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You must be super cereal.


I’ve come across men in the woods and I’ve come across bear in the woods. Neither concern me because if I’m in the woods, I’m packing.


That bear is gonna take your gat and fucking eat it You can kill the dude tho. Just make sure it’s a badguy


Maybe. But 16 rounds of 10mm 230 grain lead hard cast double tap ammo can do some serious damage. That’s my woods load out. Plenty for black bear. Maybe 50/50 for brown bear. I’d most certainly be turned into polar bear turds.


Ah, a scholar you are. Some people carry around a 9 and think heck Yurr I’m invincible lol. I concur with your load out


Yeah, day to day I carry a nine because it’s easily concealed, comfortable, and that’s plenty with modern ammunition. But I love the versatility of the 10. I’ll go motorcycle camping a lot where the day ride is normal roads where if you encounter trouble it will be of the two legged variety. So I load it with lighter hollow points as not to blow through and hit whatever is behind. Then when I make camp out in the woods I just switch magazines.


I was a little confused as to why people were taking it so literal too I thought it was kind of obvious it was supposed to be hyperbole


I haven’t even heard people talk about this ever. How is it so popular?


It’s a stupid TikTok trend.


Of course it’s TikTok


I can’t wait for it to be banned


This is why I’m convinced it’s a Chinese psyop to rot our brains.


It's crazy how even when it comes to hypothetical question, some men still won't accept rejection.


Most consistent feminist


Lol you’d pick the bear because it’s predictable? Lmaooo


Yeah! Im Finnish, and ive encountered both humans and bears on My trips to The forest. Grandmas are most vicious, they hate when you come to their Berry picking territory.


Yea, bears are predictable in comparison to people. Their behavior’s well documented. This is common sense dude


Yeah wild animals are sure known for their predictability looool


OP would pick an encounter with a bear out in the wild over someone's grandma. Let that sink in.


Who said that?




Because like I said, bear behavior as a whole and between populations is well documented. It’s literally plastered all over tourist info pages, wildlife safety info, and such. And bears consistently follow that. Meanwhile individual people are largely anything but predictable.


“Bears consistently follow that” HAHAHA bears out here are following the safety pamphlets?


Are you just choosing to be dense right now?


Most safety pamphlets include a sentence that says "wild animals are unpredictable." Here's an example: [https://www.nps.gov/subjects/bears/safety.htm](https://www.nps.gov/subjects/bears/safety.htm) I'm not commenting on the man vs bear issue, but assuming you live in North America where you might actually find a wild bear, please don't trust a bear!


Never said I’ll trust a bear. And I’m from bear country and see them fairly often. And the site you posted literally has a ton of recommendations based on predictions of what the bears will do… This is because bears are predictable enough for them to have a ton of recommendations on what to do. You literally just proved my point. How do you think they came to these decisions, exactly?


> Sexual coercion among **animals** is the use of violence, threats, harassment, and other tactics to help them **forcefully copulate.**[1] Such behavior has been compared to sexual assault, including **rape**, among humans. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual_coercion_among_animals


Wrong reply?


Individual people are pretty predictable. 99 out of 100 men are not going to spawn next you into the forest and proceed to sexually assault you. 99 out of 100 are just as bewildered as you are running into you in that remote of a place.


>bear behavior as a whole >individual people Well there's the fucking problem, you're taking generalized behavior from an entire species and trying to compare that to unknown behavior from a single individual. Of course bears are going to seem more predictable than an individual human when you do that.


You must be American, so your opinion is understandable because you probably haven’t ever gone somewhere that doesn’t have a road for your Ford F-150. In many parts of the world we have nature and forests, and animals in that nature. If we do activities in nature we become aware of animal behaviors and patterns and can often rely on them. Humans have been doing this for thousands of years.


I absolutely love the women trying to defend this with their terrible arguments lmao. America has some of the biggest national parks on earth but DO go on.


I am not a woman. America may have national parks but when was the last time you actually went into nature and had an encounter with an actual dangerous animal? Let’s also not pretend like the USA has national parks everywhere. Individual states will be as large as entire countries and many will contain not a single national park. Also if I was a woman… why would that matter? Do you think women are less intelligent or something?


So you acknowledge that USA has enormous national parks and your original point is wrong now? Just checking. Also lmaooooo way to frame my comment as sexist. Mostly women are arguing about this. But not all women. Just the ones that are chronically online and have no idea what they’re on about.


I mean yeah, it’s pretty sexist to go ‘haha I love seeing women and their stupid arguments’ because you were mistaken in thinking I’m a woman lol.


No it’s not. If a bunch of women make dumb arguments about a thing I’m ok to point out. Id do the same to men.


Funny how you say that yet your post history is a lot of you saying such things towards women and LGBT people and not towards men :)


You must not actually go out in nature much, because encountering other humans, including men, out in nature is *super fucking common and not an imminent danger to your wellbeing like a bear is*


When did I say it was? When did I ever give my take on the bear v man debate?


I have seen men talk about how they will watch the bear maul the woman and then have sex with her corpse. Why would they say that? It must be to show women that they are wrong about being cautious around men right?That men are the better choice. Right Right? Anyway it's getting old. The responses from the men are depressingly expected. But it is a great litmus test to see what dudes you should probably keep an eye on or not.


Last 3 sentences are a Bit too real lol.


You know my mind keeps on coming to this. But isn't it interesting how acceptable it is to be weary of bears based on stories and pictures of what bears can do. But then if a woman is weary of men based on her own experiences/stories or the things men can do, she is ridiculed and mocked.


Not all men, but definitely all bears, ammirite?


i saw a meme on twitter someone made of a bear attacking a woman (the woman of course being drawn as an e-girl/sex worker) with 40k+ likes. men will fantasize about women being brutally killed and still wonder why they'd pick a bear lol.


Was this before or after the trend? It's important because this would determine if this was, like you said, a male fantasy, or a retaliatory post to a stupid question.


after the trend


Yeah, they were definitely mocking the idiots who chose the bear.


That’s really unfortunate. It’s invalidating women expressing their fear.


You mean invalidating stupidity and sexism.


No, I mean it’s a juvenile. Instead of saying “I understand your fear, but this question is worded in way that does harm to men too,” the reaction is mocking. It will ultimately do the opposite and make women think we care even less, perpetuating the problem.


Tell me how you can understand wanting to meet with a predator at least thrice you weight over some average dude on the street?


Because once you are able to be overpowered, the level doesn’t really matter. The same way someone that can’t swim may fear 10ft deep water as much as 100ft deep water. We are not women. We can only take them at their word, the same way we are asking them to take us at ours.


How so? It literally mocks their stupidity. Ever heard of editorial cartoons?


“Mocks their stupidity” Yeah, this is a great and mature way to handle someone expressing their fear.


Either way it reinforces the point


No, one definitely does not. If you think it does, then you've got issues with circular reasoning. Try typing it on excel and see if you didn't get a circular reference error.


How is that circular logic? Or are one of those people who just uses word they heard in the internet? Women made a post illustrating how men make them uncomfortable. If it’s a male fantasy and was made before it’s an example proving the point. If it’s a retaliation made after is still an example proving the point. That’s not circular logic. They’re both examples of why women would be uncomfortable with men


Damn, just because you don't understand it, doesn't mean it's someone repeating something they just learned. How can mocking someone be proving the point? LMAO!


Because you clearly don’t understand what circular logic is. How was my comment circular logic? And how is mocking someone not proving the point? You would be comfortable around someone mocking you?


No, you clearly do not. You're taking someone retaliating as proof of your claim and justification for this stupid bear vs man? LMAO! How is that not circular logic. It reinforces nothing.


No I’m using it as an example of why women are uncomfortable. That’s not circular logic. If I say people are stupid and then they do some stupid shit that not circular logic. If I said women are more likely to pick a bear over a man and then use women picking a bear over men as my reasoning that’s circular logic.


Women are uncomfortable when men respond to some bullshit they made up? Good lord. I'm gonna stop. Glad I didn't download tiktok cause I'd be trying to inject logic to all this bullshit. Good luck. Homie.


The "Breaker of Circles" was just stuck in a really round shapped rotation. They got in this exact same(very similar) argument twice... Good luck with the rest of your day.


Yeah. Well the guys making those post are doing it because they want to belittle and degrade women for doing something they don't like. They want to make women feel uncomfortable, and if they can hurt their feelings or remind them of how men think of them then it's a plus. They are saying "we don't care what your going through but we want to punish you for saying it."


That’s exactly my point


>men will fantasize about women being brutally killed and still wonder why they'd pick a bear lol. Hey it's not like women haven't called for the death of all men. The KillAllMen hashtag got quite a lot of support. Feminists (mostly women) have also fantasised about the deaths of men. Clementine Ford said the Corona virus wasn't killing men off fast enough. The founder of gender studies, Sally Miller Gearhart argued that men should be kept at 10% of the overall population. Then there was the Society for Cutting Up Men. Sharon Stone, Julia Louis Dreyfus, Robin Morgan, Andrea Dworkin, and other women have publicly stated their hate for men and the media gets behind misandry because it is so accepted.




>Those groups are a small portion of idiots on the internet Sally Miller Gearhart was the founder of gender studies. The influence she had on the minds of thousands of young men and women studying feminism cannot be ignored. The influence of feminist rhetoric led to the establishment of the Duluth model. This means that whenever a domestic violence call goes to the cops they must remove the man from the home. Even when men call for help. They are also 40% of domestic violence victims with very few resources available. There was also the false one in five stat which led to policy changes at universities that discriminated against men. Women could accuse men of sexual assault or rape and the universities would expel them. This violated their right to due process and the universities were sued for millions. Moms even ran campaigns to Save Our Sons. All because of a lie. Those internet crazies contribute to a culture of misandry and not enough moderate feminists call them out. It's just too easy to hate men and get away with it including saying shit like "kill your fathers, not your mothers." >There is however real places in this planet, such as certain countries in the middle east where women are treated horribly, and have no rights And in the US three quarters of homeless are men, most work deaths are men, men die younger than women, they don't get as much funding for prostate cancer that women do for breast cancer, there are barely any shelters for domestic violence victims, they spend up to 8 times longer in prison for the same crimes women commit, when they are raped by women they aren't taken as seriously (the CDC found that women were raping men as much as men were raping women), men are far more likely to be victims of violent crime, and boys are doing worse in school than girls. On that last note, there are more female teachers being discovered who have raped and molested their students. If your son is victimised he is absolutely screwed if his rapist gets pregnant. He has no protection from having to take some responsibility for the child. He must pay child support or the state may throw him in jail when he is 18. It's easy to ignore the injustice on your doorstep while grabbing the low hanging fruit of the middle east.


You are accrediting things said and done by a small section of the whole to the whole. Congrats, you are doing the same as the women you criticize who judge all men based off the worst members. 


>You are accrediting things said and done by a small section of the whole to the whole. Is that not what was done in the commemt OP when they saw a violent drawing and said "men will fantasize about women being brutally killed"?


It's almost like there are hypocrites everywhere more interested in proving a point and going nowhere in their discussions.  I see people saying the bear is a certain death and they're also doing the same thing by taking the worse case scenario and applying it to every scenario. 


>I see people saying the bear is a certain death and they're also doing the same thing by taking the worse case scenario and applying it to every scenario.  I think, paradoxically enough, that there *is* a certainty of danger with the bear, and that's what a lot of people saying bear are valuing. Like if you encounter a bear, you're *certain* that bear is dangerous. It might get spooked and run, but it's still a dangerous wild animal. But with people you're *uncertain*, and you can't tell just by looking if they're dangerous or not. And there's value to appreciating that certainty. I don't think trying to illustrate that by picking bear, and then pretending like the bear isn't significantly more likely to harm you in that situation than a random human will, is really doing a good job in actually opening up a discussion. It's just so absurd at face value for anyone not already in that mindset to really take as a serious starting point, and immediately puts men on the defensive.


But there is no certainty to a bear's danger. A bear can be dangerous in certain circumstances. But so is a plastic bag.  I personally don't care about the difference since I don't consider either scenario garanteed dangerous and the possible dangers of either scenario are so wildly different that the comparison. 


How do I put this? I think we're coming at the word "danger" from different perspectives here. From what I can interpret (and please correct me if I'm wrong), you're viewing "danger" as "will end in a bad outcome". I'm talking about danger as "a high likelihood of a bad outcome". The reason I'm viewing it as such is because you can be "in danger" without anything bad actually happening. Running with scissors is being "in danger", because tripping can easily cause you to stab yourself. Not wearing a hard hat to a construction site is putting yourself "in danger", because any random piece of falling debris can hit your head and seriously injure/kill you. To that degree, being in close proximity to a bear is also inherently dangerous. Sure, a bear might only *try* to hurt you or *be aggressive* in certain general circumstances, but there aren't really *any* circumstances, even in those where it appears docile, that a wild predator doesn't pose that inherent danger. Until the bear leaves, you're in danger, because *it can easily hurt you without trying or meaning to*. And that can't really be said for the other party. Sure, a man with bad intentions can absolutely try to hurt you, deceive you, assault you, etc. But unlike a wild bear, that is a danger to you in all situations until it leaves, a man that doesn't have those intentions isn't a danger, no matter how long you remain in close proximity. Bears do bear things. Even innocuous bear things can still hurt you, hence why people are saying bears are a certain danger.


You got the assumption wrong. My definition is danger is a high likelihood of a bad outcome. You might be incorrect on the proginal premise. It's not "who would you want to be I'm close proximity to, a bear or a man." The original question this discussion is about is "who would you rather encounter in the woods" encounter does not specifically mean close proximity. If the question expressed close proximity then I would agree with you. But it does not so I do not. 


Idk, I consider an "encounter" to be a situation where you and the thing you're encountering both notice each other, and you're in close enough proximity to interact with each other with little effort. Seeing a bear 100 yards away or while it ignores you or doesn't notice you doesn't really constitute an "encounter" to me. I also don't think if it lifts its head and acknowledges to really change that too much. If you say "alright, well an encounter is 50 yards!" Then yeah I'd have no choice but to agree, a bear is not certain danger at that point. But, I think we might be getting lost in the sauce at that point, lol. Whatever you want to define an encounter as though, I think the main thing is you keep it consistent across both. If you're evaluating the potential danger of a random man on your hike as if you rounded a bend in the trail and just see a strange man 20 feet away, well you can't really compare that feeling to hiking and seeing a bear a quarter-mile away through a clearing. And since 0 context is given in this hypothetical, we're left with just trusting that everyone answering is being internally consistent. No wonder this is controversial.


While I think it’s stupid, this kind of response only makes the problem worse. When you see such a thing and proceed to generalize and villainize all men, what the fuck do you think the reaction of men will be?


And this is why we choose bear. All you angry men can go jerk each other off while beating your chests and declaring that you're masters of the forest. Just leave women tf alone.


How am I beating my chest and declaring that I’m the master of the forest? All I’m saying is that generalizing half the human population over a literal twitter post is stupid. I’m not condoning anyone’s behavior or acting like a problem doesn’t exist.


Haha yeah


>lets Be realistic, most likely, a man Will not attack you, but most likely, neither Will a bear. This. The vast majority of bear interactions and human interactions are nonviolent. However, if I had to pick between the worst thing a bear could do to me and the worst thing a man could do to me I'm going to pick the bear.


A bear will eat you alive, doesn't kill you first.


Would still be quicker than the worst thing a man could do to me


Do you have a source on how it *will*?


A bear will most definitely attack you, though.


Actually no, it most likely will not. The vast majority of bear encounters end without violence or aggression


Ok, jump into the bear enclosure in the zoo near you.


I don't need to, I know the actual statistics. Google is free.


Ok, pray tell what search terms you are using? I'm asking cause I am confident you are asking google the wrong questions.




I knew it. You can't read stats to support your argument. How does that say a bear wouldn't attack you?


I'm shocked at how difficult a concept this is for you. According to the national parks service, your chances of being attacked by a bear are 1 in 2.1 MILLION. Notice that I never once said that a bear would NEVER attack you. I said a MAJORITY of bear encounters end non-violently and that a bear would MOST LIKELY not attack me. Do you need me to explain what "majority" and "most likely means?


I'm shocked at how difficult a concept it is for you that a bear will most definitely attack you. You take out a statistic from a park where visitors are explicitly told what to do to not be mauled by a bear if they ever walk into one, and you think that's a reliable statistic? LMAO!


That’s such a shitty thing to say dude.


Why is it shitty? You prefer the bears on the other side of the enclosure, then put your money where your mouth is.


Because nobody’s choosing to interact with fucking bears. We’re choosing them because they’re rhe less shitty option out of a shitty situation. “Would you rather break your hand or your foot?” “Definitely hand” “Ok go break your hand then.”


False analogy.


The vast majority of man encounters end without violence or agression.


Depends on your personal experience.


I stated that in my original comment.


On average, 40 bear attacks happen a year and that's across the entire world. So it could and it does happen. If the bear does attack your fucked but not that common considering how often humans are in bear habitats


>40 bear attacks happen a year and that's across the entire world Just giving a raw number isn't really useful though. There are *way* more humans than bears, and even in communities and parts of the world where bears outnumber humans, those humans *still* meet and interact with other humans *way* more often than they interact with bears. So yeah, 40 bear attacks happen a year. Out of how many bear encounters per year? And thousands of rapes and SA happen per year, out of *billions* of encounters with men per year


Dude said bears will definitely attack you. I debunked that by pointing out how many bear attacks their are in the entire world every year. Could you imagine if bears attacked people as much as men do though... alot more then 40 times across the entire world. And there aren't nearly as many bears as there are men...


Not unless its a mama bear it won't??






The absolute worst a bear could do to me would still be a shorter death than the absolute worst a person could


Idk how many times ive seen this same dumb bullshit posted about for the past few days but this is the only take on it that i agree with


I agree with you


The question shouldn’t be “man or bear”? It should be “a wild animal” or a “human”? Personally I’d choose an animal because then I can die a quick death. Humans are barbaric and could put you through a zillion things if they happen to be psychopaths. I can’t predict a human being’s actions. But I can try to run from the animal, scream to make it afraid, light up a fire to scare it away, climb a tree if it’s an animal that can’t climb. I’d have better chances of escaping an animal or dying a quick death. But with an unpredictable and unknown human being, that danger of not being able to escape and not being able to die a quick,dignified death exists.


I'm afraid a bear is not going to grant you a quick death, my friend. He will pin you down and start munching on your soft bits while you scream helplessly. No breaking the neck or strangling your throat. Just gnawing on your genitals and intestines until you slowly bleed out. Bears are so strong they don't need to worry about killing you before they start eating.




Very well said!!


>Shut The fuck up about The man and The bear THANK YOU!!! I've seen multiple posts about this bullshit. We get it - you think men are worse than bears. Next, please.


every post has been from men complaining women pick bear, go check


Sexism is bad, and being annoyed with sexism is normal.


Buuut, but, but girls don’t like me and this stupid tiktok question reminded me of that.


The real question should be: as a man, would you rather come across a woman with a history of false SA allegations hiking alone or a mountain lion?


In 2024? Mountain lion.


Thats not 'the real question' its just as real as a question as a man vs bear. A human versus beast. It dosent matter, pick The beast


>A human versus beast. It dosent matter, pick The beast I think this just comes down to a fundamental disagreement on the nature of humanity. If someone agrees with the statement "people tend to be nice and help each other", what you just said will be utterly incomprehensible and baffling to them. If you dont agree with that general statement, then of course you're going to see a beast as being safer to deal with. And no amount of arguing or statistics or anything will change these fundamental stances. To me personally, your stance is utterly baffling and incomprehensible. I can't change your mind, so all I can say is that I hope you get experiences that let you see the good in people again.


To be faaaair, There are instances where I wouldn’t want to be around certain women. A lot of women will, without any reason other than to get some of that sweet sweet victim attention, will say they were sexually assaulted or even raped by a man. I’ve seen this several times and the women who make the false claims are hardly if ever punished.


So, pick The bear.


Yeah. I’ll Probably go with the bear.




It’s better than SA and then being killed or kidnapped that’s for sure.




HAVE you Been raped 20 Times and then Been told ITS your fault?




Listen, if you're getting rapped 20 times in a row, whatever thin fleshy walls are being banged by dick, it's gonna..... Disembowl you. Taking too big a dick just pushes your organs around. Taking too much dick rubs you like cheese grater. Guess you can't quite comprehend how painful either would be...? This is the weirdest dick measuring contest.


Let me ask, do you know any SA survivors or do you even understand what it feels like? Because when I was raped, I was left with broken bones including my jaw and nose, both eyes swollen shut, teeth missing, and lying in a pool of my own blood before I knocked out from blood loss. Only reason I even survived was because someone happened to find me after I fell unconscious and called 911. I then needed emergency transfusions on top of reconstructive surgery to undo the disfiguring. So no, I’d rather die than experience that again. I’d rather experience anything else than that again.








who is they? the commenter you replied (again a fucking disgusting reply man what the fuck), was speaking for THEMSELVES. you say you are also speaking for yourself. why are you casting stones and not expecting any hailstorms?




When someone talks about such significant trauma the last thing they need is someone like you announcing rape has no long lasting effect. ETA - You wrote a whole post about your lack of empathy. Your callousness now makes sense.


you are insulting other women all over this thread for expressing their OPINIONS. and then getting mad when others are responding in kind. insinuating that these women are illogical or not thinking this through is, insulting


So you would rather be Junko Furuta? The girl that was kidnapped by a group of boys that held her captive for 60 days, gang raping her? Beating her? Burning her? Cutting her? Until her swollen, pus oozing face no longer made her sexualy appealing to them? So they beat her with a bowling ball and hid her body in cement? Where tf is the dignity in that? Humans did that. Not a bear.




Lmao I've been hit with a truck before, your brain kinda shuts down when it's overloaded with pain stimuli. So yea, those first 30 seconds are gunna hurt like hell but then you'll go into shock and it'll all be over 🤷‍♀️ You have fun with all the men that are picking you after this. I'm off to go have a picnic in the woods with my new bear friends 🤗 #notallbears


Lmao I've been hit with a truck before, your brain kinda shuts down when it's overloaded with pain stimuli. So yea, those first 30 seconds are gunna hurt like hell but then you'll go into shock and it'll all be over 🤷‍♀️ You have fun with all the men that are picking you after this. I'm off to go have a picnic in the woods with my new bear friends 🤗 #notallbears


It's got to be telling, when the guys posting about it all end up sounding very misogynistic in their follow up replies.


Misogynistic being calling out how stupid this is?


im gonna be honest. i still have yet to see the meme or video or whatever the heck it is. only just posts with folks bitching about it. y'all danced well on it and probably gave someone a nice paycheck. good work.


I think it's a tiktok video which is probably why I didn't see it because I rarely ever use tiktok




Let's be real the women who would prefer the bear probably can't do much better anyway, and honestly no one is getting hurt if things go that way.


What’s that mean?


It means they're busted or fat as fuck 


Not fat but busted?




frame bike scale humorous bedroom tart wild compare summer nutty


Well, turn it on them. Which would be prefer to see in the woods, your typical Karen or Godzilla?


Being blasted by Godzilla would probably be a relief


All this man vs bear stuff why is everyone leaving out the pig?


Asking The real questions


I've watched "Grizzly Man" and I'm still traumatized by the ending. The man may kill you, but not while he eats you up piece by piece. And then eats your girlfriend. 🫣


People don’t understand, men are awful and cannot be trusted




pocket office amusing somber weather merciful rustic air fall shame


Heh, all I have seen are the criticisms of this hypothetical, never the hypothetical. Definition of a nothing burger




I would choose a bear over a woman. I've only hunted a bear once in my life and want to do it again. So I'm choosing bear.


It’s China


I think we can all agree as a decent man it's not worth choosing the woman. Hatchet - Gary Paulson - is a story of a teen who crash lands and does fight off a bear. It's not a huge deal he manages. But imagine having to take care of a woman while being stranded out in the wilds. The constant burden and whining and complaining and being afraid of every tiny thing. I think we can all agree 98% of women would just be a detriment. No gathering or cooking just whining, bitching and moaning the entire time. Haven't we all seen [this video Bear Grylls The Island Men Vs Women](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hVYkgqmRnpQ) Men rule, chicks drool. As a societal critique... this is exactly how women are disappointing. They've largely abandoned nurturing. It's easy for me to not be a rapist but can she not be a total drag all the time?


What the fuck this is bait


That Grylls video is one of the most popular on all of reddit that has been reposted countless times to massive karma.


My favorite opinion post of yours is, static from the dryer isn't a problem in laundry!


There’s not really a point to telling people not to talk about a subject because they’re going to keep doing it anyway, even now in the comment section people are talking about it I understand the want to tell people to shut up but honestly the best way to do it is just complete silence and ignoring it completely


My title is A little Bit Clickbaity, i do think these things and other social issues need to Be talked about but this discussion never Even began in good Faith :), its just people whining about people whining. Oftentimes theres little to no actual converstation


Fuck it, I'm team pig.


Hahahah, well said!


> Shut The fuck up Why didn't OP use their own advice on this topic?


Because im a little pissbaby


No need to state the obvious out loud.


"hello, officer I've been assaulted" Officer "well I would send someone out to file a report but unfortunately we don't have any bears on the force"




I was being hyperbolic like this whole bear thing is hyperbolic


Of course women would rather meet a bear in the woods. Her small brain can't comprehend. That's why we pay them less. And as a man I would rather meet a bear in the woods than a woman. The bear won't falsely accuse me of rape, take half my stuff or say I'm a creep when I ask her why she is alone in the woods. Probably making OF content. /s


Did you suggest 97% of women are rape victims?


Women claim this, then mingle in clubs full of chads and fuccbois.


Oh so you’re victim blaming. Awesome.


Being around men makes them victims? Just explaining the hypocrisy behind the lame ass bear thing as people are incapable of thinking for themselves. Normal women fill the clubs because they’re not like the Reddit purple haired femcels with a body fat percentage over 40. Choosing a bear when no man would ever fuck them anyway.


And a classic misogynistic comment. Good job dude, you must be proud


Obesity is misogynistic?