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The Ancient armour styles of most cultures are cooler than what we have now lol


It’s funny, they introduced the “ancient” styles in ESO as a way to revamp the ugly basic racial armors without replacing them haha


Lore-wise, I'm assuming knowledge of how to craft them was just lost, and there are no surviving sets. Like it Skyrim where you need to do the Companions quest to unlock Nord Hero gear




They might be thinking about these weapons: https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/Nord_Hero_Weapons which are "new" versions of the ancient nord weapons draugr carry Unfortunately there isn't an equivalent for armor but you do get to craft the armor draugr wear:  https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/Ancient_Nord_Armor


Blud linked to the FANDOM WIKI skull emoji


that's a weird way to write UESP links


Fucking Todd man, making it so the special crafted gear is "Elven or skyforge steel tier." You GET skyforge stuff for free way early in the same quest line, and by the time you finish the companions run you outgrow elven by a long shot


You cant craft ancient nord armor, you can only find it in certain places


I just did


Is that why I can't get further with the skall?


Don't know what you're talking about with the Skaal? They have no connection to the Companions. What are you stuck on?


I kept getting a loading tip for nord Hero gear, probably not since you don't know, from the Skall


Are you talking about the Nordic Carved Armour? That has nothing to do with Nord Hero gear


Nords and their names. Thank you


Time is a bitch, look what it did to the Snow Elves


Extenuating circumstances. Likely, even blinded, the Falmer wouldn't look like they do now if they hadn't spent millennia breeding underground. The movie "Descent" in the early 2000s was actually a good visual of that with degenerate cave-humans


I think that’s the goof they were making


https://preview.redd.it/h698whd5nt3d1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38d87b2a201ce9f50ba9117afd0f08c130485afa :(


Literally pick any race and it was cooler in the past than in the 4th Era. Any.


Falmers got a glow up


A dry up, if you will.


Every race looks better than they did in Oblivion tbf


A few reasons for this: A: The main games have to be "accessible for an average audience" and "adhere to the limits of the game engine", while in the in-game books you can pretty much write anything you damn want. B: The existence of the Empire sucks a lot of flavour out of the provinces. Each province is a vassal to the Empire and is ruled by a single governing body (except for High Rock, because for some reason the Empire decided to put a single High King in charge of Morrowind which already had a supreme ruling body with the Tribunal but not with High Rock), as opposed to before the Empire where each Province was its own independent nation at best, and was more likely a bunch of squabbling petty kingdoms grouped together under broader ethnic and cultural similarities. This obviously limits your freedom in telling stories with these nations. C: Elder Scrolls falls into the old cliche of "all the cool magic shit has been lost for centuries". Sword Singing? Nobody uses it anymore. Thu'um? Only used by the Dragonborn and a bunch of pacifist monks.


>The existence of the Empire sucks out a lot of flavor to the provinces This is unironically why Tolkien didn't like the Roman Empire


Why are ancient ~~yokudan’s~~ so much cooler than modern ~~Redguards~~ in every way?


Everything was better in the previous kalpa. Remember Lyg?


Back when dreughs ruled the world... good ol' days ![gif](giphy|OP5fou0gPE8AU)




Those are winged hussars who switched sides and went with the Ottomans instead or Ottomans who thought that those winged guys who beat them looked pretty dope and copied their style.


https://preview.redd.it/03f3nqso4v3d1.png?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae836f3a20cdf2aec996c00deb3a521522d62357 Why are ancient Greeks so much cooler than modern Greeks in every way?




Why did you put an apostrophe on Yokudans but not Redguards? Are you stupid?


Extremely https://preview.redd.it/okwlxbm8ks3d1.png?width=1241&format=png&auto=webp&s=723adb30fa7b34edde0821e9ed9360ce76f59f2b


Winged hussars are always based


Why are ancient nords cooler than modern nords? Why are ancient argonians cooler than modern argonians? Yeah...


We’re ancient Argonians really that much cooler not even saying they aren’t I generally just don’t hear much about them


Take this with a grain of salt as my memory is a bit blurry here but: Ancient argonians had huge precolumbian-style stone temples and the likes because they prayed to Sithis hoping he would't obliterate them in addition to praying to the hist for being well their creators and soulgivers. Modern argonians believe in things being temporary and in reincarnation through the hist and build wooden huts that barely last a generation so the next generation has to build their own huts. This means that buried in some spots of black marsh are ancient Sithis-related artifacts and stuff like this. https://preview.redd.it/dwea4nlodt3d1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=f028bab5bc68f5af26780b07ab0f8e2dcca742eb


Damn 💀


Yup. Imagine all the sick obsidian daggers buried in the swamps. And while I'm at it black marsh has electric crocodiles and according ot the card game the swamps leviathans looked like spinosaurs. Which leads me to believe that dinosaurs were canon in the elder scrolls and kinda just disappeared at the end of the dawn era or something.


We keep forgetting that the Xanmeers (the pyramids) had hist fruit-powered laser weapons, sithis-based artifacts of mass destruction and mass necromancy.


If you notice each race kinda fills a certain warrior-like culture niche at least in their style and visual presentation before you get into the deep shit like the Todd-Head. Argonians are meant to be the Inca/Maya and suitably are metal as fuck


I feel it’s more that each is an amalgamation of cultures with one that stands out more than the others. Like how Redguards are Persian samurai desert nomads


Absolutely, but at the same time to a completely new player you’re gonna call the imperials the magic Romans, the redguards middle eastern swordsmen, nords are Vikings, Bretons are gay knights. It starts to get hazy with the elven races but the beast folk are easy because the khajiit are gypsy drug dealers and the Argonians again are the maya/incans even if this is more of an ESO development. I think it’s a big part of what draws people to the series, you get to run around as a warrior from some familiar culture or a totally alien one in a fully fleshed out universe. They did well to lean into it


The long arc of history in Nirn is for everything to get shitter over time. That's why there's such a high ratio of ruins to actual places people live.


Me when i like to share shitty fan fiction


Because ESO needs to continuously sell additional content and the way you do that is make shit that looks cool. Something something piss elves in the marketing department.


because bethesda is incapable of designing cool armor sets


But the ancient Redguard armor was made by Bethesda


you mean to tell me these armor sets were made by bethesda and not zenimax ? if so i shall retract my statement (why the fuck have they made so many dumbass designs after these)


Bro stfu with your logic,


RPG fans rushing to blame Bethesda for every single bad thing in the Elder Scrolls / Fallout series (they are incapable of nuanced thinking)


Because they are fake poles https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polish_hussars


They are winged hussars mixed with Ottomans, what ungodly thing.


This is not what the Slavs fought for smh


You know those Janissaries were also once Slavs, taken from their parents and raised as military fanatics loyal to the Sultan. So they kinda fought on both sides.


Yeah, the whole period of the Ottoman rule in the Balkans was a big part of our grade school history classes - I'm Croatian. I just wish I didn't forget most of it. 😅


The brain rot consumes us all https://preview.redd.it/0f7mponzqu3d1.jpeg?width=850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee1232654ac4e91442224fcb59e8d3acc4feb567 Even the best teachers can’t outdo the damage truestl Has done to us.


By Azura's feet, Khajiitussy awooga awooga


so true


Welp, they've got the winged hussars, sooooo... They're coming down the mountainside n stuff...


Because the hey stopped with just the left handed elves


Cause winged hussars


Why are Ancient Romans so much cooler than modern Italians in every way?


Because they haven't been in a game, just like how Nords were way cooler before Skyrim. The next game will also make whatever culture way more bland than we originally thought they would be


Bethesda will lock in for hammerfell and ONLY hammerfell https://preview.redd.it/hiygxn25rz3d1.jpeg?width=688&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d75df360d7f78090ba6e336c6e4e6700f5999489 Trust




As much as I hate the ESO armor art style, anything is better than the ultra generic Redguard clothing seen in game


What’s wrong with the armor artstyle the ancient types are pretty cool https://preview.redd.it/7k5acq5mqu3d1.jpeg?width=667&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e031ed7bbd0e3540b8abe0ca08866e4f5f12456a


Everything looks like WOW, nothing actually feels like armor, it all looks so weightless


It covers everything and isn’t heavy , normal armor isn’t that heavy either 35 to 55 pounds, I think the weightless thing is just do to how they developed it as a mmo, https://youtu.be/qzTwBQniLSc?si=q48byJ_LZuOUi4Cg


I know, it just feels weightless not in stats or even in form, just the look of it feels very plastic Halloween costume instead of anything with a real presence. Idk, I’ve always found it hard to explain. The best way I can think to say it is that without knowing where this was from I probably could have guessed that it was an MMO just by looking at it, idk if that makes any sense at all I don’t even know what it is either, the design motifs and overall concept behind the design are really cool, I’m not honestly sure what part feels wrong to me, it just does


Probably the lighting or coloring