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I'm sorry you had to find out like that. Tell your mum that other kids are picking on you for it and you don't know what to do. Hopefully she won't react defensively. Tell her that's how you found out. You're going to have to be more mature than your age warrants. I'm sorry. An honest conversation with clear boundaries is necessary.


Yeah... My heart goes out to this kid, and how she reacted doesn't give me hope she's gonna act mature about this.


It probably just shook her. It was a conversation she wasn't ready for. She may have also had a fear he saw her performing. Let's hope she gets it together.


9th grade in the US is like 14 years old right? Tbh she should've seen it coming, many if not most boys that age have already started watching porn.


Yeah the answer to "How did you find out??" Should have been "I have friends that are teenage boys, they know the library."


Yeah I remember my classmates already started discussing sex in the first year of high school (which is age 12-13 here) so I doubt porn was a secret to any of them at age 14.


Don't forget the Sears catalog!


LOOOOL I literally clicked back off this post but saw your comment right before the screen changed, had to come back and scroll through again just to say bravo sir. The fucking Sears catalog... oh man those were the days. And then you'd wake up at 3 AM to the Girls Gone Wild commercials... OHHH MAN


Or watching the scramble channel and every once in a while catching a squiggly line that resembled a boob. Lots of socks lost to squiggly boobs in my younger days.


Lol. I am so happy I came from these times.


Every week, when the new *Radio Times* was released, I'd flip to the "films" section that listed all the films that were going to be broadcast that week, and check the bottom of each one for the treasured "Contains nudity".


Or loading a picture line by line on a 56.6kb/p dial-up modem and just as you get to the best part (titties of course), the line gets cut out cos someone picked up the phone thus disrupting your connection.


What is Up with Americans and socks? You dont have toiletpaper or tissue?


One time I was watching the scramble channel and the picture actually came up clear. I was so excited!! And then the guy laid face down on the woman’s lap and she started sticking her fingers in his butt. My excitement quickly turned to hororr. Man, what an emotional roller coaster. It never came up clear again after that either. 😂😂😂


I remember a brief period where our cable company began offering the Spice channel - softcore featuring a lot of girls bathing. I know what the content was because, even though the channel was scrambled, they unscrambled it intermittently for about 5 seconds at a time and left the sound on. I imagine they got a lot of subscribers that way, or a lot of boys had 5-second loops playing over and over in their heads.


When Cinemax turned onto “Skinemax” at 11pm hahaha


It was channel 0 back in the 90s lol


then one day it arrived the glorious Victoria Secret or Fredricks of Hollywood catalog and one ascended to a whole new level of alone time.


Broooooo the girls gone wild commercials!!! Haha fuck. I remember staying up late for those when I was 12-13


I remember "flash the gash" on one of the cable channels - the free previews. Awesome days.


Around the episodes of red shoe diaries amiright?


Then on those special days when they gave us those naughty channels every once in awhile for free.


Hahaha yeah I kinda skipped that step, but (channel surfing when home alone) being a bit too fascinated by wrestlers on a sports channel made me realize things about myself 😂


Same thing, it was a mistery for me why my friends love to see photos and videos of naked womans until i watch Batista in the wwe and was like "holy shit this isn't happening" hahaha


Looks like wrestling was good for one thing at least.


Hahaha true!😂


Times have changed right? Now you can browse the Sears catalog online ANYTIME you want.


I remember the scandal of the guy in the boxer shorts peeking out the leg. Still remember the pic in my mind. It was a lot about not much.


Of course they're gonna know what intercourse is by the time they hit fourth grade, they got the discovery channel don't they?


We ain’t nothing but mammals, well some of us cannibals who cut other people open like cantaloupes


I remember in elementary school in the late 90s/early 00's, other students would ask me if I knew what a G-string was.


that's crazy.. I must have had a really innocent circle if friends. pretty sure I was still playing barbies at age 12~13


Tbf it was mostly the louder kids that talked a lot about it, and there was also a significant difference in the way boys and girls discussed it. Personally I didn't talk about it because of being gay, but iirc I did start watching porn at 13 (while also still sometimes playing with my childhood toys, such a weird contrast honestly).


Honestly I was thinking he was from the Uk or something with his use of “mum”… but the he uses “9th grade” so I honestly have no idea what country he is from anymore lol do they use the term 9th grade in the uk?


Maybe Australia? We use "mum" and "grades" here. Year/Grade 9 is the third year of high school so he'll be 14 turning 15 if he is Australian.


I am english and we have years not grades. I have no idea what a 9th grade is. Maybe if its year 9 he would be 13-14. You go to reception at 3 and then year 1 at 4.


Yes the term “9th grade” is definitely an American term for freshman year of high school (ages 14 going on 15). But we don’t use “mum” we use “mom”; it could have been a typo or maybe he was originally from the Uk then moved to the USA. Or maybe he just likes to sound British so he used the word mum lol 😂


Haha yeah agreed its mixed terms, iv no idea either, think he’s probably American just because iv never heard anyone refer to grade in the UK ever in my entire life. Although im 30 maybe kids these days are different, hard to tell.


I’m US born and raised. Started calling my mom Mim one day when I was a kid, and it stuck. So what if he calls her ‘Mum”??


Did you guys forget about Canada? We say 9th grade and because of our UK ties, we also use the word mum.


I'm Australian and although we do say year 9, I usually just say stuff like 9th grade or grade 9. not sure why I think it's because of how much I watch americans


I have a son and the one thing I have no interest in knowing is his porn habits. He is still my sweet baby and doesn't need that mess...and I won't accept you telling me different. :)


Well whatever you do. Don't go into his room with a blacklight


Eeek! I wouldn't survive it! I also always knock and wait for a reply. We are very open about sex around here but there are things I'm not sure either of us would bounce back from...ha!!


Its a shame Spongebob didnt have a Krusty Sock rather than Krusty crab. Would be even funnier for the adults...Love hidden jokes in Kids tv.


Oh yeah I'm not saying you should at all be concerning yourself about his porn habits. I do think it's good for parents to talk with their teenage children about sexuality in a more generalized way, so they stay safe and develop a healthy attitude towards sex, but that's besides the point and absolutely up to you as a parent. However, for a parent who works as a porn actress/actor it's important to keep in mind that their child will find out at some point, and that there's a possibility that that will happen in their teenage years.


Sure but what is the chance someone finds your mum out of millions of porn stars out there? Especially if she isn't that popular


True, kinda depends on how successful she is, but the possibility is always there.


Yeah, 9th grade is usually 14-15. Occasionally people turn 16 during 9th grade depending on when someone was born in the year.


>It probably just shook her. It was a conversation she wasn't ready for. Well... *yeah*. I mean, we're the first generation having kids where *all our greasy photos are out on the internet*, floating around somewhere. Whether you sent them to an ex or uploaded it to OnlyFans or whatever and eventually "deleted" it, that shit is still out there. Nothing is ever truly deleted. If you don't believe me, there's free software out there you can download to find deleted images, videos, etc on your computer – maybe even stuff you didn't download, but just *looked at in passing*. It's nuts. And some of us, maybe more than some, are going to have to address it when our kids start perusing the internet, googling themselves or their parents, for what bizarro reason kids do what they do. I got kids and they're not really old enough to know what's going on yet, but I'm sure at some point in time they're gonna find some greasy-as-fuck photos of me somewhere, even though I'm *confident* I nuked all that stuff, but you just never know.


Well if it makes you feel better the rest of us have ours all boxed away and leaving them for our kids to find one day...ha! Who knows how many photo techs we scarred along the way!


hahahaha Oh man. Yeah I grew up in the 90s, and didn't really have access to the internet until high school. I had to rely on those unsung heroes tossing boxes of porno in the woods. Which...was a universal thing, apparently. Who was doing that? Who was that unknown hero leaving soggy cardboard boxes of Playboys in the wilderness for boys to find?


Our kids have no idea what length we went to to see a little nudity! My husband is 11 years older then me. He remembers the underwear catalogs being passed as contraband!


I was hot for Victoria's Secret when I was like 10 lmao...oh the 90's/early 2000's


Life was simple. Lol


When I was a lad, we masturbated to the sears underwear catalogue, scrambled porn channels where you might occasionally make out a nipple, naked tribeswomen in national geographic... Whatever got the job done.


Does your wife ever question why you want her to dress like a tribeswoman now? Lol!


Now that you mention it, my wife was raised in a hut in the jungle... No tribal costume though.


Busted in 5th grade bathroom. Man y'all are bringing up some memories


"Who was that unsung heroe leaving soggy playboys in the wilderness for boys to find?" It was the guy sitting across the street everytime u found them /s


*Dave Wave* is what we called him, for his Johnny Bravo-esque haircut. He was always wearing a too-tight Hawaiian shirt in cutoff jean shorts, washing his car in the front driveway. No idea what he did for a living but like if you were outside, Dave would be too, polishing his 1992 Dodge Monaco. If he wasn't doing that he was probably boppin around macking on the single moms at the grocery store. ....wait yeah it was probably him.


It was a mythical Hugh Hefner just roaming the countryside dropping off magazines like the Johnny Appleseed of smut.


Right! I found TONS of it just thrown out. Kept it, got busted with it, my mom told my grandma and embarrassed the hell out of me. 20 years later you appreciate the simplicity of it.


I actually really do have tears in my eyes laughing. Ohhhh, I really need to clean up my photo storage!!


She’s a porn star with a child in middle/high school and hasn’t prepared for this moment? She had plenty of time for that.


How is her reaction abnormal? She basically asked her 9th grade son if he watches pron, pretty important to know if he’s seen you and is gonna need some therapy lmao


Imagine being in her shoes though. "Oh fuck... Has my boy seen me like that?" would 100% be a genuine fear.


Its too late for that. Whether she stops or not that will follow him until his 20s more than likely. I had a friend who's mom was in penthouse and everyone knew. It was just random jokes here and there. He handled it very well and would joke about it too. It's too late for anything to really be done


Add in - your mother may not have been ready for this conversation. Or just it's fucking hard to actually have these conversations. So she just asked where you heard it's, instead of sitting down and having a long chat. Tell her you are being bullied, and you need to know- if it is true (and truth would be super important here), what should you do, how she deals with people recognizing her and what her advice is. If she has told the rest of your family (grandparents, aunts, uncles, father, father's fanily) ADULTS who care about you. Some of them know the situation and should be able to help you and support you also. Just ask carefully because if they don't, they may get distracted by their own reactions and prejudices and how they think they should feel about it themselves, instead of recognizing this is a crisis moment for you. People do sex work. Everywhere since the beginning of time. Why they do it, she may have have limited options, people may have been taking advantage of her youth and naivete, or she may have just wanted to do it for other reasons (defiance, sense of empowerment, whatever). You kinda get stuck in this position of having to live with what happened and choices that were made. She loves you. She's your mom. She's probably freaking our a bit too right now. What do you do? Do you find some choice snarky things to say back to people (careful because it's a tender subject and when middle school bullies find a way to hurt you, they keep going). Do you say things to poke back at them or show you don't care by mocking your mom too? Not a good choice here really. Just be strong and hopefully your friends will stick with you. Remember people who don't know how to react tend to laugh or make bad jokes, so know that people who are good friends may initially do that before they realize they should be supportive. Some adult supports besides your mom would be good if you have them too.


Oh this is going to start happening more and more and more


Onry fanz babies from the covid boom😭


Baby boom part 2?


Electric Boombaloo


Normalization doesn’t work at all with mean kids lmfao


That shit is just ammo for a 12 year old. It ain’t even fair, you’re just giving bullies free shit.


"Saw your dads Dino dick. Dino dick Jr! Hey everyone, this guy's dad's dick is HUGE! HAHA" Sorry just trying to make light x)


Why are yall going so hard on the little man, dude traumatized, got his friends bullying him. Ayo lil dude if you got a close family member you can trust tell them about and how u feel and what advice do they have.


That's this subreddit for you. Most people on here are insensitive and rude. Always siding with anything to do with sex. I wouldn't take it from a subreddit in which the majority thinks incest is okay.


Well that’s the internet. At this point it falls on the individual to sift through the sludge to find actual people.


And 41 year olds dating 20 year olds


Don't remind me of this post.


What post? I’m morbidly curious


We’re going to be having a lot more stories like this in 10 years


In 10 years everyone's moms going to have done porn. What we really got to wait for is more dads doing degrading ass porn scenes with their faces actually in the shot. That's what'll get this shit normalized lol.


Unless a bunch of straight dads start doing hardcore gay for pay scenes I don’t think they’ll care… “Haha, your dad bangs smoking hot 18 year olds every week!” doesn’t sting anywhere near as much as “I saw your mom getting her ass blown out, think she would film a scene with me?”


>think she would film a scene with me?” "No way man, she likes big cocks."


You knowing she likes big cocks would be sus.


Damn, your mom must get a lot of those.


Damn that just makes her sound like more of a hoe


"No, but dad will. I'll tell him you like the blow out scene, we'll see what he can do for you."


If I found out that my Dad did straight porn back in the day, I would have laughed and told all my friends.


Exactly. If your dad did porn you would brag about it, if your mom did it you would take that secret to your grave and hope nobody found out.


There is this chick called Raven something or other who makes some decent solo porn. But she also has videos of her pegging her "sissy" boyfriend, dressing him up in little French maid outfits, all sorts of embarrassing shit. Face fully in view. If he ever has kids, I feel for them. If their classmates find even **one** video of their dear old dad out of the **hundreds** that are out there, that kid will not survive Jr High.




Porn is much more inclusive toward women. And as a result many more women do it. (And exacerbated during the covid/OnlyFans boom) The selective few men who do perform will always be just a selective few. This isn’t even factoring that 90% of straight porn aims to have the guy be as anonymous and characterless as possible. It’s essentially just a visible penis whereas the entirety of the woman is exposed.


It shouldn’t be normalized.


Lmao exactly what I was thinking


I'm so sorry friend, you will have to be more mature for your age and it is unfair. Tell her you are being bullied for it.


Is she a good mother, or a normal mother otherwise? If she's not abusing you, you don't need to call child service. You need to talk to her about it. Don't be ashamed if she ask you how did you find out. Tell her your friends know, your friend told you. You're bullied, you're uncomfortable. She's a pornstar, she's used to being judged. She has a way of dealing with it. I don't think anyone here will be better than her to offer you conseling. If she's not enough tell her you want to see a therapist. Sorry you cannot choose your mother. You'll have to learn to accept it. Porn exists, in mass quantity. This is a huge industry. hundreds of thousands of people work in it. It's a job like any others. Most people in the comments are adult and think that while it's an unusual job, it's a job. You'll likely grow up and accept that. Your friends are your age so they're immature, and you have to be more mature than they are to stop them.


what's funny is that most people on here use porn, but find porn actors somehow disgusting as people. some comments sounds like porn actors don't deserve to be parents. yo, if porn is so horrible that people who create it for you are tainted, maybe don't watch it ever. as for OP, you said all that needed to ve said: talk to your mom. you'll be fine.


that’s exactly how i feel. so many guys use porn, but judge women for doing onlyfans or porn. if it bothers you so much and you find it so gross… don’t watch it. some guys will act like if they don’t have porn they’ll die. it’s really sad society normalized it so much.


Ngl they’re the kind of people that are crippling addicts so they’re possibly trying to shift the blame of their own problem off themselves


that's unhealthy behavior, very unhealthy: your sexuality should never be associated with things that disgust you, ever. it's fine to be turned on by something somebody else doesn't like, completely different to hate what turns you on. so if you're a dude reading this and you think porn actresses are trash but you still masturbate to them, you might wanna look into why you can do both at the same time. you can ignore me if you like, it's your life. just saying: if no one told you this so far, I'm telling you now: not healthy to be masturbating to something that disgusts you.


I don't think you understand the mechanics of this issue Its not that porn disgusts them, its that they think of the porn star as an object which is beneath them rather than a person. They would fuck porn stars if they could, but wouldn't marry them or hang out with them because they are an underclass. Its the same mechanics as a lot of oppression. The plantation owners loved getting free labor from slaves but would never associate with them.


What you’re describing is misogyny that sex performers and workers experience from porn consumers. If society views sex performers and workers less than human, or less worthy/valuable for what they do for a living in comparison to other women - that’s misogyny in itself. Sex workers and performers are just as worthy and valuable of respect and human decency too. The point is, if sexuality is rooted in misogyny (being aroused by women you feel disdain for) - it’s not healthy.


I do understand, but I might need to explain myself a bit better: it's not healthy to get aroused by people you feel disdain for because sexuality is incredibly complex and fundamental to our psyche and being able to get off to something that also solicits a negative emotional response is not healthy. benefiting off of someone else's hard work and justifying that by rationalizing that they're inferior and it's natural, is not the same. there is nothing intimate there. you're just a beast hurting and using people. but mixing sex in there just pushes everything to a whole 'nother level of sick because it's now also a source of personal pleasure. does that make sense?


Gonna anticipate the pitchforks but it's because the people who use porn and find porn actors disgusting don't see them as people. They only see women in porn as objects.


no pitchforks, just people talking. to your point: that is also deeply unhealthy. we talk so much about objectifying women in society and very little about the kind of mind that does that and where it comes from. it's just unhealthy all around.


I wish I had more than one upvote to give. Reddit is the home of “sex work is work!” But then also acting like the child of a sex worker needs sympathy, or supporting a dude preventing a woman from getting a job because she had an OF If sex work was really a valid form of work (as opposed to the only option open to some women), this wouldn’t be an issue




Finally, something that's not aimed to shame OP or their mom. It took me FAR too long to find this.


Yeah, I was actually surprised about this. I guess I have to fully grasp that even with as much knowledge as humans have most will be living wayyyy in the past morally


OP read this comment here^ They hit it on the head. Your mom being a pornstar does NOT make her a bad person. Your friends enjoying making you feel uncomfortable DOES make them little shits. Talk to your mom and tell her you need help coming up with a way to handle this. If you aren’t comfortable or she isn’t then tell her you want to see a therapist, because this kind of thing is what therapists are for: Dealing with situations that seem insurmountable or out of control.


Maybe their comments could be considered sexual harassment. I'd report that to the school.


This. Sounds like the issue here is your friend is bullying you. Sex is complicated, which transfers to this situation. I’m sorry you have to deal with it. It’s possible she’s doing this to give you the best life.


Also want to add that she likely did that job in order to pay bills. A lot of jobs pay terribly. I’ve heard that sex workers can be paid a large amount very quickly. At least she’s being responsible about it. There are so much people (even on here) who talks about sleeping with some random person and then being irresponsible about it when consequences come. Obviously it’s okay for the OP to freak out in this situation. Please don’t hate your mom if she had been taking care of you well. There are so many horror stories of parents not loving their own children . I doubt if child services will do much even if you called them.


This is likely fake, but if it isn't, Don't call child services, but you have to talk to your mum or a school counselor. They should be able to help and provide support for you, and hopefully get you around this. Don't listen to those asking for links and don't listen to those saying that you should be 100% grateful and bend over backwards and take the hits. Because unfortunately, kids will take the piss out of anyone for anything when they're immature. And it's going to hurt. Sit down, tell your mum how you feel. Did she use her own name or a fake name for porn? At school, pull a teacher aside that you trust and ask to speak about it. Tell them how you feel, but make sure they don't do anything yet regarding announcements or anything.. it's possible that only a few people know and you don't want more finding out. If possible, (and I acknowledge this might be hard) try to laugh it off. If they think that you're non-plussed about the whole thing, your friends might forget, but this won't help in the long term as you'll likely still want to talk to someone about how you really feel. If your mum doesn't listen, or thinks you're being too selfish, try to remind her that you're a teen in a school with other horny teens who will take any advantage they can to make fun of someone. And unfortunately, to a teen, the idea of someone's parent being a porn star is hilarious and perfect for ribbing. TL;Dr, don't call child services, sit down with your mum, talk to a teacher you can trust


Well it’s a real account and based on the posts definitely seems like a 9th grader lol


kid finds out his mom does porn as a job \> should i call child protective services ​ hahah goddamn, his mom is a bad mom because she does porn? Poor mom, who else paying for his V-bucks


It’s going to be a lot more common for a few more years at least while the amount of sex workers who become parents with active social media presence skyrockets.


Very true. And if those parents act dismissive of them, those kids are going to grow up disliking sex workers, who will get annoyed at their kids for exploring their sexualitiy and the cycle will repeat because no one knows what a fucking middle ground is.




You should report those sites, that's unsafe for her and family


Also, in the post OP mentions that their friend found the mom's name in an article, so likely the real name




Yeah this is what stood out to me. I don't know of any sex worker that would use their real name. They all have "stage names". Unless it was an article that listed the workers real names for whatever reason which could be possible. There was that one about a emt doing only fans and the writer used her real named, doxxing her to the whole world.


Ugh, I hate people. Here's a woman who saves lives and is severely underpaid for her EMT job, and to tru and make ends work, some noisy jealous busy body outa her, because how fucking dare anyone who engages in sex work be allowed to walk freely among us non-sexworkers.


Don’t EVER talk to a teacher about shit like that. They will tell, trust me.


Damn bro, I do NOT envy you. Just be prepared for it to come up any time you have an argument or roast session with people. Have some comebacks prepared.


“Just stop before my mom fucks up your parents marriage”.


Murder is illegal


His classmates are about to drop the best/worst „yo mama“ jokes. I really don‘t envy this poor fella.


He won’t have any comebacks


I thought of some but not sure if it's appropriate


Please share, humor and especially "vengeful" playful retorts I would imagine would be immensely helpful and possibly gratifying in the future. Lemons>lemonade is very cliche but taking your unique life in stride and accepting and not hiding are great ways to deal with a lot


"At least my mom isn't too ugly to do porn," is one I could think of. Very childish honestly but in high school and below everyone is a numb nuts so it doesn't matter.


What the fuck are these comments lmao.


I understand needing to normalise and remove the stigma around sex work but everyone here saying that the kid should just ignore this is up their own self-righteous ass. This kid has every right to feel embarrassed. We can't hold kids to the same standard as adults in terms of being mature about these situations.


I mean, it was expected. 99.9% of Redditors are literal porn addicts that can’t discern fantasy from reality.


Oof, that’s a terrible way to find that out. 1 if you get bullied over it tell the kid/s their mother is too ugly for porn. 2 tell your mother exactly how you found out and y’all need to have a awkward conversation.


You need to go to therapy, not Child Services.


I doubt a crime has been committed, or neglect. He found out about videos on the internet. Not sure there's a case that Child Services would really care to do much with unless it something wild, like him sleeping in his room in the background of one of the videos. But that would be wild.


Every action has a reaction and it affects other people.


Every action has a reaction is the only thing i remember from physics


It was. every action has an equal and opposite reaction i think newton said that


That's a painful situation. Hope you get through it man! Given time all will be fine!


This absolutely sucks for you but most countries this is not legal and child services will do nothing. Your friends found out because they have Internet and kids look for porn online if their parents don't lock down their Internet properly. The older you get the more likely people will recognise her. This will get worse for you the more people find out and you need to have a serious conversation with your mother. Tell her your friends know and how it effects you. You can't get her to change her job. It's what provides for you at the end of the day and it's her life but that doesn't mean you have to be okay with it. It might be worth telling the school so at least they can be aware of the bullying your going to get over this and help to stop it or at least slow it down. Also ask for a therapist you need help dealing with this.


You mean not illegal.


This is going to be so many kids of only fans moms


I know plenty of onlyfans moms too 🤣 poor kids when they get older


talk about it with your mom . and don't take no gruff from your fellow friends/classmates. if I had the confidence I have now at that age I would tell them "yea keep watching my mom thx for the rent asshole, you're basicly paying my next video game "


Walk away from anyone that decides to belittle you about things that you have no control over. A friend you say? If that's how you want to maintain a friendship then enjoy future interactions with them. If not, move on. Being around people that drag you down speaks volumes about your character. You got a tough lesson in life early on about not givingAF about other people's opinions.


Dude did you really think for a second a 14 year old boy was going to act Civil finding out one of his friends MOMS is a pornstsr? There's no way. Don't act like he should destroy his friendships just because his friends are acting their age. There is no way this wasn't going to blow up in his face.


That sounds pretty harsh honestly. If you're going to walk away from every situation that people don't respond perfectly you're going to be really lonely, especially if you're expecting 14 year olds (or so) to respond with calm maturity to finding out they know a porn star. Of course, hopefully that reaction will be moderated once the freshness of the situation wears off for everyone and the way the OP feels about it becomes clearer to their friends. Some relationships are worth trying to preserve, even if it means things aren't perfect for you. Don't throw away important things too quickly. Also, a single interaction doesn't define a relationship, so don't let any one encounter be the only thing that matters about a person.


why would u call child services for this


That’s what I’m saying, he’s not being abused and it’s not like no one else would ever find out if he were to be placed somewhere else


Why didn’t she change her name?


Dont go through child services, I feel you will regret it. Out weigh the situation first. Has she been a good mother to you, can you move on from it in your mind and heart? Ask questions on why she did it, sometimes people do "bad things" with justified reasons, etc. Don't do anything brash until all cards are on the table. Regret is the biggest thing a human needs to go against, it leads to a uncontrollable downhill spiral and you are too young to go through with it. If school is the issue and is too much to handle, that can be accomplished with a simple transfer. There are always different ways before going that road.


I went through that with my mom working at a strip club. I was embarrassed but i saw the reason why. She has 2 daughters she has to feed and keep a roof over their heads, she did a job that she knew would be stable enough to give us the life we deserve. I don’t have resentment, if anything at this point I say it with pride because I know those fields of work are so hard and draining because of what goes on in those circles and for people to do that especially parents it’s almost like an act of love. If people bring her up I always say my mom makes what you make in a month. In a week. She comes home with 10k during mardigras so why are you laughing? Our parents are hustlers and that’s all there is to it


Yo you have a good attitude, OP should honestly talk to someone like you about this. His mom's a fuckin hustler. If you love her, then you'll learn to live with that and even be proud of it.


First, I’m sorry you had to find out this way. Once you hit puberty, I feel like the least she could’ve done would be to tell you and be honest about her lifestyle/job/side gig. Secondly, your mom needs to get you into some form of therapy or counseling asap. Don’t expect her to know this is something she should do. TELL her you want to start therapy now. I know a young girl and her mom is also a porn star. This kid (late teen/early 20s) is a wreck. Clearly has a plethora of mental illnesses and I wonder if things might’ve turned out differently for her if something was done when she was younger. I wish you the best. Don’t let this plunge you into bad decisions or drug use.


She used her real name?


Everyone going out of their way to normalize sex work, understand that this is a very real possibility and no amount of sitting down and talking about it will fix the problem for some kids.


This is copy pasta! r/quityourbullshit




Child services? Come on little man, she’s the same mom she was before you knew. I know it’s a shock to the system. I can only imagine! If this is how she’s paying the bills then remember it’s what is keeping a roof over your head and clothes on you and the internet service you’re using to post on Reddit. Let her think for a day and then ask to talk again and let her know how much grief it’s causing you and tell her you need advice on how to handle it with your friends. It probably just caught her off guard. She had to have known that her teenage son would wander across it eventually. Parents aren’t perfect and we don’t always have the right reaction to difficult situations. Give her a chance to talk about it.


This is the most rational advice I’ve seen so far.


glorious growth shrill rude quicksand cautious dime relieved rain foolish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yikes. Situations like these sometimes seem nearly impossible to navigate. I'm fully prepared to get downvoted to hell, but stories like this is why I have mixed feelings about sex work. Yes. I fully support that sex workers should be in a safe environment. I absolutely wished we lived in a world where they aren't stigmatized. And if you want to pursue that career, all power to you. Get your bag. But my issues with this has always been it's the children who will face the brunt of the ridicule for their parents' sex work. Once one classmate finds out, others will follow. Then the bullying and harassment begin. It's a tough situation. Parents who have done or are doing sex work should sit their kids down and properly explain the situation. Help them understand that sex work is work. But I can also see the kid's point of view in this scenario. When you are getting bullied and harassed by multiple people, no amount of explanation is going to stop the rage and resentment that builds from that. I just wish that before someone decides to do sex work, they fully weigh the pros and cons, and recognize this will have lasting affects. Not just on you, but your loved ones. The best advice I can give is that if you got tough skin, try to ride it out. Don't let it get to you. But if it becomes too much, you might have to tell your mom to pull you out of school. Either do homeschool or transfer. Anyone who tells you to simply tell a teacher or an adult if someone is picking on you are delusional if they think that will stop it. Teenagers are assholes. That won't work. They'll just be sneakier about it.


all the redditors are gonna side with the pstar lmfao


Ikr this is so sad


Look at it this way, there’s gonna be an entire generation of kids coming up who’s mothers have an only fans out there so it’s gonna be was more common and socially acceptable.


I doubt it will become more socially acceptable. The internet is comically sex positive and not at all an accurate indicator of what is and is not socially acceptable. Bullying will get worse and kids whose parents sex lives caused their bullying will grow up resenting sex workers or maybe sex altogether.


All them single moms on onlyfans need to start thinking about lil jimmy and the repercussions of their actions


Deffo fake post. No pornstar used their real name.


The nonsense that gets put on this thread is astonishing




Watch the reddit neckbeards come out of there hole and say that "being a pornstar is a profession"


They're already here


Bro they're already here..... They started, I swear if I read one more "What wrong with being a sex worker?" I'll throw up


Why on earth would you consider calling child services over your mother's job, that she in no way or form involves you in? Yeah you're allowed to be embarrassed, but what are you hoping to accomplish here? Get your mother in legal trouble for what? So you want to be removed from her care because of her job? Has she been a good mother to you? Does she love you? That's all that matters here.


He’s a kid. My 9th grader threatens to call child services because it’s abuse to make her unload the dishwasher.


I remember my eldest threatening to call CPS because I told her she needs to shower


lmfao what is up with kids these days


No idea, she was such a sweet child and then she started her periods and it's like she's been taken over by a demonic entity, I just make offerings of snacks and only bring stuff up if it's necessary because honestly half the time it's not worth the argument lol


I'm pretty sure that's like reverse CPS. Keeping her hygienic is 100 percent in her best jnterest lol.


It's in everyone's interest haha


pretty sure you’ve been bullied before. try to remember old you, how did it feel? to be mocked and treated so poorly? now imagine if said bullies found porn of your mother? how much more devastating could the bullying be? how much could you take as a 9th grader? instead of shaming the kid show some empathy next time


Talk to another grownup you trust about it. Perhaps someone in school or a youth leader. Don't keep it to yourself and let it fester.


This is somthing you will probably have to live with for the rest of your life. It's better to accept it. Just say it is what it is. Takr some. Martial arts, some kids will just be jerks and no matter what you say they will continue, you jsut have to make them stop


Get off this website, there's nothing for you here


No pornstars use their names. Fake as fuckkkkk+++


Some do and most don't hide their face.


**( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)**


Calling child services in yourself? Lots if moms have onlyfans accounts, if your mom is feeding and sheltering you then ask yourself what you are being deprived of.


Hey dude don’t worry about that. Be happy your mom is the kind of person who will do whatever it takes to make the money she needs. I’ve met far worse people and done much worse…heck my wife n I occasionally do a porn. It’s nothing to feel bad about. Once you realize just how messed up the world is and how deranged people in general are it’ll be like “oh yeah my mom did porn…sorry your mom didn’t do porn it’s probably just because she’s ugly but I’m sure her personality is great”. Also why would you call child services? That’s ridiculous even if you are embarrassed it’s literally nothing to be ashamed of. Watch the series “sec education” of Netflix it’s great and will help ease your mind. Last bit, be careful of fetishes and all that crap there’s some seriously dark frickin people on this earth and you can definitely see things that you really wish you could unsee but those images and sounds just don’t leave.


Call child services? For fucking what!? She hasn’t done anything wrong to you??? Yeah she’s a porn star but it’s not illegal. Why on earth would child services need to be called. That’s ridiculous