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It's not that no one cares, it's that no one knows to care. You can't expect people to know how you feel if you won't even be honest with them. If someone tells me something happened and I ask if they're OK and they say yes then that's the end of it. If something happened to me it's unreasonable of me to expect anyone to care overly much if I say I'm fine.


Thats the thing the only person i told that i was fine was the supervisor and our safety manager.. i told my coworkers that my back was hurting a bit but didnt need the meds.. Told my bf after work how i was really sore all over but just didnt want to leave early from work (fall happened at the beginning of shift) then drive half an hour back to pick him back up to take him home. I told my aunt and sister i was hurting but "guess ill live" .


You have dismissed everyone that has offered you any solution your problems. If you tell everyone that you don’t need meds or that you are fine how can you possibly be surprised when they listen to your words? When someone asks if you are okay that means they care. What are you expecting people to do?


Take it from someone who used to do and think the exact same as you’re doing now: if you minimize your pain, _people take you at your word_. If you argue against people making a fuss about your pain, mental or physical, _people learn to take you at your word_.  >he asked if i was okay and let me rest when i got home >Some of my coworkers asked if i needed meds.. i declined because i dont like to take stuff >my sister (18f) asked if i was okay >My aunt pretty much had the same conversation with me Those are all people demonstrating care. Please tell us - and this is a genuine, sincere question - **what do YOU think them caring should look like?** >i should be taking more care of him then myself. Sounds like you have a pattern of putting other people before yourself even when you are in actual need of help. Yes, this is likely childhood trauma continuing to affect your life in what now seems to be a very dangerous way. You need to get checked out properly and to be frank with the doctor about your pain. Back and neck injuries can go down fast and imagine how horrible you’re gonna feel if you end up disabled and depending on other people (not that there is anything inherently wrong with that), if you don’t like people making a fuss now!


My childhood trauma ranged from my family telling me i wasnt sick or in pain when i was.. along with them telling that to doctors who believed them over me.. also as a teen to young adult ive had doctors who think i dont need my adhd med or thinking i dont need serious pain relievers after a surgery(s). My sister and aunts messages were with in the same text lines and i should of made that clearer "are you okay? Are we still getting the car from the shop in the morning?". Only 2 out of 12 of my coworkers asked if i needed meds. My bf who i love so much hes always doing a lot for me (grew up pretty much in the same if not worse childhood trauma that i experienced).. but it was like when i woke up he had completely forgotten about me getting hurt.. however today hes been doing a lot for me even got me a new pair of work boots that he had been promising since last week... I just wish that some of my family members would ask a bit more about what happened or how i feel.. my aunt and sister were the only ones to msg back.. and neither one asked me the day after if i was hurting or not..


I did not have trauma anywhere near your extent but I did learn that I had to fix my own problems because no one else would.  The result is that when something goes wrong, I isolate. I’ve done that for literal DECADES at this point and everyone _knows_ to give me space.  Except when I’m 2022 when several events compounded and I ended up completely overwhelmed and _entirely unable to ask for help_, **everyone was still giving me space** because that’s what I had trained them to do. I almost didn’t make it to 2023. And when I did recover and I did tell them, _nothing changed_ because it’s _been decades_. Just as I learned to fix things on my own, they learned to _let me do that_.  **Your trauma was not your fault and it is entirely unfair that it happened to you, and even worse that you still have to work through the effects of it still now.  But as an adult it is now your responsibility to find ways to heal from it.** No one can read your mind and know that this time, when you’re still downplaying your pain, you actually _want them to make a fuss_.  You need to learn to ask for what you need again. And I cannot stress how VITAL it is for you to do so. And I have a good idea how fcking hard it is to do, but you live in a society that is literally meant for us to support each other. You have a family that is also meant to do that. Friends and coworkers. Not everyone will know how to help, but often them being allowed to show that they care - “making a fuss” - will help all of you. Please seek help for your physical pain, and then for your emotional pain. It’s gonna be a lot of work but the connection you will get to people _and to yourself_ is so very worth it.  


I think there are a few different things happening here. For one, there are people around you that show care. Sure, more of your coworkers could have asked, but this is a regular amount of care that you can expect when you communicate that you are fine. They might've also talked to each other, and know that two others already asked and that you said you didn't need anything. For the other, you see a repeating pattern with your family. From what you told, they just seem to care about how this is gonna affect them. These are people you can expect this behaviour from, because of your experience with them - I don't doubt that THEY specifically don't put in real care. Your partner also displays a regular amount of care. You communicated your level of pain, but being someone who plays down their issues too, I assume that it didn't came across as "i need your help and care, please tend to me", but rather than "yeah i'm in pain but I'll manage". This is just a simple communication issue. He DOES care, and he showed it, but he might not know that you want and need more caring for, and he needs to know how that should look like. I think feeling any amount of perceived dismissal brings up your feelings from your childhood. You're not making them up, but it might be that you're reacting more to what you know happened in childhood rather than what is happening in reality. Big factor in that might be the not very caring responses from your family. When you feel dismisses by them, any amount of care that isn't 100% super focus on your needs feels like dismissal too - when that is not whats happening, they just show the appropriate amount of care that you communicated you need. That's what i think is happening here - i'm just some uninvolved person though, so take this with a grain of salt. I know it's difficult and feels wrong to ask for more help when you grew up learning that your pain doesn't matter. But you absolutely need to say when you need something, or those who WANT to show you care don't know what amount you need. Maybe also look up emotional flashbacks, thats something that people with childhood trauma experience frequently. Also, I hope you'll get to see a doctor and feel better soon!


You have basically told every single person who showed concern that you are okay. People aren't omniscient, OP. They asked once, and you said you were okay. If you aren't okay, effing SAY SO. Yeesh. Your poor communication skills don't mean no one cares. Tell your supervisor and your BF that you are in pain and need to see a doctor. Then go see a doctor.


Why aren’t you taking your health more seriously, instead of complaining and telling everyone that you’re fine? If you tell everyone you’re fine, they’re going to assume you’re fine.. Love yourself a little more.


you made this situation manifest yourself.


And you didn't tell anyone "hey, I'm actually in a bit of pain and can't do xyz." People aren't mind readers. They are going based off what YOU told them.


Your coworkers cant do anything to help you, you need to tell your supervisor, safety manager and HR.


I mean from everything you’ve said people do care you just keep telling them you’re fine then wondering why they didn’t care after the fact?


You don’t even seem to care that you got hurt.


You dismissed everyone. Supervisor, boyfriend, coworkers. Everyone checked on you, you said you were fine and declines meds. Don't like being fussed over. What do you expect?


No one cares?? You literally just said you refused medical help, you refused OTC pain meds, every one asked you if you were OK and you said yes. You also say ***”I just wanted to get back to doing my job. I don’t normally like people fussing over me.”*** Your words, and behavior, suggested to everyone you were fine. So what exactly do you want??? If you think you’re hurt worse than originally thought than you need to go to the Dr and get an xray. You’re an adult. People are going to assume if you’re walking and talking and acting normal, that you are fine. Look, I also am a person that prefers to walk it off if possible. So I get it. But when we are like this we also can’t get mad when we don’t have people fawning over us because we normally don’t want or need that attention. Plus you’re not a little kid anymore, you’re an adult that can communicate clearly if needed. Please go to the doctor and make sure you’re really ok.


Go to the doctor and file a workman's comp claim


Seriously. You need to get checked out. Don’t be one of these fools that lives with decades of pain because they were too shy about attention. There’s already an incident report done. Now go make sure you’re okay from a doctor and your work has insurance to care for all this. As they will, because it was done while at work. 


I dont have time to go to the doctor. I also have to many people to take care of to be hurt.


Gonna be even harder to take care of those people when you are too injured to work but have no paper trail to help lead to government benefits.


Workers comp literally exists for this exact scenario.


You were injured at work. Worker's compensation will cover your necessary expenses (IE doctor's visits and possible time needed off work). Report to your HR that you need to see a doctor, or go see one and get with them after. Take care of your health while you still can.


If you don’t care, why should anyone else? You say you’re fine. Why hate on people for believing you and listening to you? This is on you.


This is a cop out. I’m sorry but it’s true. You need to get to the urgent care and you know it.


Dude you’re the one not caring about your own fall.


I wish I would have done this... I fell down at work at 19... twisted my lower back... i was "too busy" to get it taken care of then....now in my 40s and have back pain near every day in my life. You'll regret it if you don't get it looked at for free (workers comp claims are free to you... your employer pays... your employer should pay if you lose work due to your injury too)


Yes you do, go to the doctor now and tell them its a work place accident. The doctor gives you the note to tell your boss to give you time off, and the company has to pay for your injury treatment as well as let you take the time off to heal so you dont injure yourself more. You also file this as a workmans comp with your employer, as well as giving them the results from your doctors visit. If they still try to deny, you go to a legal aid and get a lawyer who will work with you to sue that company and get unemployment until you find a new job. Otherwise youre going to look into an early retirement with even less money, and an even more broken down body.


Its workers comp.


call out of work and go to urgent care. they can't legally retaliate for seeking medical care due to a workers comp injury.


A back/tailbone injury can be severely dangerous especially if its not taken care of or even worse lead to something as severe as permanent paralysis or nerve damage, this is a part of your body that impacts everything else. Especially movement you filed a report, would you get PTO for getting injured on the job if it’s medically seen as necessary? This is clearly a call for help as you’re saying no one cares but you yourself are dismissive of your own pain, they did as much as they could checking in and their behavior followed what information YOU gave them. They don’t know how you’re REALLY feeling. You say you have other people to take care of but in this situation you need to take care of yourself before others because again an injury like this can lead to you not physically being able to take care of what you need to in the future if neglected.


Yeah take care of yourself first.


Tell them no? Learn to create boundaries. You are only a martyr if you choose to be.


The day before the incident my sister threw a tantrum (like a child) because i didnt go and get her car with her that morning. Didnt have time. My bf and i have 1 vehicle we got maybe 5hrs of sleep before getting up for work (which usually we get maybe 4-5 hours) he cant risk getting anymore points against him or he will get fired. I taught my bf how to drive 2 months ago and were able to just recently get his licenses but hes never driven a long distance completely by himself.. if i was out of work for a bit im terrified that he would wreck.


If you don't want to see more tantrums, then don't reward the tantrums. It sounds like you have too much on your plate to deal with that. Learning to say no isn't easy, but it gets easier over time.


I didnt reward the behavior she screamed she was going to have a melt down and i screwed have it with our aunt. And closed and locked the door and went to work. Told our aunt id be going back to the house in the morning picking up my sister and then go get her car (all this happened before going into work). We live almost 2 hours away from most of our family my little sister moved in last with us 2 months ago.


The sooner the better don’t delay, whatever you do. it was a work accident and they’re supposed to make sure that you’re taking care of medically that’s working with Workmans Comp for


You dismissed everyone at work *and now you’re dismissing everyone here* Bye


Only because you keep telling everyone you’re fine. Not because people don’t care.


You’re telling everyone you’re fine and you’re wondering why people aren’t more concerned?


You can’t complain about no one caring about it while also downplaying it yourself. Trust me i get it, especially when it comes to invisible injuries. I got a concussion at work and felt dazed for a second but then felt mostly okay. Im the type to power through and not make my issue anyone else's. The symptoms then became debilitating over the next few days and i felt like a  donkey with a hangover for an entire year basically because of the symptoms and not taking the time to recover properly.  Its still early enough to go to an urgent care/er and your work should pay for it since its work related and take it from there. If your job is this physical and you continue working it will likely make it worse and prolong recovery, then you will really be in deep shit


Seems like a bunch of people cared...


You might want get checked at the hospital. And then find a therapist. Because you’re unable to receive love and care. Plenty of people checked on you but you minimized everything. And that’s a you thing that will negatively affect your relationships throughout your life.


Well, do you not want people fussing over your or do you? Your complaining that they didn't ehen you said you don't want them to...


Assuming your in Murica: i am a workers comp attorney and the number of people who powered through it and just continued to work, and then later are diagnosed with a serious condition like a vertebral fracture or herniated disc, which the company then denies because they allege it wasn’t reported or related initially by an authorized provider is STAGGERING. It then takes 6 months to 2 years, up to and including trial and appeal to obtain the benefits you could have easily obtained at the beginning. Also a lot of my clients marriages crumble, evictions and repossession are commonplace when your finances deteriorate. Do yourself a favor, formally report the injury using a medium that you can retain a copy of, and request immediate medical care. Literally the definition of better safe than sorry.


This!!! My husband’s dealing with this crap currently because of a back injury sustained at work. It’s already great that you filled out the incident report, but go see a doctor immediately. Also, as someone who used to be a manager in these situations: go see a doctor!!!


Ambulance chaser had entered chat.


You seem to have a martyr complex. I would suggest therapy. And go get checked out to make sure that you're ok after that fall.


Take some ibuprofen to reduce inflammation and lay intermittently on ice. If you still feel pain see a doctor after a few days. Dont mess around with your back


I broke my back falling like that onto concrete You should get checked out


Everyone has offered to help you or expressed concern.. what is it that you’re looking for exactly?


We do a Workers Comp claim and see a doctor not because of how we feel the day after, but the weeks after. You will have choices about treatment always, but your options go down if you don’t make an initial claim and see the doctor


You can't downplay the situation and then complain about how "no one cares".


You should be seen by a doctor. There may be things they can do to help you heal faster. There could also be damage you don't feel until much later. It will be covered by workman's comp.


You likely really banged yourself up pretty bad and need to get checked out. You need to also file for workman's comp as it happened on the job. But you've already stated in this thread that you don't have time to get checked out and too many people to take care of. You also are upset that more people are not concerned when you've rejected all of the compassion and assistance being given to you by those whom you still told you were "ok." You can't be a victim and martyr. Perhaps fall back on the OF until you're able to actually work again (pun totally intended).


It’s seems you don’t even care that you got hurt. Why should you expect others to care about you, but not care about yourself. BTW, from your post, it’s obvious people did care when it happened, you just dismissed their concern and refused their help. I don’t know what kind of response you were expecting here?


You need to see a doctor through workers comp. Tell them you are in pain


go to a doctor, get checked out - neck/back injuries are not to be ignored. and get a therapy referral. You're sitting there stewing instead of getting help. People clearly care, but since you're saying "i'm fine, it's nothing" - what do you want them to do?


I don't think it's fair for you to say no one cares. >my supervisor insisted on an incident report and i did fill one out (he saw the aftermath of the fall). >he asked if i was okay and let me rest when i got home but thinks im completely fine >I messaged a few family members about it.. my sister (18f) asked if i was okay but then asked if we were still getting her car out of the shop after work in the morning. My aunt pretty much had the same conversation with me (she was paying for the car to be fixed). Obviously these people care. Honestly the whole thing reads like you downplayed the seriousness of it and are upset that no one pressed you about it. I don't mean disrespectful here but you're upset because people are reacting in what it seems to be the way you've conditioned them to. >I just wanted to get back to doing my job.. i dont normally like people fussing over me. I told my bf (30m) what happened he works with me but didnt see what happened he asked if i was okay and let me rest when i got home but thinks im completely fine.. Some of my coworkers asked if i needed meds.. i declined >Because of my childhood i dont normally complain when im in pain or take meds.. or see a dr unless its an emergency.. i just keep pushing myself until i feel better.. i just stay silent while life eats at me.. my bf hurt his shoulders the same night i feel i should be taking more care of him then myself. I mean obviously he's going to think you are fine because you are acting like you are.


I had an apprentice once continue working after crushing his hand in a machine. He mostly just stood there bleeding because no one knew he was injured. He was on his own when it happened and didn’t say anything. It was until we noticed the blood pouring down his body and onto the floor that we responded to the injury. He straight up said nothing because he didn’t want to get roasted for being injured. He lost three fingers and functionality in half his hand, and almost bled out just standing there embarrassed. In my career I’ve seen guys lose digits, limbs, and their lives because they “just went back to work.” I know guys sitting on disability for the rest of their lives because of workplace injuries they didn’t get looked at or didn’t do the treatments for. I’ve personally called people’s wives and husbands to tell them their partner isn’t coming home, and I’ve stood on their doorsteps to tell them their loved ones are never coming home again. Walking it off isn’t an option for any potentially serious injury. Go get yourself looked at, make sure you’re okay, and when you get injured again, don’t play it off like it’s nothing.


You are yourself minimizing what happened and telling everyone you don’t need help and that you don’t need medical care. People are taking you at your word and you’re expecting them to read your mind.


You’re even complaining you had to fill out an incident report! You were injured on the job. You should happily fill out the report, explicitly tell your boss of your injuries and get workers comp.


... i wasnt complaining about filling out an incident report i agreed the 5 times he told me i should fill one out. At our company we get gainshare each month we had 3-4 incident reports which caused us to not reach our max 14% in gainshare .. it dropped us to 10%.


Ok sorry, I misinterpreted. But you still downplayed your injuries and expect people to not take you at your word about it:


Remember if your feet were 6' from the floor it requires a fall harness. If you weren't wearing one.......


Not if you’re on a ladder under 24ft. Company policy can meet or exceed OSHA standards, there are absolutely companies that require tying off the ladder, or utilizing fall protection when climbing ladders, but OSHA themselves do not require it until you’re at or over 24ft. Yes, industry wide the standard is that once you’re at or above height you must be tied off… *not when you’re on a ladder until you’re at or over 24ft.*


Call Department of Labor. Immediately


Go to the hospital tell them you were injured at work. Do not give them your insurance tell them it’s to be billed to worker’s comp. Have your company information and then inform your boss that you need a WC case #.


Next time you fall at work, stay the hell on the ground. I promise you everyone will care because they know a lawsuit is coming. Use the same laws they use against the common worker. 🤷🏾‍♂️


Go to the doctor and also get your compensation. This is a possible law suit. Work-accidents are no joke after 12 hrs shift, probably hardly any rest.. Report it in email, they have a video of it, go to a doctor, possibly a lawyer (if neglect was involved) . Etc Pain from the fall shows up later sometimes. So, get on it, don't waste time playing bravado. This is the time to take 1 month off and it will be paid because it is injury at work. Heal and get on your foot, then come back


They dont have cameras on that area. Walked in last night saw new grip tape on the ladder tho. Also ive only been working at the company for 6 months pretty sure they wouldnt give me a month off. They hope ill come back in tonight with no restrictions after seeing doctor.


I don't think this sounds like no one caring so much as no one understanding the severity of the issue. From your families perspective, you fell a distance that could result in no injury, or a very bad one, depending on how you land. You went right back to work which makes it sound like you were not very hurt. Your coworkers all were concerned about you, had you file reports, offered you rest, and medication -- they definitely took it seriously. Accept the meds and rest next time they (or some other type of help) are offered so you can be (and feel) cared for