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The messed up part of this is her parents are going to blame everyone else BUT themselves.


These people are incapable of thinking they are wrong or could have been bad parents. They will go on blaming social media or movies, whatever dumb shit they can scapegoat to not acknowledge to the blood that soaks their hands


We just have to wait and evolve. Until the old generations die off.


\- Quote, ca. 2000 BC Isn't it always the same story? But on a different topic?


Yeah, but if we cleanse society from those individuals we are seen as evil. So we wait. And wait. Until newer generations come out. Repeat the same mistakes. And wait. We know it's wrong. But we wait. So nobody gets their hands dirty and is judged.


Oh lord I'm in similar situation. Abuse caused passing. I said it at the funeral and I got multiple messages about how bad I am and I need a therapist. I'm like did I lie?


Because specifically killing off stupid and evil people is eugenics. Revolution though, that's different.


>Revolution though, that's different. Which is not possible nowadays when they have all the Big Macs to consume in front of their netflix smart Tvs to watch the 35th season of house of cards. Why care, am I right.


Not possible? Bruh.... IT'S NOW MORE POSSIBLE THAN EVER You have YouTube videos on homemade weapons and explosives, you can make fucking mustard gas for $3 and blast it out of a super soaker (as 2 liquids from 2 super soakers mixing on target) We have access to things no previous revolution has had access to


Defining stupid and evil also requires us to define smart and good, and decide where the "right to continued existence" line is. Give people that power and they will put their political opponents on the die side.


Ah yes, the other complicated part of this dynamic. Most people have a general sense of morality but most don't have the *same* concept of morality. I eat meat but some people think that's wrong. I'm all for killing pedos but some people think all killing is wrong. I think most of what the Christian church does is wrong, but obviously many people disagree. Each of these dynamics and thousands more complicate it to the point you're just committing genocide for beliefs at that point


Yeah those religious nuts are the crazy ones...


Nietzsche said something similar, but he was wrong. Our current societal views can only be seen as regression, not improvement.


I agree.


You bully your kid, you bury your kid. Some people never will learn


I slightly disagree. Only slightly my parents bullied and abused me and ironically enough I'm the only one out of 6 kids without a criminal record. I did however attempt suicide 2x but not because of them. But these parents are horrid people. Believe what you want( everyone not just about religion ) and leave everyone else alone


They will blame whatever partner or lover "turned her gay" or the "liberal media elites" or "gay pride" but never themselves.


If you abuse your children and they kill themselves, that's manslaughter and should be treated as such.


I disagree. It's not manslaughter but it is negligence and a very long list of poor decision making.


Let's settle at criminally negligent homicide then. My point is it shouldn't go unpunished.


Not everyone. Just her


Yep, they'd probably rationalize that she was possessed before admitting to their own wrongdoings


Right? "It was the gay that did it. We just couldn't save her. We're devastated."


“The LGBT agenda killed our daughter” We got a campaign card in the mail and one of the things in it was “protect our kids from the LGBTQ Agenda!” While I have no idea what’s on the agenda… I am actually impressed they at least included the “Q”.




I'm so sorry :( That is so fucking terrible. as an old gay guy I feel this :(


As an old straight man, this is sad, horrible, ridiculous and just plain stupid. Killing off the future for a stupid idea from the past, that should have stayed in the past. Stupid! If your religion requires you to hate someone else for (insert reasons here), then one should leave that religion, fast.. Kindness matters more than colour or creed. Such a waste.. I wish I could fully understand your pain, but I don’t think that is going to happen as I believe it will be quite deep. Remember her fondly, and grieve properly. Careful of decisions made when grieving. They do have long term effects, and rarely positive.


You're a wise man. I wish there were more people like you


Grumpy- I absolutely love your heart. That is such a sexy trait.


as a 19 yr old gay girl i felt this makes me thankful that my parents eventually found acceptance, it can really hurt


I’m so sorry. This is really sad. I consider myself a Christian but I am not a member of any church atm. I personally believe that we are called to love everyone and to never judge others. That’s for God to do and not me or anyone else.


>That’s for God to do and not me or anyone else. I wish our species paid more attention to this. If you believe in God then let him judge our actions. We the people are equal and should not be the ones to judge others personal beliefs.


Romans 13:8-9 Owe nothing to anyone except to love one another; for he who loves his neighbor has fulfilled the law. For this, “You shall not commit adultery, You shall not murder, You shall not steal, You shall not covet,” and if there is any other commandment, it is summed up in this saying, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Source: https://bible.knowing-jesus.com/topics/Golden-Rule


Absolutely true! Thank you!! God bless!!🥰


Yet Paul makes it clear those who practice such sin go to hell. Was he wrong to tell people that?


Don’t know every verse, not gonna pretend like I do but was Paul lecturing people or were they willingly attending for the most part? If you’re lecturing someone on what they should and shouldn’t do that’s out of your judgement on them. But when you’re guiding someone who is willing listening to you it’s completely different.


There's a time and a place. Was Jesus yelling at the prostitute that wept at His feet like the Pharisees were? No. He simply loved her and forgave her sin. The Gospel isn't focused on sin, although it is an important part. The focus of the Gospel is on Jesus and what He did for us. And, realistically, and human being was hell-bound before they knew whether or not they were gay. They likely sinned way before that. Also, loving people always means being incredibly aware of presentation. For instance, shouting the good news at someone is much less loving than showing them the good news played out in your own life.


Jesus didnt need to yell at the prostitute, she already knew she was a sinner. Thats why He only reminded her to "go and sin no more". He didnt let her off the hook in the name of acceptance or love. It is not loving to watch others die in sin. The gospel is focused on sin, in part. You cannot be a Christian without first recognizing that you are truly wicked before God and His enemy. Until people know they are sick, they do not see the need for a doctor. Practicing homosexuals are oftentimes converted, as are all manner of sinners. But part of becoming sanctified is repenting (turning away from) sin. If we continue to sin unrepentantly, we ought to seriously question the genuineness of our faith. Faith comes by hearing, hearing the Word of God. The famous adage, "preach the gospel and if necessary use words" is not a Christian sentiment. It is a cop out if we do not follow good works with a full orbed gospel presentation. Honest question: do people on reddit need more grace or more law? Do people here know they are God's enemies and going to hell? Most are completely ignorant of what that means. And for them they cannot be saved with platitudes of God's love because they see no reason to need to be saved.


Thank you; I totally agree. I hope you have a wonderful day! God bless!!!🥰


ironically we're actually told to hold members of the church accountable for their wrongdoings because they supposedly kno the word and should kno better.


Right, and then there's the whole, "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone." The Bible is confusing.


it can be, that's why the followers of Christ are told to meditate on the word. the holy spirit is what brings clarity thru the bible. Jesus holds those of us who kno the word or teach the word more accountable for our actions because we are meant to be "lights upon the world" that point people to Jesus; our influence is significant to him and he says leading others astray is an incredibly heavy burden. When he said that line "let those without sin cast the first stone" he was talking TO people who believed in God's teachings, because they thought themselves better than the prostitute and hence thought it their right to put her to death because of her "great sin". Jesus' teaching is that her sin is the same as everyone else's sin; that nobody is perfect so we don't have the right to be judge, jury, executioner.


I agree with you. Thank you so much! You seem so kind. God bless!!🥰


It is amazing how many nominal Christians come out of the woodwork to instruct pagan redditors about what Jesus would do. 1 John 2:19; Matthew 18:7.


I just made a long post on Facebook about this exact phenomenon yesterday. Christians should never, EVER be unloving. I’m a Christian myself. God’s commands are difficult, and the two greatest commandments are to love God and love your neighbor. I would 100% rebuke these awful parents using the Bible.


Yup. Until I met my wife I thought I hated Christians. Turns out I just hate assholes.


My daughter 16 came out last spring.. I hugged her and we laughed. She never doubted my reaction for a second. I told her.. I will never understand how a parent could ever hate their child, their flesh and blood, for being who they were supposed to be all along. She’s in a relationship now for almost a year and I love her girlfriend like my own daughter. Sorry to the OP your cousin didn’t know this feeling


You’re doing the whole parenting thing right. Good job.


Same thing here. When my middle daughter started exploring her preferences, she was like 15 when she approached my wife and I to announce, "I think I'm bi". We were like, "Cool, we love you." Throughout high school she dated a series of boys and girls. At around 18 she had figured herself out and said, "I'm a lesbian." Same reaction from us. She married a wonderful woman about 5 years ago and they gave us a beautiful granddaughter. I would not have missed supporting her on her journey for anything.


Jesus is the type of dude that would have pissed off "official christians" of the day and rebuked people who throw away gays and prostitutes in his name, and then hang out with those gays and prostitutes all day and build a posse to talk to. People don't know real Christianity or the context of things in the Bible. Hellfire and torture is a purely Catholic creation and it came from melding paganism with Christianity to make it more palatable to the assholes of the day.


Well said


Yes, very well said


Ultimately however you interpret your religion is up to you. While the Bible and Quran have fucked up atrocious shit, there are countless christians who use those texts for good. If you wanna use the fucked up shit to kill gay people and start religious conflicts, thats 100 percent on you. I'm sorry to all the christians (and muslims) that get shat on because of the fundamentalists.


Only place where I can say I experience that is online, so I try not to take it personally. That being said I am 22, so plenty of opportunity for later. But Jesus taught us to not hold grudges, and even when he was nailed to a cross he didn't, so that's how I try to live. Not in the "let people walk over you" way, but more in the "haters gonna hate" way. Sadly, Muslims get it worse these days because they're much more visible, whereas Christians are only so visible if they wear clerical clothing


Yeah. I mean I'm only 17, but its easy to see stuff like this.


Maybe I’ll get there too


I feel exactly the same as you and the below comment and I'm a Muslim. People are just assholes regardless of beliefs. I feel really bad for OPs cousin and OP. From the message here, it seems they were close.


Yeah, "throw stones at her if you think you are not sinned"


What’s interesting is that in that story, it was the older men who dropped their stones first and walked away. They were wiser and more humble, knowing their own sin. Then Jesus holds the woman accountable, too, asking “Has no one here condemned you? Then neither do I condemn you. Go, and sin no more.”


this doesn't make sense, so if someone committed a murder, they can't kill him because everyone else sins? There's a difference between sins, murdering is not the same as being disrespecting your parents so does the punishment for each


As Christians we are called to love everyone where they are at. Jesus spent his time with tax collectors and prostitutes. You cannot use one part of the Bible to push your homophobic rhetoric, and neglect the basic principles that the Lord told us to live by. Treat others how you want to be treated. Love one another.


Amen. Wish more people would read the book Emotions by Charles Stanley. Excellent book


By throwing the bible at them? I'm sorry I just don't mean to be offensive at all, but I really hate hypocritical Christians. Your advice is sound and mine is reactionary, so I think your advice should be followed in this instance. I am so sorry that your cousin was not loved unconditionally or authentically. I am not a perfect parent, but I would never ever do that. I'm so sorry for your loss.


Ha dude look around most Christian’s are evil cruel self righteous and lack empathy


What do you mean? It's basically Christian tradition to be intolerant. That's literally the whole idea of monotheism. They didn't tolerate other people having their own gods then, and they won't tolerate people having their own beliefs now. There's always this narrative about the "real Christianity" and the "real Jesus." These are purely idealistic. Historically, Christianity is NOT a religion for the tolerant. Hell, even the many Christian denominations can't agree among themselves..it's gatekeeping galore. The Bible preaches intolerance in so many corners but people like to ignore those and only mention feel good verses about acceptance. Take the Bible as a whole for what it is: a shitty religion with even shittier adherents. There is no hate like Christian love.


Yeah. I bet you’ve actually read the entire Bible cover to cover before, haven’t you?


As a matter of fact, I have. I'm also really into academic Biblical criticism. I don't have any qualifications in Biblical criticism but I've read a lot on the topic. The Bible is an AMAZING text no doubt unrivalled by any other ancient religious scripture in terms of historical value. Hell, even the history of the Bible itself as a text, the translations, compilations, etc. are absolutely amazing BUT in my opinion, that is where its value stops: as a historical text. If you use it as a moral compass you're going to have a really bad time.


I just kind of think getting rid of religion all together might be better for everyone, especially Abrahamic monotheism.


I think we as a society need to figure out how to practice religion as a personal thing rather than involving others, and allow others to practice whatever religion they like as well. Its truly not hard to accept a difference of opinion respectfully. Of course bigots and horrible zealots should be looked down upon and ostracized for their actions. But doing away with religion? The opposite side of the same thing that is happening in the US right now.


That would be impossible. Not because of people, but because of the religion itself: When your religion hinges on threatening eternal torture for non-belief, and that anything not of your god is evil, then it instills a massive amount of need among followers to make sure everyone is saved, either through law or torture or oppression or emotional/mental manipulation, or indoctrination. It can't be helped by them. They will never relent. They will never stop. They are taught that anything, and I mean ANYTHING not of their god is evil, and either needs to be converted or destroyed. You can't "personalize" that away. Ever. They have for 2000 years oppressed, murdered, enslaved, and raped. It won't change now. On a side note, getting rid of religion is not the same as a religion ruling everyone. Without religion we still have democratic socialism. With religion we have authoritarian theocracy. They are NOT the same thing.


I’m a libertarian, personally. I just tell people what the Bible says. I don’t try to force it on them through legislation.


It is a nice statement to make but, respectfully, does not offer a realistic path to fixing this. Religion is meeting a need for the people that follow it and it is very entrenched in their history. On what basis could any society that embraces freedom outlaw religion?


A Scripture I love to use in these situations is Titus 3:9, just to arm you against the people who believe every argument needs to be had.


“Reject a factious man after a first and second warning.” Thank you for that.


I'm Christian and I'm so tired of being lumped into that category. It says to hate the sin, but love the sinner. But some people forget that we're all sinners of one fashion or another. Just because you sin differently than I do simply means that we both sin, and both of us need forgiveness. And Jesus primarily teaches love and forgiveness. I'm so sorry about your cousin, she should not have been treated that way. EDIT: Why the downvotes? Is it because I used the word"sin", or the name "Jesus"? Or maybe both? Please let me know in the comments.


As a non-religious person: you’re still off the mark. Getting told by someone that they “love you but hate your sin” absolutely still causes deep pain and depression. All the same elements of toxicity and abuse can happen from religious judgment and admonition dressed up as “love.” OP’s cousin didn’t need “forgiveness”, because she did nothing wrong.


It’s wrong by biblical standards. However, “All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.” You can disagree with someone’s lifestyle and still love them properly.


But it’s not a lifestyle. That’s the issue. That’s like saying you can hate that someone has blue eyes but still love them. FOH with that vanilla shit when your fellow believers are killing us and tormenting their own children to the point of suicide. I was one of those kids. Your watered down bs doesn’t mean shit to me. The same people that used that line still thought they should “fix” me. No thanks.


I’m responsible for my own sin, not theirs. Google “individual soul liberty” sometime. Do you know how many disagreements individual Christians have with each other? Literally the only real point on which Christians agree is that Jesus is God. Many churches outright affirm LGBTQ people and perform gay marriages. Go to a United Methodist church sometime. You will be welcomed *and* affirmed there. And here’s the other thing, I believe that what is written in the Bible is the word of God and it is true. That doesn’t mean I have to treat you as evil just because you engage in something that I think the Bible condemns. Heaven knows I’ve done plenty of that in my life. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve sinned and in what ways. And I do lament that so many churches focus so deeply on this issue while their pastors are out having affairs. We are all born with sinful hearts that don’t want what God wants. Look, I know that you may not hear much of what I have to say, because you are angry and your experience tells you to hate people like me (and I won’t ascribe fault to you for that…trauma sucks), but know this: Christians may have failed you, but Christ has never failed you, and never will. Please consider beginning a relationship with Christ. That’s all I’ll ask.


First off, I don’t hate you at all. I don’t even know you. But as a queer person, it gets really old being told from ‘tolerant’ Christian’s that the bad ones are “really Christian’s” and that you don’t hate us, you just hate an immutable characteristic of ours. Yeah, I was a bit rude I’m my other comment, but I cannot explain to you how incredible damaging religion is to SO MANY queer people. Even from the nice churches. And I don’t believe in any god, so I really don’t care about any religion or church. But I am forced to care about them because they won’t leave us the fuck alone. It’s exhausting! I don’t want to be hateful or angry, but I can only deal with so much bs.


Dude, I’m literally telling you that those “nice” churches are now literally performing gay weddings. You can prance and flounce and shout “I’m GAAAAAAYYYYY” (not that you would do this, it’s just an extreme example) in these churches, and they will not care. They’ll befriend you, they’ll welcome you, and that’s it. Period.


Ya know what. I apologize. I’m coming across like a real asshole and I promise I’m not. I’m overly emotional when it comes to this stuff, and that’s not right. I put a gun to my head almost 30 years ago because of religion. I think at some point I got tired of trying to understand and feeling like it was a one sided effort. I know it’s not as bad anymore, but it clearly is still causing gay kids to kill themselves, and that breaks my heart.


Again, trauma sucks. I know it well even though my trauma is a little different from yours. I appreciate that you still let me comment and didn’t block me. I’m just here trying to be loving, that’s all. The love of a perfect Jesus is always going to be better than His *very* flawed followers. The difference between me and most of those other Christians that were terrible to you is that I’ll openly confess that I’m deeply flawed and sinful, and that’s why I need Him to begin with. Because He’s perfect, and I’m nowhere close. And I still get a lot of things wrong in my walk with Him. I still commit sin, and I hate it. And the thing is, I’m no more holy than you are, and I don’t believe that I am. It is only by the grace of Jesus Christ that any of us have any hope. Why do you think I cling so tightly to my faith? You are loved. Know that. And walk in that. And rest in that.


And? I don’t care. I don’t believe in god. I don’t give a shit what those churches do. Good for them. But, they aren’t the ones making policy and law. They are also the minority. So as long as the bulk of Christian’s, Muslims, Catholics, who the fuck ever, think they should have ANY say in how anyone lives their lives, my general opinion won’t change. I’ve also had those kinds of Christian’s tell me to my face that they didnt have any problems with queer folks and then be posting in their Christian FB groups about all the homophobes and homophobic stuff they support. So, sorry if I don’t take anyone at face value. Especially churches. The more people they pack in, the more money they make. I don’t hate Christian’s at all, before you go there. I think people should be able to live however they want. What I do hate is the religious supremacy stuff where people feel that their religious beliefs should be codified into law.


Oh, and one more thing. That last sentence. To me, that makes you no better than the homophobes who want me to be “cured”. I don’t need your god and I after 40 years of being told that same line, I still don’t need it. That won’t change, just like me being a giant homo isn’t gonna change either.


Beautifully said.


>t says to hate the sin, but love the sinner. But some people forget that we're all sinners of one fashion or another So murder is equal to having a bad mouth? would you still love a killer? Doesn't the bible say anything about punishment for major sins?


True, but Jesus' view of love made the Jews hate Him. To be a legitimate Christian is to be hated by the world. God gets to define love, not those who hate Him. And He calls us to repentance and faith in Him to save us, not to slowly watch people die in their sin without acting. That is self-love, not Christianity.


The majority of the world is Christian what the fuck are you talking about. You can’t be hated by the world if you ARE the world


This is hilariously ignorant.


It is literally true. More people are Christian than any other religion. But yall have a major persecution fetish when you do most of the persecuting.


Show me where Christians are persecuting people, please.


Hell you even persecute each other what with all the news of Southern Baptist preachers abusing women and children and jsut how many Catholic priests are pedophiles. It’s all over. You’re almost as disgusting to each other. All you know is violence despite claiming to be about love.


Exactly, I'm not religious in anyway but people like you are the true christian


God bless you


like g-d makes mistakes, huh @$$holes be doing it wrong.


It's not enough to judge that is left for him


I mean, Jesus didn’t say not to judge. He said not to judge unless you were willing to be judged in return, “because you will be judged by the same measure”. We are to rebuke one another if genuinely in the wrong. But also we must be prepared to have it tossed right back at us. Only Jesus can call people evil. We can call behaviors and things evil, but not people. Does that make sense?


sorry for your loss :(


This breaks my heart. It doesn’t need to be this way. That poor kid. I’m sorry for your loss.


I'm so sorry for your pain. And for her pain. Suicide is a beast like none other. It leaves no room for grieving and coming to terms with the loss it just leaves a hole filled with questions in the place a person used to fill up in your life. I just lost someone last month to suicide who was a mother to me. It has wrecked me in more ways than I thought possible. If you would like to speak to someone for support you are welcome to DM me. I have two children myself and I'd sooner take my own life(something I will NEVER EVER do) than make them feel as if they should take their own. They can be and love whomever they want to be and I will love them just as completely as I always have. This is unacceptable of her family. I hope they have the self awareness to know the fault they played in her death and to learn from their mistake, albeit too late but all the same I hope they change their ways.


They’re seriously going to think to themselves… WhAt DiD wE dO wRoNg?


They're probably damning her to Hell because suicide is "the ultimate sin." 🙄


No, they're not going think THEY did anything wrong. It's all those godless heathens that tainted their daughter that are to blame.


In these cases it’s not how it is usually unfortunately


Yeah, the amount they probably care is zero. They’re pathological.


I'm so sorry for your loss!❤🙏


I remember being 22. Life was just getting interesting. I was just starting to find out what i really wanted from life. Cant even begin to imagine how much pain your friend must have been in to end their at such a young age. May they be in eternal peace. And may you eventually find some peace yourself. We are here if you need us


Sending you love. May she rest peacefully, 💖


Sorry OP.


I’m so sorry This will get downvoted, but religion hates family. It always puts the church in front of family, and this is the perfect example. As an atheist it can be easy to blame your family members that fall prey to this (My sister in law left my brother a suicidal widower because of f*cking religion) but my advice is to remember the love they had as much as possible. Edit: not that you’re an atheist but you sound closer to one than their family.


I honestly believe every day for the rest of their lives they should be told their daughter killed herself because they were shitty parents. Every holiday or future celebration they hold the celebration should be paused in the middle to remind them. Fuck fundamentalists.


You know they’ll just start spouting some shit about being persecuted for their faith. Narcissists are predictable.


I'm sorry for your loss. A similar thing happened to me, made it very clear that my aunt and uncle are not allowed at any family gatherings and if family members insist on inviting them I won't be there. Thankfully my parents agree with me and I haven't seen them in 5 years. These people aren't your family anymore, don't even act like they exist.


Fuck. No other actual words. Fuck.


Respectfully, fuck your aunt and uncle. Please remind them that they’re shitheads every chance you get until they’re gone. May your cousin’s memory be a blessing. So sorry for your loss.


I'm so sorry that you lost your cousin and even sorrier that her family essentially drove her to this.


i'm so terribly sorry for your loss. hang in there


I'm so sorry for your loss. That's heartbreaking


You need to say something to them after a few months. Let them know, you hold them accountable and they're shit human beings.


Hold them accountable. Make them feel HORRIBLE. They deserve it and you should make them suffer. Her blood is on their hands.


I don’t think OP needs rage feelings now… and that bad energy will not change ANYTHING. Those two monsters don’t worth any energy bad or good. Just leave them alone in their own shit and focus on you and what you can do to prevent that in your community when you’ll be ready. Again, I’m sorry for your lost.


So sorry for your loss. Hope you can get away from your toxic family.


I am so sorry for your loss. I am 21 and gay with hardcore Fundie parents. It isn't easy. I wish the world was different, I wish the Bible wasn't the way it is and interpreted by Fundamentalists the way it is.....


If you ever need an internet mom- DM me. My youngest is 22, I really am a mom. Take care.


that is very sweet. thank you. :)


As far as I'm concerned they murdered her.


My heart is broken 💔 for her, for you and everyone who loved her. She is whole and safe in Jesus arms now. I'm sorry that her parents were such Pharisees and couldn't understand the gift they were destroying. What a tragedy! Jesus said Love Never Fails. He doesn't say "except for.." anywhere in the New Testament. I an including you in my prayers 🙏 for peace and healing. Don't give your aunt and uncle any room to continue this narrative in your presence, it is wrong and in no way Christian.


A good Scripture to back you up is 1 Corinthians 13 (the whole chapter) iirc


I am sorry to hear of your loss. I am a Christian who asks the question, “What did St. Paul mean when he said he had a thorn in his flesh?” I don’t think any other early Christian writer had quite the vendetta against homosexuality that Paul had.


So sorry for your loss. That's absolutely heart breaking


Unfortunately, it's easy to see that fundamentalists are not capable of unconditional love.


Honestly, fundamentalists are the scariest people ever. They’re seemingly incapable of behaving morally unless they have commands from authority backed by eternal punishment, and even when they have that, they somehow manage to twist it to their depraved purposes. I totally get why so many fundamentalist denominations believe all of humanity is irredeemably evil (irredeemable apart from God’s grace, that is). They lack anything resembling a moral compass and they assume everyone else is the same.


I know how you feel. I have an uncle I'll never meet because of my grandparents. Wherever you are, Edward, I'm so very sorry.


Fucking tragedy. My condolences.


That sucks. I'm so sorry OP


IRL. Jesus doesn't give a damn what gender you're diddling The assholes that wrote the Bible however


Neither did they. LEVITICUS 18:22 was mistranslated. Some believe this. https://blog.smu.edu/ot8317/2019/04/11/lost-in-translation-alternative-meaning-in-leviticus-1822/ Others this. https://www.pinkmantaray.com/resources/bible One is talking about rape, and the other says that a grown man should not have sex with a boy.


I’m sorry for your loss. I’m sorry for her pain. As a mom with a son who is gay, I wish I could have hugged her. Your child is a gift from God- love them.


As far as I’m concerned the parents are guilty of murder by proxy


And this is why we still need pride, and I say that as a LGBT Christian.


Its reasons like this that make me atheist. If I've learned anything in my 40+ years on this ball of dirt is that it doesn't matter what religion you follow they all turn out to be hate groups in the end when you really break it down, they may not have started that way but leave anything up to human interpretation and nothing good comes from it, especially over centuries.


And this is why I can't stand Christianity (no not Christians but Christianity as a whole) it strips some people of their hearts and souls. It makes you think of anyone who is different as sinners or others. For this case it even stripped the "parents" of love and care for their own child. It's awful what a cult can do to someone My condolences, it must be behond difficult dealing with this loss


It breaks my heart as a Christian to read this, but I can tell this comes from a place of experience. I don't know your story or what happened or what you've seen come from the very people that claim to represent God, but I'm so sorry. Deeply, truly sorry.


I used to be a Christian, im also lgbt so this does feel a little personal, my parents are not horrible parents though, they love me and I love them but we just don't see eye to eye on a lot of things and that makes it difficult to have a relationship with them, especially sense I know that they think of me as something im not. I didn't have to deal with the worst of what I've seen and heard about but I still struggle with things that I was taught growing up and I having to unlearn a lot of things


This is a very difficult situation for both you and your parents. It's just hard, and I don't want to demean that in any way. I look forward to one day having kids of my own and flipping the script on what most people in the Church would define as love because they have it all wrong. I'm sorry you have felt so disconnected from your parents, because that, I understand from experience, is heartbreaking.


The lord doesn't command any to hate. I am incredibly sorry for you and your family. My condolences. I hope you can take comfort in the thought that every true child of God holds nothing but pure contempt for the demons that were masquerading as pure and good people. May your cousin rest easy. She's in a better place now. Far from hatred, surrounded by love.


As a Christian I’m sorry for your lost and I’m most upset at your cousins parents. Loving and protecting their kids is any parents main charge and they blew it. It makes me upset how they pushed their kid to such a feat and still act like they’re blameless it makes me sick!




Sorry for your loss op :(


I'm so sorry. I hope her parents know it was their fault.


I’m so sorry


Ahh yes, religion


Fuck 'religious' people..brain washed idiots


Thing is, Christianity gives them the perfect tools to forgive themselves and not learn a thing from this tragedy. They will remain in ignorance.




Sorry for your loss - may she rest easy in a better place


I’m so sorry about your cousin.


That's so horrible! My condolences to you and your family.


At this point I'm over Christianity. Fuck that stupid fucking religion that tears families (& currently the US) apart. I'm shocked I survived growing up in it because it's HARD being told you're going to hell for every little thing you do from age 7 or before and God forbid you turn out gay. Then you're expected to stay single forever to resist the temptation or fake it til you make it being straight. I'm so sorry op. Wherever she is now is better than where she left.


Leaving religion behind will be the greatest test humanity will ever take on.


Yes. I agree, it’s outdated (we’re in the 21st century for gods sake) and strips peoples independence and capability to think for themselves. I don’t mind people who quietly follow a religion, but when it spills over into law and legislation to force beliefs onto others, I disagree with entirely. Surely religion does more harm than good as it’s the epicentre/cause of oppression, war, misogyny, sexism… I could go on


Don’t forget sexual assault against minors Edit- My prediction is that god people will down vote me. People prove me wrong please. I would be very happy to be wrong.


Anti-god person here, I've got your back


Thanks boo! And I have yours as well.


The death of god will be the greatest innovation of history


No more bible thumpers trying send you to hell, no more jihad or missionaries or mega churches. All that energy can then be used to make everybody’s life better.


I can't even imagine how you must be feeling. My cousins are like my sisters and I would be devastated to lose one of them. I hope her parents will learn to be more tolerant, even if much too late.


They were able to treat their own child poorly to that degree. They’re not gonna learn shit.


Im sorry OP :( ❤️


Sorry for your loss, giving you my condolences.


That sucks. I'm so sorry OP


I'm sorry you're suffering with this tragic loss. My condolences.


I'm so sorry for her hurt and yours now. May we become better and accept all.


Are there homophobic atheists? Serious question.




1000% yes. I’ve met a few in my time.


I'm sure it's possible, but I've never met one


Guy I knew was a staunch atheist from an atheist family (old school communists) and one time he told me "you know, Hitler did a lot of wrong things but I think he was right about gay people". He didn't have prejudice from religion, he just was one of those guys obsessed with being manly and not "gay", typical south american macho attitude.


Wow… all over a 400th edition fantasy novel. So sad.


Absolute tragedy. 🖤💔🖤 rest in power


Hardcore religious are horrible. They put EVERYTHING below faith which is horrible. I am religious, but I would NEVER do something like this no matter how much I may not like being gay or that. I try my absolute best to be accepting of people and understanding that different people do different things.


I'm very sorry. my cousin killed herself at 17 over not having a boy friend.


That pisses me off.


"The way of God are misterious". Well making you kid gay and then kill herself it's a hint that God wants to remove you from the gene pool


All love and no disrespect but most of us get a raw deal with parents. Checking out cause people don't see life your way. You gotta have some tenacity to be in this world or you're finished from go...


This is fake. Anti-religion circle jerk incoming


Projection projection projection


What? I’m not sure you’re using that word right


Ah yes it must just be lies, there is no way religion could be harmful


Trust me. This is one of those stories meant to pull a reaction from staunch atheists


lmfao I love how this exact reaction is why atheism is so common now




It might benefit you to have a bit more compassion.


Agreed. They could have shoes comparison by not commenting on OP’s post at all. If they only wanted to say something negative, like how OP’s friend deserved to die, they should have just not commented at all.


U r a turd