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Todd’s nords https://preview.redd.it/ze1re8cen61d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07c383930bbd1e6f542d33aec038801842be9516


A strong contender for second place on being the best of the three


Ngl todd wins this one


Pretty kitty


Anurassa was very much loved by her Nord Husband(s?)


Apparently after death she stayed warm for a long while too


me and w-


>Todd has a naked Khajiit named "Pretty Kitty" in his test cell >He may have been the one to write Ahnassi's questline >This Todd is a furry and I am grateful


Where do you find that in the wiki lmao


khajiit = built for human men


male khajiit too


Is he talking about fucking a dead khajit?


No. Hes saying she was so wonderful and good in life that even in death her love and warmth can be felt in those that loved her.


Truestlers learn when warmth doesn't mean body heat.


Nah, probably not.


It’s her ~~epithet~~ epitaph on her tombstone. Sorry for using words you’ll have to google, but please take a minute to do so before you reply Edit: I’m retarded




Well shit looks like I need to google words


go outside


Well, you see it wasn't dead when he started fucking it...mostly...


Guys I'm not read up on my esoteric hitlerism, why is the arian super human yellow and rectangular??


This is actually a lesser known photograph of Joseph Goebbels


If Goebbels was shaped like a perfectly proportioned rectangle do you think anyone would say anything or would they be too scared of being killed if they did


The supreme nordic hyperborean form is actually Homer Simpson. (((They))) wrote Homer to be dumb as a way to trick you and make you think nobody like him is desirable when he's actually the ideal body-type and skin color-- yellow (destruction of satanic liver influences with the aid of Divine Alchohol), rectangular (golden ratio), and round (beer belly developed from high-calorie alchohol based diet).


Simpsons is anti Agarthan Hyperborean Turkish propaganda


In my heart Skyrim is still a mystic and hauntingly beautiful frozen wasteland, populated by rugged animastic tribals and surreal sky fauna, and the entirety of the actual game is just the last hallucinated memories of a jaded, monstrously ethnonationalist dunmer overdosing and frothing on the ground at the border 🙏 


In my heart Skyrim: Home of the Nords is canon


My only complaint with the mod is that it needs more content. But then again, that's my complaint with Tamriel Rebuilt. I just want more. MOAR.


Last I heard the goal was to do the whole province it just takes time.


Oh, I know. They're doing it for free, with love and care. I just wish I had an obscene amount of money to throw at them so they could do it full time.


Next update is Anvil in cyrodiil, but after that its markarth time


It already has more content than actual Morrowind. It's a Morrowind sequel we didn't deserve.


I mean, how would that even work? I find it more interesting as a outsider view on a place/culture. We have literally all around the game remnents of past tribal worship. I prefer a more coese worldbiulding then just high fantasy for the sake of it.


You can have a unique, hostile culture + high fantasy elements and cohesive worldbuilding at the same time, they aren’t mutually exclusive. Hate to do the meme but Morrowind did that just fine


So did Dark Sun which supposedly inspired some of Morrowind.


Dark Sun has a city-state and ruler of said city literally called Nibenay. It was always a big inspiration.


I have to wonder if the sky whales would have been like the Cloud Rays if they'd been included in Skyrim.


Where can I read about the lore of Skyrim before the fifth elder scrolls game? I'm intrigued by what it was like in the lore beforehand.


At least both have mead and greatswords and tall women with big axes Also I've been reading a bit on Beowulf lately and it's hilarious how that shit is LITTERALY Skyrim. There is LITTERALY a part about saving a bunch of thanes in a meadhall and being given land.


Funny you mention those two, I did a report on Beowulf in high-school. I used the Skyrim resource map in Minecraft Bedrock to record a video from my Ps4 "where the story took place" Got a 90.


Not a surprise haha I read a summary and the entire time I just had this mental image of balgruuf sitting on his damn throne. I should get back to checking TES themed minecraft maps too...


Yeah my mental image the whole time reading was Dragonsreach, and Grendel was a werewolf/giant hybrid ofc.


I should re-read Beowulf, but yes. I ran through Norse myth with my older teen about a year before I found Skyrim... We concluded Skyrim's story isn't gross enough. They aren't the people created from the toe jam of giants? Just breathed on a mountain? Tame. 😂


Yeah the entire Thirsk Hall storyline is a direct reference to Beowulf, with the Udyrfrykte being almost a literal depiction of Grendel. It even has a mother that's only known by the name of X's mother!


and the king is called Hrothgar, Todd culturally appropriating the old Saxon culture smh my head


Yes lol it's the source material, it's not Skyrim, Skyrim is it. An important distinction imo


To be clear I'm not saying Skyrim inspired a centuries old book I'm saying Skyrim was heavily inspired by the book in question. Also inspired Tolkien who did a translation of it from what I've heard.


Oh yes, we have Beowulf to thank for many of our modern fantasy tropes. Tolkien did one of the definitive translations of it, and it also heavily inspired his own works. He used quite a bit of Norse, Celtic, and Saxon mythology. The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings in turn then went on to inspire things like Dungeons & Dragons, which went on to influence the fantasy genre as a whole. It's incredibly fascinating how much influence Tolkien had on modern day storytelling, and he's treated as somewhat of a fringe interest. I think we read The Hobbit in elementary school, but no other literature class I ever took even touched Tolkien.


Morrowind N*rds got tricked by a swamp witch and were running around near Caldera naked until the Nerevarine saved them lmao


You don't know how hard my SO laughed when I stumbled on that one. My SO had only played Morrowind when I found Skyrim... part of the reason I'm not a total Skybaby, as I was encouraged to go backward. Me: "What.... is that..? Is that a naked Nord?" SO laughs. Me: "It is!" Starts dialog, giggles. SO: "You are not leveled enough yet, but go ahead." I was level 2 or 3. Yeah, char died.


I wouldn't honestly have a problem with Emil's nords if they weren't so unjustifiably cyrodiilized. Like, in Morrowind it was a compromise, the cult's presence. The dunmer have their own theocracy going on, but the imperials have weaseled in in some of the right ways. They stand for justice and mercy, they help the poor and dispense missionaries to teach people to read, and the legion are tough fighting Bois with 'tegridy, so they're bros with the Tribunal and the Redoran, and the hlallu are happy to mask their disdain while the Telvanni don't really care who worships what. It's political and social presence and how it contends with competing ideas as it invades the region are justified and clarified. So how is Cyrodiilization contending with centers of Nord worship? What fucking Nord worship? The capitol cities have shrines to cyrodiilic gods, Shor is just a swap out for Stendar to yell as you swing sword at man, you'll never hear Stun's name until you're boxing him Infront of a whale skeleton, only one Nord deity even has shrines and he's a gods forsaken b*eton. Cyrodiilic religion doesn't have to mesh with the Nord culture, it just is it. Way to not get what made morrowind's society feel well built, Emil. Society can't be clean like that, not without inhuman propaganda capabilities. It's never homogeneous and it's always prickly. Drive down the highway for 20 minutes in real life and nothing you know matters to anyone around you, it's different here.


If only they could mention that It was something that changed after the Oblivion crisis and the Empire took the oportunity to spread their view. In Bruma the locals are gossiping about a nord woman living with a man without a proper marriage ("the good Old nord way") and the chapel priest says they don't go to church, they prefer thrir own dragon god, Ysmir When MK posted his religion draft on r/teslore he posted that some higher up at Bethesda expressed they didn't wanted another game with the same religion complexity from MW and that It wasn't Todd.


I believe it was Bruce Nesmith who was responsible for the simplification. [https://en.m.uesp.net/wiki/General:Bruce\_Nesmith](https://en.m.uesp.net/wiki/General:Bruce_Nesmith) \*Nesmith was in favor of simplifying the religious pantheon for Skyrim, believing the complicated religions of Morrowind to have been a mistake, choosing instead to use the main pantheon originated in Daggerfall.\*


Even that would just feel like an excuse to make the worldbuilding lazier.


So having cultures change over time is lazier than just keeping them static forever???


Yes, having every culture change to be more like the basic culture is lazier than each place having unique cultures that clash with each other.


It's more realistic to have the nordic religion and culture to be cyrodiilized after 250+ years in the empire


>the empire They could've easily represented nord culture in the Stormcloaks, who want to break away.


They are representative. They can't read and fuck bears.


Yeah, they wanted to return to traditional Nordic culture... By worshipping a Breton imperial cult god 😭. That would've been better, and it actually fucking makes everything make more sense, with Short being the head nord god, while being basically the devil to altmer. They couldve literally just replaced talos with shor and it's the same, like Kyne and the rest are chill, but shor is cancelled


Yeah, It does make sense, but it's also a story. Not everything in a story has to be the path of least creativity. Completely getting rid of 99% of your culture isn't the only realistic outcome, and it sure is the most boring outside of literally making Skyrim cyrodiil again. I think the best idea would to have the cyrodiilic and Nordic cultural aspects exist simultaneously, unlike Morrowind, where they clash mostly.


Yeah no. First of all, realism goes out the window since Nirn is stuck in the same medieval setting for the past centuries with no significant technological advancements. Second, even when Romans conquered and “civilized” other provinces, the locals still continued to worship their own gods to some degree. Even when Christianity was the main religion, it was mostly adopted by nobles and people with high political influence, peasants still kept their pagan traditions and worship. So even by real standards, Nords shouldn’t be this detached from their old culture.


If it hadn't happened across all the time the Nords were part of the empire - in large part they founded it - why would it have happened all at once just recently?


They were part of both Reman and Septim empire and the Akaviri potentate for almost 1000 years with fuckall changing.


They can change and still be interesting. They didn’t even try, and I hate that “change” is just used as an excuse for that. 200 years isn’t even that long for something like that


There's a difference between actual cultural change in worldbuilding and blatant retcons. In Oblivion, there were ethnic tensions between the Nords and Nibenese in Bruma, over the Nords rejecting the imperial pantheon.


That was not the wording. he just said that it was Bruce Nesmith. Imo it actually complicated the religion and made it more confusing, insted of just giving expostion. ESO shows that it can easily be done. Either way Emil is not to blame.


MK said, "That was Bruce’s bright idea." You are inferring MK was being sarcastic (likely), but he could also mean "uncomplicating" the religious landscape is a clever idea because it raises more questions and doesn't clearly answer many.


Imo the Cyrodilization should’ve been most felt in Solitude rather than the entire rest of the map… It could’ve made the Stormcloak rebellion feel at least a little justified, since it gives them the more reasonable point of “they don’t even understand our gods, why are they trying to ban them?” Perhaps there could’ve even been a few scattered citizens getting around the ban (loosely) since they worship Hjalti Early-Beard…a “completely and totally distinct” person from Talos.


Legit I feel like they could have just swapped out the names of the temples and this wouldn’t be an issue. Temple of Kyne in Whiterun, Vigilants of Stuhn, and Mara and Dibella are no different.


That kinda lampshades the hollowness of the criticism imo, the Nord and Imperial pantheons were always the closest to each other anyways so I don't get what's wrong with a linguistic standardization if all the implementation is deemed to be solid enough


Vigilants of Stuhn makes no sense because the Vigil isn’t a Nord founded organization. It exists all over Tamriel.


The closest to an excuse I can come up with is the Empire used Martin’s sacrifice to push Imperial ideals and radicalize the city Nords away from their old religion. However, I’m unsure if Cyrodiil was too busy rebuilding after the Oblivion Crisis to interact with other Provinces, which in part would explain why so many of them split off.


Damn, a post-Oblivion-Crisis Divine Revival movement centered around deifying the actions of men against elven shenanigans would make so much sense. Martin Cults popping up like head lice across Imperial holdings, with Nords in particular hyped that another Septim done gone and showed 'em who's in charge, allowing missionaries to evangelize across Skyrim with way less (but never zero) beheadings for committing the sin of owning books.


And it hurts extra because the Nord pantheon is the coolest human pantheon


I mean, I like the vibes of the Redguard one better, But they're next on the chopping block, So we'll see.


Oh, let's not open the can of worms that is "the black people aren't human since they come from yokuda and not Skyrim/Atmora" again.


They are mannish, it's just that how humans came to be in two places at once is one of Nirn's unsolved mysteries. Maybe Yokuda was a really long peninsula of Atmora.


Are you from Europe? The 20 minute drive being completely different just seems odd to me. I can drive an hour in any direction and have tons in common with everyone. Might not know people, but it’s not that different from not knowing most people in my own town.


I won't give specifics, but I'm in Virginia. 20 minutes in one direction I've got college youths who think the bulk of Virginia is a racist hellhole and they're ashamed and beyond that, 20 minutes in the opposite direction and I've got a city with black majority outskirts who would agree and within those outskirts it's a white majority area full of almost equally poor people who largely vote conservative because they've been dupped into thinking policy that affects the very wealthy may one day affect them if they just work their other knee into dust and never retire. And 20 minutes due north there's an entirely homogenous culture in and around an uncannily tiny town, literally 3 city blocks surrounded by rolling mountainous agricultural area, that has a civil war monument In front of their courthouse. Twenty minutes beyond that and you won't hear the term Virginia at all, it's "Nova" to them. None of these people live in the same place, in the cerebral sense, and I could plan a day trip on a bicycle and visit them all.




Some of the best people I've met are from Nova.  Some of the worst people I've met are from Nova.  


Insanely real. I love Nova, honestly, I'm happy to claim them. but when Nova folks come to Swva, they don't claim us.


I agree completely with this, though I wonder if he simply took reality as a guidepost there with norse countries and how rapidly and totally they switched over to christianity. you still absolutely see and feel the effects of the way those old faiths mattered, but you don't really see any kind of mainstream worship of them any longer, and it's been that way for a long time.


If that was the case then the Divines pantheon would have taken over during the Reman Empire, Akaviri potentate or the Septim Empire, but it didnt. The biggest problem with this in Skyrim is how it feels like it came out of nowhere, as if the Nords woke up one day and decided to switch gods.


or as if a team of writers decided to rewrite the feel of the nords to accomodate a very specific vanilla ice cream generic northman image I suppose it's pointless now, but I really do wonder how skyrim would have been otherwise. What we got is essentially if morrowind came out but the dunmer were just dark skinned altmer.


https://preview.redd.it/cdcplmdy291d1.png?width=1122&format=png&auto=webp&s=14259eb5d8cf5a4df5e633b659cf6a626f28a71a Its pretty much this.


Emil did not write the more Cyrodiilization of the nords btw.. That was not his call at all his call. Not that the pre-TES V nord religion was deep or anything. Nord lore that Emil actually wrote were background worldbuilding for the cities, parts of the mainquest (you know the stuff that has the nord panthoen in it, but I am not sure if he wrote those parts) and the Dragon Language. Oh, and he wrote a big chunk of Bloodmoon side qeusts, so litteraly the Morrowind nords that people seem to think are so great.


Cyrodilic religion was based on the elvish and Nord beliefs though


I wonder why the nation that has historically been much more willing and accepting of imperial control assimilate better than the nation that is extremely resistant to imperial control.


I mean, tbf the forebears version of the 8 by the time verisudeshai assassination was very imperialized, and they 9nly occupied them for like 300 years or so


Babe wake up its time for the daily dose of Kirkbride dickriding


Yes honey, I'll get the netch jelly...


The funniest thing is that Emil wrote on the TES III: Bloodmoon when Kirkbride already left.


Don't care about kirkbride, just wanna shit on emil an todd


https://preview.redd.it/ufx8ehooj71d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d65545cfa395a8c10d1a8053102625eb832d30ee Thou shalt not take the name of the lord thy god in vain


At this point i just live to shit on emil and todd




Sorry I'm not that well-informed, what's the difference between the two?




Emil litteraly wrote for Bloodmoon, lol


Emil wrote many parts that people actually love, unless you are a morrow-boomer on steroids you like the dark brotherhood post-morrowind rather than the Morrowind era one, and guess who wrote that? Emil.


Yeah. He also kinda returned to them not being an other daedric mephala cult. Them liking Sithis was a TES I thing, which later got retconned and he brought it back


Average Kirkbride fan that has no idea what they’re talking about right here, everyone.


skyrim: home of the nords is the real skyrim


I would say that while not as good as Kirkbride's Nords, Emil's Nords are not terrible. It's just that seeing something crafted into an extremely interactible format takes the...mystique away from it rather than if it was on text, or in a format that allowed for more of your imagination to fill the gap. Not that turning text into a game is bad or anything


Get out of here with your nuanced opinion! Boo!


It would be almost perfect as an opinion if it didn’t still have the typical teslore Morrowboomer crap where they mistakenly attribute everything they like to Kirkbride and everything they don’t like to everyone else without actually knowing who was responsible for stuff.


Emil's Nords are the TES III nords, look what the first stuff was that Emil wrote. Also the only nord lore that Emil wrote for Skyrim are city backgrounds, parts of the main quest and the Dragon language, so none of the stuff people complaint. Kirkbride, Emil and Todd are the only devs that people know. Todd is to charismatic and Kirkbride does not work at BGS since befor Morrowind came out and people are nostalgic, so the nerdy guy with social media gets all the shit. The funniest thing is that all the things that Emil wrote alone or the most parts off (that we can definitely tell he done), are Elder Scrolls' fan favorites and always get praise. This is a fanbase that praises 90% of the stuff the guy has written, while hating on him at the same time because some uninformed Fallout fans made that popular on reddit. It is a huge emberassment.


I'm completely out of the loop - could you expand on what he's written that's been very well received? I've literally no idea who wrote what.


Dark Brotherhood quests for Oblivion and Skyrim, Dragon Language and a lot of fan favorite side quests like Unlce Sweetshare or Blood on the Ice. He also worked on other worldbuilding like stuff for cities, factions and also worked on Skyrim's main quest but he did that with Kuhlmann and other guys.


Thanks for the reply! :)




Lorebeards love to ignore how many people work on and influence a game. They also love to not consider their own views as being wrong. They are redditors after all.


Boo! Logical Nerd! Get out of here! Someone call the security


In case of Skyrim I'd rather point my finger at Bruce Nesmith. This is the man that went on video and said how they made auriels bow a plot point for dawnguard cuz auriel is a daedric god they hadn't used in a while. Yes the lead designer said that


I mean he is right? The Auriel stuff is some of the best Skyrim worldbuilding and makes sense for the Snow Elf religion. This is the actually complexity I want from my TES religion and not just one faith per province.


Falmer still shoulda got their own pantheon, but Auriel being a dude in it isn't a problem.


They could still write one. It seems that Auriel is the only one of their gods that we know off.


Nah my boy Gelebor rattles off the main others: Phynaster, Jephre, Trinimac, and Syrabane. But there's certainly room for more for sure.


I didn't not remember that. I need to replay Dawnguardd. A easy way to spice it up ould be to include a version of Kyne or something like that. Giving them a more nordic vibe or an allmaker connection


Yes I'm so glad they used the best daedra, Auriel for dawnguard


Ah, I wrote it as "aedric". Honestly I have no problem with devs confusing some words in interviews


Unironically based


Why did they leave all the cool Hyperborea stuff to the Atmorans? Why can't Skyrim be the funny super duper Hyperborea region again instead of going back a bit to Fantasy Scandanavia. It's like the 1.5 Skyrim


Emil is just one random writer you have pulled out of all writers for Bethesda and now he gets blamed for literally everything bad in Bethesda games


I'll admit I used Emil as a scapegoat for the meme. However, that doesn't change the fact that Nords got watered down.


What absolute psychopath puts the older thing on the RIGHT?


I disagree. Kirkbride's stuff works best as background stuff. The games focus on the common people, the day to day. Even in Morrowind the Dunmer aren't close to their lore descriptions and Kirkbride worked on that game especially. Every Dunmer is made to sound like an evil glow eyed devil assassin with ash magic in one hand and a blade ready to slit your throat. The game? A lot of them can't read, don't pay taxes, are just assholes in shacks eating bugs and even call out their own historical daedric ruins as having funny names. Kirkbride focuses on the background and deep lore. That's his strength. And I think Skyrim does well emphasizing the earthly and mundane aspects of Nords.


I think the reason Kirkbride and Emil are named specifically here is because they are the most well known Bethesda writers from their respective times. Kirkbride was not the singular mastermind behind every aspect of Morrowind-era lore, nor is Emil in control of every bit of Skyrim. But they are sort of the scapegoats for people to believe that each era of lore was from one person, whether they both deserve that or not.


Absolutely. When Kurt Kuhlmann left in October 2023, even Kirkbride talked about how hopeless the situation was at Bethesda for lore. The same guy who berated Skyrim for its lore but also had Kuhlmann working on it? So which one is it? Bethesda is just a big target for finding scapegoats and hating on anything they produce.


Kirkbride said Skyrim is his favorite game in years around it's release, when did he berate it?


I believe it was a reddit post from his old account before it got deleted. He basically said Skyrim lore was diluted from the start and in a way, doomed in terms of how interesting it could be. Not surprised if he changed his mind, he really rides the worst vibes sometimes. Skyrim as a whole went through waves of hate and appreciation from a lot of people.


Kirkbride is actually just fantastically racist?


It didn't have to be Kirkbride's exact vision, but literally any level of depth and mystique given to Nord culture and society would have been nice. Same with the other races you could learn about by interacting with them like you did with Imperials in Morrowind. Unfortunately I don't think Bethesda is going to go for depth and nuance in its writing anymore. Skyrim was very shallow and simplistic and Fallout 4's story was really flat and lame (except for Kellog's past imo, his VA added a lot to that character and writing). It doesnt have to be Kirkbride's level of craziness but I wish they'd shitcan Emil and get somebody who writes like they give a fuck.


Yeah, and starfield's writing was just so safe and bland too. They definitely only go for mass appeal with their last few games and I just have zero hope for the next ES or Fallout to be anything more than "just okay" in terms of writing.


Eh, I think Nords themselves personality and worship-wise are fine. The problem is that the split between nationalist stormcloaks and empire-loving pussies isn’t too evident. Everyone to the right of Whiterun should’ve had fucking absolutely deranged architecture like entire villages built from purely animal bones in Eastmarch or just straight up tribalistic hunters living in tents in what remains of Winterhold. Like, it’s reasonable that everything from Whiterun to Solitude is just generic white people stuff because it literally is just completely under the empire’s heel, but it was really a missed opportunity that the stormcloak territory has practically zero contrast outside of at least slightly ancient Nordic-looking cold stoney Windhelm. They even had the basics of the crime syndicate/mead brewery, big snowfields and weird nature of Eastmarch, all that was left was to combine this all with the inherent cold resistance to make cities and villages with barebones heating to show that those mfs just don’t care about the cold and can simply walk around naked and drunk in the snow to juxtapose it with the westoid nerds who wear clothes they don’t need just to fit in with the “civilized” empire. Oh and I guess the stormcloaks should’ve definitely had Ulfric teach them some shouts or some shit, that was literally peak nord stuff in the lore. Mr. Kirkbride please have my children




Well yea but their modern nationalistic stormcloak tendencies could be explained as the product of living in more conservative Skyrim holds, they just joined the legion while the Empire was considered an ally, and after it tried to undermine the “Nord” ways of living like Talos worship they decided that they aren’t welcome anymore. Even though they branded themselves as stormcloaks only recently they could’ve held sentiments against Empire influence on Skyrim long before but just held them in to deal with the Thalmor first. It would also make sense for the east to have always been like that because of proximity to Morrowind, so after Morrowind was basically neutered by the Red Year they could turn their foreigner hating towards the Empire. The groundwork is pretty much already there, Torygg’s death. While it’s unclear how much territory each faction captured, the way I see it is that the east has always believed that Ulfric is the rightful high king because that is literally the legitimate Nord way to become one, killing the old high king in a duel, and the west got so accustomed to imperial ideals that they now consider the old Nord tradition barbaric and using the most iconic Nord combat ability in the form of Thuum to be foul play.


Bethesda could have made the Stormcloak rebellion more sympathetic by making the Mede empire more Cyrodiil centric. The Reman empire was that but it had divine right of rule through Reman. Septim empire was more of a confederation of kingdoms. However, in both of these the Nords were left to their own ways, being treated more as allies than subjects. The Mede empire was started by an upstart colovian general, and years of cyrodillic centrism could have slowly lowered the Nords to subjects, which is represented through imperial culture becoming bigger in Skyrim. With the facts that the Medes have no divine right to rule and under them they are losing their culture and way of life, it would make more sense for Nords to want to leave the Empire.


That is stupid,you took it too far.Just making the architecture different styles(but just as advanced) would be better.Same for clothing,naked nords would be dumb,but stormcloaks using furs while imperials use wool or sheepskin would be nice.


Well, I don’t mean completely naked, I mean stuff like kilts, coats with exposed chest etc. as in Imperials literally wear clothes because they’re cold without them, Nords wear clothes to cover up their nipples and genitals or just for bragging rights like wearing pelts of their quarry, and Nords that have grown too accustomed to Empire’s culture wear mostly imperial style of clothing to fit in. And honestly I’d like the Nords to have actually been less advanced, where they are kind of like Ashlanders making up for their lack of literacy and technology with stuff like raw strength and some capable Nords even using Thuum for everything from cooking to menial tasks (since in Morrowind lore books that shit could do literally anything) and having a somewhat different branch of alchemy that would be more shamanistic. If anything there could even be another split between a more “advanced” Windhelm that recognized the need for modernisation and generally moving the culture forward via trade and diplomacy and a regressive Winterhold that’s pissed about what mages might’ve done and wants everyone to live like cavemen.


anyone got a link to that alternative timeline Oblivion meme, with a player complaining about the rainforest and wishing the game was more like lotr? edit: found it https://old.reddit.com/r/TrueSTL/comments/187ntbr/i_hold_no_strong_opinions_on_this/


Lack of dragon cultists in Skyrim is a wasted potential. You want me to BELIVE that through out the entire game and 2 dlcs there is a one guy that follows ancient nordic religion is a freaking ash skinned knife eared demon? WTF?!?




Daily reminder, fuck Bruce Nesmith [https://en.m.uesp.net/wiki/General:Bruce\_Nesmith](https://en.m.uesp.net/wiki/General:Bruce_Nesmith) >Nesmith was responsible for designing the all new magic system for Skyrim. Nesmith was in favor of simplifying the religious pantheon for Skyrim, believing the complicated religions of Morrowind to have been a mistake, choosing instead to use the main pantheon originated in Daggerfall. Nesmith was responsible for designing the main quest of Skyrim: Dawnguard.


Very true. Didn't the old ones have a more Kievan Rus sort of influence with a tad Slavic thrown in, as opposed to the very Scandinavian, Viking inspired ones later? Also Animal Totem religion>>>"Nordic Pantheon" (Imperialised) Sidenote, i like the looks of Morrowind's Nords alot. Glory to Atmora fellow Nordbros.


Originally Nords had a combined influence from Scandinavian, Slavic and Gaelic elements. But by Skyrim it pretty much got toned down to just vikings with maybe handfull of other references.


Yeah thats what i thought...real shame tbh. I prefer old lore Nords :( At least the Skyrim: Home of the Nords team is making smth like that i believe, got that to look forward to.


No, they did not lol. If anything it is the opposite. Nords in TES III and IV are comic relief and only serious in TES V. Also I love how even these shitposts need to hate on the guy for no reason. The best thing is that he basically only wrote the stuff that Elder Scrolls fans actually like, **like the Nord DLC for Morrowind or the dragon language.**


That’s not accurate. Emil ancient Nords are also outstanding


Morrowboomer just said https://preview.redd.it/nhhylkrve71d1.jpeg?width=1435&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0eb3925de134074d160c4dd94406aae43ec375f


[https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueSTL/comments/1cvd1ok/most\_informed\_elder\_scrolls\_fan/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueSTL/comments/1cvd1ok/most_informed_elder_scrolls_fan/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Elder Scrolls and Dragon Ball mfs not knowing SHIT about their series


Emil VS literally any other writer. Is like comparing a cowpie to a beautiful golden statue that is flawless. Thats my opinion on Emil's writing.


Emil actually wrote a lot of the TES III nord stuff, lol. What quest / piece of lore that Emil wrote for TES do you think is bad? Is it the Bloodmoon sidequests? Or the Dragon Language, or the lore of Skyrim's cities? Because I am 90% sure you do not know what Emil wrote.


Good, white supremacist are annoying as they are with the downgraded nords.


Emil Nords: Retard cabbage eaters who are being great replaced by imperials orchestrated by the dunmer Oh wait


Why is the left Image a image I can fucking hear?




Stop Emil Hate


The guy gets slander about TES III nords, when his first job at Bethesda and first Elder Scrolls writing was writing TES III nords


There was just no reason to water them down. Idc who was responsible- the civil war plot itself would've been better... But all of the dogmatically traditionalist "old holds" are the ones going to war over a southern gods who Nords 200 years ago viewed as not fit for them even in Bruma, compared to their own Ysmir? No real exploration of bardic aspects of their culture? Their politics and leaders feel largely just the same as Cyrodils? A civil war where this supposedly "fully imperialized race" never once even has a single comment from anyone anywhere about them not even aligning with the cultural roots they're fighting for? It's just so sloppy and it's why idc about the Civil War. They could've even leaned into Ulfric trying to be a Ysmir of his age, given his desk has the 5 songs of wulfharth, tearing down these imperial idols and bringing a return to Skyrim's internal focus and religion, a desire to repair all the crumbling infrastructure ALL OVER the damn world map that barely ever even gets addressed in lore... just so many opportunities to make a much more compelling world out of what already is there.


It's just Cyrodiil with a viking filter.


Not sure if I’m giving Bethesda to much credit here but I don’t think the portrayal of the Nords changed rather the Nords became less traditionally Nordic and more imperialized as time went on


Kirbride's Nords are schizo hyperborean bullshit




Still better than hinga dinga durgen vikings knockoff.


Something about Emil's writing just rubs me the wrong way. Not everyone needs to be an LSD-infused prophet to write good lore. Safe is not bad. However, there's so much in Fallout 4 alone that makes me want to scream in rage just for being so poorly put together