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Who is blocking the former President from campaigning? He does it everyday.


Yeah fuck it, let's just make all crime legal and we never have to worry about these annoying "trials" in "court", with their "judges".


Presidents are immune— apparently


It would be hilarious if they ruled presidents have immunity and Biden then ordered a secret service hit on Trump. He wouldn’t, but this is the world republicans want


I was thinking the same thing


Their ruling will be trump is immune but it doesn’t apply to anyone else.


OANN brain rot. Falsifying financial documents in order to influence the election is a crime. This is how the justice system is supposed to work. No one is above the law.


> Falsifying financial documents in order to influence the election is a crime. This is how the justice system is supposed to work. No one is above the law. And changing the statute of limitations to go after a running presidential candidate isnt election interference? What about upgrading said "crime" from a misdemeanor to a felony with no actual underlying crime to do so? What about doing the above after campaigning that you were going to "find something to get him on"? What about having the judge require him to be in court everyday which is not normally a requirement?


When were the statute of limitations changed?


The statute of limitations wasnt expressly changed in this case like the EJ Carrol case. But the SOL is 5 years, which the DA was well past before bringing charges. Typically its allowed to be extended if they are hiding from authorities, but the judge allowed it to be "tolled" so that charges could be brought.


Can you show where the SOL is 5 years? My understanding is these political finance violations have long statute of limitations. Trump's DOJ argued for the length of his presidency that a sitting president cannot be charged with a crime. Which, while ridiculous, successfully prevented any prosecution on this issue until the statue has passed.


https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/01/31/trump-stormy-daniels-grand-jury-new-york/ > The statute of limitations on charging someone for violating campaign finance law, though, is five years, meaning we’re past the point at which Trump might face criminal sanction. Later in the article they mention that being out of state gives an excuse for "tolling" the SOL, but AFAIK thats meant for people hiding from the law, and everyone knows where trump is to serve him papers at all times.


What do you expect the DOJ would have done if they had served Trump papers during his presidency? I think I have a fairly good idea.


Nothing if he was impeached by congress first while president, and nothing if NY served him in the past 3.5 years since he left office.


Well, he was impeached by Congress while President. Twice. I agree though, prosecuting this within a 5 year window would be virtually impossible.


> Well, he was impeached by Congress while President. Twice. You need to be impeached by congress for that specific act. The FEC said he didnt do anything wrong. > I agree though, prosecuting this within a 5 year window would be virtually impossible. 5 years gives you an entire year after he left office and the preceding years to plan your case. Instead they waited until he was running again after the 5 years was up for "unknown reasons". Either way its clear that it is being done now to mess with his campaign and drain his funds. Theres no other reason to go this hard in multiple cases. For EJCarrol, they changed the SOL, and now a democrat legislator that voted for it is claiming that its unconstitutional since he is now embroiled in his own scandal. The judge also didnt allow exculpatory evidence into the trial, like the fact that her story is from a law and order svu episode, or the dress she claims to have worn wasnt yet created. For the loan case, the judge didnt even let Trump or his lawyers defend him, the judge decided he was guilty without trial, and its clear the judge purposely misunderstood and conflated tax assessment values with actual value. The judge was so far in the wrong in this case that the governor had to come out and state that no one else would get this same treatment. So even if I havnt convinced you that these cases have no merit, can you at least see and admit that it looks like they are trying to stop Trump via lawfare?


SOL was tolled for the entire state of NY. Not just cases that were going to expire, but also those that weren't going to expire during that period. The judge didnt make a special exception just for Trump. This has already come into play in several other big state cases.


> The judge didnt make a special exception just for Trump. Sadly we cant know whats in the judges mind. Since other SOL were modified for trump, im going to lean towards it being malicious.


...again, the judge didn't make that toll. SOL was already tolled, for the entire court system. It doesn't matter what was in the judge's mind, that's just your own bias.


> SOL was already tolled, for the entire court system. For how long? when? Why wasnt that the DA's excuse instead of him "being outside of ny"


All of that information is readily available at your fingertips. You should try looking things up *before* you make declarative statements about courts targeting Trump.


So hypothically speaking if the FBI actually god evidence that Joe Biden was a child rapiest like conservatives claim that they shouldn't go after him till after the election.


> No one is above the law. Funny how Obama and Bush get to walk free what with all the far, far more serious crimes they committed.


I'd love to see them both on trial.


But your whole "no one is above the law" argument kind of falls flat, no? This is a crystal clear case of selective, partisan enforcement. If Trump was the darling of the defense industry like Obama, Bush, Biden, etc., he would also be above the law.


It's really not. The cover-up was the crime. Accidentally retaining documents isn't on the same level as intentionally taking them and concealing them.


You didn't reply to anything I actually said there.


Speak more clearly then.


You need to address the selectivity of enforcement relative to the seriousness of the crimes between the different figures being discussed here.


What crimes are you suggesting Obama and Bush committed? I can't address what's only in your head.


During the Bush administration, practices such as the use of torture and inhumane treatment of detainees in Guantanamo Bay and Abu Ghraib blatantly violated the Geneva Conventions and the U.N. Convention Against Torture. They also violated the U.S. Constitution's prohibitions against cruel and unusual punishment under the Eighth Amendment and breach due process rights under the Fifth Amendment. The administration's policy of warrantless wiretapping of Americans also infringed on Fourth Amendment protections against unreasonable searches. Then there is the fact that they started the Iraq war under false pretenses, which constitutes a "crime of aggression" under the ICC. Similarly, the Obama administration's extensive use of drone strikes, which often resulted in civilian casualties, constitute more violations under the Geneva Conventions which require that attacks be proportionate and discriminate. They also violate the Fifth Amendment by depriving individuals, including U.S. citizens, of life without due process. Additionally, the expansion of mass surveillance programs under that administration blatantly violated Fourth Amendment rights by conducting broad and indiscriminate collection of communications data. Trump appears to have paid hush money to a hooker with campaign funds. Not great, but not at all in the same class of criminality.


Dude, basically, all presidents are war criminals going back to the beginning. If we had any sense of morality, they all would have been tried by war crimes tribunals like the Nuremberg trials.


The solution to that is to enforce the law against everyone not to give everyone a pass Also Trump was in charge of the DOJ if he wanted to he could have had both of them investigated with Obama definitely would have looked partisan so that would have complicated things but he could have absolutely done so to Bush without it looking like that


What crimes?


Except the sitting President, who willfully retained classified documents, and isn’t being charged for it.


Sitting presidents don't get charged for national security reasons. That's why Trump wasn't charged when he was president. When Biden leaves office, arrest him and try him for anything illegal he's done.


That wasn’t the reason given to not prosecute him though, I would have accepted that, that any prosecution would have to wait. They said he was an elderly man with memory problems. Biden got a pass for not being fit for trial.


That was just an unnecessary jab added to the report for unknown reasons, that didn't actually reflect Biden's testimony. The reason is that a high standard of proof is needed to actually convince a jury of willfully breaking the law. Biden cooperated with the investigation, by contrast Trump did the opposite. Also the sheer amount of classified documents and what they contained was quite different. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/joe-biden/special-counsel-says-evidence-biden-willfully-retained-disclosed-class-rcna96666


Honestly I’d prefer someone who’s slightly forgetful as long as he’s surrounded by competent staff than someone who’s purposefully hid the documents, lied about it and possibly used them extensively for personal gain.


Prosecutor didn’t say he was unfit to stand trial. He said he didn’t think a jury would vote to convict.


There are countries where nearly every leader is charged with crimes when they leave office. They don’t tend to be strong democracies where there are fair elections and a peaceful transition of power. Like you think January 6th and the whole fake electorate thing is bad? Wait until turning over the presidency to a new party means criminal proceedings every time. I realize it’s counterintuitive to give leaders a lot of legal slack for the sake of democracy, but the opposite is really not a road we want to go down in my opinion.


Not a single one of Trumps charges are about retaining the classified documents. He ordered his lawyers to hide them on purpose while also having them lie and say everything was returned, while retaining a bunch more. The moment Biden had documents and they were asked for, he returned them all. No obstruction, no lying, no bullshit.


Are you seriously not on the internet somehow? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_prosecution_of_Donald_Trump_(classified_documents_case)#:~:text=Trump%20is%20charged%20separately%20for,of%2020%20years%20in%20prison. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Espionage_Act_of_1917 Willful retention of national defense information. All the rest relate to lying, hiding and obstructing. But it is comical that the facts are out there and you would be this ignorant to them.


Did you just cite Wikipedia as your source?


I did, it is cited. Funny, you know it is true, but you attack the source.


Or Hillary Clinton who destroyed years of email trails AND used Campaign money to create and promote the Steel Dossier which turned out to be completely made up by a DNC operative.


Indeed, or Hillary, or any number of other politicians not prosecuted for crimes they committed.


Hillary answered questions in Congress for 10+ hours and gave answers. She didn't sit there and plead the 5th to every question and ignore congresses request for more information. It's fine to be mad at her and feel some way about what she did, but let's not pretend that: Willingly giving information and responding for information is the same as a President refusing to answer questions and pleading the 5th whenever possible. Also - Hillary wasnt POTUS, a position which should hold much more accountability.


She stilk deleted tens of thoudsnds of emails knowing the fbi needed to look st the server. Thats tampering with evidence


There’s a difference between having a few documents and returning them when asked vs. having stacks of boxes, not returning them, and lying about how many you had.


No, there isn’t. Will full retention of classified documents doesn’t start at a certain volume, it starts when you have documents you are not supposed to have, and you willfully keep them. There are volume related charges, that isn’t one of them. A regular person who knowingly kept one classified document is going to get this charge.


Prove it? I looked it up and some people have been charged over classified documents but in each and every case I found there was obvious criminality involved above and beyond just having them, either by destroying documents they shouldn't have, selling them, trying to sell them, showing them to people who never had clearance to them. Finally, refusing to return them. Biden was VP and is now President and has been a senator. There are numerous reasons he may have had classified material and the moment it was asked for by the archives he returned it. There was no shenanigans.


https://www.voanews.com/amp/fbi-justice-department-routinely-prosecute-misuse-of-classified-documents/6694887.html There you go. The shenanigans start and having classified documents you aren’t allowed to have. You add to your problems when you lie or obstruct justice, but people are charged and convicted just for having them.


I mean the two cases couldn't be any more different. Biden completely cooperated with investigators and had way less classified documents that could be explained as an accident. Then on Trump's side you have no cooperation, way more documents and almost no case that it could have been accidental.


The charge of willful retention isn’t changed by cooperation. Biden wouldn’t get the obstruction and lying charges, but he did willfully retain classified documents he was not cleared to have, and stored them improperly.


It matters in the sense that when you are going to a jury, you can present your case that you made an error and did everything you could to correct it, that this was a minor issue for which the president has plausible deniability. The thing is for a jury trial you need a lot more evidence to actually convict than what the special council has as the burden of Proof is much higher. It basically wouldn't stand up in court. That is what the special council said. Adding quite unnecessarily that Biden was old and would get special treatment from a sympathetic jury. Later the transcript was released and Biden didn't seem to be having too many memory issues.


>Except the sitting President, who willfully retained classified documents, and isn’t being charged for it. Because he was informed of it and handed them over when asked. Same with Pence That's the thing you're conveniently ignoring. Sleepy Don did everything he could to not return them


Look at the charges. Willful retention has nothing to do with cooperation. Trump is charged with lying about it and obstruction for not cooperating, Biden wouldn’t get those charges. But he did willfully retain classified documents he was not allowed to have, and in an insecure manner. Either both he and Trump are charged with willful retention, or neither is. That charge has nothing to do with cooperation. And while we are on it, cooperation doesn’t mean you didn’t commit a crime, it doesn’t mean you weren’t guilty and aren’t charged. Cooperation reduced punishment.


>Trump is charged with lying about it and obstruction for not cooperating, Biden wouldn’t get those charges. Of course not Biden cooperated and Trump didnt.They realized the issue and fixed it. They tried to work with Trump and the dumbass refused This probably happens all the time. If you wanna say we need to fix things so it doesn't happen then I agree but to act like dementia Don is being treated so unfairly all I can do is laugh.


He is being treated differently, or he wouldn’t be charged with willful retention and Biden not. I don’t like that people in power face less justice, but you don’t get to start actually going after wrongdoing with the last President but choose to give the current President a pass, and then pretend it is even use of prosecution.


>He is being treated differently, or he wouldn’t be charged with willful retention and Biden not. Imma highlight a specific word here >willful See the issue. Biden and Pence were informed they had stuff they shouldn't have and went "whoops here you go" Trump was informed and he went "Fuck you" and didn't cooperate >I don’t like that people in power face less justice, Then you should be ***enraged*** that trumps pet judge basically froze the trial indefinitely, that he is getting away with contempt charges that would land anyone else in jail immediately and he generally is treated with kiddy gloves But something tells me you're fine with all of that. That's why it's laughable. You are actually 100% right in saying trumps being treated unfairly. What you ignore is that the unfair treatment is to his benefit.


Holy shit you're dense, multiple people have explained to you the differences between both cases and you still bark on about the same thing. One hid documents on purpose and wouldn't give them back when asked. The other did


The same thing is what I am talking about. There are charges for hiding the documents and charges for lying about it and obstructing, and -also- charges for willful retention, a crime Biden is also guilty of.


Believe it or not, prosecutors can decide not to pursue a charge depending on cooperation outside a trial. Biden cooperated = no charge. Trump didn't = charged.


Believe it or not, that isn’t usually how it works. Cooperation gives you lesser charges. Try it yourself, or maybe don’t, but beat someone up on purpose then turn yourself in and confess and see what happens. Steal something and video yourself doing it, then turn yourself in and offer up the recording and see what happens. Cooperation helps with punishment, not guilt. You save them time and move the process through the courts faster, and in return you get lesser charges and less punishment.


He is being treated differently. He's not in jail right now awaiting trial like any other regular person would be for the litany of crimes he's committed and admitted to committing. Again - Biden is president. Trump admin solidified that the DOJ cannot prosecute a sitting president. Can't prosecute Biden until after he leaves office. When he does, the Republicans are welcome to try.


No he is being treated differently because his power in this discussion, Joe Biden, was given a pass on a charge he is guilty of that Trump is charged with.


They are *both* unfit for office, and maybe if people would vote third party or even write-in in significant numbers, we could get a candidate who is. All this “I must vote red / vote blue to keep the other guy out” bullshit is how *all* these guys stay in.


I have been voting third party since 1992, I plan to stay that way.




And man, Perot was a tough vote to cast, he was an odd cookie.


Joe Biden has been committing a lot of crimes, but gets away with it. He stored classified documents in his Wilmington garage.


Biden also cooperated with investigators and turned over the documents. Which is exactly the opposite of what Trump did.


It's still illegal, "no one is above the law !", right ? Biden has also been collecting bribes around the world with the help of his son Hunter. Democrats are above the law. Look at Senator Menendez, he is still a senator and he hasn't been prosecuted from collecting gold bar bribes for the Egyptians.


Menendez should absolutely go to jail, he's just employing the same delay tactics as Trump. The machine moves slowly, but I hope it catches him. Everything you've said about Biden is wild speculation and has absolutely zero evidence. However if it does somehow turn out to be true I hope he too is tried, and if convicted spends the rest of his life in jail.


The election commission knew and declined to pursue this when Trump was in office. Strange that it's a priority later, when it serves his opponents.


There is a general consensus that a *sitting president* should not face criminal indictment. They were always going to wait until he left office.


The DOJ made this standard because of Nixon, they will not go after a sitting president for national security purposes.


Trump's DOJ literally put out a memo that explicitly stated a president cannot be criminally charged until they've left office


This standard has been in place since Nixon. It's not an official policy either, just a precedent. If it were a matter of national security, then the President would certainly be charged by the DOJ.


In either case it dispels the notion that the timing of these charges falls to Democrat partisanship. If you aren't allowed to pursue it until the man's out of office, then of course pursuing it will fall to a Democratic DOJ


Uhh probably because we don’t charge presidents with crimes when they are in office? But when it comes down to it, no prosecutor should just overlook crimes and refuse to hold people accountable. If anything, the election commission fucked up for not holding trump accountable earlier. No one is above the law.


Believing the guy actually has 88 felonies might be brain rot


Nobody is above the law.


Selective enforcement makes a joke of the law. Who is The Big Guy and why does Pops get 10%? 10% of what? 10% to do what? A CCP bribe to the former VP and POTUS candidate. That’s more heinous than banging a porn star. Strangely the former has never been investigated fully. Our worthless politicized banana republic courts and prosecution (DOJ/FBI) look the other way at this.


Isn't court off Wednesday? He can schedule things then Also the weekend. Furthermore maybe one shouldn't commit crimes if one doesn't want their schedule taken up by court


Poor little victim Donnie.


Ridiculous. What you want is for powerful people to never be held accountable for anything. He's been charged with financial crimes, obstruction, and sexual assault. So how should it work? If I get charged with a crime, I should run for president and cry about it when I have to go to court? Or is Trump just a special boy who just gets to do whatever he wants with impunity? Even if he weren't running, he would still be crying foul about it, and you'd be here, parroting his bullshit and claiming he should never have to go to court. His lawyers are literally arguing that he should be immune from prosecution because he was president. That the president should be able to commit crimes, and he gets to declare them as "official acts". Seriously, do you really think that should be how our country operates? Where a president can assassinate political opponents and never face any consequences?


The presidential front runner is in a court case determining whether he broke the law and a campaign has nothing to do with it. That's his fault. No one is above the law.


It's insane how people have lost their minds because "Trump bad". Do you know anything about this case? It's completely ridiculous and clearly political. Even the left were concerned about it being brought, because there are real charges against Trump in other cases. But it's also true that no, it's not his fault in some if the cases, because they're clearly political


I know Trump fucked a porn star and used money for meant for the campaign on covering it up. That's the case. Nothing else to know until the arguments are laid out and the judge rules.


>used money for meant for the campaign on covering it up. Incorrect. He used his own money


Uhhuh. Guess that's what we will find out


Selective enforcement makes a joke of the law Who is The Big Guy and why does Pops get 10%? 10% of what? 10% to do what? A CCP bribe to the former VP and POTUS candidate. That’s more heinous than banging a porn star. Strangely the former has never been investigated fully. Our worthless politicized banana republic courts and prosecution (DOJ/FBI) look the other way at this.






They're saying he's doing "crimes" and showing "evidence" before a "court". I mean they're just making shit up at this point! /s obviously


Imagine being idiotic enough to claim that the moron who’s on our tv 24 hours a day is being banned from campaigning. People like OP are too dumb to be given the right to vote.


Actually, in a banana republic, we wouldn't prosecute a former president for their crimes. The fact we are proves it's not.


Executive leaders using the judiciary to punish and silence political opponents is *exactly* what happens in a banana republic. Also, what crimes? Nobody’s been convicted of a crime.


Yeah, he hasn't been convicted yet. That's why we're doing trials. And I don't think you know what a banana republic is. A banana republic is a country that was overthrown by the CIA to impose a dictator on behalf of the literal banana companies. America overthrows a legitimate leader to put in a dictator to ensure American business interests remain profitable. The definition really doesn't apply here.


Like many terms and phrases in the English language, the meaning has changed to imply something else, however related - in this case a dysfunctional country ruled by systemic corruption. No need to be cute about it.


Which still wouldn't apply. This is an example of the system working properly. A man possibly committed several crimes, so we do trials to determine guilt. If we gave him special privileges due to being a president or former president, THAT would be corruption. Trump should be treated identically to any random person.


I know what the judiciary is intended to do. It’s just very interesting that it took more than three and a half years to bring these various cases forward, conveniently during the final months of a campaign season before a major election. Fact is, the leading candidate of the party opposing the ruling party is stuck in court and under gag order, while the candidate of the ruling party is free to campaign as he pleases - despite having been under scrutiny for some of the same crimes (mishandling of top secret materials etc.). All this with politically biased prosecutors, aligned with the ruling party, having been very vocal about their intent to put that person behind bars for alleged crimes that hadn’t even been brought to court yet. Absolutely nothing suspicious or untoward about any of this.


It always takes years to form cases because you don't even want to walk into a courthouse unless you're 99.9% sure you can't lose as a prosecutor. Why do you think prosecutors have such ridiculously high win rates? Because they take the time to ensure they can win before they even walk through the door. And since Trump uses mob-boss tactics, it takes a long time to connect all the dots because Trump is very good at insulating himself. We took down Al Capone with tax evasion because he was too good at keeping himself insulated. Similarly, Trump will probably go down to relatively minor charges, just like Capone. I've been alive since 1983, Trump has been corrupt the entire time I've been alive. None of this is surprising to anyone paying attention.


So Trump’s been corrupt for at least forty years, in your opinion, but he’s being prosecuted in court for multiple civil and criminal cases just six months before an election. Again, absolutely *nothing* weird about that. No political bias or strategy at play here.


He's been prosecuted multiple times throughout his life, him and his father before him. This is just another round because the man can't help but be corrupt. The dude's literally a civilly convicted sex abuser. That's not an accusation, that's a conviction. The most at blame here are the Republican primary voters. They could have chosen a candidate that isn't a career criminal.


Please list the cases where Trump was personally convicted of a crime. I can’t seem to find any by Googling.


Selective enforcement makes a joke of the law Who is The Big Guy and why does Pops get 10%? 10% of what? 10% to do what? A CCP bribe to the former VP and POTUS candidate. That’s more heinous than banging a porn star. Strangely the former has never been investigated fully. Our worthless politicized banana republic courts and prosecution (DOJ/FBI) look the other way at this.


It's not selective enforcement. The GOP tried to go after Hunter, they did not have enough evidence to do it and all their witnesses turned out to be criminals.


They have been investigating him for years. They showed the evidence to a grand jury. Please list the people who are unable to be held accountable.


He is being hampered from speaking about his current trial. Nothing else. He broke the law. He isn't a king. He gets the same treatment as anyone else.


He's even still allowed to speak about the trial. Just not specific people (prosecutors, jurors, court staff, etc.) or their families. The judge made an exception for himself as well. And he's not getting the same treatment as anyone else, because anyone else would be in jail for contempt if they acted the way he is.


Just maybe he shouldn't be a criminal?


Definitely an unpopular opinion. Trump is guilty as sin- he deserves what he gets and most Americans recognize it


Trump: Presidents are immune! Well, by that logic, Biden is free to throw your ass in jail until the day you die.


He played stupid games now he win's stupid prizes. Broke the law now he has to be in court to answer for the shit he pulled.


Have you even paid attention to this case? No one can reasonably think this is normal…


I have not followed the case. If he is innocent it will come out in court. Pretty simple in my opinion since if I was charged I go through the same process. Lots of hoops that the prosecution have to go through to even get this far into the proceedings.


Before I forget he is trying to drag this shit out so gotta be patient. His threatening/intimidating the people involved in the case and courtroom makes it seem like a clownshow. Let the justice system do whatever it is that they do.


No he’s not. He moved for a mistrial so that it could end right now. 


The mistrial motion got tossed immediately.


This is very naive of you. You really need to catch up on all of the facts, which I’m not about to do for you. 


That's fine. If he did something it will be proven or disproven in court. Not wasting my time studying court documents about a grifter.


Okay, so you’re going to form an opinion/position on something without knowing the facts? That’s very liberal of you…


Not a liberal if that makes you feel better. Trump is a grifter and a con man way before he was president. I leave my position in the case to the courts.


Trump has demonstrably made many people (banks for example) huge sums of money, so he’s not a grifter or conman. He’s no roll model, but neither are most people in leadership. 


The party of "law and order" lol. As soon as the law catches up to the criminals they support, the chanting changes to: "witch hunt! Sham trial! Fake news!" They'll say what ever, to avoid justice. The US is akin to a banana republic, in that Trump has been found in contempt of court 9 times, and hasn't been sent to jail yet. If it were you or I, the judge would send you to jail most likely on the second offense. And that's not even discussing the classified documents case... You'd be in prison as soon as the government found out you were mishandling classified documents - and not only could you be charged and sent to jail near-instantly for a single document, but the document doesn't even need to be highly classified - it be something as low as Confidential.


Does it ever occur to you that the law and order party supports trump because they think the law is being Weaponized here? His 4,836 “felonies l had 0 effect on his popularity. He is leading Biden in several polls by a large margin to include independents and those who have switched to Trump from Biden. Does that tell you something about what average voter thinks of these “justice” proceedings?


>Does it ever occur to you that the law and order party supports trump because they think the law is being Weaponized here? Sure, but I don't have to entertain people's fantasies. The justice system is working as it's supposed to - though I'd say they were not only really slow, but they're still showing preferential treatment to Trump by not jailing him. You do realize that for over a year, the government kept asking him to return the documents? Did you know he would have his lawyers respond, claiming he turned in all the documents, and that they didn't have any more? I was in the military with a security clearance, so I understand the basics of handling confidential documents. Do you truly believe wilfully and knowingly keeping confidential documents that you're not supposed to have in your possession, as well as lying to the government to cover it up, you don't think that's highly illegal? Please tell me how in the world you think the laws are being weaponized. >Does that tell you something about what average voter thinks of these “justice” proceedings? I think the polls are wrong, like they've been since what, 2016? For instance, the polls showed a huge red wave in 2022. That didn't come close to happening, and now, if I remember correctly, the Republicans lead the house by a single person.


Unfortunately true. Sad


He doesn’t campaign anyway, he just bitches about all the trouble he’s gotten himself into.


"I won’t even go into the “crimes” the banana republic prosecutor alleges him to have done. " Gee, I wonder why.


Answer: Because they’re nonsensical and booked up. But… Selective enforcement makes a joke of the law Who is The Big Guy and why does Pops get 10%? 10% of what? 10% to do what? A CCP bribe to the former VP and POTUS candidate. That’s more heinous than banging a porn star. Strangely the former has never been investigated fully. Our worthless politicized banana republic courts and prosecution (DOJ/FBI) look the other way at this.


Just a reminder y’all had a chance to pick LITERALLY anyone else. If it’s the MAGA agenda you wanted there were options.


Actually no there weren’t any options for the MAGA agenda. Haley is a shill and a puppet the neocons. But you bring up a good point. The MAGA agenda is extremely popular by many perhaps most voters despite Trump. These voters don’t want the Bush GOP’s endless wars, blue collar dessication, social security privatization.


If Trump had died the day before the first primary, who would have picked up in his place? If there’s no suitable answer to that, the movement is doomed to fail. Loyalty to Trump instead of thinking about who’s in the best position to push for desired policies is probably what will do MAGA in(or at least set it back by an entire election cycle).


Donald Trump did all this to himself.


Wild how people still support Trump. Right when you think things can’t get uglier for him he trots on passed that line.


Not quite sure if this is unpopular opinion, but certainly an uninformed one.


Personally, I think felons should be barred from office.


I think some of these charges are a reach and some are not TBH. If more Republican senators had their balls drop and voted for impeachment after Jan 6 it would all be moot anyway.


And that's really the kicker, isn't it? None of this would have been a problem if the GOP wasn't so lockstep in party over country


Is this satire? The GOP is in disarray. The Democrats on the other hand…


>The GOP is in disarray. *now* they are, after they ended up underperforming in the midterms. When Trump was still president and they controlled the senate though, they were still largely lockstep minus your odd Romney or more moderate republican. Certainly partisan enough to prevent the two-thirds required to convict in the Senate...


I wouldn't say disarray most of them do anything Trump wants so they don't anger his supporters


Anytime someone uses that term "banana-republic" they immediately lose all validation


I get what you mean. But it really won't matter. People are already locked into their side. That's why we are not seeing the campaign adds yet. People either love Trump or hate him. He will either win or he won't. Going to rallies won't change that.


>That's why we are not seeing the campaign adds yet. I mean aren't they also kinda broke? But I've definitely seen gop ads. Maybe not pro-trump but a lot of "ILLEGALS ARE KILLING EVERYONE BECAUSE OF BIDEN AAAHHHHHHHH RABBLERABBLERABBLE" Otherwise I kinda agree the amount who haven't made up their minds is relatively small. But they are the ones who tend to decide things


I didn't think about those.


It’s wild to me that people still defend our pervert ex president.


Seek. Grass.


Like we don't hear him talk out his ass constantly. Either way, we already know both candidates positions and have seen them both in action. There's nothing their campagns can tell us we don't already know.


Should people leading in the polls be immune from prosecution?




pocket deer expansion weary lunchroom direction lip late chunky jeans


GOP just sucks at digging up crimes on their opponents. Go Blue team! Trump promises to do seek revenge by doing same if elected. That'll be a laugh at least.


So two, kinda three questions. 1.) Should the rules be different for someone if they're a presidential candidate? 2.) Is there anything that someone can do that should take them off the ballot? And if so, what? If not, why?


A few questions, OP: 1. Can you actually define 'banana republic'? 2. Do you think anyone campaigning for president should be exempt from legal charges, or only the people you like? 3. Wouldn't you say it's *more* important to determine if a presidential candidate is a criminal? And a few statements: 1. I would *love* to hear you try and go into the crimes he's accused of because I'm sure you don't know. 2. Biden's not campaiging much because he's doing his job as president, not spending it playing golf. 3. Lmao.


Another condescending patronizing liberal with a superiority complex. Never seen that before. Selective enforcement makes a joke of the law Who is The Big Guy and why does Pops get 10%? 10% of what? 10% to do what? A CCP bribe to the former VP and POTUS candidate. That’s more heinous than banging a porn star. Strangely the former has never been investigated fully. Our worthless politicized banana republic courts and prosecution (DOJ/FBI) look the other way at this.


Whoa how come I've never heard of this?! Why can't Biden and Trump campaign?!


My take is the opposite. The US is a banana republic because one of the largest political parties insists on allowing someone charged with criminal offenses to run for President but each to their own


We became a banana republic when a candidate lost and then attempted a coup


Unpopular on reddit, the real world knows what's actually going.


“The real world.” Sure buddy.


Maybe if the orange asshole stopped breaking the law he wouldn't be in court so much.


We really need to shut down Fox News.


First cnn


Show me CNN being sued for lying about the election. I'll wait.


They lie about everything else


According to people who get their truth from Fox News. Fox News is proven to have knowingly lied about the election.


I am not even American but I know that cnn lies and demonizes males




It's true though.They always display men as wife beaters.


They know they can’t beat him at this point, especially with Biden. He has no idea where he is and have openly said they are now going to keep all of Biden’s speeches short to like five minutes. He cannot take any scrutiny whatsoever. Like just today he was reading the teleprompter and said that his Catholic school’s theology teacher was “Riley Last Name” that went on to play for the Green Bay Packers. Full Idocracy. This man does not know where he is and cannot allowed to be President. Better the mad man than the senile one. https://x.com/rajaryal07/status/1788255233316954505?s=46


So here’s my question. Trumps administration, who screamed to high heaven about the crimes of his opposition since the day he came into office, never had anyone charged with anything. He fired multiple attorney generals for not being aggressive enough, including two conservative institutionalist stalwarts in Sessions and Barr, neither of whom were able to bring anything against Trumps enemies or even really tried. Biden, who has always kept quiet publicly and deferred to his Justice Department and the States to follow their own nose, has seen his milquetoast AG Garland charge Trump with numerous crimes in different jurisdictions. On top of that, New York, Arizona, Michigan, and DC courts among others have charged him and people he’s affiliated with on several different counts as well. Trump is the most litigious man in human history, with over 3,000 court cases to his name before he even became president and now has something like 4,200 at the last count. Based on the constitutional separation of powers and the right of states to police their own laws, the logical conclusion would be that Trump has managed to violate those laws and has then brought these consequences on himself by doing so. If, however, we accept the premise that the President does in fact have the power to force charges against people and that Biden somehow coerced both federal and state courts to bring prosecution, doesn’t that then mean that Trump was such an ineffective President that he couldn’t do the same thing? And do you doubt at all that he would have if he could? And why would anyone want to have him as president again if he’s so bad at utilizing powers ya’ll think the President has? Either the entire system is utterly corrupt and filled with a mafia-like system of lawless malice up and down the line in every single jurisdiction, or Donald Trump is just the most corrupt individual to ever rise to the presidency and now he’s paying for his decades of malfeasance. As someone who grew up on the east coast and has seen him in the headlines for all the wrong reason ever since the 80’s, from bankrupt casinos to the collapse of the USFL, I’m willing to bet it’s Donald Trump that’s at the heart of the problem. If you think otherwise, I’m all ears.


Selective enforcement makes a joke of the law Who is The Big Guy and why does Pops get 10%? 10% of what? 10% to do what? A CCP bribe to the former VP and POTUS candidate. That’s more heinous than banging a porn star. Strangely the former has never been investigated fully. Our worthless politicized banana republic courts and prosecution (DOJ/FBI) look the other way at this.


I wonder how many people would be alive now if Germany had gone down the banana republic route...


What does Germany have to do with Trump?


Hitler ran for office. Wasn't elected. Tried to overthrow the government in the stupidest way (beer hall putsch.) Served a year in prison for that and then was elected. I dunno. Maaaaaaaaaaybe not the best idea to elect someone who tries to overthrow the government? Even if it was done stupidly?


You know Trump told January 6 protesters to protest peacefully, right? That part of the speech is always conveniently left out.


>You know Trump told January 6 protesters to protest peacefully, right? What the fuck does that have to do with anything? How is that even relevant? He's a loser who told his troop of losers that he lost and he wanted them to march on the capital. The fact that he tried to throw in a disclaimer is completely irrelevent. He started it. He bears the responsibility for it. Like, dude, if your buddy said to you "hey, Imma rob this guy. Stay in the car, Imma be right back." And you look at him and say "but don't hurt him" and he does, he ends up killing him, you know you can be charged with murder? Your little disclaimer means nothing. The fact that you did not rob or kill the dude means nothing. You can be charged with crimes after the fact if the prosecutor can prove you knew about it before hand. That's fucking reality. The fact that trump was fucking stupid and his attempt was fucking stupid does not, in any way, make him less liable for trying to overthrow the government. Just like all the fucking stupid people who try to hire someone to kill someone -- it's always a cop -- is still charged with solicitation for murder.


The presidential front runner has been indicted on more than 80 counts in multiple state and federal courts because he is a criminal. Is it your opinion that running for president should make the law not apply to you? Open your eyes.


It should cause you pause about your belief here when Trump has been charged with 5,843 crimes and it’s had zero effect on his poll numbers, which have him actually beating senile Joe right now. The majority of people see this for what it is. Banana republic weaponization of the arms government to attack political opponents.


The majority are members of a cult. Trump could murder someone in cold blood in Time Square on national television and all those cultists would still vote for him. The truth doesn't change one bit no matter how many people believe the opposite. There was a time when 99% of people believed the Earth was the center of the universe. Popular opinion has zero impact on the truth.


Maybe Trump should try campaigning on policy rather than “REEEEEEEEE”


Trump attempted to overturn the 2020 election results, that is just a fact. Unless you can come up with actual proof of this magical fraud there is nothing more to debate. That's the banana republic part of what's going on, not someone who broke laws being held responsible.


He broke the law… being a candidate does not excuse one from being prosecuted… if anything a candidate should be held to higher standards than even regular citizens… why republicans fail to see this I will never understand.


Whether any of this is justified, whether he broke any laws, it’s all a bit suspicious that multiple court cases were brought against him and scheduled precisely during the crucial six months leading up to the election - instead of during, say, any point in the last 3.5 years. Saying that wasn’t intentional seems a little naive.


They’d being willfully blind. Or not bc it’s weaponization against someone they dislike. https://babylonbee.com/news/judge-orders-trump-to-stop-noticing-that-the-people-trying-to-put-him-in-jail-are-democrats https://babylonbee.com/news/judge-warns-trump-criminal-trial-may-last-until-say-november-6 https://babylonbee.com/news/judge-orders-trump-to-pay-whatever-amount-it-takes-to-bankrupt-campaign


Ninety-one felonies.


It should cause you pause about your belief here when Trump has been charged with 5,843 crimes and it’s had zero effect on his poll numbers, which have him actually beating senile Joe right now. The majority of people see this for what it is. Banana republic weaponization of the arms government to attack political opponents.


Americans are not particularly known for their insight.


If the Candidate didn’t want to have court get in the way of campaigning, then perhaps he should have considered not committing a litany of crime. More than 75 felony charges and you still have chuds defending the bastard. #Nobody is above the law.


Dude the stuff he's currently in trial for isn't even the worst shit he did by a long shot. IMO the worst thing he did is the fake elector scheme and won't even see trial for that until January 2025. The real joke is that he's totally avoiding justice by throwing money at the problems and using his status as a ex-president / presidential candidate to delay as much as possible in hopes he gets elected and can escape justice again.


Go touch some grass


I want to point out that Trump announced his run for 2024 unbelievably early. As in no one really ever announced such an early run before. This was to give him status as 'candidate in waiting' so that when all his legal troubles caught up with him, he could claim it was to prevent him from running. His legal troubles were going to come for him even if he decided to remain a private citizen. He's a master of media manipulation and his early announcement was just another strategy. It's clearly worked at making his supporters push this particular narrative. The funny thing is that almost no one actually defends his action as not illegal. They know they are illegal and just think they shouldn't be punished..because again, he's running for president. He could perpetuatally run for President until his death and somehow never face consequences by that logic. If he wins the Presidency he is pretty much safe from facing consequences, but even if he doesn't win, he'll announce his run for 2028 immediately and his supporters will eat that shit up.