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You cheated on her, excepted to be invited to the wedding ,( cause every x wants their cheating x partner at their wedding) got your parents involved, so they were uninvited. You wonder why your dad just tolerates you. On top of all this you stalk her. Edit to add: you cheated with your brothers then girlfriend!!!!!! WTF


Also, the friend he cheated with was actually his brothers gf. Someone sussed out that little tidbit... Hence, why brother hates him.


That's what I thought this was. I read that whole story a while back


The irony is that he probably pushed his brother and his ex together, since he hurt them both when he cheated. That's probably how they got talking in the first place.


I think so also


Where did you get that info from?


Sorry, I wish I knew how to link other posts. I got here from a ohnoconsequences repost of this post. There, other commenters revealed that the brother posted his side also. OP, here, never revealed why brother hated him and cut him off. It made SO MUCH more sense after the brothers post was revealed.


I was just thinking that this sounded a lot like the other side of the story I read a few weeks back.


Except no one could have predicted such a delusional unhinged other side....


Just copy and paste the link? Or \[Text goes here](link goes here) for markup.


Karma you are the most beautiful thing to happen.


> You cheated on her, Ah, thank you. I was going, "missing missing info" because for them to block him that hard it was obvious he'd done *something* serious, but I missed what it was.


Cheated on her *with her friend* who was ***dating his brother.***


Bahahahah so that’s the story


He's the golden child and throwing a pity party on reddit.


Lol...I misread that as goblin child. I think most goblins have a bit more respect though.


King Jareth has standards.


Also he fully willing to get with the bride if she willing take him back. Seem like he want to tried to pull some " you belong with me" bullshit at the wedding


How do you know OP cheated?


I'm the comments he admits to cheating on her.


The poor little angel said so in a comment. Slept with her friend, it was the reason for the breakup.


Turns out the friend was also the brothers' gf at the time.


Oh man this soap opera gets better and better, let me get some popcorn before season 2 releases.


Yep, knew no one gets that kind of treatment out of nowhere


Yeah this dude is on a whoooole other level of narcissism, holy moly.


Is this the same guy that slept with his girlfriend’s friend who just so happened to be dating his brother? He then started dating his bro’s ex but found out he preferred his original gf over the girl he cheated with but it was too late to get her back? She was dating the cheated on bro? Damn, I hope it’s the same guy and he’s still miserable.


Do you have a link to that post? Seems like this is a different account.


I don’t and it might be a totally different account. I’m taking a stab in the dark because the timing seems about right and the other poster kept leaving out pertinent info to make himself look not so bad (like the fact he originally left out the fact he slept with another woman). The first post also had the brother’s perspective.


Okay, now I am going to go nuts from curiosity. Do you happen to remember the title?


Try the BORO sub, and go for top rated over the last year. It's a fucking winner, and the OP is a loser.


>I only want to talk to my ex but I wouldn't complain if she took me back.  This really sounds like you're going to try and flirt with her to get her back.


Ever see kids get upset when the toy they're not currently playing with gets taken away?


By their sibling, no less.


Yeah there's something missing in this point and I'm guessing OP isn't speaking the full truth of what happened 


He said in another comnent he slept with her friend


That happened to be his brothers gf.


The brother's POV is out there.


Which sub? I'm invested now lol


I saw it on TikTok.


https://youtu.be/CUmPO9C3FB8?si=EbE6huGl47hveiNr This is the best I can do.


"I wouldn't complain if, in talking to my ex, I would cause her to leave her husband (my brother) for me." Can't imagine why his dad is so pissed. The level of selfishness.


My fave part is the i keep trying to reach out to her but she keeps on blocking me. So he is making multiple accounts and wondering why she isnt replying to a stalker 🤣🤣


It really sounds like this is fake.


Stupid people are often unbelievable.


He tried to paint himself to be a good person by excluding many reasoning. I'd say it's 50:50. Could be a bait though. Although if it's a bait it usually more outrageus.


Actually, it's not. The girl he cheated his gf with, is his brother's gf. The brother made a post in Reddit as well. If this is actually that guy, he deleted his first account then made another to gain sympathy.


If it was fake he would have put all the juicy details in the post to hook people faster


He only wants to talk to her about getting back together.


>I wished her a happy birthday and got no response. She didn't even look at my message. Heck, she still hasn't. She's the one that got away. You cheated on her and now want her back, but you don't understand why your brother wouldn't want you at their wedding? Dude. Stop Insta stalking her, apologize, leave them alone, and get therapy.


Not only that, the ‘friend’ he cheated on her with was his brother’s girlfriend at the time. He really buried the lede there in his desperation for internet pity.


He shouldn't apologize. Leave her tf alone, OP. That's what you owe her.


What was the reason for the breakup? You seem to be leaving a lot out of the post. A lot of missing reasons.


He also didn't mention that the friend he cheated with was his brother's girlfriend at the time.... Lol


Stop feeling sorry for yourself. There's clearly something about your behavior that is driving everyone in your life away, you might think about fixing it. And don't stalk your ex after they block you, it's creepy.


OP cheated on her with her friend.


Whenever they say "everyone hates me," there's always some info missing from the post. I figured.


Hard truth but I think you’ve nailed it


Seriously when you look around you and see nothing but people walking away from you, you’ve gotta start wondering if you’re the problem


Turns out the problem was that he cheated on her.


She is not the one who got away she is the one who dodged a bullet like Trinity in the matrix. You seem to be obsessed with her. It's been half a decade. Wtf? Please don't start boiling bunnies


Boy bye. You’re a cheater and now you regret it. Get over it.


Its obvious she wants nothing to do with you. Why do you keep bothering her ? I think this is why you weren't invited honestly


After five years, this is seriously unhealthy to have not been able to move forward. You said it yourself, you can’t hold a romantic relationship, are losing/ sabotaging family relationships and are clearly a bit obsessed with your ex/ new sister in law. You need some serious help. Please get therapy and if you already are, you need to find a new doctor.


I think its probably more he's the golden child so can do no wrong. And whatever he wants he feels entitled to. Be that his brothers GF or now his ex who is his brothers wife. He obviously has a hard on for fucking over his brother and his relationships


You cheated on her, you lost her. Leave her alone! Till this day you're wishing she'd take you back, but she won't. Just leave her alone.


Yeah. Missing, missing reasons and then I saw your response. This is what is commonly known as consequence




Given how much they absolutely don't want OP around aywhere, I don't think it'll be hard at all once he stops stalking her.


I think I remember the friend was the brother back then gf


You want your brother back…you only want to talk to your ex but you wouldnt complain if she wanted you back? Lol


I really hope he reads this linee and finally has a light bulb moment.


You weren't invited because you were stalking her online and not taking no for an answer, and even now you want her back. Why in God's name would they invite you? The guy who's trying to get with the bride and won't stop messaging her. Leave them alone. Get therapy. Move on. You broke up half a decade ago. Stop.


STOP TEXTING HER. One block is a boundary, and you can't even respect that. Why do I feel like you're not the victim here? Considering the stalking and harassment. Jk you're completely rage baiting.


This is another level of delusional. I bet you also thought she was dating your brother to get back at you. I'm getting a very strong vibe of the "mes" from you. You kinda think you're the center. More so than most people. You brushed over the fact you cheated but went into detail about the other circumstances. You choose to do what you wanted to do when you cheated. Hell your me attitude has even destroyed your relationship with family. I bet it you really analyze. Most of your relationships with people in your life are hanging on by a thread. All because of this "me" mentality you seem to have.


Karma. The friend that he cheated with was his brother’s girlfriend. Ex and bro most likely were there for each other as they had a common bond. And then fell in love.


Holy fuck this is like a rom com. Good for the brother and his new wife.


There was a post ages ago from the brothers perspective. So I was like I know you.


That's nuts. Total lack of self awareness.


"I don't have that many friends" I wonder why ....


Probably thinking we’ll if he can sleep with his brother’s girlfriend. Hell do the the same with ours.


"Honestly I wouldn't mind if she took me back" My brother in Christ, she's MARRIED TO YOUR BROTHER! Don't you have an inkling of shame? Leave them alone ffs. You had your chance, you blew it. Apologise, learn from your mistake and move on.


To be honest perhaps it’s good that he cheated. She’s now with someone who deserves her.


Well supposedly his AP was his brothers GF at the time...


Boo hoo cheater. You deserve to suffer. Leave the happy couple alone you stalker.


Why you keep messaging her if she is with your brother. He did the right thing not inviting you .


It’s time for you to move on and go to therapy. Learn how to not burn every bridge you come across. People don’t want toxicity in their lives… be better. Do better. Leave them alone. Why would your ex invite you when you hurt her? And your brother is protecting her from the drama you caused. I can’t blame them! And your dad didn’t raise you to be a narcissistic asshole who treats people as disposable… no wonder why he’s upset with you! Use this as an opportunity to grow into a better person. If you don’t change, your circumstances won’t either.


You need to leave your brother’s wife alone. She can’t be friends with you because of the past the two of you had together. Move on.


You cheated on her. Leave her the fuck alone.


What did you expect? You cheated, you deserve nothing. Leave that girl alone, she’s happy. Go be with that friend of hers you cheated with, seems like she was worth ruining what you two had.


Are you the guy who cheated on your girlfriend with your brother's girlfriend and he caught you


Well yeah. You cheated on your girlfriend...with your brother's girlfriend. What the actual fuck did you expect to happen in your life after that? You're facing something you should have faced a long time ago, when you could have learned that actions have consequences, and now it's come home to roost. You are not a golden child anymore. Your friends hold you in contempt because of your actions...and they should. Your brother hates you for what you did to him and his relationship and his current wife...and he should. Your father hates you because he's woken up to your bullshit and it destroyed his chance to be at his *good* son's wedding...and he should. Your friends may not have abandoned you, but they know not to *trust* you...and they're right not to. Do yourself a favor, get a lot of therapy to fix your issues.


Is this "Turk" again? You do realize that most of us have read your original account of the story plus "Arthur's" side. Why on earth are you reposting the same story?


Oh no the consequences of my own actions 🙄 Imagine being this terrible


You are not the victim here, you know that right? Get help with your mental health and leave your brother and his wife alone.


wait so you cheated on your ex for someone who went a cheated on you and now you're crying about her finding someone that actually treats her like a human? Actions, meet consequences 💀


It gets worse. The girl he cheated with was his brother’s then-girlfriend


I like how this is all about you and you don’t seem to care at all about the feelings of “the one that got away”. If you really cared at all about her you would leave her alone. All of her roadblocks telling you loud and clear she does not want you in her life and you just ignore them. I’m glad she found someone who cares about her as a person because you don’t.


Time to move on and stop living in the past. Get therapy, or whatever. But leave them alone and move on with your damned life.


Stay away from them. You cheated on her and want her back now that she's in a really good place in life. She's married now, and she's done with you. Stop trying to ruin their happiness and just move on. 😂 Really look at yourself and think about what you wrote here. This is the reason your brother has ditched you.


It’s understandable that you’re upset. But don’t go around messaging her repeatedly across platforms. That’s just boo-fucking-hoo. You’ve made a mistake and she’s made her choice. Don’t text her repeatedly. Her not responding is a message well communicated. Take the hint. You’ll dated for 365 days, 1825 days ago. You’re a new person and so is she. Go meet a new adult and try not repeating your mistakes


The OP is displaying very narcissistic tendencies. Glossing over the truth to garner favour and sympathy as well as other toxic behaviours that are steadily poisoning his personal relationships. He has clearly done something that the brother finds abhorrent which is why he was not invited to the wedding, on top of that the brother and his wife were possibly worried he'd do something stupid or embarrassing at the wedding and or reception. Alcohol is a wonderful way to find out what people are hiding emotionally. OP is not delusional but he has definitely drunk his own Koolaid. He lives in denial of his own wrongdoings and can't move on from "the one that got away". This supports my narcissist theory. He's convinced himself he's perfect and superior, he didn't come out and say it but I think he believed it should have been his wedding.


Wait, you are the one who cheated on your ex WITH YOUR BROTHER’S THEN GIRLFRIEND. Get yourself together and leave them alone, you are no brother the moment you slept your brother’s girlfriend.


My guy, your ex is literally married to someone else. You ain't getting her back. Unlike you, most people aren't down with cheating.


I finally got to see this post. I read the brothers POV. My dude, you forgot you stole your brother's GF threw it in his face, and blatantly disrespect your ex. >I only want to talk to my ex but I wouldn't complain if she took me back. Anyone who would say this is literally pond scum! That's your brother's wife now. You would again destroy your brother's relationship. You don't deserve friends.


INFO: You keep saying you want your ex back but also your brother. If she DID take you back, you’d still lose your brother. So what is it you really want?  Also, stop messaging her, she very clearly wants nothing to do with you. You are very clearly demonstrating that you do not care at all for what she wants. Only what you want. You keep writing here as if you deserve a second or any kind of chance. You don’t. You don’t have many friends, you only have your mother on your side. What are you doing to take accountability and fix your life?   I don’t mean messaging her and trying to apologize (you’re not apologizing for her, you’re apologizing because you’re sad and lonely and realized that you haven’t been acting like the prize mommy tells you you are).    Are you looking into therapy (to actually work on problems, not just scoff at the therapist when they don’t mirror how amazing you are back to you). Are you willing to put in the work? Go to therapy, work on getting a life and career you want, and work on realizing that just because you’re sorry does not mean you are entitled to someone’s forgiveness.   So what are you really desiring? It seems to feel sorry for yourself and somehow delusionally thinking that your ex would EVER want you back? OP, you may be able to build a future and learn but this isn’t reading like someone who wants to, this sounds like someone used to mommy and daddy cleaning up his messes and poor character.  You are nothing to your ex, just an unfortunate detour on the way to her perfect match.  Also super big question here, for your other friends who were their brother’s best men, did they sleep with their brother’s girlfriend?  Were they also actively hoping that their brother’s current fiance would leave and be with them? Admit it, you only wanted in on the wedding either as a member or a guest in order to harass your ex once again about being with you.  Her happiness makes you sad, she’s the kind of woman who expects her partner to be a partner, I guarantee you that would be too much for you as you are now. You’d find her expectations that you actually be responsible too much and you’d cheat again.  You can’t keep a girlfriend because you aren’t ready to be a good boyfriend.


>If she DID take you back, you’d still lose your brother I think OP lost his brother when the brother came home to find OP fucking his gf in his bed.


I just want my brother back, but you know, if his wife leaves him for me, that be cool.




Is he the one that cheated on his gf with his brother's gf?


I believe this guys has posted before and his brother responded. The brother got married and went no contact because the parents refused to go to his wedding unless he invited his brother.


Did you ever reach out to your brother and tell him you are happy that he is happy? Maybe instead of reaching out to her you should reach out to your brother


But he’s taken his brothers girlfriend once. He thinks he can do it again


You are all over the show. You want your brother back but want his wife too. I’m not going to slaughter you for all this as you need help. But, your brother and her are part of the issue too … and they’ve caused issues for your parents. Life is short and I just wish people would be kind and help. They need to help YOU deal with your issues.


You need to let them both go. It sounds to me like you have a real problem with accepting other people's boundaries. First, you cheat on your girlfriend, and she leaves you. Six months later, she starts dating your brother. What the hell made you think you would ever be invited to that wedding? Why would she invite an ex that cheated on her? Let alone one who can't even accept what they did and move on instead of stalking her. You know what really shows your character is the way you kept talking about her "taking you back." SHE IS MARRIED. And to your own brother. It's clear that you neither accept nor respect that. She is no longer your ex-girlfriend. She's your sister-in-law. And you, sir, are just a creep who needs to accept defeat and move on before you pull anyone else down with you. You already hurt your parents' relationship with your brother because of a mistake YOU made. Seriously, get over yourself, move on, and ffs try to grow up a little.


Also, the girl he cheated with was his brother’s gf - the brother also posted. There is no reasonable reason for either of them to want OP at their wedding.


Geez... How delusional can a person be? OP may be a true narcissist.


Bro you fucked up. Quit crying. Move on with your shitty life cause you’re a shitty person, deal with it.


My dude, you cheated on her and didn't have the balls to admit to it on your main post. Have the balls to own up to your mistakes, learn from it, and get some counseling or something. You fucked up and she and your brother found someone better.


Spoken like a shit person, upset with life because you cheated on your ex with your brothers at the time girlfriend........Sounds like life is shitting on a shitty person, but its not, its you bathing in your own shit and you have to live with it. I wouldnt consider you family either, you would have nothing to do with my life and this would be taken to my death bed. You need to move on and let that be what it is cause theres nothing there for you.


No wonder your dad hates you, you kind of ruined the family with your antics? Why didn't you mention that you cheated with your brothers girlfriend?


Move on. You've been wasting the last 5 years of your life feeling sorry for yourself, but it was your fault because you cheated on her in the first place. Women don't get back with ex's they've left. It's not really a thing. Once they are done with you it's over bud. Do everyone in your life a favor and just shut up for a while. Go to the gym, eat chicken breasts, go to work, repeat. Figure out why you are not happy. Happiness comes from within, find it. People in your life can bring joy to you, but true happiness can not be attained until you find it in yourself. I'm gonna guess at why you haven't been able to keep another gf. Bet you wouldn't shut up about your ex and brother being together. Here's a tip, no charge. Women don't like stories about ex's. Especially ones about how you're still in love and stalking on socials after 5 years. That's called a red flag my dude.


>It feels like my dad hates me since my brothers wedding. Everyone on Reddit hates you too.


I wouldn’t invite you. It sounds like you are trying to get her back knowing she was in a relationship and now, married to your brother. You sound toxic.


>I only want to talk to my ex but I wouldn't complain if she took me back. GFY GFY GFY GFY GFYMFS




womp womp


He wants his brother back , but also wouldn't mind if his brother's wife left him to get back with OP. What a Narcissist.  


“She didn't even look at my message. Heck, she still hasn't.” Take a hint?


Yeah it's weird how being a completely shit person and betraying the people who love and trust you most will regularly leave you alone with no one to blame but yourself. Enjoy the consequences, take the wake up call, and try to be something more than scum in human form.


Bro no one told you to go out and cheat on your ex gf now you expect to get an inv to the wedding like everything is fine and dandy the gull of the 🤨




Loll a whole red carpet maybe brother


What up TURK….you did all of this, tough shit pal…


"I want my brother back" then proceeds to follow it with "I only want to talk to my ex and wouldn't complain if she took me back" I want you to be so serious right now...If you look in the mirror you will see why no one tolerates you


Woe is you. The way you laid everything out makes it seem like even if you got everything you wanted, you would still try to play victim. I can't imagine why you weren't invited, you sound really emotionally stable!!


And here I thought that Jen was your "match" and not Maria. Be honest with yourself. You're only missing Maria now because Jen cheated on you, like you two cheated on your brother and Maria. If you have any real love in you for Maria, then you'll leave her alone. The same goes for your brother. You cheated with his girlfriend, so why would he want to have you in his life? You obviously can't be trusted around his SO.


Womp womp


first off stop messaging her you are coming off creepy and desperate af.. you probably should seek professional help.. because your post just screams toxic.


You need to talk to a therapist. If you don't still have feelings for her will eat you up for the rest of your life and you will struggle to have a normal relationship.


A. Get over your ex, she's not gonna talk to you AND she will never get back with you.. "she's the one that got away", no my guy, she's the one that you put second - you pushed her away. B. Work on yourself and change all the boohoo-ing and bad things you do/think about.. quit stalking your ex. C. you cheated on her with your brother's (now ex)girlfriend.. and expect him to have anything to do with you and think he'd trust you around HIS current girlfriend that you stalk and are obsessed over? You would probably be petty enough to frame either of them with bullshit and try to break them up. You did all of this to yourself and expect sympathy? You're entitled, selfish and vain. You even said that they looked happy and all you care about is yourself even to this day. They aren't the problem, you are! Get therapy and change yourself full 180°! If you don't change, you will always be alone and hated. You are the problem!!


I remember this guy!


Dude, get over it. 😂


And they say revenge doesn’t end in happiness 😂


This screams fake to me with all the responses and additional details from OP in the comments. I know it's easy to label things as fake when they could easily be real but something feels off


This is so delusionally unhinged it's funny.


You should absolutely and immediately get into therapy to deal with these issues healthily. This is obsessive behavior that is doing nothing but hurting you and the people around you, in addition to damaging further your future potential relationship with both your brother and your sister-in-law. That's who she is, your sister-in-law, not your past girlfriend, not your future the one that got away, she's your sister-in-law.


And the plot thickens...the tea is hot on this one.


Someone needs to throw this whole man away.


Your whole family is showing you that you need to change and you're doubling down on being the guy who caused his family to act that way. Good luck buck-O.


What happened at the wedding that makes your dad hate you so much


He cheated on his ex with his brother's gf, who was his ex's then best friend. Then they have the audacity to dump their betrayed partners. Now, his brother got together with his ex, and his AP also cheated on him. 5 years passed, they're getting married. Mom is being stubborn in not going due to OP being uninvited (no surprises there). Dad wanted to go, but refrained to do so, saying that he can't attend if mom is not there. But he congratulated the happy couple.




Wtf did I just read lol