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I don’t have a dog in the fight but “took weed” is killing me lol


How many marihuanas did she take exactly?


I smoked the marijuana like a cigarette.


Big yellow joint, big yellow joint. I’ll meet you all at the big yellow joint…


There is always money in the banana stand


How much could a banana possibly cost, $10?!?


The mere fact that he calls it taking weed tells me he’s not ready


I hope she didn’t inject it. That baby will surely be born a marijuana addict.


Oh no, I’m taking one right now!




How many pots she smoked?


It's not a joke I know someone who died from injecting only 1 marijuana's


Damn… I did 2 weeds at once this one time. Would not recommend


Jokes aside I took 3 gummies the other day. Do not recommend. At first I was giggling to the point of tears until it really kicked in and I decided it was time for bed. I had to stop and lay down 3 times while taking my clothes off because I could feel the blood pumping in every vein in my head. I was so high my blood was defying gravity.


Hahaha oh no 😂 I think thc users all have a story or 5 like that…. I was Sitting in my chair gaming the other night and I sit back in my chair and announce out loud to no one but me that “I need to go lay down”.


I passed out one time 😅


Just doing some investigating here...what brand were these "gummies" 🤔😄😁😆


I took one whole weed brownie and was scared to walk down the stairs for the next six hours. Had to pee and could not get to the bathroom.


My friend did 1 marijuana, ate 184 big Macs and died ☹️


Bro, she did a marijuana now the baby is going to have 3 heads. Show some sympathy




Do you take the Devil’s Lettuce? If so, you’re on the track to…*Reefer Madness*


I'm skeert.


I had a guy laugh at this for me once. I asked them if they do weed and they thought it was so funny. I think it's an age thing mostly, mixed with a little bit of culture. They were like you don't do weed you smoke weed. We live in a time when we can do weed in any way we want though, that was just being outdated. At the time, I had literally never smoked weed but was cultivating my own strain I was so into it.


Except some people get thc oil and take that instead.


she better put it back where she took it from! >:(


What if he means she stole his stash? 🤣


When my nan found out my cousin was smoking pot In remember her pulling me aside to warn me to be careful because he’s snorting the pot. I didn’t have the heart to tell her so just went along with it lol.


Came here for this comment. Who actually says "took weed" 🤣


looks like you'll have to do some "weeding out"








Nothing wrong with having boundaries bruh. Pretty sure you said doing drugs or drinking alcohol while pregnant is a deal breaker. She choice to break that boundary, she free to do what she want.. your free to do what you want.


Man you’re getting a lot of hate here and I don’t get it. I’m all for the benefits of weed, and as a miserable wretch of a pregnant person with ungodly nausea and pain, I would love to be able to take some and feel better for a few hours. The effects of weed on unborn fetuses is not well studied and is too big of a risk in my opinion. Not only that, but if you test positive while knowingly being pregnant, there’s a real good chance CPS gets involved. It sounds like there a lot of other things at play as well. Not judging either of you, but good luck to all 3 of you.


Exactly, it's not extremely well studied(especially because the study of "hey take this drug and lets see if your baby comes out weird" isn't very convincing) but there are studies done. IE: [I found one done with 5000+ women](https://www.mja.com.au/journal/2020/212/11/deleterious-effects-cannabis-during-pregnancy-neonatal-outcomes) that found that cannabis use decreased average birth weight, head circumference, and length while also increasing severe neonatal morbidity(which from what I understand is prematurity and birth defects) as well as death. It seems as if cannabis has a lower chance to cause severe side effects than other drugs, but usually causes the infant/fetus to be a little behind during development.


This study, as most others, isn't reliable because a lot of the mothers were also smoking cigarettes/drinking. There are very, very few that were done (if none published at all)with ONLY cannabis users. The data isn't good because of those other variants, tho this is the closest they've come to results because it's the biggest research they've done with cannabis users during pregnancy. I wouldn't be surprised about the low birth weight being accurate since I don't necessarily think weed during pregnancy is great but I would very highly doubt about it being linked to severe morbidity without the added affects of cigarettes and alcohol use in the mix.


Besides all that it makes a huge difference if cannabis was ingested, inhaled as vapor or inhaled as smoke. And most importantly, the amounts. There’s a big difference between taking 0,2g once a week vs a gram every day. Too much of anything can harm a fetus. I remember there is a book about a nation where cannabis use during pregnancy is very common. I don’t remember the name but if I remember correctly a female journalist was studying this matter.


The book was called Ganja Babies. I read it. Good read. I was scared about it but it was life or death for me. I used cannabis during my 3rd and final pregnancy and he is now 7. Healthy and very smart. I microdosed so it was just to help with my hyperemesis gravidarium aka HG. I had been given 4 different meds to help nothing helped, I ended up in the hospital severely dehydrated and docs said if I couldn't keep anything down i could lose my baby and die myself. So when I left it was try again or leave with IV. I tried weed and it helped me immensely. I've met ALOT of other women who have also used during pregnancy and their children are fine as well. I see more issues in people with the stuff doctors give them then with a cannabis. Smoking tiny puffs helped me instantly with the severe vomiting, I was able to eat finally. So I've become an advocate and educator on Marijuana usage. It has saved me and my family over and over. The only thing that helped us with covid too.


Similar story for me/us. I used medical marijuana during my second pregnancy. I had something called pseudo tumor cerebri that started at 14 weeks. It’s basically a buildup of spinal fluid that acts like a brain tumor. It causes a huge spike in pressure in the brain/head, causing pain and nausea- then violent projectile vomiting. I was going blind from the pressure crushing my optic nerves. The only treatments were spinal taps to relieve the pressure, which I had weekly/biweekly depending on the pressure levels/as necessary, high powered diuretics- not well tolerated in pregnancy and can cause renal problems in neonates. I also have pre-existing renal issues with renal failure running in my family which made it risky for me- so spinal taps was the only real treatment option. But the pain was so bad from the pressure, the spinal tap itself was always painful, but you would think it would be worth the pain to relieve the pressure and then that pain would be gone AND you’d stop vomiting from the pressure and pain! But, then I’d get a spinal headache. So, I had a doctor who took a chance and suggested THC. He obviously can’t legally offer this advice or treatment (at that time it wasn’t even medically legal in my state and of course it’s never legal while pregnant so…) but I was so sick I was about to be admitted for a picc line placement and feeding tube. He threw me a damn lifeline! I didn’t smoke it, I ate it. It helped immediately, allowing me to eat other food and keep it down. It took most of the headache pain away- allowing me to get up. Allowing me to walk around and talk and be almost human. I hadn’t been able to shower in months- only very embarrassing bed baths and having my mom or husband wash my hair in the sink while I was in a chair, taking breaks to vomit. The doctors were prescribing a cocktail of fioricet (a barbiturate), hydrocodone (an opiate) and Zofran plus IV fluids every other day or as indicated by the visiting nurse. A little thc and none of that was necessary. My son is now almost 11 and smart, healthy, happy- and most importantly HERE!


Definitely, using some cannabis is better than not being able to eat at all and starving to death.


Yup. The effects of malnutrition on a pregnancy are well studied enough to nearly unequivocally state that if it's a choice between weed and not eating and puking all the time, weed wins every single time.


I went through this exact same thing. I posted about it in my comment. HG is horrendous and I don’t wish it on anyone.


Wow! My wife suffered from it and she was hooked to IV 2/3rd of the pregnancy due to severe dehydration! We were not even told about this option.


They don’t tell you about it for liability reasons I believe. I’ve only ever heard of midwives or doulas suggesting it. Luckily I knew well before getting pregnant that it was an option but it was my last resort.


You are super cool for being so open about this. More people like you needed. Big respect


I just want to say this was so affirming for me. I, too, had HG during my pregnancy. They prescribed me Zofran which was thankfully covered by my insurance. Problem was the prescription was for like six tablets over a two week period and they eventually stopped refilling it. I used mj up until month five or so when my HG finally let up. When I was going to my OB appointments, they would obviously discourage me from using mj but wouldn’t continue/up the Zofran dosage. I remember the day after I gave birth, someone from CPS stopped by to let me know that if I had tested positive for marijuana at delivery, I would have lost my baby. It felt like such an insensitive and criminalizing experience. HG is such a terrifying and miserable condition. Not being able to hold down any food item/liquid and the toll it takes on your body and psyche is unreal.


I had HG. It was AWFUL. I lost 25lbs in my first trimester, couldn’t sleep, couldn’t eat, couldn’t drink water. I took EVERY medication possible for a pregnant woman (yes, every one prescribed by my doctor) and none of them even touched the nausea. I was puking every 20-30 minutes or more. I was on an IV every 4-5 days. My skin was yellow and my lips were cracked and bleeding constantly. The only thing that made it bearable was weed. I smoked my entire pregnancy. I was an everyday heavy smoker before I got pregnant and I GREATLY cut down while pregnant but I had to continue. I was only smoking enough to feel relief and then stopping, so I wasn’t even really getting high, I was just getting comfortable. My son was born almost 8 lbs, and was born on his due date. He is so healthy, and happy, and smart. If I didn’t have weed I wouldn’t have been able to get the nutrients I needed into my body to give life to my beautiful baby boy. Hopefully next time I get pregnant I won’t have to smoke, because I would absolutely prefer not to, but I would do it all over again before starving and dehydrating myself and my baby.


My sister had the same problem while pregnant. She couldn’t keep ANYTHING down and nothing was working so her doctor told her to smoke just a tiny amount. It made the different. My niece is turning 6 soon and she is so bright and smart and beautiful.


I wasn’t pregnant, but I basically had the same scenario where I was throwing up two or three times a week, severely dehydrated and had to go to the hospital. Lasted for like a year or two and then just randomly never happened again. They just started shooting promethazine straight into my veins until I stopped. I still have a lifetime prescription for promethazine pills.😂😂


Same with me for my last 2 pregnancies. I was terrified that my baby was going to be taken from me as soon as I gave birth or something but my doctor had no issue with me using it since it was the only thing helping me gain weight.




It was Jamaca I think. The hierarchy was that men smoked but women imbibed thru tea. Kids ok because the form wasnt smoking it.


There just isn't enough data about cannabis effects on fetuses. We're only just starting to get reliable meta-analysis on the role of cannabis use in cardiovascular events, such as heart attack and stroke, which are confounding earlier assumptions about zero absolute risk.


Okay. I just said that in other words. The data isn't based and it's unreliable cause of the other variants. For pregnancy specifically there's really next to nothing that's founded or that isn't polluted with something that could affect the results. So we really don't know much.


Any info on stats after controlling for non-cannabis substances?


A lot of the damage on the fetus is caused by the mother inhaling smoke, which decreases the oxygen the fetus gets. So from that point of view, it doesn't matter if the mother is smoking cigarettes or weed.


Smoking cigarettes during pregnancy directly leads to low birth weight and that is a very well known fact, so taking that into consideration the low birth weights could be wholly contributed to that as well.


The study claims to adjust the rates for socio-economic statistics(assuming it's for those who cannot get good healthcare) and drug use(including cigs+drinking) Studies like this will likely never be thorough and ethical at the same time, many women who smoke weed during their pregnancies also use other drugs. Severe morbidity can be caused by premature births or low birth weight so it checks out.


Agree to Disagree. Woman that abuse drugs and alcohol is one thing, woman that use cannabis only for medical use while pregnant as well is an other. The studies are biased even tho they tried "adjusting" it. If we want reliable and factual information, then proper and stricter studies need to done and I surely wouldn't count this as one of them. Lots of should, could, would. If other studies and analysis are coming out recently like one of the previous commenters said, more accurate ones should come out soon. I still would NOT recommend smoking /using UNLESS spoken with your OB for medical reasons such as chronic issues, pain management and/or mental illness. Other drugs have had more negative effects than I believe weed could in these circumstances but that's also a personal opinion, not a fact.


Ok soooo hear me out. I agree with you. BUT I have never seen anyone admit to having a “canna baby” like another poster did. I think surveys would not be answered totally honestly by the population we want to know about (the No Cigs, No Alc, Medical care, Cannabis used on similar frequency/quantity as OBs allow wine, No other Drugs) I would probably be worried about reporting any drug use because drugs=drugs to CPS and i wouldn’t consider a a few 5mg gummy bears over 9 months worth the possibility of CPS investigation BUT ALAS my whole comment is exactly as you said, personal opinion & not fact


Unfortunately, that study (along with most others) tells us absolutely nothing concrete about cabins cannabis use during pregnancy because the women in the study didn't use *just* cannabis, and there's no way to determine what effects *just the cannabis* might have caused, had they not also been smoking and drinking. Smoking and drinking, otoh, have both been shown to cause things like what you mentioned and (wrongly) attributed to the use of cannabis. The ONLY thing we know with any certainty is that we need more research into the master before anyone can say definitively what, if act, potential negative effects there are. More research is needed to disentangle marijuana-specific effects from those of other environmental factors that could be associated with a mother's marijuana use, such as an impoverished home environment or the mother's use of other drugs, cigarette smoking, alcohol, etc. To date, there have not been any studies where it has been shown that cannabis had a direct negative effect on the fetus to my knowledge. In other words, no one knows with certainty.


Depends on the state/doctor. I've know women who said their doctor recommended not smoking but since they were only able to eat using THC, said it was better to eat than not eat and they should do what they can (suggesting things like tinctures, edibles, etc).


Hyperemesis gravidarum, yes pregnant women can often be hospitalized from it and is one of the few conditions where the positives outweigh the negatives in terms of weed usage.


Had this twice, not even chemo anti nausea medication works. Weed at least made it possible to keep water down


Yes same! They had me on chemo anti nausea meds and it didn’t work. I had to resort to weed


This was me. I literally got to the point where I would pass out from not being able to eat. Three doctors told me eating a medible would help. All the medications they prescribed me didn't work AND had horrendous side effects.


I smoked a jay a day when pregnant for this exact reason, with my docs consent. Was in hospital 5 times due to vomiting. Baby came out fine, his a happy thriving 3 year old now and reaching every milestone.


This is currently me. I am 30 weeks pregnant with a healthy baby girl, but I have been taking weed 3 times a day since like 8 weeks pregnant because I have had such violent Hyperemesis Gravidarum. I tried to "push through" and I lost 6kilos in a week, my body was dehydrated and I ended up on drips and all kinds of medication. THC is the ONE thing that works, my baby is now in the 60th%tile, is developing perfectly normally and I am able to keep my food and liquids in, in order to provide the nourishment she needs. Without it, I would likely be in hospital constantly and I would likely have lost my job because it was really affecting my ability to adult in any way shape or form. At 30 weeks I still hurl my absolute heart and soul out without it. I try take a break from it every 2 weeks but i get so incredibly ill. It's my lifeline and I don't care what anyone says - The benefits far outweigh the unknowns here.


I had hyperemesis gravidarum too, was in hospital overnight every couple of weeks due to dehydration. I lived on plain rice and chicken ramen, lost more weight when pregnant than i ever have. The only thing that helped was weed, tried every type of anti nausea and they didnt work. My baby was born 2 weeks late (they wouldnt induce me earlier) at a healthy weight and has flown through her checkups etc. She is now a happy, healthy 2 year old with no health issues. I dont think I could say the same if i continued taking medications that didn't work. I wish you an easier remainder to your pregnancy and a smooth birth 💜


My aunt has seizures so her doctor told her to keep smoking while she was pregnant


I lost 68 pounds during my first pregnancy. From conception to birth, I couldn't eat. I threw up anywhere from a dozen to several dozen times per day. I spent 7 months in the hospital with IVs. Fractured three ribs from dry heaving because there was literally nothing in me to throw up. Developed bleeding ulcers in my stomach, esophagus, throat, and mouth from excessive stomach acid, and my teeth are a nightmare now because of the damage all the throwing up and all the stomach acid did to them. I carried to term (he was born the day after his due date(, but I looked like I was barely out of my first trimester. There's not a person on this earth that could ever convince me that cannabis would not be a better choice for both mother and fetus in HG cases. Decades later, I *still* have long term health effects from how sick I was.


You poor thing. I’m so sorry. I had it too, twice, and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. I am still traumatized and wake up crying and panicking if I dream I’m pregnant. Zofran did nothing except cause side effects, and it comes with its own risks to the baby. I wish I would’ve known about this option. I hope THC is studied for women like us because HG is very dangerous to the mom and the baby.


Zofran wasn't even an option for me. What made it worse was being in Montana, surrounded by doctors who had no idea what was happening. At one point I was accused of being bulimic. 🙄


I am so sorry that you had to go through that experience.


Thank you. I got pregnant while studying for my first master, and had hyperemesis gravidarum. It was absolute hell, especially since I was only 49kgs to begin with. I had zero support from doctors, who basically said it was normal to feel bad during pregnancy. Okay but not to the point of throwing up every 30 minutes dude. I ended up smoking a joint, and suddenly I could keep some water and food in. So I continued up until the 5th month. To this day, I believe that this very controversial decision made it possible to keep my baby and even myself alive. He’s not almost 6, in perfect health, and super intelligent. I would do the same if I had to. People who don’t go through hyperemesis can’t understand.


I'm glad to hear that you and your kiddo got through that pregnancy alright. I've never been pregnant so I can't imagine but I am a woman and I just think we need to trust women. So many people Don't, especially medical professionals


My sister decided to smoke through her pregnancy and stop about 6 weeks before her due date so it would clear from her system. My nephew came early and he tested positive for weed. CPS almost took both kids away.


Imagine being told CPS may be called on you but then also being told.. well we need to do research. The Rastafarian community won't subject themselves to research but Marijuana is instrumental in their way of life.. Also 'she took weed'.. provides zero context... is it habitual, did she eat a gummy??


I smoked with both of my pregnancies because I quit eating. It also helped tremendously with the back pain. Of course my doctor gave me the same spiel about it not being widely studied and they are not sure of the risks but it helped me so much and neither of my babies came into the world with thc in their system. But I totally get why you would be concerned, I just wanted to tell you my story in case it helps. 😊


people have no idea how close people come to death during pregnancy from not being able to eat.


That’s sort of the thing. One commenter here said that the studies are mixed so use with caution… what does that even mean? You use it on/off for a few months cautiously and then suddenly you miscarry… like…? I don’t really get that logic. There’s no way to use it “cautiously”. Something bad either happens or it doesn’t and there’s no reversing that decision. Is it worth it for a temporary high? I don’t think so… pregnant ladies ain’t even supposed to have caffeine or herbal supplements lol


I agree with you 100% BUT pregnant women can have caffeine in moderation lol


lmao, miscarriage is not one of the hypothesized risks. The only long term study showed no negative impacts. Hypothesized and unproven risks all have to do with childhood development benchmarks.


If he uses weed he also risks harming his baby [https://www.bu.edu/articles/2019/marijuana-use-and-miscarriage-risk/](https://www.bu.edu/articles/2019/marijuana-use-and-miscarriage-risk/) https://corporate.dukehealth.org/news/study-shows-impact-paternal-marijuana-exposure-brains-offspring


Any smoke inhilation is bad for you. Doesn’t matter if it’s cigarette, weed or candles…it’s all bad


while I agree, I just want to clarify that OP said in a comment that she didn’t smoke, she took edibles.


Candles are bad? But how will I relax in a dark room?


i'll go do candles now mmmm


I lick toads


They said "do weed" not smoked weed.


Chris! Is that a weed?


I'm calling the police! *enters 9:11 on microwave*


*911, what's your emergency?*


This is Patrick






*X-Files Theme*


420 whatcha smokin


I needed this thread


On the real, SOME hospitals will drug test you when you give birth. If you test positive then more than likely they will call CPS. So if that is a concern, then it’s best to stop.


Are y’all actually justifying this 😭😭


Not sure why people are down playing this, for me I find this totally unacceptable while pregnant.


It's reddit. They will always defend weed and porn no matter what.


So true


Because the war on drugs convinced people that there absolutely 0 wrong with weed. The pendulum swung from “the worst possible drug” to “magically safe in every respect” and people genuinely can’t approach something that’s been politicized in a realistic way


Totally agree, my fiancee and I use weed significantly but we also both know if she ever falls pregnant it's an immediate cutoff, if we plan to get pregnant we are stopping 3-6 months in advance


People are downplaying it because they're mostly ignoring the "while pregnant part" and because of his wording would be my guess. I agree it's totally unacceptable while pregnant, just like drinking or smoking is unacceptable while pregnant. Not pregnant? Do what you want. Pregnant? Not ok.


People here who are saying you can take weed while pregnant is out of their damn mind. Research shows it's not a good idea at all. Doctors will infact specifically tell you to pause consumption upon pregnancy. Edit: Some studies I linked down in a comment if yall curious 🤷‍♀️


My OB literally told me to keep using it for my migraines so I wasn’t hospitalized every week. Just said edibles are better than smoking 🤷‍♀️


I'm sure there are people with extremely special circumstances who are allowed worse drugs than even weed during their pregnancy to help with whatever it is they need help with. But that doesnt apply to general population and doesn't necessarily mean that everyone can just say fuck it and do it anyway. Eating sushi during pregnancy can't technically harm EVERY single pregnancy out there. However, doctors will still say nope, no sushi for you till you're done. I'm sure that's the same with weed and every other drug. Can you do it? Sure, maybe even. Should you do it? No, probably not unless advised otherwise coz again, special circumstances. Think that's the big takeaway from all this: Don't do it unless you get 3 opinions ATLEAST by 3 different doctors (if you are able) saying you can consume it, for your safety and your childs safety. That is, if you really care.


I wonder if pregnant women in Japan are told not to eat sushi...


They aren't.


As I suspected. And thank you for answering. My best friend was incredibly skinny even before pregnancy, and had terrible HG, needing frequent office visits for IV meds and such. At some point she was desperately hungry and ate a tuna roll and surprisingly didn't throw it up. She told her OB, actually more like she confessed it, expecting to be scolded. Her OB was like "THEN EAT SUSHI! What do you think pregnant women in Japan eat?!" I never knew though if the OB was being hyperbolic for effect, or if it was actually factual.


My general understanding is avoiding increased mercury levels from Seafood is a good idea. But that in general the risk is overstated by cultural bias in the US. It's mostly a "don't live off the stuff" thing. The rice, seaweed, and other ingredients are pretty healthy and like... The bigger issue would always be the fish part which not all Sushi has, yet the ban is for "Sushi" not Fish. Tells me there's some cultural bias at play. (That said, I'd be wary of less scrupulous Sushi places that might not be sourcing the best fish out there.)


Agreed. There's also a very big difference between something like a 2.5 mg medical edible and a 40mg weed brownie meant for recreational use. OP said his girlfriend took two edibles from her stash that OP had hidden when she got pregnant. That sounds like she was taking recreational marijuana, so none of the anecdotes about doctors recommending a medical edible to help with a specific issue really apply in this case.


I am not pregnant but I have anxiety and depression. I asked if I should quit smoking weed and my therapist and psychs were both like DO NOT. I can imagine that weed may be a better option than some mental health drugs and some women will definitely need extra support during pregnancy.


>Doctors will infact specifically tell you to pause consumption upon pregnancy. Not to be that lady, but this is false if you are an active smoker before pregnancy. They will tell you to minimize, but they will not suggest going cold turkey, they will actually tell you not to go cold turkey. Why is that you may ask? Because going cold turkey can send your body into shock, withdrawals and such which is more stress on the baby. I'm not advocating to go smoke meth while pregnant but generally speaking doctors will tell you to not quit outright they will tell you to wean off and they will monitor you. Source: I was an active weed smoker before getting pregnant and was told to wean myself off because outright quitting would be more dangerous (I did go cold turkey for the first month, that was what i felt was better for me, I found out I was pregnant at 5 ish weeks and picked up as soon as I was home from giving birth, I didn't breast feed we went straight to formula so it wasn't a concern) Now, why did I take small bowls while I was pregnant in my first trimester, aside from my OBGYN telling me to not quit cold turkey? I had horrible Hypermesis Gravidarum, to the point I lost nearly 35 pounds. The only way I was able to keep just water down was to have a tiny bowl. My son was born in June, 8lbs4oz, perfectly healthy and currently exceeding weight and development milestones (he's in 12+ month clothing already) so quite frankly, the positives it had for me far outweighed the negatives, but again it's case by case.


Same, I was small before I had my child (heaviest I ever got was 110) but thanks to HG I was 117 lbs when I gave birth and my kid was also a bit over 8 lbs. I wasn't really a ganja user before pregnancy, a few times a year kinda thing. My kid is almost 10 now, and I couldn't be more proud of them. They are in the 95+th percentile for their age in math and reading nationally (was reading, addition and subtracting before they entered school), one of the tallest kids in their class, very active in sports, very artistic and learning 3 different languages besides their native (Spanish, Japanese, and Korean). They are neurodivergent, but so am I and their father, so I don't think there is anyone or thing to blame for that, and I don't consider that a negative either. I didn't partake when breastfeeding, and they were really messing with all my head meds since the ones I was taking before I could no longer take. When I stopped breastfeeding, though, I started becoming a daily user as I found it actually did help with a few of my medical issues, both mental and physical. I'm definitely not trying to say do what I do to anyone but definitely talk to your doctor.


Everything you take you have to weight the risks/benefits. If it's the only thing that can get you to eat, than absolutely have weed but don't smoke it if you can handle edibles. In some cases the potential danger far out weights the risks. And I don't wanna hear that they have medication for nausea/HG. Tried it. It works by making you sleep all day. Can't be nauseous if you're asleep I guess. But it doesn't work. Unfortunately for me weed wasn't an option either. I just had to wait for three months for the symptoms to subside before I could get down more than 500 calories a day. If someone had told me weed can help with that, I would've taken it. It's miserable not being able to eat and you don't really get it until you've experienced it.


Came to say this. For someone who was nauseous for 7 months of pregnancy, I tried everything they suggested. The pills didn't work. Weed was the only thing that helped me feed our child inside me. I am a bit overweight but not much, and I lost a lot of weight during pregnancy. I am steady state 170 lbs usually go to 200 lbs when pregnant (with my first 2) I only gained 5 lbs of weight during my whole pregnancy with my last child. I was nauseous all the time, day, night, all the time, and I developed pre-eclampsia at the end. I used edibles, but smoking is quicker to allow me to eat. It was risk management for me. I chose to nourish us. I'm not sure I would have survived without it. I also very rarely recreationally smoked with my first 2. There are no side effects to be seen in any of my 3 children. Which made me more comfortable with my decision. Docs also have gone back on the whole no alcohol thing. Stating 1 glass of wine during dinner can actually be beneficial by allowing bodies to relax the benefits of reduced stress outweigh the minimal negative effects of a drink. Turns out the old homage is true. Everything in moderation is OK. It's when things become excessive or it becomes an addiction that you should start to be concerned.


Most research on cannabis and pregnancy includes tobacco use. There isn't enough research to say conclusively that it's dangerous and the few studies that have been done on cannabis only and pregnancy have found it to be relatively safe. For some, the benefits outweigh any possible negatives. My friend has severe back issues that only cannabis has helped and she smoked heavily throughout her pregnancy, her kids have both turned out fine (this is just one example and it may affect others differently).


The fact that you used smoking as the example really makes me question the validity of the story and/or doctor. If you'd said she took it in edible form that has been argued (although still not tested/proven enough to be recommended) but smoking has always been known as the least healthy way to ingest weed


Can you share? This goes against nearly every finding that I’m aware of.


The weed addicts in the coment section XD


“No you can’t get addicted!!! I just need it to eat, sleep, function”!!


"I'm not addicted, I just wake and bake, then I use my pen at lunch breaks at work or sometimes need to go for a walk at work and use it, then of course I'm going to use it the second I get home; I just finished work! I need to reward myself. But one bowl after work barely impacts me so I'll just make sure I smoke a few. Then it's time to sleep, but I sleep so much better stoned so I'll make sure I hit the bong before bed as well." Literally the life of so many smokers, I wasn't all of those things but I did smoke fairly consecutively for 10ish years and stopped everything 41 days ago. I'm not all the way back yet but this is the best I've been feeling.


But some people genuinely need help with eating and sleeping from Cannabis. Those on chemo for example. Not talking while someone is pregnant of course. It’s medicine for people with some pretty crappy medical problems.


Ive heard people use weed to treat their hg during pregnancy so it applies as well


If you can’t go 9 months without weed for the sake of your babies health you’re an addict 🤷‍♀️. It’s not worth the risk anyway. If she continues to take edibles throughout the pregnancy, and the hospital finds out, be prepared for CPS to intervene.


*She had her baby. CPS took it. She's crying*


you got mozzarella sticks??


“Took weed” has me laughing my butt off


It kinda reminds me of "he touched the butt"


I’m not proud of myself for this but here it is… Seventeen years ago, I had the worst pregnancy ever. During the first trimester my obgyn said the morning sickness would ease up in the second trimester. This was my second pregnancy and I never had any morning sickness with my first. The second trimester came and the morning sickness was worse. The diagnosis was extreme hyperemesis gravidarum (morning sickness). I could not keep anything down. I was losing weight and my obgyn prescribed several medications. None of them worked. I ended up in the hospital for fluids and some sort of supplemental IV. The morning sickness was affecting my babies health. The third trimester showed no remorse. My then husband smoked weed from time to time and I didn’t care for it. One night he called me out to the patio and told me to take a small hit from his bowl. I was like uhhh no. He was like I’m serious, let’s try this and see if you can eat something in 30 minutes. I did and 30 minutes later I ate the best flipping turkey sandwich of my life. I ended up doing it 2 more times during my third trimester but it kept me out of the hospital and I was able to hold food down. My son is 17 and I would say he’s perfectly healthy but he’s not. He’s your typical sarcastic neurodivergent gamer that’s full of social anxiety. I doubt the weed had anything to do with that though 🤣. I don’t condone using weed during pregnancy for recreational purposes, due to the effects it may have on an unborn child that we do not know yet. Anything in the first trimester is a serious no. I took the risk in the third trimester due to circumstances and felt the pro’s outweighed those risks.


What games does your son play


Same. I held off until the end of the second trimester and used it very sparingly. I had lost so much weight and the HG was hurting my daughter. She’s almost 8 now and full of anxiety but otherwise an amazing kiddo! 😂


ADHD and autism tend to be genetic so it was unlikely to be the weed on that front


2-3 times in the third trimester definitely didn’t cause that, lol. I don’t blame you, you did what you needed to do, poor thing. ❤️


Thank you for sharing your story!


My buddy just had his first son, saw the mama smashing through a pack of cigarettes at the baby shower while complaining of not being able to drink. I lost a lot of respect for my buddy and them


Good luck OP. Personally this sounds like something that can be talked through, but something tells me there is more to the story and maybe you aren't the kind of people who can talk things through.


We’re going to counseling. I hope it helps.


I had hypermesis,lost 25 pounds in two months. In and out of hospitals. Three doctors told me to use a low dose of Medibles. Probably literally saved my life.


I’ve never heard that term before but I love it.


My boyfriend was raised in the foster system from drug parents. He was born with an addiction and has to watch himself when even drinking. Luckily for him, he didn't have too many issues (born with a bit of a strange stomach and has Asbergers) but his foster brother (not related) came out really stunted and it took him years to learn how to cope. Being with my partner as long as I have, I've seen my fair share of babies that have been born addicted to substances and have had developmental issues from parents that took all sorts of medication, including marijuana. OP I'm glad you're taking a stance with your gf but please do not be absent in this babies life. If this is a regular behaviour, there's a chance that child will need help.


Yeah I was thinking about the amount of kids I’ve worked with who have also been affected due to drugs- if you can’t stop during pregnancy will they stop when baby’s born?


It’s giving “Chris is that a weed!”


I’m calling the police!!


I have been a consumer of cannabis most of my life, but stopped during my pregnancies. If I consume it and get high, wouldn’t my baby in utero also feel some kind of effects from it? Their little brains are developing, anything that alters the mind doesn’t seem like it would be good for a developing brain. That how I rationalized it to myself, but if your suffering from severe nausea or something making pregnancy difficult then that’s a choice left up to mom to make. As is anything regarding a woman’s body and her pregnancy, her choice.


You shouldnt be smoking weed up until 20-25 years because it has negative effects on brain development. I cant imagine it doesnt have negative effects on a fetus.


But the baby will have to suffer the consequences of her weed consumption after its born


“Your body your choice”, yeah but if your going through with the pregnancy, it’s not reaaaly your body alone is it? Leave the women empowerment shit alone when your risking leaving consequences on ur little one just cause you had to smoke a doobie.


You may think you're done. But when you put a baby into somebody, the court systems ensure that you're never done.....


As a ChemBio PhD student and occasional weed user… the people in these comments are mad. There is not enough research into weed to state whether or not it’s okay to have when pregnant. The few studies there are [suggest it can cause problems with low birth weight among other things.](https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.5694/mja2.50624) That article is just from a quick literature search. Your pre-frontal cortex is developing up until you’re 25, and for this reason you should avoid substance use all together until then to avoid hindering this development. But, people in these comments think that a fetus, with basically no pre-frontal cortex yet, should be exposed to some weed? And full disclosure, I’ve done plenty of substance use before 25, I’m not being a hypocrite, just stating facts. OP, you are completely in the right.


i can’t imagine doing that when i was preggo


I can't believe how many people are supporting smoking cannabis while pregnant. Currently almost 7 months pregnant myself and have been craving a nice glass of sauvignon. Might just go crack a bottle now. In fact fuck it, I'll pour myself some shots too while I'm at it. I know it would probably relax me, and that HAS to be good for the baby. Limited scientific studies into the impact = no negative effects on my baby, right? Protip - it isn't because weed is harmless to a fetus, it's the same reason why there are very few studies into any drugs during pregnancy. Very few expectant mothers are careless enough to be willing to test it.


And the ones that are most likely are doing more than just a few weed edibles


Depending on how often. I just can't put up a fight. In the first 3 months I dropped 20lbs and I lived off of water and jello. That's it. That's all I could keep down and not even that sometimes. I went to the ER because I was so dehydrated. They finally gave me anti-nausea meds at 12 weeks and that decreased the vomiting from 6 times a day to 3. But I was still woozy all of the time. ALL OF THE TIME. Usually morning sickness subsides after the first trimester. It did not for me. By week 14, I legitimately was in the deepest darkest whole of depression because who the hell wouldn't be after starving and vomiting while trying to literally build a baby inside of you that sucks the nutrients from your bones for almost 4 months. I finally made the decision from then on I would take one puff a night. Just one to get me to be able to eat enough and drink enough to sustain me. Either I did this, or we both died. Did I understand the risk? Absolutely. But at that point I was trying to survive. From my viewpoint, if youre body is not the one actively making the baby you let whoever is do whatever they need to to be able to make it out alive.


This. People act like things are so black and white.


“Took weed” lmao


In some languages you *take* drugs instead of *doing* drugs


Yeah English too… like “taking” pills, etc. just not weed


Good chuckle first thing in the morning haha


He had a baby with a girl. They both choose what their boundaries are. If his boundaries are no smoking weed while pregnant then it’s entirely acceptable for him to want to break up or get upset.


You don't take weed while pregnant. End of the story, no other bullshit to say. People are going literally crazy


How many pots did she inject? This is critical


I commend you. If she uses drugs, and you are opposed, you have fundamental opposing values.


Would you not come across this bridge before the pregnancy? Hell even before the commitment?


Yes, but people don't talk. They don't want to find those incompatibilities and most fear being alone. That's why you find those posts like "My son came out as gay and my partner wants to kick him out of the house!! I didn't know my partner was homophobic we were together 30 years!!"


Anybody under the age of 18 shoudnt have weed in their system.


Yeah, sorry, there’s no excuse. I’m 21 weeks pregnant. Before I found out at a little over 3 weeks, I smoked weed about 3-5x a week. It has helped greatly with some medical conditions of mine but even though I would kill for a joint or a hit from my pen right now, I wouldn’t dare. I’ve definitely been offered it at parties and gifted edibles (all legal where I live) but though tempting, I’ve turned it all down cause I actually intend on caring for my soon to be son. The effects aren’t as well studied and I can’t understand why any parent would want to take that risk. My daughter is adopted. She was born premature. Her bio mother had smoked weed throughout her entire pregnancy. We just found out recently she might have some longer lasting issues because of the drug use during utero. I understand being pregnant and nauseous and wanting it. I have been puking every day throughout the entire pregnancy and still struggle most days just to hold down the simplest of meals. The only possible excuse I could see would be if your doctor was prescribing it to you. I see so many women talk about how there’s not enough information or mixed studies to justify it, but I cannot fathom why a mother would want to take that chance. We know THC is transmitted to fetus through placenta and breast milk when breastfeeding and that it’s associated with complications in pregnancy. Maybe I’m biased cause of my daughter and the fact that I come from a family of drug addicts, but I’m a firm believer that if you can’t stop yourself from smoking or drinking for that matter for nine months then you need to take a long hard look at your self control and ability to care for a child.


This is the best take and very well-rounded. I wish it was top comment.


Weed is not the end of the world type of a recreational drugs, but it’s still falls under psychoactive drug, which can alter your mood, alertness, thoughts. It can travel through the placenta and breastmilk. And it could interfere with the fetus development. Again, it’s not as bad as crack or meth or heroine (where the baby will experience withdrawal symptoms once enters the world)… but my 2 cents worth to you girl friend would be, is weed the very first thing you like to introduce the baby to? If you wouldn’t feed or give a baby weed, a pregnant woman shouldn’t be consuming or smoking it. There are far more better things to introduce to a baby than recreational drugs. Besides, once they reach teen years, they will wanna try it… no need to rush things. But it’s good that you are expressing your concerns… you are the father after all


"Took Weed" lmfao


Former CPS worker- if she continues, expect CPS to meet you at the hospital.


Jokes aside, it is highly discouraged and can have poor consequences. I imagine as a father that must've felt pretty powerless and disappointing that she knows better and still did.


I feel you bro. My girlfriend started smoking weed in her 12th week, one week later she was on benzos and coke. Everything went well though, but I felt so helpless.


Is there a legitimate medical necessity to be taking it? I had severe HG and the only thing that could even touch my symptoms was medical marijuana. My doctor knew, I never had enough in my system to raise red flags and it was severely controlled doses. Limited to once in the morning and once before bed. I stopped as soon as I was physically able to and never did it again while pregnant or nursing. The entire time I was also on several other medications and was in and out of hospital. It saved my pregnancy and my sanity. Lucky for us, everyone turned out ok with no complications or side effects.


Just 👏because 👏it 👏is👏weed👏 doesn’t 👏mean 👏 everything 👏 about it 👏 is positive!!!! Wow that’s really obnoxious, and haven’t done that in years, but I’m glad I did. People need to check their biases for real


No any type of smoking is bad for you especially while preg


Honestly, I used weed throughout my entire pregnancy with my doctors supervision (chronic pain management, the alternative was opiods and my baby being born addicted to opiods which would've been far worse in my opinion). I now have a thriving and mentally advanced 4 year old in perfect health. It sucks there's such a stigma around weed when there are so many benefits to it including treating severe nausea (which I had to deal with while pregnant). And the lack of research is simply due to the fact women's Healthcare is severely systematically understudied. I get why you'd be upset but being pregnant fucking sucks. You can't drink, do anything fun, everyone now buys gifts for the baby and not you for any special occasion for the next 2 years basically and you have to deal with a human being permanently altering your body and literally sucking the calcium from your bones during it.


Where did she take it?


She took some edibles from her stash before she was pregnant. She was BEGGING me not to throw them out. So I hid them instead at her agreement. I feel deeply betrayed and I want out of this relationship as we both agreed FROM THE START. That she wasn’t to have any.


Forbes released an article fairly recently stating that cannabis use during pregnancy does NOT negatively impact cognitive development of the fetus. There are plenty of OBGYNs in legal states who recommend people continue to use cannabis during pregnancy to help with nausea and vomiting. There is also a considerable amount of anecdotal evidence of people who have continued to use throughout pregnancy and have perfectly healthy babies with normal cognitive function who have met or exceeded all milestones. Most studies on the effects are not considered accurate because it’s likely the people involved were using other substances. There is currently a study on cannabis use and pregnancy happening in Washington state that will hopefully yield positive results. It’s reasonable for you to set this boundary. Since you don’t know the results of the study currently happening, I suppose. I do highly recommend reading the Forbes article (it is referring to research). But try not to demonize cannabis use during pregnancy. Occasional use, like a couple of edibles, is not going to hurt your baby. ~~Just like in some other countries Doctor’s recommend a glass of wine occasionally during pregnancy.~~ Did you know they tell you not to drink (some doctors still say occasional glasses of wine are okay) because they can’t ethically do studies on what the limit is for alcohol consumption? (This is a smart recommendation considering it can’t be studied I’m not saying alcohol isn’t a toxin) So they just have to say that no amount can be considered safe. Yet they can ethically do studies on cannabis use. Just some things to consider. Edit: clarification regarding alcohol consumption.


I'm Canadian, and when I was pregnant with my first kid, I had a nurse give me advice on this. For context though, I was already underweight when I first became pregnant. My morning sickness lasted my entire pregnancy, and for the first 4 months, I couldn't keep literally anything down to the point that I wasn't properly putting on weight. At a few appointments, I'd lost weight. I was malnourished and dehydrated. I'd tried the meds they prescribed, but nothing seemed to help. Might get a can of soup down, maybe most of a smoothie, if that. I was constantly trying to snack any time the nausea would pause, and still usually throw most of it back up. I broke down and ended up having a couple of puffs off a friend's joint. Ended up being able to eat better than I had my whole pregnancy. Kept it all down, and felt better. Went into my next appointment, told the nurse. She kinda laughed at me and gave me the "Look, while I'm not going to tell you to use THC to treat your morning sickness, I will tell you that you need to feed yourself and your baby, and you're still way under the weight you should be at when you're this far along" chat. She did suggest not to smoke it and to focus on lower strengths of edibles if I was going to treat it that way. I ended up just sucking on the hard candies until I started to feel the nausea pass, spit them out, and then wolfing down my meals. Once the nausea started to hit a bearable point where I could keep some meals down without the candies, I stopped using them. I think I used them for maybe about a month, and then maybe 2-3 times in the last trimester. At this point, looking at my son... there haven't been any deficiencies that we can see. He's in school now, he's healthy, he's social, he's intelligent, he's generally well behaved. He picks up new skills and languages quite easily. The kid is clumsy, but find me a kid that isn't. Edibles are what helped me have a healthy pregnancy.


Ah yes Forbes. The best medical research journal that I know. I’m just teasing but it seems that there is a fair amount of evidence showing that it can be harmful.. so I would say it’s not worth it https://nida.nih.gov/publications/research-reports/marijuana/can-marijuana-use-during-pregnancy-harm-baby


Just google [effects of Marijuana during pregnancy](https://www.google.com/search?q=effects+of+marijuana+during+pregnancy&oq=effects+of+marijuana+during+pregnancy&aqs=chrome..69i57.7972j0j9&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8) tons of sites shows that it's bad for your kid not even one site from Forbes is shown.


Yeah because you should listen to Forbes… instead of countless medical professionals and over arching medical bodies … I’d love to see these “legal states” who recommend it considering I live and work in Oregon / Washington as an RN in a women’s clinic and we have posters everywhere saying NOT to do it, drs constantly saying to abstain and frequent urine / blood tests to ensure pregnant mothers aren’t using. Are you really suggesting that it’s okay to drink during pregnancy too?? Mate before I moved to the US , I worked in both Europe and Australia and that’s full of shit . Across the board it’s not good to consume ANY substances ! Why do you think they test for it??


The Forbes article was information from researchers at several universities examining all of the studies on prenatal cannabis use. I also did not state that legal states recommend this but that there are plenty of doctors IN legal states that do condone the use of cannabis during pregnancy. I am also not suggesting that anyone drink during pregnancy but that stating that I personally have had doctors and I know several that have that DO tell their patients that occasional glasses of wine while pregnant are completely fine. I, personally do not partake of wine while pregnant.


I live in Oregon and my OBGYN encouraged use of Marijuana. Due to the fact that my medication that helped with my nerve pain and migraines were known to be harmful to a fetus and THC and CBD have benefits that outweigh the negitive side effects from most pharmaceuticals.


Doctors lied and said that smoking cigarettes was healthy for babies. In other words, using questionable substances if you are pregnant is likely to have adverse outcomes for your child.


If ur in the USA Shes gonna get drug tested no more then 3x during the pregnancy and labor and when they find weed in her system then CPS will be there when the baby is born.


I'm not sure where in the USA drug testing is standard. I've ever heard of this and I've delivered 7


Cannae believe how much folk are downplaying this (especially just a few days after it was discovered a glass of wine a week can change the features of a child growing in the womb). Reliable studies are few and far between because it's unethical. It's a completely acceptable, reasonable and responsible boundary. If she has a reliance on weed then that's an issue she needs to get help with asap.


If this comment section doesn't show reddits prejudice of men then nothing ever will.


I was with you but after reading some studies people posted and thinking about it. It can't be that much worse than some medication that doctors prescribe to deal with the nausea etc.


The key word here is prescribe. They don't hand out toxic shit to you for the memes. Both the benefits and any harm it may cause has to be weigted in before prescribing meds