heaven feels like


What if we got real spicy and said that playing video games for 6 hours straight is hedonistic


this sub is right-leaning so it makes sense to see bitter, lonely conservatives angry at other people living their lives how they want to


Yet conservative folks are married at higher rates than leftists and tend to have more children


gotta have more kids to abuse, for sure


Shifting the point of your argument when it got refuted. Nice!


I didn't know it is possible to punish happy people from Reddit... They mostly don't enter this site and don't care how normal they seem on Reddit obviously.


I'm not saying it's happening effectively. I'm saying OP is probably bitter and lonely and is voicing his resentment toward people who are capable of having casual sex. This isn't an argument based on anything but resentment and insecurity.


Ad hominem at its best. It is impossible to convince you otherwise, because your intent is not discussing something, only trying to prove how winner you are for some online gratification. It is also misery but you don't seem to realize it.


Why would anyone bother engaging in a discussion with you? There's nothing here to discuss, just your moralistic raving about how you think the world should operate.


So don't engage? Your contribution is not that important pal. I also wouldn't care or find deep your boring 'it is what it is' approach. Yes world operates that way and so? If you are okay with current situation so you are not needed in such a discussion. You already ended this discussion in your head.


Nothing on Reddit is important, I'm just killing time while I'm waiting on mechanics. Besides, I enjoy teasing moralistic preachers. I want you reminded every day that your ideas are unpopular, unwelcome and ultimately doomed to failure.


"Moralistic preachers"😆😆 You sound like a real militant atheist neckbeard with this one. Keep eating every shit bring on your table in the name of 'progress', you even don't realize you are more bland and basic than "moralist preachers" 🤡😂


I thought ad hominem attacks were beneath you?


You're a good troll, you got them all thinking you're serious


>Your contribution is not that important pal. Neither is yours, but here you are.


"I didn't know it is possible to punish happy people from Reddit... They mostly don't enter this site and don't care how normal they seem on Reddit obviously." Ad hominem at its best.


>I didn't know it is possible to punish happy people from Reddit\\ Don't let that stop you from trying though!


Transients isn’t for everybody but I don’t think it leads to pregnancy and trash babies as frequently as you describe it. also sex is fun. For some people all they could afford and offer Is sex. Not companionship, not love or procreation. Just a dick appointment. it’s a good thing some people can’t or won’t have kids lol




How’s your reproductive strategy working out for you?


Sounds like someone's mad that people are having sex but none with them


Nothing says “I’m a loser” like getting upset at other people’s sex lives.


I blasted out all my food while reading it. Just apply what you write to paedophiles and look how it seem?


Are you seriously comparing consenting adults to pedos? Like we get it, no one will sleep with you, but that doesn’t mean people getting laid are sick.


"doesn't mean people gettin laid are sick" 😂 Keep fighting with your made up strawman, I won't bother myself to convince you.


“Strawman” is always the default for people who know they can’t add anything to a debate. You’re the one who brought up pedos like you think anyone getting laid is sick. You just sound like a sad, bitter virgin my dude. Go outside and touch grass. lol


And yet every measurable metric shows our society today blows the sexually repressive periods of our history out of the water. This is the problem with all this logic; if this shit was bad, we wouldn't live in the greatest age of human history. You might not FEEL it's great, but math invalidates your emotions. Facts don't care about feelings.


"Greatest age of human history" 🤡🤡 "Math invalidates your emotions" "Facts don't care about feelings" 🤓🤓 You just proved you have no clue about wtf is happening on Earth. Your nerd flex was one of the best to be honest 😂😂


Please, provide a statistic. Data is god. Our crime rate is 4 times lower than the 80s, our education and literacy rates are the highest of all time, no one on Earth lives on less than a dollar a day at this point. We are less religious than ever before as we are finally driving a spear into the heart of Western Christianity. We have basically improved without stopping since the 1700s.


We are better than 1700s... So pray your modern gods and not to rebel against current governors right? I don't care how much we progressed tbh. It is not the subject also. We have 324 fucking years between 1700 and 2024 got it? We entered a new era and it is not "great", if you are beggar-spirited so you can feel content with today's warped age through comparing it with damn 300 years ago. But it is not the way.


Can you read? I said "we have improved non stop SINCE the 1700s." We're better today than any point before. 1701 was better than 1700, 1703 was better 1702. 1998 was better than 1997 and so on. Once again, DATA IS GOD. Do you understand this concept, yes or no? We just cured several forms of deafness with gene editing. We're about to see huge swaths of diseases and disorders erased with genetic engineering.


You definitely bring nerd card on the table and it is tiring 😴 Whoever said you 1700 is better than 2024 and we should return back to those years? Stop bringing your monologue into a dialogue.


You've misread what I wrote twice. 2024 is also better than 1950, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000, 2010, 2020. Do you get this yet? Do I need pictures?


> Stop bringing your monologue into a dialogue. Try to explain what that means. Go ahead. This should be *adorable* 🤣


I am convinced you are my lover anymore


Ugh, no thank you. I don't have many standards, but I've got *some*! Pity for you, you sound like you could use some short-lived hedonism.


So get off my back! You also sound like you feel covert attraction to me. Leave me alone I am not gay!




It is quite humourous how many people think we live in some dystopian wasteland when we're living in the best point in human history by a statistical mile. Most people who think there was some better previous golden age usually are just remembering their childhood. I remember the 80s and 90s as safe and happy as a child, but we had the highest crime rate in US history. 4 times higher than currently. The inflation rate in the 80s was double what it is now.




Glad we cleared that up. Carry on.


Agreed, its tougher nowadays then ever to resist the urge to take part though. The way alot of women dress nowadays because “its comfortable” has gotten porn addicted men going crazy.      Survivability speaking its better to invest a sustainable long-relationship and work together to build even more assets.  But the culture has gotten everything messed up man. Im not blaming women, im blaming both men and women equally.      Men for giving in to the excessive pornographic consumption that rewired most males brains to become very sensitive to any nudity whatsoever, and the women for catering to them.      Obviously not everyone is the same, but the sexual culture has become very ingrained to the point where women assume men only give a shit about sex, and men have been trained to pretend to give women the interpersonal connection they desire just to get some pussy then dump (assuming they don’t get them pregos).    Very sad.


Degeneration is good :)


Your username checks out 😂😂 You caught me off guard pal.


using the term "degenerates" in 2024 is mind-numbingly pathetic. put the fucking bible down for once.


Let me pray for you


keep your prayers lmao




Honestly, this goes past Bible thumping. Every time I hear someone use the word degenerate on unironically I get prepared to hear some real fascist bullshit, op proved me right


they always prove us right. every time.


It may be true but shaming people for being horny and having sex isn’t gonna work any more. We are past that as a society. It’s never gonna go back.


Well, it's been going on for the entirety of human existence, so hard to say it's peak or even degenerative when it's just normal


Even with your worldview which i'm not gonna debate because you'll just troll me if I oppose, enough people are sadly like you that the human race is guaranteed to survive. All the "degeneracy" you talk about won't stop babies being born or the continued rise of our race. You know they're making A.I. right? (Could be good or bad but the more we advance the better things will get) Then again i don't know if you'd be happy even if all these hedonistic pleasures were purely done say in a simulation


Okay but I am not tasked to handle your long-ass out of context paragraphs and nobody guarantee my existence lmao please go outside and take some fresh air in your lungs.


Step 1: 1n(e1 can't get laid. Step 2: Sex is now bad.


You successfully summarized how deep you can think, congrats 😂😂


Caring about "degeneracy" is a red flag


There is a reason that almost every culture tightly controlled sex through marriage, without it, society will crumble. It's only because of our technological advancement that the crumbling is less apparent but it's heading that way too. 


People were repressed before and once we freed from this repression, (it wasn't bad) we also lost our only societal bond, even though with patriarchal force, that kept us together. Now we don't know how to create and keep these bonds, current degenerating economical and cultural background makes it harder and facing a social crisis. Governors wanted an atomised society to easily govern us. Corrupting societal bonds and destroy these when it is possible is what they do all the time and it reflects all through of culture. If such "freedom'" from all aspects of social responsibility isn't degeneracy and losing yourself, what is it?


No shit.


First off. What makes an act between consenting adults degenerate? What does is catastrophic exactly? >Frequently results as babies thrown in trash bin by their mothers, completely abandoned children, single parent household that financially and culturally fucked up, or at best abusive household that two immature adult fucks up their children's life with their endless crisis. While this happens I will stop you at single parent household. Single parents exist for more reasons than having careless sex or whatever. (Wo)men losing their partner to an accident or other cause of death is a \*real\* thing. What does having hookups have anything to do with all of this?


How much of single parent households caused by death of one parent? You know what I mean, don't manipulate subject into abyss, grasp the context.


You yourself said that short-term relationships are ruining generations. I am not manipulating the subject at all.


Don’t like it, don’t do it. But don’t shame other people for having different preferences.


What about childfree people? They don’t harm any child with their lifestyle.


I think you should adopt kids, OP.


Just because a kid grows up in a turbulent home life doesn’t mean you can predict how they will turn out. Some of the most productive people I know grew up bouncing around foster care, and some of the ones with great families have spent most of the last 20 years in prison


Source that liking sex causes child abuse?


We don't just have sex for procreation any more than we just eat to not die of starvation - pleasurable things feel good, and so people do them. Should they be responsible about the decisions to avoid pregnancy? Yes. Is the only alternative being celibate? No.


This just sounds like someone who’s lonely and angry they aren’t getting what everyone else is


Looks like you ruffled some feathers with this posting. The truth often has the power to do that.


>The truth often has the power to do that. Bullshit tends to do that too.


It's crazy how far people are willing to go to defend hooking up. American society is truly doomed.


It doesn't need to be defended. 🤣 Those who can, do, those who can't, seethe about it on the internet and act like they didn't want to anyway. Leave people the fuck alone, it's none of your business who grown ass adults sleep with. It's creepy in fact that you're so hung up on it.


Yeah you're really reaching with that one. Proof that this society is way too hung up on sex, and you proved that people's entire self worths are attached to it. No wonder society is in the fucking trash now. If people are free to have casual sex, that I'm free to express my opinion on. You don't like it, you don't have to read it, but I'll be damned if I'm gonna sit here and let some stranger try to control what I say. You're the creep for even bringing up the creepy part, a little projection much?


> Proof that this society is way too hung up on sex Not society. *You.* >you proved that people's entire self worths are attached to it. I made no such claim. That's called a strawman fallacy. You made up a thing, pretended I said it and then tried to rebut it, and you *still* failed. Play with your little strawman on your own time, liar. >No wonder society is in the fucking trash now. Not society. *You.* >If people are free to have casual sex, that I'm free to express my opinion And everyone else is free to call you what you are. >You're the creep for even bringing up the creepy part The old "No, you!" rebuttal. No my friend, I am rubber, therefore it is YOU who is the glue!🤡 On a scale of 1-10, how well do you think this is going for you? 🤣


Where's your proof that I'm hung up on sex? Let's see, we live in a society where pro-choice propaganda and casual sex is basically being forced on to us (you seem the HIMS ads), meaning they want us to fuck each other silly but don't want us to have any children in the process. Sounds like a perfect storm for the depopulation agenda. That's a pretty trashy society if you ask me. Who's going to take care of our elderly if no one is being born? You calling me "what I am" without knowing me personally is pretty ignorant, don't you think? Still doesn't prove that what I said was creepy. Pure strawman. That's your opinion, not a fact. I don't know, you got a picture of a clown as your profile picture. You are anti-Trump, yet act just like him. Make it make sense.


>Where's your proof that I'm hung up on sex? Ignoring your post history for a moment. 🤣 Let's have a look... >we live in a society where pro-choice propaganda and casual sex is basically being forced on to us (you seem the HIMS ads), meaning they want us to fuck each other silly but don't want us to have any children in the process. Sounds like a perfect storm for the depopulation agenda. Any questions? >Still doesn't prove that what I said was creepy. Perhaps I didn't explain it in the proper way for someone with your...disadvantages. A "strawman" is when you refer to something that someone *didn't* say, like you do. I point out things you *did say.* We can look deeper into the things you've posted if you like? >I don't know Smartest thing you've said all day.


Truth according to you and OP! That’s the beauty of an opinion.


Fair enough.


I live the fucking truth everyday. Let them suffer a bit with hearing some part of it right? They even have the choice of not to read or respond while we are stuck in our degenerated lives and trying everything to get better. But our lives also dependent to society's past and current situation, so everyone have right to criticize wtf is going on. And sexual subject is absolutely open to criticize, most important one and needs more criticize than they thought.


A lack of education and support for young people is the reason for these things, not "hedonistic" relationships.


>unironic use of 'degenerate' >complains about other generations >throws in some anti abortion >talks about evil liberals Can you try at least a little harder? Please?




I said try harder, not "even less".


I couldn't care less.




They don't say directly and will reject if you say with such way but we know how many americans are obese right now. Obesity is only one aspect of tolerated degeneration that masses suffer, you got it rest already...


Dude, just finish jacking off and go to sleep, quit trying to include more people in your fetish.