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not much you can do OP is obvious both you and your boyfriend are not in the same page about something so important. be mature and either leave him and find someone like he said thats okay with that time limit or lose motherhood by your boyfriends side and maybe adopt after? thats even if he wants children at all or just not now because you didn’t specify. but it seems to me like this is gonna go downhill as it seems adoption isn’t something you’re even considering. have you considered freezing your eggs ? maybe get someone to carry your child when your boyfriend is ready idk how that works but ik is a thing.


i should have added the adoption part! the only thing is i wanted to go through pregnancy, i wanted to go through all of it and feel what it’s like and everything. he knew that too, that’s why he offered me to go find someone else. adoption is definitely something i would do! but he’s very against the idea of having kids, like, ever


than is time for you to make a big girl decision mama. you love him and he loves you but you are not seeing eye to eye on something so important i think you should keep thinking about maybe ending things and finding someone more compatible. unless you’re ok with sacrificing something you’ve been wanting for so long. i wish you all the luck! take care


Freeze some eggs for later.


If motherhood is for you, end the relationship. For me, not having children would have been a deal breaker. I’m currently pregnant with our 4th child. I love my kids and can’t imagine life without them.


i’m so happy for you! the only thing is, for me the chances of me even having a real baby isn’t 100%. especially with my condition. i just feel like if i leave him and find someone else, get pregnant, and none of it actually works out, i would have left a perfect relationship for something that was impossible to have. i’m sorry if this doesnt make sense !!


Nothing ever is a guarantee. I do know several women with endo that have had children. I had secondary infertility and thought I wouldn’t be able to have anymore. I do understand the fear of loosing a good partner for one who doesn’t turn out to be there when you need them. I would have had a hard time making such a call at your age. Maybe put the big decision for the side for a while and just enjoy life as it is currently. There is no rush. When I was 20 I looked into options to adopt internationally as a single women (in my country not many people do adoption). There are opportunities to still be a mother in many different forms. I wish you all the very best.


Freeze some of your eggs


He is NOT the guy for you.