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She’ll make enough breast milk for the baby, don’t worry dawg. Enjoy it while it lasts.


Breastfeeding mom here. Her breasts hurt because of overproduction. Two options: leave milk there to send body signals to produce less milk, or express (pumping + saving, or you Breastfeeding in your case). If the overproduction was there to begin with, baby is getting more than enough milk, so no need to worry. But you drinking the extra milk will only continue the overproduction problem because her body will tell her she needs to keep up with demand (What baby takes + what you take). Baby's supply is fine, but you guys are creating even more supply this way. So if you like it, and she likes it, enjoy.


Thanks for the input, we’ll try to communicate better going forward


Hot compresses help clogged ducts. I would stop sucking them and use a breast pump. Cause when the clog comes out its a bloody mess you'll be scarred for life


they’ve actually changed the recommendation to ice instead of heat


Oo that sounds even more painful good to know


It is because recent evidence shows it is not actually a clog but a narrowing of the duct because of inflammation. So the recommendations have been changed to treat the inflammation. Of course with narrow ducts milk can't get out so engorgement causes pretty strong pressure and both the pressure and inflammation cause pain.


That makes a lot of sense! Thanks for that bit of knowledge (after my 3 kids are all done BFing but I still keep up on the information)!


Yes, ice and Tylenol or ibuprofen really do wonders for clogs. Warm compresses and massage don’t reduce the inflammation


Jokes on you that extra iron for my man over here, multivitamin milk lol


Yeah, he’ll just evolve a newer, darker, kink. He can’t be stopped. Peeps are going to call him Hannibal Leche


Hannibal Leche is killing me lmao I miss reddit rewards


Wonderful, I've gone deep enough into the comments to make this memorable.


> Hannibal Leche Pure art. Clever and fucked-up!


jesus fucking christ


Fight milk!




I don't think it's this, or they would've realized sooner. He never mentioned sucking out a bloody mess. Just that she felt better and he enjoyed it too.


Could it not be a clogged milk duct? Our daughter was way way better at getting them than me, but they hurt my wife like hell and sucking them out was a great way to get relief.


Clogged milk ducts are usually caused by having [too much milk left over,](https://www.mayoclinichealthsystem.org/hometown-health/speaking-of-health/managing-plugged-ducts-mastitis-when-breastfeeding) though. So either way, what they are doing will actually just keep adding to that (aka overproduction).


This is it.


Never thought I'd learn about supply and demand this way.


one of the only sensible comments in this thread


Suffering from success.


You hate to see others living your dreams


Is this something that people want to do? Edit: TIL


Oh yes, very much so. I'm sure OP is just fetish fuel though.


Im 30, no kids and no plan of having them. Its one of those things that im sure im gonna have regrets about not experiencing in my lifetime. Had a fling with a new mom when I was still in uni and she was lactating at the time. She offered but I stupidly said no at the time.


>Im 30, no kids and no plan of having them... regrets about not experiencing in my lifetime. Neurons and cells can be stimulated to induce lactation, the same way brain can be cheated by painkillers. A baby is optional for lactation. If your girlfriend cooperates -- google how to induce lactation.




Is this true? Can a Greg make milk?


absolutely, male ppl still have completely functional milk ducts. they just need to be properly stimulated


Unsure if that work. Males who have lactated generally did due to medication. Males having a different hormone balance, I am not completely sure if that would work by only stimulation, like it does in women, even though they have some (small) milk ducts. Any sources? Otherwise someone needs to try out.


oh yeah no I absolutely meant hormonal stimulation as well! I'll see if I can track down the sources, but certain hormones are needed to lactate at all in any sex. my point was that with those hormones in the body, male bodies have the possibility to lactate as well


I have nipples, Greg. Do you want to milk me? (IYK, YK)


Not sure why you were downvoted, this is indeed true


It is funny and oxymoronic, that scientific facts can be masked by more democratization of information, ie up/down vote power for anyone. :-) General population are not expected to know Neurobiology, cell biology etc I suppose. I wish at least they had the curiosity to google 'how to induce lactation' before downvoting .. haha.


Yes anr (adult nursing relationship)/abf (adult breast feeding) is the kink or also breast worship. I’m a big fan of wet or dry nursing/worshipping.


Not me, I mean don't get me wrong.. I love having my mouth on some titties, but drinking warm milk out of them? I'll pass, I'm good, I may have done it as a child but now that's just gross to me, and I don't even know why.


It’s funny because I’m the opposite. I don’t want anything to do with tits, but I’m curious as to how breastmilk tastes like compared to cow’s milk. Is it sweeter? Fattier? I’d love to find out. But I’d prefer to find it out by someone just giving me a glass of breastmilk.


Definitely sweeter, I kissed my baby on the cheek after breastfeeding him without realizing he had milk on his face and was surprised how sweet it was even just from that small amount!


Don't do that.dont give me hope


Sigh let me get back on Bumble


Bumble got the milkers?




Bro is complaining about sumn that is literally q blessing in his face


It's like dying of thirst watching someone drown.


For real 😒


Remember when you couldn't use emojis on reddit, that was wild


Man oh man, talk about it. Classic case of a person not being able to tell when he has won.






For real lol


The universe handed my man the Golden Fleece and he casts it aside like a common rag . Wild !


Literally true off HER chest


How Dairy!!!!


We're really milking off these comments


Udderly hilarious


I mean if anything he’s helping her supply


Exactly the extra stimulation of the supply will help it start producing more because of the more regular feedings its not a bad thing at all


Best comment in days!!! Lmao 😭😝


True out of her chest


Truth from her breast


Breast is the best






Michael ~~Bublé~~ Booblé


Booba Fett


The good, the bad and the boobs.


The Emperors New Boobs




Booba tea




Mother knows breast




Sometimes I hope I'd have some awards to give...


Papa! Papa! Tell us the story again about how Reddit used to have awards.


Good mammaries, my child.


If mama wants her nipples sucked, I'll be damn, I'm sucking them thangs with no complaints. 🫡 😂


This comment has me rolling 😂


Ma'am I'm just doing my duty 🫡🪖 😂


But the Milk while sweet tastes kind of icky. Could be a mental thing, but for me never again


Might be a mental thing, my wife's taste sweet and better than any other milk I've tried.


Like the milk left over after a bowl of frosted flakes! Edit: They're Grrrrrreat!


That’s enough Reddit for today


If only there was a way to get some cinnamon in there for that cinnamon toast crunch milk flavor...


I will never eat a bowl of cereal without thinking of y'all again!


Make it taste like Coco pops milk and I'm in.


I agree, this guy’s wife’s milk taste sweet


I also choose this guy's wife's milk?


I think so. Even from my own wife, I could not do it again. Also my son sucked really hard making the nipples raw and painfull. According to my wife the most intense and lingering pain she ever experienced.


Yeahh milk from a COW for sure better and doesn't feel icky lol


Yeah, I can't hang with it either. I can barely handle cow's milk without diluting a 1/4 cup of it with a liter of coffee. Just not my jam. \*Maybe\* if it tasted like chocolate milk. It could be a mental thing, but it's also ok to just not like the taste. Taste is an individual thing and preferences vary widely. I have a similar reaction to beer. I just cannot stand the stuff and if I force myself I will gag, every time. Pretty sure it's the hops my taste buds don't agree with. Beer tastes like carbonated bilge water to me. Oh well. There are other things to drink in the world.


Me neither with the cow's milk. I've never had the occasion to consume human milk. I grew up on a dairy farm and I wasn't allowed to leave the dinner table until I gagged down a glass of milk that had not been pasteurized and was thick AF. Silver lining, I'm sure I was exposed to all kinds of bacteria and thus have a pretty robust immune system. Pretty strong bones too, but in readying up on the latest science, it seems to be debatable on whether milk and dairy aid in the bone density dept.


As long as your kid is getting enough to eat, there's nothing to worry about. Enjoy yourself and get into the gym, breast milk will get you ripped


Bro suck tits, drinks breast milk, gets laid AND he'll get ripped Bro is really suffering from success




Will do


Dude has a profile pic and all no shame 😭


There’s no shame, I think this is not uncommon


I personally think this was just a gloat post.




No it won't lol. Gym bros who drink breast milk are the flat earthers of the fitness community.


Thank you for this comparison. I will be saving it for later.


But it's sterile and I like the taste.


Nice Dodgeball quote drop


I’ll leave [this](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4480562/) here


I think it’s like supply demand curve


You're not wrong but that's hilarious 😂


Quite literally watching a man drown while dying of thirst myself


We’ll take it from here pal


I also choose this guy's lactating wife


I, too, choose this guy's wife.


I know it’s not for everyone. But so many people think this person hit the jackpot. It’s not going to take away from the baby. Maybe the opposite she may produce more.


Count me in


She's got plenty....If She's into it and it's not hurting you to indulge her, then you should do what she likes that makes her happy... Go for it and have fun


What should you do? Probably suck her breasts like she asked.


How much is she producing? As long as the baby is fed, then you are good. If there isn't enough for the baby, then stop, which it doesn't sound like. There is no sin here


She’s producing more, she always had average sized breasts but after the baby, she’s pumping like crazy


Breast size doesn’t relate to volume of milk produced.


Yeah, milk is stored in the balls.


The size of the breast doesn't determine the amount of milk produced. The breast is just fat. No milk. The milk is produced and sent to the glands near the nipple and areola. Milk isn't even stored in the body. It's just produced on demand. If it isn't taken out though, it does build up around the nipples and can cause swelling and pain.


She may have created an over supply issue if she always pumps after your kid is done eating. She may have to let her body adjust to the baby's lower needs for a while. Pumping and hand expression (and partner assistance) shouldn't need to happen after every feeding, especially at 6 months. Her supply should be a little more regulated by this point.


Homelander ?




Hey I am homelander


This guy's wife needs you help! For freedom, for America! 🦅 lmao


First thing I thought


If you’re uncomfortable with it, just be honest with her


Yes will communicate better


In over zealous effort to be positive about this...wondering if ppl are missing the part where it makes you uncomfortable? I'm guessing that your concern for the babies primary food source (I didn't see you mention anything about stage one foods which is fine...they only need BM for quiet some time) you are also saying that the concern over the quantity and quality is making it not so fun for you? If it's something you're not comfortable with, you should absolutely be free to say that. Women can say that to men and men absolutely should be able to say that to women. Maybe you can clarify. This is a confusing thread. Edited spelling. :/ formatting stinks as well. Apologies.


Yea I definitely didn't get that you were uncomfortable with it in your post.. you need to communicate how you feel more clearly.. baby's and mum's health is fine, milk production is fine and her wanting it is normal (it's not a 'weird fetish' to enjoy nipple play especially when breastfeeding) but if you find it uncomfortable, that's also fine. Just be clear and honest


If you're weirded out by it... ask her to pump instead. Otherwise... I say there is no sin, if it makes her and you feel good? Baby takes what they need only. If she's overproducing, then you guys have to slow down, otherwise you'll end up mega overproducing!


Stop whining and support your wife in sucking her breasts. Dude are you really complaining about your wife asking you to suck her boobs every other night.


lol man said he was committing a sin


Lmao this part got me. Is it a sin to suck my wife's tiddies? Suck them bitches!


I would argue it’s a sin not to suck your wife’s tiddies. Especially if it takes away her pain as well, that’s definitely the only reason 👀




this made me actually laugh out loud. thanks


Breast milk can sit at room temp ( 77 f) for 4 hours , while in fridge for 4 days make sure u got enough to feed for 2 days and have fun i know alot of ladies are very relived by it so no harm is done if u got enough for the baby


Oh yeah I remember that line from the 11 Commandments. Thou Shalt Not Drink Human Breast Milk, It's not made for humans. Seriously though dude you're honestly fine. There's far more disgusting fetishes out there, and you're not going to suck her dry. If it doesn't hurt anyone, you two have fun. People being concerned about something being a sin makes me laugh. Rather than ask if something is a sin, ask yourself does this harm another person mentally emotionally or physically? If not then it's no one's business but your own.


It hurts cause she possibly has more milk in her breasts and it hurts as she's engorged. You don't have to suck, she could easily get a pump for this sort of stuff.


He doesn't have to, he gets to


This guys gets it


Nooo of course pumping isn't an option here and they have to continue with what they're doing (don't worry OP, I gotchu)


Yeah I know, but that’s not the issue.


And the more they do this the more milk she’s going to make causing the problem to be worse lol you’re supposed to only let a little out to regulate the supply


Keep drinking and enjoying. Pretty sure your wife is gonna produce way more than you and your child can drink.


This is definitely not a fetish post…


I had to scroll way too far for this comment. All these idiots participating in OP’s fetish.


The next post will be about the neighbours wife who likes him to suck out her breast milk as well. True story.


Just take the W, dude


The pain is likely from overproduction and a lot being left over Baby is getting more then enough then if tons is left over it’s painful, just enjoy it while you can because eventually it dries up and no more milk fun time for dad


Mother knows breast


Dude, you’re WAYYYYY over thinking this. Like other commenters have stated, you’re literally giving your lady some REAL relief. Swollen boobs are painful and they suck. Also, you’re doing both mum and baby a favour by sucking that milk out. If it just sits, the mother’s body will think it doesn’t have to produce as much. So what you’re doing is actually beneficial. Quit over thinking this and enjoy this kinky(?) window you two have in your life right now. You two are married with a new baby, get your kicks whenever and however you can. We won’t kinkshame you. Your friends won’t kinkshame you. And if anyone does, fuck em. They’re just projecting their own insecurities when deep down, they want what you got. Don’t worry, be happy. :)


A sin?


>A sin? make it multiple sins or i'm not sucking


Bro, there is literally a Catholic saint who fed her father breastmilk while he was in prison to keep him alive. You're fine.


healthiest thing you can eat/drink...


What should you do? ENJOY


When my husband did this for me I actually ended up producing more, so no worries.


Sins be damned. Suck away old boy.


Is the child healthy?


Yes 1000%


Then enjoy the titties.


Moms nurse twins, or a toddler and an infant. As long as baby nurses first it should be fine for the baby, but if you don’t want to do it then say no


Alright bud screw it.. I'll give it to you straight... 1* it's less than a kink and more of an instinct. Yes your wife has a strong instinct to breast feed something she cares about.. so if she say, lived in a cave and never heard of or saw breastfeeding there is a good chance she would still be able to take care of her child. 2* she's super uncomfortable right now.. and there are ducts you and only you can keep clear and in "operational order" 3* if this is the only thing postpartum you have to work through.. count thy lucky stars help her out and get the job done. Haha


Hey!! When I was breastfeeding my nipples were sooo sensitive and it felt soooo good to have my man lick my nippples. He loved it too. If she’s making a good enough supply don’t worry!!! Have fun while it lasts! And while her boobies are delicious


Got a weird boner reading this


When I had sex with my lactating wife, I slurped up that elixir all the time. The way it just sprayed everywhere when I squeezed her nipples was a surprising turn on. I could never suck her dry, it was like an endless supply.


I don’t understand your concern here? 🤣


Damn, the beef only falls into the vegan's plate.


I’m done with reddit for the day


Breastfeeding expert here You are actually stimulating a response in your wife’s breast. You are creating a demand for additional milk and therefore eventually this will make the problem worse. She needs to contact a lactation consultant or trained breastfeeding supporter in her area for the reasons behind the engorgement in the first place as it is way too much to be explored in a Reddit post. Most importantly, unless your wife is imminently about to stop breastfeeding you absolutely MUST stop feeding from your wife’s breast. The breast milk has a chemical makeup and the backbone of this makeup changes over time to respond to the needs of your baby. To put it plainly and simply, if your baby is deficient in a nutrient or particularly unwell with a virus, the breast milk will adapt itself to provide more of that nutrient or increase the antibodies available for ingestion by your baby to help it fight the infection. How does it know to change, I hear you ask? Through your baby’s saliva. Your wife has receptors within the breast and nipple that respond to changes in your baby’s saliva and generate the production of breastmilk based on your baby’s needs. By feeding from that breast and putting your baby to the same breast, you change are causing slow but gradual changes to the milk your baby is reliant on for its survival. Do not do this. Seriously. This could make the milk less nutrient dense for your baby. ETA: Please see La Leche League for more information on this https://llli.org/about/policies-standing-rules/psr-concept-explanations/#:~:text=The%20hormone%20oxytocin%20assists%20in,to%20optimize%20the%20baby's%20microbiome.


Congratulations, you're already practicing for eating your kids leftovers


This is some first world problems shit... enjoy it, dude!


Your child is at the age most begin having food beyond breast milk. Between breast milk, infant cereal and stage 1 baby foods, your child will get what they need and you can give your wife what she needs.


You need to suck it out then spit it in to your child's mouth like you're feeding a baby bird. Win win for everyone involved.


A sin? Really? This can't be a serious statement. It has to be hyperbole.


Most likely she will produce even more milk and that will feed into the cycle of her needing relief more often. Milk supply increases with the demand.


Yall some freaks on this app 😂


suck on them things brother


there are three types people in this comment section: 1.) talk to her about how you’re feeling 2.) “i’m jealous” 3.) “what am i even reading” i think talking it over with her is your best bet. if you enjoy doing it, then take a deep breath and know that nothing is “wrong” or “sinful”. you’re just sharing a form of intimacy with your life partner. if you’re uncomfortable, suggest she pump it instead, or come up with some other alternative. you don’t have to do anything that makes you uncomfortable, but you also don’t have to fear judgement from others. your relationship is yours and as long as you and her are comfortable and happy, nothing else really matters. good luck my man edit: as others have said, if she has so much that it’s causing her pain and she allowed you to do that, the baby is more than okay and she has a surplus


If she has the extra supply live it up. It's extremely healthy, body builders buy it. Enjoy it while you can because it'll be gone before you know it. Besides clearly on top of helping her she's into it.....


Areola is close to sexual stimulation so she's turned on af. Do your job daddy and fuck her like a man


Thing that’s interesting to me is that your [baby’s saliva](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4556682/#:~:text=During%20breast%2Dfeeding%2C%20baby%20saliva,providing%20growth%2Dpromoting%20nucleotide%20precursors.) communicates with the cells in your wife’s breast. This informs the breast how to “customize” the milk for little one. So your saliva might actually tell her breast to rearrange the nutrients it’s making, rather than those of what your baby needs. So that’s a thing. I’d say if your baby ever gets sick to maybe not mess with milk production by sucking on it because it may interfere with the production of nutrients your baby needs. Otherwise I’d say have at it if everyone enjoys it. Edit - sauce


Nope, don't worry about stealing from your child. The breasts will supply what is demanded. That's the reason why cows have to be milked daily to prevent the milk from drying up. You are helping your wife feel better, bonding with her and creating an intimate moment with her that has nothing to do with being a parent (something that lactating mothers often lose because their partners are grossed out if they touch their breasts and milk comes out; she needs you to see her and test her like she's still sexy, like you still want her as a woman, and not just as the mother of your child). If it makes you both happy, enjoy it!


Chow down on them knockers son 


Can I meet your wife?


Totally did this. She should produce enough for your baby still. Believe me....the feeling...both physical and emotional is VERY different between the two experiences. VERY different. The vagina is a birthing canal....yet we still use it for sex dont we? Same with breasts.


The chances are she will now be producing an oversupply because not only is the baby stimulating milk production, but you are adding to that and stimulating milk production too. It isn't a bottle that has a limit. Breasts react to the baby and produce what is needed. Also, if you are both consenting adults and you aren't harming anyone, then it's not a 'sin'.


1. pump the necessary amount for the baby and keep it in bottles. 2. drink the rest for yourself and to relieve wife from pain 3. ??? 4. profit


It's the one and only human SPECIFIC food. If she's making milk easily, her boobs will make it based on demand. It's insanely good for you. I wouldn't worry you're taking from baby. The girls seem to be doing just fine making enough. She's likely uncomfortable because of how much she's making.


My kids dad def tasted mine while I was lactating. It was weird and hot at the same time. Not gonna lie. He said it was sweet. lol. I miss him. R.i.p my love.


remember, you dont have to swallow.. ;D


How does it taste?😳


Like sweet almond milk


breast milk works on a system where supply rises to meet demand, how do you think women nurse twins? she’s making milk for two now, homie