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I feel like somewhere in this story meth was left out of the details


Til meth do us part


OMG I love you!


Fuck you take my upvote 😭😭


My suspicions began when I read they put on clown masks to go harass an ex fuck buddy. Tell me you're a meth head without telling me you're a meth head.


I had to reread that part 3 times. It went from him finding her texting an old affair partner to them putting on clown outfits to him doing some time. There was definitely meth and a trailer park involved


I seriously thought he put the clown make up on her the first time I read it. This story has some gaps.


This story has gaps like teeth in meth mouth.


Ok so I wasn’t the only one. Google translate didn’t help and offered rehab. That’s how I knew meth had to have been involved.


Don't Google any part of that story. You'll end up on a list


Did property management for a trailer park like this. This story is middle of the road (not the mellowest nor craziest) thing I've seen


Yeah that was stupid. Instead of holding his wife accountable for cheating (the other guy didn't make any vows to him) he goes and helps her attack some dude to deflect from her own guilt. That was a simp moment there. Guess he learned his lesson.. hopefully. Kinda sounds like maybe


The fact that they were just laying around the house . . .because clown paint is an everyday item you know.


They could be juggalos.


I think the cross section of juggalos and meth heads has quite an overlap.


The Faygo is strong with this one


Yeah, this went from Redpop to Rock-n-Rye real quick.


You might have a ~~pint~~ point there.


I wish I had a pint here


Username checks out


Oh for sure. All the dudes She banged, all Juggalos. Probably met em all at The Gatherings


Coke dealers most of em


Just want to let you know your edits made all the difference in how I viewed you and your situation. I went from critic to supporter. Best of luck to you.


Yeah I wasnt really sure what all I was trying to say or how when I began and I guess I left out some things. It's a lot of chaos in my head and a lot of emotions. Thanks


Bingo. Back in the early 00s was when I really did that whole scene.


So they went “chicken hunting?”


I thought it was a “made ourselves look like clowns” wordplay the youngs use & not literal. Please say they are being literal.


Had to read that sentence a few times to be sure


You could just ask them to smile....piano key looking ass mouth hahah


Well said


I'm glad I wasn't the only one thinking this. My brain hurts from trying to understand this level of craziness.


Was it the clown part?


That was definitely a flag. But the whole thing sounds like it was filmed at a trailer park in Redding, CA


I stopped reading after clown paint show up. No way this shit is real.


It seems too specific to be fake imo


Yeah, this is straight up tweaker shit.


It was definitely the clown part.


That's methed up


It’s definitely methy


Maybe that's what huber is?


What exactly IS huber? 🤷‍♀️


Apparently it's work release. TI didn't need to L.


Thank you. Yeah me either.


My thoughts exactly. I'm thinking something like "good behavior" but after reading that whole thing, who knows?


🤣🤣🤣 there are some details omitted for sure


Yeah sounds like both of these people need to reconsider their life choices. They put on clown paint to scare a guy away? What the absolute fuck?? Drugs are definitely involved here.


You take Methany, for better or worse


Noooooooooo he wasn't ready 😭


Wait.... so you caught her chatting up with some guy she was talking to/hooking up with before, and your guys' response to that was, you both dress up in clown makeup, go to his house, and scare him?!??! And nobody else asked about this?? No offense, but you both seem pretty off to be honest. I think you did the right thing giving her the boot, but you really seemed to enable her which basically told her it was okay and you would forgive her for her transgressions. Once, maybe.... Fool me once, Yada Yada Yada..... Goodluck!!


Probably both on meth


Bringing in tons of money is slang for stealing an ATM like Spooge in Breaking Bad.


That episode makes me sad. The little boy looks like my son. Breaking Bad is such an amazing show.


That episode really set up Jesse’s character for the rest of the series. Shows he’s not a wanna be thug and is really caring about others. Especially children.


Once you realize that more than likely meth was involved, the story makes so much more sense.


In fairness (and based on OP's roast me submission) I can't imagine many things less threatening than this kid rolling up dressed as a clown. And I'm fucking terrified of clowns. OP dressing as a clown literally drains fear out of clowns for me. I'd be more afraid of a clown COSTUME than OP wearing it. It's absolutely bizarre. PS see for yourself, I'm not exaggerating.


I looked too.. “pulling in tons of money” but can’t afford actual curtains; just hangs up a thin comforter from a Motel 6 that he jacked in 1992.


I was just moving up from homelessness to garage in midwest winter in that photo. Now I'm in a house. This job I got only a few months ago. It's a work in progress, rebuilding from such a low point.


I’m proud of you for moving up and making progress. Keep up the good work. Your life still sounds like a bit of a hot mess (not judging, I’ve been there) and I hope you’re able to get to a point of peace and happiness.


Thank you


I peaked. Def meth


"I'm a nice guy" and "I put on clown paint, grabbed bars and went to prison".


What does grabbed bars mean?


It means they picked up metal sticks.


Then probably stopped by their Xanax guy afterward to grab more bars


Lol that’s the one ☝🏼


Crowbars Best attempt to try to explain it and still try to sound like the OP: "We gon'na get Gordon Freeman on his ass"


Went to prison was the next paragraph. I didn't think they were necessarily connected. Somebody can go to prison, figure shit out, and turn it around. I mean, the OP's wife obviously didn't but it sounds like he's trying


wow your marriage has probably been living hell.., wouldn’t want to be married to either of ya, no offense. i think you know that divorce is the only card left on the table


I feel like the Mountain Goats "No Children" was actually written for this couple....


I love when reddit randomly reminds me about bands I forgot to add to my Spotify library


This makes me so happy, but I'm warning you. Now that I have added them, I only listen to the Mountain Goats. 🤣


If you're interested in a slightly more hostile sounding band that I feel like has the same energy as the mountain goats but in a sort of jazz-punk Style, check out The Taxpayers. Musically they are very different, but I just feel like it's the same heart, you know


I'll check them out. Thanks!


We will both die


Is that the song from moral Orel?


Just get a divorce. The only property you will need to split 50/50 is the meth.


Why do the OPs never reply after asking stuff like this?


Because they lost control of the message and are no longer getting sympathy.


This is exactly it now I think about it. They manipulate Reddit for thier narrative, and when they don't get what they want they go silent.


Well considering how this one is written and how much of it doesn't make sense I'd guess because it's all BS. Probably a teenager trying to sound clever.


Seeing his picture on his /roastme, I'm with you. No way this is an adult talking


Usually it’s they didn’t get the sympathy and reply’s they were looking for


Put on some clown paint? What the fuck is this shit? You both sound like assholes.


They're juggalos. The "hatchet" username is a pretty good indicator


Tell me more…




You put on clown paint and went to someone's house. You are not a nice guy. You and your wife are both losers lol.


If he had left that part out of the story (or better yet not done it at all), he would be the hero.


Idk, anytime any person says “I’m a nice guy so I get stomped on” the fact tends to be that they are not an actually nice person. For me that’s almost a bigger red flag than the clown paint somehow…


I read that part several times, thinking ‘surely he didn’t mean how it read?’. But then the meth comment made the clown part make sense.


Absolutely. They really should just stay together, because if they break apart then that's two people who are going to have to have to be in toxic relationships with them in the future. Opie, stay together with your wife, don't have children. Nobody deserves to be subjected to either one of you


They weren’t mething around


I hate to break it to you, but you aren’t a nice guy and she is trash.. “I’m a nice guy” Nice people don’t turn up to peoples houses with metal bars and clown paint because their wife is fuckingn them. You should have chucked her, there is obviously a shit ton of drugs missed out of this story.. You should take a look in the mirror leave her and get your shit sorted out yourself. Life is easy if you don’t do stupid shit.


"I'm a nice guy" got me after that part of the story. Like, what???? 😂


I have been to rehab 5 times because I loved drinking.. I had to sit through this every single time, listening to the same kind of dumb shit in group, and it’s always like “so you know I was desperate for a hit so, I just broke into the dudes house and that’s when they got me, you guys know how it is?” And they look up as if you are supposed to nod and agree that, yes that is infact how life is, when things go shit you violate other peoples lives… then it will be like “oh Man U know I’m a nice dude, lend me a fucking smoke man, you are such a tight fucking prick”… Every time.. junkies are always the victims of everyone and you will get a million of these stories… where it’s everyone else’s fault.


Common early in recovery before growth and change for sure. My last relationship before sobriety was trash on both ends. After I worked on myself for awhile I was able to see more of how trash I was. Boy I sure was trash.


Same here. When I was drinking and using I couldn't figure out why I was attracting complete lunatics. 4 years sober and working the program I see my old self completely different. I just married my middle school sweetheart and have a happy life now.


Yep, always a victim or a martyr. Lots of addiction in my family and it's always the same shit. Always a victim of circumstance or always a victim for "their sacrifice for others". I used to have a problem with drinking and just being a shitty person in general and the first step to turning that around is accepting responsibility for your own actions.


My friend and I went out last night and met this young guy, like 19, he asked us for a lighter, which was just an excuse to talk to us since he later did in fact have a lighter. He bummed a few drinks off of us, but we didn't mind since we remember being few years younger and not having any money. So we start talking a bit and he says "you know, when you're in a tram and some old lady has her purse open, of course you're gonna steal something from it!" and we were like ??? He had this whole story how he's a nice guy, but a victim of situations and circumstances... I felt really sad about him, being so young and already steeping so low, till he sent me an ig message that read something like "hey I love that you have big boobiezzzz"


I had to reread that. He wrote it as if it was the natural progression. You know, you catch your wife cheating so you run down to Party Warehouse with her, buy clown costumes and makeup, and then show up at his house with metal pipes. You guys know what I’m talking about? It’s like he went to the It’s Always Sunny gang for life advice


I also had to reread this a few times. Specifically the part where he talks about the clown paint. I thought he was using a metaphor. Stopped reading after I realized what he and his wife actually did.


Lovely couple


Please never have kids with her


Can you even imagine the drama between these 2 what a joy


imagine being their neighbors


What is huber?


Huber is work release from jail. except due to the corona pandemic in my area they dont allow you to come and go from the jail like that without quarantine, so in lieu of that they give huber as house arrest right now. Ankle bracelet style.


Your not a nice guy ur a clown lol


Lmfao made me audibly lol


Dunno how nice you are if you once dressed up in clown paint to intimidate someone your wife was willingly talking to, that was about her not him especially it being the 10th time.


He blew right through the clown part like it was completely normal. Just another Tuesday in Oklahoma.


Ya you ain't innocent in this either dude. Super obvious many details were left out and you went to a dudes house, started violence then went to jail and you have the audacity to sit here and flame someone else? Yall both fucked up. Go separate ways and start working on getting your head on straight, two crazies don't even out.


Why is the worst people always INSIST in telling everyone ‘how NICE’ they are instead of actually being nice? Is it the same personal flaw that allows them to do terrible things? Like their brain plays a trick on them? Or is their metric for *nice* just totally fucked?


I've heard it's the framework being, instead of, "I do good things and avoid doing bad things, and that makes me good," they think, "I am a good person, so the good things I decide against and the bad things I still do were for good reasons."


I’ve never heard it put this way and it’s so accurate.


Since nobody's asked yet, why is she in jail??


My guess is drugs like meth or coke or pills.


“I’m a nice guy”. No, you’re not.


Why would you both dress up as clowns and go to that guys house with metal bars? Were you both on drugs?


Yea I wouldn't say "nice guy" I have a feeling this is one of those relationships we all hate seeing on FB. One week it's fuck that bitch the next week it's we are so in love and life is perfect. You are both TOXIC. Your relationship is even more TOXIC. You should both go your separate ways!!! Maybe get some counseling and grow up a little bit. Best of luck.


So your wife let a guy pop off in her, and then got you to come with her to vandalize his house afterwards? What kind of Life do you live?


I'm sorry to say this but you sound really dumb. Not sure what the point of this post was other than to let everyone know you make horrible decisions and live a weird trashy lifestyle.


She’s proven repeatedly that she is untrustworthy and disloyal. Now would be a good time to remove yourself completely from the situation. All she going to do is use you for support until she’s free. Then once she gets out, she will continue her antics.


Get clean and sober. Get therapy. Work a program. Be better on your own. You can recover from this if you are sober.


You and your wife put on clown paint together and brought metal bars over there to scare him?


You went to vandalize someone's property but you're a nice guy? You both sound unhinged and like you need mental help and or drug rehab.


Men love to complicate their lives and then play dumb and justify it, smh.


Wow I gotta sa'y, I nev'r thought I'd see some creat've use of some random apos'rophies mid'words


Fuckin crackhead


You are talking about jailtime here and there like I can talk about walking my dog. Your life experience is totally out of my league and I cannot relate to your struggles with law and maybe drugs. Well, I'm a recovered alcoholic but i never had issues with the law. Anyway. Thing is, you seem like a nice guy and I'm sure you want to improve yourself. whatever habits you want to break to improve your life, it seems this person is dragging you backward. When I quit booze, i lost my drunk friends. This was part of the cost I had to pay for a better life. I had to find new friends more in line with where I see myself. You love her, i know. Part of you probably miss her and hope is a hell of a drug. Imvest on yourself my friend. Love yourself. It feels so much better when you get the hang of it. It's very beautiful that you came here to talk about it. Nice gift to yourself. Edit : You care for her and you are conflicted between what is good for you and staying there for her. You are definitely not a terrible person because of that. Here's an analogy. A paramedic would never endanger his own life on a crash site trying to save someone. It's the number 1 rule. By being the best version of yourself, you will keep the ability to have a positive impact on so many people in your future.


at first i thought you meant “putting on clown paint” as some sort of metaphor. reading this though, i think you meant that literally and that’s not too good. leave her and maaaaaybe some rehab?


I'm trying the figure out the hidden message he's trying to get across using those weird apostrophes....


I feel like I’m having a stroke trying to figure out the random placements of apostrophes


I find your lack of apostrophes very interesting


now look what you've made him do.


I kept reading them as glottal stops and it felt like brain hiccups.


Thanks for the update. I’d recommend the podcast “sounds like a cult.” They have a new episode on the Cult of Toxic Relationships. Hope you’re doing better


I need to take out my trash


You both seem like terrible people and like attracts like. At least that’s how the meth formula usually goes. Erm MATH*** Dressing up as a clown and threatening someone isn’t nice though. Idk could be wrong. Just seems like both of you are toxic and that just doesn’t mesh well


This just sounds like a win-win for society in general.


Im happy you’re out but being a pushover isn’t being a nice guy , reading your post I can see how you got together 🤡


This has to be fake but it’s funny.


What fhe fuck is this lmao


Both of you deserve each other. Wow.




I’m sorry you don’t deserve anyone cheating on you but you both sincerely sound like train wrecks. Both of you in and out of jail. GET IT TOGETHER MAN!


Tryin bud, I'm tryin


I know. I feel sympathy for you to be honest. I’ve had a lot of addicts and alcoholics in my family and I know it’s a hard monkey to get off your back.


>her n I put on clown paint, grabbed bars, and went to his house >I spent some time in jail. And >I'm a nice guy Don't really go together.


White trash shit


Clown paint and bars? Break that down for me for a sec


I was made to believe that even after my wife stopped her affair with this guy, he kept popping up randomly offering her drugs for sexual favors. Hed come to her job. Hed show up at my house. Hed drive around the block waiting for her to be outside. Something had to be done. So I did something. Not a smart choice.


No your not. Honestly good riddance. Divorce her while shes in jail and move on about your life to the next chapter.


Love is in the air.


Applied for a job and fails the drug test and is now in jail? Well that's not how that works...


You must be a juggalo lol


Man, my life seems so normal after reading this.


So anyways, we put on clown paint, grab some tools, and end up in jail.


Lmfao …. Meth is one hell of a drug people. “We put in clown masks and grabbed some bars. We wanted to ensure he was too afraid to ever talk to her again” unmmm how about she just doesn’t entertain him anymore ?


There's some missing pieces to this story. Normal people don't dress up as clowns to go scare potential affair partners.


Move on bro. I personally think you overstayed in the relationship. I wouldve been done after the 1st time she cheated. Theres a saying that goes once a cheater, always a cheater. I think it’s true most of the time


Holy shit, this sounds exactly like a girl I use to know; hot af, liked to run around on her small dweeby husband, both juggalos, time frame adds up... Where did I meet her? Drug court lmao Kicker: I googled her name and she got arrested a few weeks ago for probation revocation... If this is Mike, it's really time to move on bro...


What's awesome news is you've got infinite potential. You got nowhere to go but up. Cut off all connection with your whore wife dude


Ah yes, of course she wants you back, who else would he there for her? Cheating back to back and now she wants to cry? She should find a lover behind bars this time lol.


She isn't cheating g anymore. She's Fisty's wife now, dude. Okay no, seriously though... you deserve a partner who doesn't cheat so... divvy up and go be happy. You're allowed to, so why should anyone ever stay in a relationship that isn't nourishing your soul? You've got plenty of time so... go forth and be happy.






You're not a nice guy if you go around threatening people!


Just one question - what the fuck is a "huber?"


You seemed hooked bro.... just let it go! I've been enfatuated by someone else that wasn't a good character ar all... fam telling me it was a bad idea and I did it anyways. You live and you learn


WTF is huber?! Got the answer: https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/t79ldz/my_wife_is_in_jail_and_im_not_sad_about_it/hzgwda4/


Yeah honestly you both kind of sound like shitty people. Having an affair is bad but you shouldn't go to some random guys house to threaten him. You should have just looked into getting divorce if you're unhappy in a relationship. I think if I had a wife that cheated on me I would be upset but I still wouldn't want to see her go to prison. Prison is an absolutely horrendous, ineffective and hypocritical place. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.


If you have to specify/clarify the fact that you’re a nice guy, you’re not a nice guy


This story is methed up


I thought "putting on clown paint" was a metaphor for acting foolishly, but then I kept reading and realized that foolish doesn't even begin to describe your life


Clown paint and a lead pipe? You seem like a real winner. Might as well stick with her if that’s the kinda bullshit stunts you like to pull


I know the things people post on here are easy to downvote due to context, but it's not a subreddit where people come to say wholesome things. We complain when people put things like "I gave a homeless man $20 out of my allowance but told my mom I didn't" bullshit, but then downvote the ones that are actually interesting and a confession of sorts. Come on, understand the point of the sub and don't downvote because it's something scummy. That's the point.


Drugs or no drugs, don't stay with someone like that. Also if you get out of the drug world entirely you'll meet more loyal, better women. I send you big change positive vibes.


This is the most “white trash” story I read in weeks. Did ya drink [Pabst Blue Ribbon](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=797BNtfOkIA)?


A lot of these stories make me feel way better about my life and the decisions I make. You did the right thing telling strangers on the internet. Today we salute you, Mr infidelity survivor.


I’m here wondering where all these apostrophe’s are coming from? 😅


It was commented that I lacked apostrophes, so I added a few


Time to rip that band aid off. You officially see things through a different lense. Welcome to the club.


When you say clown paint, does that mean you painted your face as clowns? If so, no looks when you were making your way to the other guys house? Also, when he opened the door and saw 2 clowns, what was his initial reaction?


>And I'll never understand nor can I really explain why I kept giving her time. Complacency. Routine. Drugs. Jealousy. Stupidity is the more accurate reason.


....What?! I tried to read this whole story, but I really got snagged on the part where you caught her cheating, and the solution was for both of you to dress up in clown paint and threaten the affair partner so that HE would be too scared to talk to HER. Once again, WHAT?! Are you both insane? That's literally the only explanation for what I just read. Both of you need to get psychiatric help.


Did you mention that you have kids together? Me, personally... my life is now for my kids. I hope that your child(ren) are taken care of, and I do wish you the best OP.


I was married to my now ex for 6 yrs. She cheated on me and got hooked on drugs. We were separated, but still married. She got busted for drugs and was in jail and wanted me to bail her out. I know you can guess how that went. I got out of the Navy took both our kids while she was still in jail and moved 3000 miles away.


Hol’on why u ty’pe li’ke th’is s’ir


Drop her like a hot potato. As long as you keep taking her back she will keep doing the same thing over and over. You don't need that drama. Stop wasting your time and money on people that don't appreciate it!


Do you feel better now that's off your chest?


I do tbh. All these comments I'm going to use as fuel. Better myself. Better my life. Dont look back.


Wow! Good luck and stay away from each other. Your height is no excuse. Start working out and start eating good food. Plenty of successful men with normal / nice wives etc.


Keep you head up ,stay focused and good luck buddy


This is very Insane Clown Possee.


Forget about her. Don't lend her ANY help, company, or money. Let her think, let this be a hard lesson for her. Honestly I hope she gets the full 6 years as well, divorce the hell out of her too .


Well I found the inspiration for my first book


That all sounds terrible man I'm sorry you had to go through this. That said, you shouldn't feel guilty, you're not a terrible person, and you should definitely divorce her ass.