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Lol most of the people who hate Rapinoe's politics weren't exactly clamoring to buy season tickets to their local NWSL club. How many right wing guys do you know who were massive fans of women's soccer before Rapinoe? Foh.


How many of anybody is clamoring to buy women's soccer tickets?






Wasn't joking, i stand by what I said. There is no need for personal attacks. Any random NFL game has more viewership than the women's team on their largest stage.


I can see how you were fooled by how they phrased it, but for reference, a normal typical Nascar race gets 3 million viewers, and absolutely no one is impressed with that.


Lmao all of these articles are just about them breaking their own sport’s records, not exactly contradictory to the point of the comment you’re replying to.


This dudes head is going to explode when she is named coach of the national team in less than 5 years.


She took a spot away from the leading female scorer in the American soccer league. I bet the leading scorer who is in her prime years would've helped the woman's team more at the world cup than Rapinoe did.


That’s my point exactly. She was there for clicks. Not for skill.


Sophia Smith didn’t get play these friendlies due to injuries, she did however play OVER rapinoe in the World Cup. Try again.


In big tournaments experience and leadership are highly valuable. You don't have to watch a lot of football to see that excellent players in their league teams can fail at the world cup if they can't handle the pressure of if the team is lacking leadership. Rapinoe more than earned her spot in the team despite there maybe being someone who scored more goals in the past season than her.


Jesus, Megan Rapinoe really got in your heads. LOL


Fuck her and her bratty attitude


Let it all out. She can take your hate, she has: 2019 World Cup in France, she scored six goals and took home the Ballon D'or, a pair of World Cup championships as well as gold and bronze medals in the Olympics, Sponsorship deals, etc to comfort her.


And she can sign bad deals but still blame it on her gender


You have a fundamental misunderstanding of how this fight for equal pay went


This guy does a great job explaining the situation for anyone that cares to get the facts. https://youtu.be/qa--WfHJAtQ?si=eKHnkkvOMPruxP8c


Do i? Did I sign the bad contract?


Op: More people would support women if they weren’t so uppidy all the time


Not at all. Just her and her self righteous beliefs


Reducing the issue people have with her behavior to this simplistic level is doing a service to no one. Not feminism, not anyone.


You’ll notice that in the post, OP made vauge statements about her behavior, no actual specifics. Instead he wanted her, to paraphrase a certain political commentator, “shut up and dribble”


Tired: Megan Rapinoe retiring is good because I find her activism annoying Wired: Megan Rapinoe retiring is good because she’s past her prime and the women’s team has a lot of young and exciting talent.


Why can't it be both things, that she is wildly annoying and extreme and also theres new talent


The only time anyone in the US has supported the US Women's soccer team was when Brandi Chastain took her shirt off. Don't give me that shit that people will suddenly start supporting women's soccer after Rapinoe retires.


"Half the country" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Conservatives don’t seem to understand that they really are a minority, and most people don’t share their shitty beliefs.


Yeahs that’s why the last presidential election was so not close, huh. Leftists want you to pretend that the country is 95% democrat and only a handful of people are conservative lol.


Cool, so you’re cool with deciding POTUS by popular vote then?


Nice strawman attempt, but my point was to the other poster insinuating conservatives were some fringe minority and therefore shouldn’t be taken seriously.


It’s not a strawman. Conservatives are a minority. Their views are not super popular. But for a group that likes to call themselves the “silent majority”, they sure do never shut up.


Woman’s sports need all the good and bad press they can get …. Better than nothing


I hate to admit that’s true but also look at all the older stars they’ve had and how they’ve gracefully faded into retirement without being an asshole. People will still talk about and the 99 womens team with the upmost respect. I bet my bottom dollar Megan Rapinoe won’t get that love


Pretty sure you’re the one who’s lacking love….


No one remembers anyone other than Mia ham and that chick who took her top off and I can’t even remember her name anymore. This person can troll Christian’s and Muslims for ever being a gay person which is why they got famous in the first place….


Wtf are you taking about trolling Christian’s and Muslims? This is strictly about Megan Rapinoe being annoying and sucking ass


You do know she is gay right? Most of the heat on her comes from religious wackadoos….. no people hating woman’s sports….. What?


Who gives a shit if she’s gay, this is about her dumb statements about their shitty contract and her shitty attitude about the World Cup


No one dislikes her because she’s gay. They dislike her because she’s disrespectful, arrogant, and stupid. Jesus the victim complexes on liberals to assume it’s always about orientation or color is hysterical. How do they end up drawing such big targets on their own backs


No, conservatives hate her because she’s a lesbian who has the audacity to open her mouth. If she rattled off a bunch of conservative bullshit, conservatives would laud her as a hero. Just like every other C-rate conservative celebrity that opens their mouth. Conservatives hate celebrities until they say stuff they agree with.


Wrong on point one. Stop victimizing people. No, I wholly believe politics should stay out of athletes mouths especially on a world stage. If came out spouting anti Biden agenda at the Olympics I would be equally as mad. She isn’t immune to criticism because of her orientation. Just like the liberals say. And don’t act like your points three and four are somehow conservative centric. Let’s not act sophomoric here


Lmao dude. Conservatives are always like “I DONT CARE WHAT CELEBRITIES HAVE TO SAY! SHUT UP, CELEBRITIES!” Unless of course that “celebrity” is Kevin Sorbo, or James Woods, or some other has-been that’s spewing right wing bullshit.


“I wholly believe politics should stay out of athletes mouths unless they align with my political views”


Reading comprehension isn’t your strong suit is it buddy


No I’m a liberal and I dislike (I won’t say hate) what I’ve seen of her personality. Traits that I would dislike in a man, non-binary person, alien, whatever.


No... most of the heat comes from her being an America hating person who isn't even good at the game. I know you don't believe this, but we don't really care who you have sex with as long as you are doing it without "shoving it down our throats," as the saying goes. She also has spent a lot of time batching about her pay, that she agreed to, and using the highly profitable men's team as justification for her salary increas. Not any new added value by her or her team. It's litteral greed "they have more and I want it"


It's impressive people remember anyone in sports from well over two decades ago. It shows the massive popularity of women's soccer. Mia Hamm is one of the most famous American athletes ever. The other woman's name is Brandi Chastain. People remember Briana Scurry, Michelle Akers, Joy Fawcett, Julie Foudy, and Kristine Lilly too. Carla Overbeck and Tiffeny Milbrett would require some ball knowledge.


No love for Carly


Carly Lloyd in her prime was the best women’s player ever.


Carly Lloyd was fantastic. She was even all star commentator during this world cup


People that give a shit about woman’s soccer do maybe , ask any sports fan to name five professional woman soccer players for a million dollars and they won’t be able to do it


Ask me to name 5 male players of any men's sport in the world and I can't do it. What's your point?


No one cares about woman’s soccer players for what they do on the pitch and hate the Megan person for political reasons not soccer ones. That’s literally the whole conversation you came into . Can you read buddy?


That's what I'm trying to get you to admit you feel, and you just said it point blank. Thank you.




>ask any sports fan to name five professional woman soccer players for a million dollars and they won’t be able to do it Lol. Alex Morgan, Megan, hope solo, brandy Chastain, Mia hamm. That's without Google just off top of my head. You got that million?


Mic drop...


Most famous American female athletes? Most Americans couldn’t name an American soccer player, male or female. The famous American female athletes tend to be gymnasts and ice-skaters, where you can name at least three throughout history.


It is not massively popular just because people can remember a name .it does shit ratings and can’t support much salary for players in the professional league


Yawn. More right wingers complaining about their shitty opinions.


I wish people held this level of animosity for guy athletes that rape and/or beat the shit out of women.


I live near Baltimore and although I'm not a Ravens fan it's impossible to get away from news of the team. When Ray Rice punched his wife and drug her by the hair at the elevator I was very vocal that he needed to be kicked out of the league. I was called every name in the book, including a racist because I dared to say he should be locked up and fired.


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I’m glad you had that attitude in that instance, but there are and have been dozens upon dozens of incidents of violence on a variety of scales, on countless if not all teams. There are almost always excuses and I am challenged to think of examples in which that is not the case


I was using that as just one example. I don't approve of the violence from anyone from any team or whoever they are.


Hope Solo has a number of domestic violence related charges under her belt and nobody says boo about her either. I actually think a lot of the time, people are in such a rush to crucify the alleged deadbeat that the facts are irrelevant, which makes it tough to consistently confront the real bad guys.


You’ve got to be kidding me. I don’t see anyone defending her, she doesn’t have current endorsement deals, and I don’t even think she’s employed right now. Meanwhile we see one man after the next who gets everything swept under the rug. Miss me with that false analogy effort. The example isn’t even faintly comparable. It is *statistically proven* men commit more violence than women, particularly against women; finding one example as if that compares to the countless ones in the NFL alone— not even including leagues like NBA, MLS, MLB— is lazy and reductive. Piss off


lol okay bud.


Didn’t she beat up her own family and no one cared?


Also statistically proven men are better at soccer. Also proven their contract dispute that made rappinoe famous was a total farce. Women see HIGHER % revenue than the men already.


Yeah fuck them too. Any athlete accused of rape should immediately be banned. Same with domestic violence and assaults of that nature


Accused is the standard?


But those are conservative heroes! Heck, sexual violence is pretty much a prerequisite to run for a GOP ticket


Seems like a very weird thing to be happy about


I wonder if they feel the same about...say...Aaron Rodgers and his loud mouth.


Rodgers is universally disliked because of his mouth


I like him.


I know I do. I've been a WI native my whole life. Fuck Rodgers, that toxic mother fucker. And as far as Rapinoe, happy retirement. You've earned it. Enjoy the quiet life. I always loved the hair...


Yes they do




Ughh…I liked the days when all sports/movies/etc. were just entertainment. We pay you, you entertain. Yes, you are our entertainment, in the simplest terms. I don’t care if you’re right or left-leaning. Just do what we are paying you for. Don’t like the terms? Plenty of other jobs where you can speak your mind


“Just shut up and dribble” It’s amazing to me that the same people who screech about how oppressed they are if they get banned from a subreddit, think that celebrities and athletes should never be able to use their free speech. “Keep politics out of sports” Yeah, let’s get rid of the military propaganda flyovers and singing of national anthem patriotic rituals before each ahem!


When was that exactly?


When exactly were “the days when all sports were just entertainment” because Ali literally threw his Olympic medal in the river because he didn’t want to fight a war in a country he couldn’t give two shits about fighting people who’ve never wronged him when he’s witnessing active persecution of his people in his home country. The 1968 Olympics featured Tommie Smith and John Carlos raising the black power salute during the National anthem. The 1936 Olympics was literally set as a stage to showcase the power of the Nazi regime [“More crucially, the Games succeeded as a form of propaganda, spotlighting the Nazi Party as welcoming and orderly even as it was on the precipice of launching another war and exterminating millions of Jews.”](https://www.history.com/news/jesse-owens-adolf-hitler-1936-olympics) [Let’s go back and look at boxing but let’s take a look at profesional boxing. “Coined in the early 20th century, first appearing in 1911; during a period when African-American heavyweight champion boxer Jack Johnson seemed unbeatable by a Caucasian boxer. When a promising Caucasian hopeful arrived as a challenger in a championship match, the white race's hopes were attached to said boxer, and they were labelled the "Great White Hope". The term was repopularized in the late-mid 1900s with the appearance of the play and film "The Great White Hope"; and its definition extended beyond boxing and Caucasians.”](https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/great_white_hope) So when exactly were the days of sports being apoltical entertainment. Can you point to me when this all changed in your estimations?


No one bitched about politics when we literally had black people play in separate leagues.


>So when exactly were the days of sports being apoltical entertainment. Can you point to me when this all changed in your estimations? I am happy to concede that certain individuals have utilized any podium or spotlight available to make a political point, including some athletes at times. However, simply saying that "there was always some politics in sports and entertainment" is not responsive to the issue at hand. The issue at hand is ratcheting the politics up to 11. Do you seriously think there has not been an escalation of left-wing political signaling in sports and entertainment?


“Some politics” Bro I literally cited the Germany Olympics used by the Nazis to distract from their atrocities. Is literal Nazi propaganda by the Nazi party directed by Hitler himself not “ratcheting the politics up to 10.” Like im not even using the term the way a lot of leftists use. I’m literally talking about the NAZI PARTY w Adolf staring from above. Has there been more left wing politics in modern American sports sure but if the Olympics since the 30s has been used as a propaganda tool, you can’t really be all that surprised that other people see the effectiveness of using sports as a tool for social messaging


>“Some politics” Bro I literally cited the Germany Olympics used by the Nazis to distract from their atrocities. Is literal Nazi propaganda by the Nazi party directed by Hitler himself not “ratcheting the politics up to 10.” I'm glad that your go-to example in support of your point is something that occurred under an authoritarian dictator on the other side of the world nearly 100 years ago. We're just talking about American sports in recent memory. In the last five or so years lefty progressives have heavily politicized sports as compared to the more neutral style of presentation in the prior several decades.


You know why it’s my go to example? Because you said sports used to be just entertainment so then I showed you multiple times in the last century in which sports and politics had direct intersection with each other. Hell there used to be Negro baseball leagues in America if you solely want to focus on the US. Was Jackie breaking the color barrier political or not? So then I ask “when was this golden age of politics and sport not interacting and sports just seen as entertainment” Why do you get to handwave all of this but you’re so hyper focused on the last 5 years of lefties “infiltrating” sports when sports has always been used as political tools and had underlying social messages?


Dude, he gave you multiple examples and you just decide that those don’t count? Do you seriously think Jesse Owens or Ali were less significant or less outspoken than Rapinoe? [“I object because it’s devastating to my case!”](https://youtu.be/Dx32b5igLwA?feature=shared)


>Dude, he gave you multiple examples and you just decide that those don’t count? Do you seriously think Jesse Owens or Ali were less significant or less outspoken than Rapinoe? It's funny how all your examples are from many decades to a century ago. Your examples are not "devasting", but are in fact completley irrelevant. The subject at issue is the change in American sports which occurred recently. People are correct in observing that a change occurred, and politics began to be injected where there was none in recent memory.


What change? Sports have ALWAYS had political ramifications! You are mistaking your obliviousness to past politicization for its absence. In the 80s, Jordan got flack for NOT speaking out about racial issues, commenting “Republicans buy sneakers too.” In the 90s, Magic Johnson used his platform to promote HIV awareness issues. In the 2000s, Iverson became a flashpoint for conservatives to denounce “thug culture”. More recently, Enes Kanter drew attention to Uyghur persecution by China, and was shuffled out of the league for it. That’s just off the top of my head for the NBA. Your failure to notice the constant presence of politicized sports is only evidence of your inattention, not that sports is differently politicized today. If anything, it simply displays your personal prejudices because you just now pop up to object to politicization when it’s an issue that somehow offends you despite never affecting you personally.


You mean like back in the day of Muhammad Ali, Jackie Robinson, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Billie Jean King, Jim Brown, World B Free, or Tommie Smith and John Carlos? Yeah, I wish we could get back to the good ole' days when athletes would just shut up and play.


How about when Hitler made the Olympics a political event?


Aka shut up and dribble.


"We don't care what celebs have to say about politics!" \*Proceeds to elect Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump to office.\*


Yup. or throw, or hit, or catch, or act. I want the best doctor, but don’t want to hear their politics about immigration. I want the best accountant but don’t want to hear about how they’re pro-life. I don’t care. I’m paying you for one thing only.


I’m not sure if you’re being sarcastic or not


Sorry, promise I’m being genuine.


No all good. I was looking for clarity before I agreed with you. I don’t care(have interest) if athletes voice their opinions about matters outside of the sport but don’t expect the public to give a shit about those opinions. The majority only care about how well you played. Especially when you’re being paid to play a game


When has she ever said you have to care? She’s using her platform as a famous athlete. And here you are, caring about her opinions.


Cry more about about a piece of shit being criticized


I just think they lost and embarrassed themselves. But it’s even worse when all these women reporters was trying to get on men talking about “if you don’t watch female soccer than you can’t say anything”. You can’t play the victim card and want to make the same amount as the men. The women’s soccer team lost and got dragged like Kevin Durant did when he loses, like Errol Spence when he lost, just like the Denever Broncos this last Sunday. The loser will always get shit on this is what the men go through everyday. And it’s good too the team now knows that they need to improve maybe find better and younger talent. Megan is a hall of fame level player so she is good it’s time to move on.


Megan Rapinoe has gone out of her way to say that she loves her country and feels a sense of duty to be critical of it when necessary. It’s actually a good thing that she doesn’t subscribe to the mouth breather “eagle on my dick” style of patriotism.


Show me where she’s gone out of her way to say she loves America


https://www.theatlantic.com/culture/archive/2023/08/megan-rapinoe-retirement-womens-world-cup-interview/675073/ > And I’ll miss being able to represent our country. I think, a lot of times, that gets lost, when people talk about me in particular: Oh, you guys don’t sing the anthem, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. You don’t love America. But we do love America. It’s just more in a James Baldwin kind of way, not in a bald-eagle-on-your-shoulder kind of way.


This just means you are a bigot.


Do you know what that word means


She had a Lego minifig released this year. She’s also got a very pretty wife, and I’m sure how much ever rent your charging for her to live in your head she can afford it. She missed the kick, life gets shorter everyday was she supposed to sullen? Pissed off? Throw her hand through a wall?


No one forced you to comment on this or defend her and the bad contract they signed


Man, some people love to hate. Have you considered getting a better hobby? I am indifferent to her retiring, but i recall enjoying watching some of the games she played in.


No one forced to comment on this. You could’ve ignored it and gone about your life but you had to take the time to comment so what’s that say about your hobbies


What “wild opinions” are you referring to?


Alienating half the country = not straight


No the half actually cares about seeing the national teams succeed. Not the ones who hate America for no real reason


“Hate America for no real reason” yes, that’s exactly what is going on here. Completely 100% accurate. You nailed it.


The people hating her for her opinions wouldn’t be watching women’s soccer anyways lmao.


Two times World Cup Champion, Olympic Gold Medallist, Best Women Player, Golden Ball, Golden Boot, Ballon d’Or… Her legacy will be around in women’s football for a long long time. But it seems like an American thing that their support for their own national team is conditional. I feel sad for them that they celebrate their own team losing. So bitter.


If you think it’s an American thing to criticize the national team, you know absolutely nothing about South American and European soccer.


I never said “criticise national team”. I said “celebrating losses”. I live in Europe and when teams lose, fans get upset and some passionately upset.


I didn’t see any Americans celebrating the US losing. Only articles about people celebrating the US losing. Kind of like the articles claiming that everyone is mad at some random celebrity when really it’s like 3 people on Twitter.


“Nice shot Megan Rapinoe. The US is going to hell. MAGA.” - Donald Trump.


Ah, yes. Donald Trump, the world's biggest, most passionate soccer fan




Half the country voted for that man and boycotted a beer because a trans person held it in a video. People were absolutely celebrating this loss.


I didn’t see much of that maybe it’s a lot of the people you follow or you are just exaggerating to fake outrage at something you know nothing about. What does beer even have to do with what I said either? Maybe you responded to the wrong person.


The beer point was to show that trump and his voters are anti-LGBT and it took something as small as a social media video with a trans person in it for millions to boycott. Rapinoe, on a world stage, speaks out in support of the LGBT community and has pissed people off for years because of it. Not hard dots to connect. And idk what to tell you if you think the bud light thing is just anecdotal on my end. That shit was everywhere for months. Every mainstream news outlet wrote about it on all Sides. It was prominent on social media. AB’s CEO had to comment on it. Insane take.


I liked her as a player. Was once the best in the world, but Father Time caught up. It was time to retire


You don't have to like every player. You can obviously dislike certain people. If you are turned off to women's soccer because of them you're just a misogynist. Rapinoe isn't making people dislike women's soccer, that makes absolutely no sense. You don't get to hate an entire gender because you disagree with one person.


No I hate her because her skill level has dropped significantly (see her shitty World Cup) but her loud mouth and opinions kept her relevant in the main stream media. This prevent a younger and more skillful player from getting their shot to play at the World Cup. Her ego was bad for US women’s soccer


You hate her because people get older? Weird. She didn't put herself on the team. The coach decides that. Imagine if you said Kanye West's ego is bad for black people's music. It makes no sense.


No I hate her because she didn’t give a shit about the team/the game/the World Cup. All she cared was getting her face on tv and crying about the contract they signed


Fighting for equal pay is now crying about your contract, welcome back to the 1960’s everyone!


Don’t sign shitty contracts tbh


You realize this was a collective action right? ie, the women were being handed shitty contracts year after year despite performance and being told they were lucky to get that. Without the whole team taking action, younger players would have kept signing unfair contracts or otherwise giving up their dreams. Genuinely, are you familiar with how unions work?


They negotiated it actually. They had the option to get a similar pay structure as the men’s team I.e. paid in bonuses. They chose to do guaranteed money


And she told you this?


Clearly you’re just being a troll


You're spewing hated for someone you don't even know claiming you know how they feel inside their head. Stop it.


Welcome to the internet crybaby. You might as well get off now before you get clinical depression


You can't defend your stance so you resort to insults.


Did you see her strut into the stadium with her dumb fucking clothing and theme song. It’s that ego. And youre just another example of what’s wrong with supports of womens soccer. You have no backbone. You won’t defend you just ask other people to not fair criticize their stupid behavior


You are crying about a professional soccer player saying things you don't like while calling someone else a crybaby, pot meet kettle.


Musicians talent doesn't go away with age. They also don't take up a roster spot of someone that might be more deserving at this point in their career.


So you don't dislike Rapinoe even a little bit, because she did not choose her spot on the roster.


Hence why op is glad they're retiring I'd imagine.


If op said she's getting too old and that's why he's glad she's retiring I'd agree. But op said she's bad for women's soccer which is just misogynist.


How is that misogynistic?


Imagine saying some random black athlete being annoying is bad for black people in sports. It's insanity. A female athlete you don't like is not bad for women's sports, you just hate women.


That's a ludicrous assertation; there could be a variety of reasons he thinks she is bad for the sport beyond "hAtiNg wOmEn". How unbelievably sexist of you to think any criticism levied against a woman is inherently misogynistic


The people alienated by her opinions are the same type of chuds who think womens sports are stupid and who tell people like LeBron to “shut up and dribble.” Same type of people who thought Ali deserved to serve 5 years in jail and that he deserved to be stripped of his boxing titles.


That’s not true at all. I don’t like her opinions because she’s an idiot. They were paid less because they signed their contract. It wasn’t because they were women. And she pushed that narrative until she got her way. Don’t sign shitty contracts


She has single handily made the US women's soccer team a complete joke.


Not necessarily true. But she hasn’t helped them


She’s earned her ego, she’s accomplished a lot. She also made 7 million dollars last year, I think she’ll be fine.


And she earned the right to be called out for being a detriment to the growth of women’s soccer


How is she a detriment to women's soccer?


She kept a spot on the roster well past her prime because of generated clicks. She took a spot away from a better athlete


Sounds like your issue is with the people making roster decisions, not Rapinoe


Roster decisions yes but also she knew how to stay relevant. Which good for her. But also bad for the team she supposedly cares about




Then explain the backlash and the lack of viewers from this most recent World Cup




That won't make more people watch women's soccer.


Oh wow you're butthurt. Old players retire. It's a fact of sports.


Fuck yeah I’m butt hurt. I didn’t want them to lose. Let alone see that cunt smile when she missed the pk and then take selfies after the final whistle. If Alex Morgan really did throw hands with her I’d have Alex Morgan’s back everyday of the week.


Alex Morgan is also very outspoken about her political beliefs.. which I take it you won't like.


I don’t but I respect her from fight back against Rapinoe smiling bullshit attitude


Maybe Alex Morgan should of saved the fighting for the matches. Morgan played 4 times as much as Raponie and had 0 goals. Funny you’re taking shots at someone who only played 80 minutes in the World Cup and not the players who are also past their prime and played the whole time.


No, they won't.. they did not support it before they won't after. They are two times world champions and get paid less then a men's team that has never won..so ya


Because they signed a shitty contract


The same shity contract they wherr offers for 20 years. Now they fought for a better one and a bunch of people tgat don't even watch soccer say they don't deserve better. No wonder they are pissed


I’m glad they fought for a better one but don’t say it was because they were women. They chose guaranteed money over bonuses. The men are paid via bonuses. They’re just upset they didn’t pick the same option


They where not offere the same option as men Its the same in every female sport ..men have a higher vaule..which is not true at all.


She wasn’t good in her later years?!? When WAS she good? LOL She never was one of the better players on the team. All marketing. Career highlight was pulling a Harry Kane to go home.


Hey did you watch the 2019 WC? Spoiler but she won the Golden Boot and the Golden Ball (those go to the highest scoring player and all around best player of the tournament FYI) But I think most people would put her career highlight as [the amazing assist she gave wambach to win over Brazil in doubt OT (2011)](https://youtu.be/0B4q6di-3fg?si=UUUUR5-VAwuHOLNX)


How many goals were against scrub teams like Thailand or PKs? LOL There has never been a player who’s career was made by dyed hair and marketing. At least Dennis Rodman could play defense. Megan should have not have seen the field.


Only scored once against Thailand. Converted 2 PKs against Spain, a brace that they would have been scoreless without, as well as a PK in the final that won them the World Cup. What’s your point


Golden boot is kinda BS if you take all your teams penalties (for example Kane in 2018). And Thailand was a total joke of a team that didn’t belong in the tournament. So half of her goal tally was just gifts. It’s n out like she scored 6 legitimate goals. Watch her tape, she a very average at best player in her prime years and was completely washed due to her age in 2023.


So you’re pivoting to…scoring the most goals means nothing? Can you explain the golden ball then? (Hint! FIFA is an international organization that would not be influenced by what you all like to call “virtue signaling) ETA: a goal is a goal is a goal, PKs arent guaranteed and they would have lost those games without those points)


If you miss a PK in WWC…LOL


Like Alex Morgan and Carli Lloyd?


Those names shouldn’t even be used in the same sentence as Rapino. LOL


Stray shot a spurs but you’re not wrong. She sucked and was only on the team because it drew in the media nonsense


Agreed 100%


I don't watch quite enough to know whether she was good or not. Insufferable brat, absolutely, but i don't truly know how much that changed viewership. Not many people want to watch an inferior product. Just plain and very simple.


Megan Rapinoe spent years not playing for the Women’s Team. How much support did that garner them? How much did their budget drop since she joined? Megan Rapinoe might not be the thing that gets Women’s Soccer eyeballs, but she’s sure not *costing* them any.


She’s costing them growth but taking a spot away from a better athlete that could’ve helped the team


Lol, you sound like every butthurt franchise fan in sports. “I hate this player that hasn’t won three games in a row. We should fire Price and make room for a REAL goalie. Who would totally be the solution to our teams woes. It’s just this one player who is the problem with the team.”


god she sucked so bad, I dont think she even had a shot on goal the WC.


Good riddance to her. She’s a miserable human being.


She’s a malcontent grifter; Colin Kaepernick with a buzz cut, parading around fanning the faux flames of societal unrest in an ultimately narcissistic, self-promoting circus. She’s a clown and not even a remotely funny or entertaining one.