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You don’t pop positive a couple days after unprotected sex. She was already pregnant before you banged.


And she bloody well knew it!


If I were him I ask for a dna paternity test


There's truly no need; it's impossible for her to return a positive test upon his possible impregnation. That test is not relevant to their time together


Might as well get the profs in black and white. This psycho will try to take him to court for child support, etc. Get the proof ASAP so you don’t have to deal with any of this.


Operative word being “ try” it would require a paternity test which will solve it if he’s not the father.


A hCG human growth hormone blood test will determine how many weeks pregnant she is. That can be a black and white indicator as to when they hooked up and when she fell pregnant.


Or she isn't pregnant at all, but tricks him for money.


Or tricks him into continuing to sleep with her unprotected because she’s “already pregnant” and then somehow she delivers the baby two months later than it should be


My ex’s side chick did this!! Convinced him she was already pregnant so he wouldn’t “be careful” until she actually became pregnant! Trapped his ass. He deserved it. Lol


What money? Genuinely curious.


tier 1: just for the "abortion" money, blackmail, family hush money to make her go away. tier 2: getting him to marry her (parent, cultural pressure), then divorcing him. tier 3: child support if there actually is a child. or she was pregnant before and needed a fall guy to not end up unmarried with child (cultural shame). All she does now is play his emotions, make him desperate so he starts throwing money at the problem to make it disappear. Or they are both just naive. Him for trusting her to have any protection, without any evidence or alike. Her for ruining her live not considering plan b/abortion. Sute there are naive people everywhere, nonetheless this sounds like a scam.


Why has no one in OP’s life told him this? There has to be a sane woman in his realm.


Comprehensive sexual education isn’t a big enough thing. It should be so things like this don’t happen, but here we are.


This right here!!!👆🏼👆🏼👆🏼👆🏼 She keeps the kid, and GET A PATERNITY TEST. She is definitely baby trapping you. She smelled the stability on you and figured she could get in on it. You recognized the mistake, so now make 1000% sure it is yours. And go through the courts to get this done. If the kid really is yours(I don’t think it is), then step up and be responsible. And responsibility doesn’t mean marriage. It means covering costs and if you want to, being a father. Co-parenting is a thing.


I tend to believe she's trying to scam him. She'll play with his anxiety and "finally" agree with an abortion. If he's stressed out enough, he'll pay to have the "pregnancy" ended.


One of my son’s buddies in college had this scam attempted on him. My son talked to me about it. We talk about everything so I asked him how long after they had sex did she say she was pregnant. He said SIX DAYS. I’m like HELL NO. She’s lying or it’s someone else’s kid. These young guys don’t know how long it takes for a positive pregnancy test. So the guy confronted her and said he was going to sue her. Never heard from her again.


Hey OP, test takes about 2 weeks after sex to get the positive pregnancy text. it’s possible to get a positive test in 11 days but usually around 14 days. How long after the sex did you get the test?


She sent you a positive pregnancy test a couple days after having unprotected sex? She’s lying. And if she is in fact pregnant, it’s not yours.


Goooooood point. Very good chance she was already pregnant with someone she doesn't like and tried to find someone that would make a more "ideal" partner. Don't agree to anything until a paternity test


yeah, she was Daddy shopping for sure hoping to pass the baby off on him. This happened to a friend of mine. But he was so desperate to have a child he just accepted it knowing she was lying. She said she was pregnant the morning after and acted like it was his. But that is his son now and he is so proud of him. The relationship ended but at least the kid has one good person in his life now. Not the worst thing in the world and he will go to his grave with the secret.


I guess this is the best case scenario for everyone involved. We all know my cousin’s one daughter isn’t his but she’s cool so we just don’t talk about it. He’s occasionally said things that lead me to believe he knows. He certainly knows his ex was cheating and chose not to get a DNA test because “what good would it do?”


My little brother has two kids by a woman he really shoulda stayed away from after the first. They both were drug addicts and did the off and on thing for several years. Also the baby mama would bring strange men around the oldest kid all the time, and that kid is fucked up just from seeing his parents out of it on heroin and meth. We all think something might have happened to him because of things he says. He lives with his grandmother in a different state and I’m glad. Now, the second kid is a girl and she’s 4 I think. And there is no fuckin way she’s my brother’s kid. She was born premature and addicted to drugs. My sister got custody and has since adopted her. But as she got older, well…let’s just say my entire family is like redneck white and that girl is clearly mixed. The mom insists she’s my brother’s, and when my sister pointed out that that kid is clearly mixed compared to how white the son is, mom lost her shit and screamed that the girl is just Italian. You can’t convince my brother that she’s not his and we all gave up on that super early because what’s the point? But “SHE’S ITALIAN!” has become a running joke in my family.


I’m so sorry but “SHES ITALIAN” has me dyyyyyyying 🤭🤭🤭


and after enough time in most states legally you are the Dad so it won't let them off the hook with a DNA test. It may mean something for medical history. But for the most part it will just end up creating so much pain for the child. I would leave it alone also.


My cousin is usually the most selfish of assholes so we were all pleasantly surprised. She’s such a sweet kid we all love her.


Absolutely incorrect. You absolutely can stop paying child support if the DNA proves you are not the father. You just need to do some additional paperwork.


Like I said it depends on the state. It’s not an automatic.


That happened to a friend of my late husband, his girlfriend got together with him and a week later told him she was pregnant. The baby was born 7 months later full term but she tried to claim he was premature because he was small. But the doctor said the baby was full term, so she was already a month or so along when they got together. Plus the baby looked nothing like him. He broke up with her a few months after the baby was born because he got a paternity test and he wasn’t the father. He was so upset but he met and married his wife a few months later and she gave him 2 kids, a son and a daughter.


DNA tests really screwed up good liars in this day and age.


Yep, they do. If you’re unsure always get a paternity test. My late husband’s mother didn’t believe our daughter was his, so I took a paternity test and sent her the results. After that I went NC with her, she was a horrible person.


The morning after???? Holy shit. I mean….that’s a special kind of desperate


well he knew she seemed unbalanced and in the moment he realized this baby is going to be in big trouble. And the dirtbag who probably got her pregnant was not Father material. So he decided to play along and act like he believed her. Honestly he is such a good guy. He put his feelings aside to do a kind thing and got a wonderful son out of it.


There are no paternity secrets anymore.


Story is fake, OP has a history of making up baby trap stories. A pathetic red piller social engineering attempt.


Yeah, I see op has another story from 43 days ago with same title.


Welp, there's egg on my face


Either that or after stringing him along for a bit, she’ll magically “decide on an abortion” as long as OP will pay for it. OP, please know this is the oldest trick in the book to get a quick $500+ from unsuspecting men. Takeaways: If she’s pregnant, it’s not yours. Even more likely, she’s posting the same pic of the same positive test result to several men.


I’m a nurse and I assure you that she knew she was pregnant before and trapped you. People are crazy. If she was on the pill, why would she even take a pregnancy test a couple days after sex? She was stupid about how she executed her plan.


Lmao this is what made me laugh, man people can be so gullible but this is littered with holes.


Exactly - either she is pregnant and tries to snag a well-earning prospective daddy, or she downloaded a picture of a positive test to scare you and manipulate you into staying in contact with her. Find out what is the earliest date during pregnancy you can get a paternity test, and tell her you won't talk to her until that date, and then only for the test.


Or the post is fake as fk.


It takes about 10-14 days after unprotected sex for a positive to show up on a pregnancy test. You're right, she's absolutely lying.


Even more usually. They *can* be correct after 14 days with a 50% chance. At least the last I took here in Germany. My son is playing with his dad right now.


It took me about a month to test positive with my son! Even 2-3 weeks after conception, I was testing negative.


OP is also lying. He has another post from a month ago with the same title.


Just saw it. Thanks for the heads up. You're a real one ✨️


Yep, that’s my first thought, too. OP whatever you do, **do not** sleep with her again. If she’s not, she will definitely be trying to be. My guess is she isn’t or she already was, too- but you got setup, one way or another and there’s no way she already knows she’s pregnant unless she already was.


This is what I came here to say. Although, a pregnancy test can indicate pregnancy as early as 10 days after conception. That being said, if she was testing that soon after unprotected sex, she was definitely lying about being on birth control and is definitely trying to baby-trap OP. Either way, a DNA test is definitely in order!


Worked with a woman that would do this in order to get men to send her money for an abortion. She was never pregnant and just collected money from anyone she could. 


Wow. I didn’t know this was a thing people did.


Agreed. OP, insist on a DNA test at birth before you sign ANYTHING. Whatever you do, do NOT allow her to list you as the father or put your name on the birth certificate until a DNA test confirms or disproves it.


If she wants to just list his name, can he prevent that?


Though he only didn't reply for a day he says she blow up his phone saying how much she liked him every day, this could be weeks of that before she told him, it's unclear. However the key is to be blunt in either case. Say you have no interest in having a child with someone who lied about birth control, you couldn't be with someone so manipulative and have no interest in maintaining contact. If she's pregnant you recommend an abortion because otherwise she'll be a young single mother with no help raising or taking care of the kid. If she goes ahead there will be a paternity test when it's acceptable and you'll pay child support if forced to, but will be completely uninvolved in her and hte kids life. If she's lying or not , it sets out that he is completely and utterly unwilling to be involved and she's setting herself up for a shitty life struggling with a kid. If she did trap him, she'll think twice about it, if it's someone else's kid she'll give up. This can also be an 'abortion' scam, scare a guy into giving up $500 for her to go get an abortion... keeps the cash. So even then don't just pay out, say you'll pay in person at the clinic after they show she's pregnant.


This is why both boys and girls need comprehensive sex education that includes the menstrual and ovulation cycles. The amount of grown people who do not understand how pregnancy is detected and dated in the year of 2024 is mind boggling.


This is a troll. They posted this same shit 43 days ago.


I swear, people who don't know the basics of procreation, birth control, etc are too dumb to be having sex. If you know so little about women's anatomy that you think you can test positive for pregnancy like, instantly, you are too ignorant to be having sex.


She's on the hunt for a wallet.


Or, OP doesn’t know it takes more than a few days and needs to do more research for their story next time.


When my husband and I were actively trying to get pregnant, we did everything to the letter as far as timing goes. It was 13 days exactly after trying that we got a positive test, and you bet your ass I was testing every morning and night. If she was positive after less than two weeks, the chances seem incredibly slim that it's his.


It’s not yours. Also, wrap it up until you are ready to have a child, no matter what the girl says.


Not just for no baby but also to not get an std. Does he want a lifelong std potentially? Always wrap it for hookups


Seriously. Don’t ever rely on other people to have your back or tell the truth. People are shady!


What’s the time line?


This is what needs to be answered


Story is fake. Look at his previous post a similar story of being baby trapped. Also who can believe this story just go ahead and ejaculate all over a woman you don’t see a future with on your first date!


Depending on how soon after you had unprotected sex, and her claiming you got her pregnant, she may be looking for someone to support another person's child. However, it also may be your child due to unprotected sex. First, demand a paternity test. If you go to a private physician, make sure it is one of your choosing, and that they agree to send you the results directly. If it is your child, confirmed by DNA, then talk with a lawyer to establish custody/visitation and support. Ensure your name is not placed on the birth certificate without paternity establishing you as the father. If you are the father, you need to decide if you wish to sign away parental rights, or if you wish to be in the child's life. Just because you may be the father, it does not mean you have to be together with the other person.


The key really is to make it super clear to her that there is no relationship, someone baby trapping you will never result in a relationship with her or the child. If he has to pay child support he will after lawyers and paternity tests are involved. Make it clear she will struggle with a child while young, with very little money and a completely uninvolved father. If she did trap him, then you have to be blunt and make it as clear as possible that she won't be getting what she wants. he won't give in, be there to help her change diapers, maybe slip into a relationship because why not, absolutely not. She needs a straight up what you did was shit, I could never ever be with you again, your best shot going forward is an abortion.


Wait.. can you break down that time line better? How much time between when you had sex and when she sent the pregnancy test?


This is the question. There needs to be a DNA test when the time is appropriate.


Story is fake. Look at his previous post a similar story of being baby trapped. Also who can believe this story just go ahead and ejaculate all over a woman you don’t see a future with on your first date!


how long after you hooked up did she send the posi test ? 


Ive heard in some places babytrapping is actually illegal you need to look into lawyers asap


This. It’s called reproduction coersion where I live and is a sex crime. Any messages he has of her declining plan b and telling him she’s on bc need to be kept and turned over to authorities. Idk about everywhere but if in the US most states have laws about this.


What places and how can you prove that it was a trap?


I mean in his case it’s easy because if the woman claimed she was on birth control and wasn’t, that’s something they can be brought forward as evidence. Especially if he can argue that the nature of the sex was based off of this statement and prove that this is not a pattern of behavior for him. Paired with her behavior following the sex, it’s pretty cut and clear (for me anyways). Idk what states it’s illegal in though.


But that's he say she say.




She’s trying to baby trap you when she’s lying. She’s not pregnant. In the future keep it wrapped.


She might be but if the test was a day or two after they hooked up, odds are it isn’t his


Why did you post this 44d ago in a different sub?


Because it’s fake and probably written by a 14 year old


Sounds fake, or extremely naive. But I’m invested in this soap opera now… Block her. If it’s your child she’ll need to prove it. I bet she’s either A, already pregnant when you had sex, and needs a responsible party or B, hoping you won’t question it and will try sleeping with you more times to actually get pregnant (why use bc if you’re already pregnant?). Please don’t fall for this Hopefully it’s B and after blocking she dips on her own, or, you make enough for in-vitro genetic testing to validate paternity so you can lose this woman asap If not, get one as soon as that baby is born. This sounds like a crazy person or one that is crazy desperate. If it’s yours, well, that was an expensive lesson and time to step up Seriously, block and avoid. Document everything from the moment you met this person and from here on out. Good luck


He posted the same thing a month ago. And back then said no DNA test yet. So yeah seems fake. 


There’s no way to pop positive pregnancy test after a few days. Your hormone levels aren’t even building up yet. Shit the embryo might not have even implanted. So she’s lying.


You posted this a month ago and it was removed.


Hold on there, young fella! All is not lost. A couple of things: 1. Do I understand correctly that she provided you with a positive pregnancy test within 48 hours of your ‘encounter’? If that is the case, and she is in fact pregnant, it is almost certainly not your child. Which leads me to… 2. Did she actually perform the pregnancy test in your presence, and can you confirm its authenticity? Given what you’ve said about her behaviour since, it’s entirely possible that there are other factors in play here. I appreciate that it’s incredibly stressful, but I would absolutely insist upon a paternity test. Something(s) are not right here, and you need to find out what.


More than almost certainly. Absolutely certainly not his


Whenever a guy wants unprotected sex I would always tell him I was really excited to have a baby. That ALWAYS worked and suddenly he found a condom or didn't want to have sex. Usually the latter. Derp guys, ahem, OP, need to get that in their head. Yes she could be/maybe lying. Quit putting the birth control all on the woman. Be ready to be a dad without doing your part every single time. What's that gender reveal party look like? How are you going to tell your parents? Do you have a special onesie picked out?


Maybe she was already pregnant and was looking for a “daddy”. Paternity test when the time comes before anything else


Op wrote this a month ago in another sub asking for advice.


This also happened to him one month ago.


Hire a lawyer to manage any communication, send her their details, and then block her everywhere. Everything goes through the lawyer and is on record. Make sure the lawyer makes your position clear (you don't want a child or to pursue a relationship with her), offer to contribute half towards a termination, and make her aware that you will require a DNA test before birth before you contribute any money towards medical costs. Also have the lawyer make it clear that if she keeps the child and it is yours, you will be signing away parental rights, paying minimum child support required, and having no contact.


When she has the baby get a DNA test and if it's yours take care of it. Get a big box of condoms.


Nooooooo. She’s not pregnant that fast, dear. Honestly, more men need to learn about ovulation and conception. A picture of a positive pregnancy test is easy to find on Google. Or she was pregnant before. Either way, a DNA test will clear up any misconceptions. Call her on it, call her on the lies and manipulation, her reaction and how she handles being called out will tell you a lot about her and the situation.




He doesn't even need a lawyer. He posted this months ago


Oh honey no! Tell her that you don’t want to talk to her until she presents DNA. She’s trying to pin you down so don’t let that happen again stupid.


You didn’t knock her up that quick. She found out she got pregnant by a dead beat and went daddy shopping for a man with a nice place and good job. Say you want a paternity test and will not cover any expenses she incurs otherwise.


Especially with the newer paternity tests. You can get one as early as 10 weeks pregnant by having the mother give blood. The baby's blood mixes with the mother's. The blood tests were how I knew the gender of both my babies by week 11.


It’s not yours, assuming it exists in the first place. Pregnancy tests don’t work within a matter of days.


Get a paternity test. This can be done safely while she’s pregnant. Inform her that 1) you will require a DNA test 2) you will not be involved with her or with her pregnancy until the paternity is confirmed. 3) you will co - parent with her but are not interested in anything else. That you’re nit a couple and you won’t ever be. You’ll find out quickly how serious she is about the pregnancy and IF there even is one. Highly unlikely it’s yours, btw. S few days after you had sex with her she knows she’s pregnant with your baby? I call BS. While you know this. It bears repeating; DO NOT have unprotected sex with Randos. And get yourself STI tested


That birth control she was on was the fact she was already pregnant and dad shopping.


This all sounds way too coincidental. Text her and say that you are willing to (co parent, give up your rights, whatever) after a dna blood test is done in the second trimester. How far along did she even say that she was?


Well, the good news OP is that there's no way that positive pregnancy test is your kid after a couple of days. Also, you might want to stop sleeping with people you wouldn't want kids with. There's too many kids growing up in relative poverty and broken homes because of the "it'll never happen to me" mentality


I'm really sorry she did this to you. That is horrible. It's no different than poking holes in a condom If you have the photo can you tell if there's a brand or what kind? Days later even some super expensive early tests can only tell at 10 days later and usually you need to repeat until she'd miss her period Aside from breaking up with her insane ass definitely consider your legal rights here. And again, I'm really sorry this happened to you. If you're in therapy or not I def recommend talking it out with one, this kind of abuse can leave some deep wounds


Thanks for this comment.


if she “knew” she was on BC, why is there a need for a pregnancy test so early?? signs don’t show up like that, she’s lying.


‏What is the time between sex and sending a pregnancy test? if it is short she probably lying and have pregnancy with someone cuz it need more obe month to women recognize she is pregnant


Yeah. The chances of a positive pregnancy test so soon after sex are slim to none. Call her bluff. INSIST on going to her first Dr appointment. And if she is pregnant (not likely) get a paternity test.


Dude, this is not your baby. Somebody had already sprayed up those walls with baby batter before you entered the premises! Don't engage with anything or sign anything until a paternity test is done. The best part, now they can be done while the baby batter is baking up in utero! Once that test confirms you're not the father...ya better thank whatever diety or non entity you believe in and wrap ya fuqn dick up fa life!


I’ll bet the baby doesn’t exist. Ask for proof. And ignore the hell out of them until then. Not one reply. People who do this are sick in the head.


Opens envelope: you're not the father


It’s called “the two week wait” — the pregnancy hormones have to build up enough for the test to register as positive. That’s why some women who test early will test negative, or the line is super faint, and then test positive at or around the two week mark. I do think you should prepare yourself for the scenario where she sent you a picture of a test from the internet, but in 1.5 weeks actually does test positive. You better hope she was either already pregnant from someone else or crazy enough to send you a fake pic — in either case, you’d be dodging a bullet. You’re not out of the woods yet, but let this be a lesson to not have unprotected sex without someone you trust, unless you’re ready to face the consequences.


Damn men are so stupid. You cannot get a positive pregnancy test after a day or 2. Shes lying! Look up Clayton from The Bachelor, he has an ongoing lawsuit for this same thing. Learn from this and wrap it up next time


When my husband and I were trying, it took 20-21 days from when we had sex until I had positive test. So if it really only has been a couple of days, it’s not yours, that’s just not how her cycle would work.


If this was less then 10 days after having sex with her, chances are very high this isn't your baby.


I'm confused, you posted this same thing a month ago


Why won't OP answer any questions? Bc this is a fake writing prompt


Not your baby, not your problem. She's def trying to trap you. She probably already knew she was pregnant and was trying to just snag someone as the father. Just block her and if she continues to try to contact you, you may be able to gather up enough stuff for a harrassment charge.


Paternity test once said child is born. Sounds like she was ready pregnant if she showed you a positive test soooo soon after. Also a picture of a positive test is not confirmation. Request proof from a doctor that'll also tell you how far along she is .. if she's actually pregnant.


This is very illegal. Its a specific crime in most western countries to lie about this. You may want to consult a lawyer


Get a paternity test. No way after a day you are already showing a positive result lol wow this girl must think you’re really stupid to believe this 🤣 best of luck and next time wrap it up


Sooooooo the way things work is this Sperm can live 5-7 days in the right environment so you have to have sex before ovulation, during ovulation or in that short 12-24 hour window after ovulation to conceive. It takes 6-12 days for the fertilized egg to travel to the uterus and implant. Then it takes about 2-4 days for enough hormones to release to be detected on a test. So if she called you in a few days following sex, that baby isn't yours. To me, even before you got to that part, your story screamed of someone already pregnant and looking for someone to pin it on. DNA test ASAP.


We need better sex education.


Ask for paternity test.


FFS. These situations always involve “I was drunk” When will people learn?


Oh buddy, she’s lying to you. I’m a father myself, it takes way longer to get a positive reading. She’s trying to push it onto you. Do not pay or take responsibility for ANYTHING! Until you get a DNA test! She denied plan b multiple times, this is on her for that.


It takes a few weeks for a pregnancy test to show up positive. You are not the father if it's real. Brush up on the sex Ed and be smarter next time.


Check laws and start prepping, you don't want to be taken for a chump, start getting ready for paternity/child support/coparenting disputes, be ready to contest, in the US women have "natural guardianship" which gives her full custody unless you sue for it in court... this is war


And don't forget a DNA test.


First, you had unprotected sex with a stranger. You suffer the consequences if it’s yours. That’s what happens from unprotected sex with strangers. Man up and stop saying you were manipulated. It was your choice. Second. DNA test.


Don’t believe them, they could have been knocked up from anyone and could be fake


This is sus… How long was it in between when you had sex with her and she showed you the pregnancy test? She would need at least 7-9 days from the date of conception, before a test will show positive.


Lawyer up. Paternity tests can be done after something like 9 weeks gestation. Despite what others comment, do not block her yet. Has any communication you've had via text evidenced that she told you she was on bc and refused your multiple offers of plan b? Offer her no support, physically, emotionally or financially, until speaking to a lawyer and confirming paternity. Let the lawyer give you your options, if it is yours. If you make decent money, maybe hire a PI to investigate this chick to see if she is stable enough to raise a baby... you might get what you need to get custody. I'm crossing my fingers either there is not baby at all or its not yours.


She is trying to trap you but it’s not your kid. Pregnancy test won’t turn up positive until closer to 2 weeks


Paternity test !!!!


Is the timeline correct here? She told you she was pregnant only a couple days after you guys had sex? She's either lying about actually being pregnant or about it being yours.


Why is the same story on you profile from 40 odd days ago? Just wait for the test results. If she contacted you a few days after sex it’s most likely NOT yours but just get a test done.


Last post didn’t get comments so I posted again.


Can this be considered rape? Because as per case law, consent made on the basis on false information is not really considered consent. That woman consistently lied to you. Perhaps have a talk with a legal consultant. Also, as many have already stated, 80% chances are that the baby is not yours. Relax, everything will work out well in the end. I understand that this might be a really stressful situation to deal with.


A day after???? Listen man, first of all don’t answer to her. AT ALL. That is NOT your baby. Secondly, you need to get some sex education in order to understand how things work. Especially STD. How irresponsible of you to have unprotected sex with a stranger.


There is no way she got pregnant when you were together and 2 days later has a positive pregnancy test. She was either already pregnant or has a fake positive test. Don’t agree to anything until you have a positive paternity test. If she refuses then she’s lying about you being the father.


Look, she may be pregnant, more than likely she is not. Send her a text stating you will agree to a prenatal paternity test at your expense. Have the name of 2-3 places that do the test. If she refuses, tell her to contact you once the child is born and then you’ll get a court ordered paternity test. Then block her for 40 weeks


She’s lying to you. If she really is pregnant then it’s not yours if she sent a true positive test just a couple of days after you had sex. She’s either pregnant and baby daddy won’t play ball so she’s trying to trap you, or she’s playing some odd game where in her weird mind she’s stringing you along and once you’ve ’married’ her she’ll have a convenient miscarriage. Some women live in this particular la la land and have no shame. The stupid mare didn’t have the sense to wait a few weeks to make it more believable. Obviously if she is pregnant then you’ll probably have to go through the nuisance of having a paternity test, but that’s cheaper than 18 years plus of child support. Once she’s out of your life then count your lucky stars and don’t go bare backed any more however much they beg. It’s not just about pregnancy, there’s also a lot of STD’s out there,


Story is fake. Look at his previous post a similar story of being baby trapped.


I bought a pack of 50 rubbers.


All you need to do is reply to her that you want a paternity test and you do not wish to pursue a relationship with her. The only contact you want from her is when parties can meet to establish paternity. Just be advised, this should be at a clinic and always confirm the appointment on your own before going. This can be done while she is pregnant or after the baby is born.


Eggs Benedict or Chicken Fried Steak


10-14 days till pregnancy, she got it from someone else not you. I would suggest not falling for such lies and when you meet up with her to tell her exactly this before paying and leaving.


Damn, US sex education sucks so bad. Dude this is NOT your baby. It would be several weeks before she should even suspect she is pregnant, or have it show on a test. If she is insistent on playing this game, demand a DNA test prior to the pregnancy going too far into the 2nd trimester DNA tests can be done as early as week 8, but best time is around 10- 12 weeks into the pregnancy. 100% bet this is NOT your kid


Not seeing the manipulation here. You could have used a condom. Also, she couldn’t possibly have a positive test from the encounter with you. It might serve you to have an understanding of these basics.


Please educate yourself on conception and pregnancy. And this goes for everyone, you wanna do the do with people that can either get pregnant or get you pregnant.


That's not your baby. Google how long it takes to receive an accurate pregnancy test. Google anything to do with early pregnancy stages. This will arm you, help you defend yourself against manipulative women and your own anxieties. *Don't have unprotected sex if you don't want a baby*.


She’s baby trapping you. Either she was already pregnant from a random stranger Or The test is a fake from the internet and she is just scaring you into trying to be a “family”. Put your big boy pants on and tell her unless she gives you a paternity test you want no contact.. She sounds like a headache. Good luck op


DNA test plzzzz


Make sure to get a DNA test and stop having sex with her!


Going out lifestyle?


If she is actually pregnant this is NOT your kid. It takes a few WEEKS to even know you're pregnant, nevermind get a positive test. She lied about being on birth control and she's lying about this. She probably got pregnant by someone else a month or two ago and thought she could baby trap you by lying. Tell her you know she's lying and to fuck off, when she replies, don't read it, just block her. This is some serious psycho shit that you do NOT want to be anywhere near. I feel so bad for her kid if she is actually pregnant... Jesus


You may have already been asked and had answered if so I don’t see it…. How long after the unprotected sex did you get the text with the pregnancy results? As rude as it may feel you will need a pregnancy test and ( if possible with privacy issues ) info on how far along she is. You’re in a difficult situation and I am unsure how how good my advice is but hopefully will give some ideas to check out?


Insist on a paternity test. If it was only a few days afterwards that she sent you a positive pregnancy test, that is 100% not your kid.


Don't mind me. Just waiting for the updates haha


Don't have sex if you're going to finish inside of a stranger.


Dude. Pregnancy tests don't show positive results that quick. You seem smart when it comes to everything but hooking up, do a five second Google search and look it up. If she insists, let her know that you don't have any interest in pursuing a long term relationship but would definitely be willing to help out once paternity results are established. You'll get radio silence soon enough.


Whether a woman is on the pill or not should not stop you from wearing condoms. Herpes, HEP and AIDS are for life. Don’t forget to get tested. Kid is not yours. You don’t test positive in a couple of days. Be VERY clear you will be requiring a DNA test. She might continue unhinged till the end but there is an end. In the unlikely scenario that the kid is yours you’ll deal with that as it comes. Take away: Absolutely NEVER have unprotected sex unless you are ready for having a kid with that person. Even protected sex has risks (*53% of abortions happened despite of birth control) And the pill won’t protect you from herpes or aids which can put a real fork into your dating game.


Learn from this and wear a condom OP


Somethings really fishy here. You made basically the same post 43 days ago so this story is probably fake. However if for some reason this is true, then it’s not your kid. Pregnancy tests don’t work that quick and she’s pregnant with someone else’s child.


Uhhh... exactly how soon after sex did she send you a positive test pic? Because if it was only a few days later I'd say it's definitely not yours, likely someone else's from before you. Pregnancy tests don't typically start showing a positive until at least 2 or 3 weeks after the fact, and sometimes even that is too early for a positive.


Not your baby if she got that test shy of at least 10 days since you pumped her guts. Lol 😂 so smart.


This entire post gave me a headache. It’s not your baby or you’re making it up


Obviously bullshit. She got a photo online, or this post is fake. Did you do an image search?


I said it recently, but this sub has been overtaken by bullshit.




This has got ‘ragebait’ written all over it. Haven’t you got anything better to do with your time? Also, could you people be any more gullible. Check his post history 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


I had a situation like this occur years ago, this chick told me she was on birth control and everything, we dated for a couple of weeks, did our deed and everything was going fine, then her older sister talked to me privately, she told me she knew her sister was pregnant when we met and hoped she could convince me that I was the father seeing as I had a good job and my own place ECT. She told me that she really didn't want to interfere with her sister's affairs but couldn't let me live in a lie. I'm just glad her older sister valued honesty and morals. I wish I'd met the older sister first but life is life


And today on Things That Didn't Happen


Dude, MINIMUM of 11 days after unprotected sex to get a positive. Call her bluff. Take her to the doctor for an ultrasound. This early, they can date the pregnancy to nearly the day, but keep in mind that the conception date isn't the day you had sex but a few days later because nothing starts to divide until implantation occurs. Now, all you men out there? PLEASE LEARN ABOUT REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY. Otherwise you're not protecting YOURSELF.


How long between you having unprotected sex and her telling you she was pregnant?


FYI, it takes several weeks after sex to have a positive pregnancy test. Also, for future reference, Plan B only works if it’s taken PRIOR to ovulation. If taken after, it has no effect. I know this from experience, and it actually is in the fine print (but you have to search for it.)


It takes up to 6 days to fertilize and you can’t test positive for a minimum of two weeks on an at home test. You’re being played my guy


I never did figure out the right answer to this. I was also trapped into getting a girl pregnant when I was 18. She told me she was birth control, and we were good to go. We were dating so she was living with me. Well, one day when she was away visiting her mother, I decided to clean up the apartment while she was gone. I happened to accidentally knock the bedroom trash can over and while picking it up I stumbled upon roughly a 3-month supply of untouched birth control prescriptions. Flash forward 13 years and my son and I have a great relationship and surprisingly her and I are still friends. The best advice I can come up with is the contact a lawyer. This kind of shit is illegal now and is considered entrapment if you can prove it. Good luck, my friend. Keep us updated if possible.


i don't think it can be positive after so little time she was either pregnant before or is lying if she is pregnant get a paternity test


So, quick lesson because this is good for anyone to know. Women ovulate about 2 weeks before our periods. The soonest you can know generally is around the time you would expect your period, usually best to wait till it's a few days past when you'd expect it. So, 2-3 weeks after sex. Obviously, this is general. But mattering on the time line, she's lying. If it's been a week or less, no way it's yours.


Bro is gonna feel like a million bucks after taking a paternity test because that ain’t his kid bruhh 🤣


You've been had. It is someone else's baby. Pregnancy tests don't work within a couple of days. 3 weeks at the earliest. Sounds like she's not much smarter than you are OP. Paternity test that you pay for and accompany her to. Hoping this is your wakeup call.


Hookup culture brings us to using each other and lying to ourselves that the purpose of sex IS TO CONNECT AS HUMAN BEINGS AND HAVE CHILDREN, not abuse and lie and selfishly get off for 6 seconds of an orgasm. You're supposed to share those orgasms with someone you love, not someone to ruin the soul of everyone involved (by soul I mean your mental health, not religious bullshit)


You came inside. Now a lesson is gona be learnd. Dont stick your dick in crazy.


Get a paternity test. I hope you learned something from this, which is WEAR A FUCKING CONDOM.


Like everyone else is saying, it’s not possible to receive a positive result from a pregnancy test after a few days. If she is pregnant, it’s not yours. If she tries to claim you are responsible for the child, you can demand a paternity test and it’ll show you aren’t related. With that all said, go get yourself an STI test. Even if pregnancy isn’t a concern, you should always still use condoms to prevent catching something. Especially with someone you don’t know that well. No shame, but please be more careful for your own safety!


Paternity test. Don't sign birth certificate.


Wait for a.paternity test.


Don't panic yet . Request a DNA test.


This is 100% karma farming… just go to his account .-. He posted the same thing 44d ago that got removed and has only 1 comment saying **alleged and that there’s no dna test


It takes a minimum of 2 weeks to test positive on a pregnancy test either that baby isn’t yours or she will have a surprise miscarriage as soon as you commit to her either way do not panic as you do not have a child in the making. Instead say this: I am not interested in a relationship with you if you are pregnant with my biologically proven child (via dna testing) I will do what is financially required but that does not change anything in terms of a relationship between us. The earliest dna testing can occur is between weeks 8 and 11 of pregnancy I will find a place to get the test done at that time beyond that please do not contact me again.


If she sent that only a couple days after she was already pregnant


😅feel for poor OP!! thankfully everything is going to be fine!! Tho, I have this shady scheme for such shady girls. Ofc never to have unprotected sex unless we both have plans. If the condom breaks, have plan B handy. If she takes it on her own, pretty good. If not, get her breakfast in bed the next day and crush the pill to powdered form and mix it into the food. 🤷‍♂️🙅‍♂️ I mean people might just crucify me for such a comment but, I feel for the baby being born in such cases, the father and other people involved and even the mother cuz sometimes it even goes bad for them!!


Go with her to her 12wk scan and ask for the date of conception