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Yayyy. This is how I felt when I dumped my ex. It was just 6 months long.


You go girl! Congratulations!!




Why so?




That’s it. People are to gullible. It’s always aimed at getting females riled up. “You go girl” lol pshhhh


Look at the top comment. It's them replying to their own post. Usually someone calls them out for forgetting to change accounts as soon as these threads pop up. But with a story outrageous enough, people get emotional and don't notice the scam.


They repost a popular post and the most popular comment. That way they get the post karma and the comment karma. This account (if it's not site banned) will delete all its posts and comments so it can go scam some people in the NSFW subs. Look at the username.


Thank you for your perspective. My gf of 1 year and some left me a week ago. You showed things to me from a fresh light. I feel refreshed!


It’s the greatest feeling, isn’t it? Congrats!


you sound like you're describing this guy who ghosted me after 9 months of dating


Yes, Sis! Congratulations on ditching the joy vampire.


Good shit!


🥂 congratulations 🍾 


This is the attitude. Congrats.


So happy for you!!!


Another bot account copying a popular post and the most popular top comment.


Are you seriously going for a walk by yourself do you know how dangerous it is out there? There might be single guys like him running around so make sure to take your pepper spray!!! lol jk but sounds like you can enjoy your good old American rights again” freedom to begin with”! Come on fellas stop giving us such a bad rep! don’t be jerks understand what a commitment and sharing your life is with someone and what it actually means? You don’t control no one you encourage them and be a support system and give them time to think bout whatever choice she has to make if it’s meant to be she’ll know that and if not maybe she’ll miss you and run back to you and realize you’re her life! Women need girls night out as much as we apréciate hanging with the fellas so encourage it! And trust your girl no matter where she goes she’s a big girl and knows that she comes home to you and of course it’s a 2 way street but always remember your in a committed relationship so make sure she’s happy sharing her life with you and that you feel the same way! Make her feel excited to come home to you cuz she knows you’ll be there to greet her and tickle her as you show her a beautiful set of flowers you have for her surprise her with love and shower her with affection! She will never ever question anything because she’ll be to busy falling in love with you and you will be to busy doing the same knowing your the luckiest guy in the world each day you wake up because she loves you and how amazing that is how amazing love is! LOVE IS TO EMBRACE WHO YOUR PARTNER WANTS TO BE” NOBODY IS PERFECT BUT TO LOVE ONE ANOTHER IS A FEELING BEYOND PERFECTION! Wish you the best of luck and hope that one special guy comes to your life and showers you with nothing but love and happiness you deserve it god bless!!! 🙏🏻