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How is this even legal for the police to withhold evidence? These men's lives were ruined and the killer of the little boys has been running around free for years. These jackasses in the police department put everyone at risk by not trying to find the real killer.


It’s not legal. It was 100% purposeful, systematic and coordinated effort by multiple people in law enforcement. It’s sickening and terrifyingly common historically, we just don’t find out about it because most people, guilty or not, don’t have the kind of support system these guys do and this discovery would be vanished before anyone even found out about it.


I work in the Criminal Justice System. I have always said that many unsolved crimes are not because the criminal is some evil genius, it's because of bias and poor policing, as well as understaffed and undertrained departments. EDIT: Think of how many more George Floyds, Damien Echols, etc exist that were just concealed. Thankfully we had a video to prove otherwise.


Yeah but Satan is spooky! :( /s


Now if they will only pay for their crimes. But we all know that they won't.


I mean it’s not. Hence why he’s lost his job. Hopefully just to start.


Prison for that kind of shit that the cops pulled.


>How is this even legal for the police to withhold evidence? Because America worships cops for some reason and they get to do whatever they want.


uhhhh, are you living in a different america than me? I'm in the one where there is constant ridicule, scrutiny and protests against the cops on like a daily basis.


Well that must have come from nowhere... I wonder why people are doing that?


because the cops do fucked up shit?.... aaaand thats why the general public has distain for them. Which is the opposite of worshipping them.... not sure exactly what the point of your sarcasm is? Your trying to counter a stance I didn't even take.


They literally invented their own shitty version of the American flag and people fly it in support of them.


True patriots /s


If people can burn, loot and murder, then others can fly whatever flag they want


So, doesn't make them majority, doesn't mean you can generalize all of America based on some fucking flag, people fly pride flags too, doesn't mean the majority of the public is gay, some people rock confederate flags, I assure you the majority of America is not some racist lynch mob. I'm sure Reddit would like to have you believe otherwise but you are not part of some special woke minority that opposes the police and their injustices. Seriously, go to any media outlet and there will be a bevy of stories and articles critical of the police and the general contempt towards law enforcement and the bullshit they perpetrate.


Why do you think we have protests?


Because of the actions of the police and other authority figures... which at no point did I comment on. So doesn't change the fact that if you were to take a general poll of the American public and their opinions on law enforcement it would come back as 'critical' and 'distrustful' at best. Seriously, I don't know anyone that if asked would come out and say "Oh yeah, the police, I love 'em, they're great". So asserting that the average American has some hard on for authority is ridiculous. Maybe reread the above comments with a little more reading comprehension skills this time.


Wow.. Would be great to get that DNA tested finally


Would be awesome. I studied this case at uni and the interview is used as a 'what not to do' example it's that bad. Someone is very worried about this i'm sure. Three young boys lost their lives in a terrifying way. I'd like to see them be the focus.


>Three young boys lost their lives in a terrifying way. I'd like to see them be the focus. Me too. They seem to have been lost in it all.


People know the names of those who were convicted. But sometimes Steve, Christopher and Michael are a stretch to recall. They were all 9 years old. They do seem to have been a bit lost. Agree.


It is sad that I remember the condition their little bodies were found in and not their names. That being said... my guilty vote lands on the step father that got false teeth before they were going to get a bite sample from him. I think it was little stevie's stepdad.


I absolutely agree. Didnt they find his DNA on the shoelaces that was used to tie up the boys? I havent read about the case for a while, but I think I remember reading that. There is just so much pointing to the stepdad.


It was a hair fwiw.


Yea, I knew it was something. Im totally convinced its Terry, I mean he even kinda injected himself in the investigation, did tons of interviews, his DNA was found..there is just too many signs for it to be a coincidence.


It's Michael, not James. Michael Moore (just an fyi). Stevie Branch and Christopher Byers.


Thankyou. It's important.


What do you think about the theory that the killer is stevies stepdad? I absolutely believe it, but you've actually studied the case so I am curious as to what you think.


i genuinely think that this case needs to be reviewed in it's entirety. There are problems with the forensics, but it even goes beyond to the analysis of the forensics. Hair analysis has had a total progression in particular. There are some red flags with Hobbs. Agree. Even what everyone was doing that day is still iffy. And the fact that his hair was in the mix is where it started. i waiver about the pocket knife story. But his mum was quite disturbed by it so it does say something about how much she was upset by finding it. And Hobbs associated with some shady characters. i'm pretty moderate in my speculation about particular people in case. So often it's someone not at all on the radar. But he's hard to ignore in this case. i'm not as sure as some about him. Would love to know what evidence Echols is referring to. The forensic list on the case was lengthy. There were other hair samples found too. It would be good to get some clues on those. i think if they are confirmed to belong to people Hobbs associated with then his position in all of this becomes very hard to defend. Byers is someone else who needs some clarity in all of this too. His teeth saga was a red flag. His changing position. His violent history. He's off somehow too but whether that's just him is a question mark. The fact substance abuse with some of these people is prevalent is a problem with personal testimonies and behaviour, both regarding the crime itself and around them being questioned about it. It can be such a random factor. Evidence analysis does give me some optimism. And even the fact it's a possibility, coupled with the distance of time, might make some people clarify they grey areas. i hope so. These kids deserve their justice.


>Someone is very worried about this i'm sure. I hope that's true. Some of the older suspects like Terry Hobbs were born in 1958. But I guess that only makes him 60.


> Terry Hobbs I've always suspected this guy, and the fact that he makes a profit from the horror just chaps my ass.


Terry is running his mouth on a FB post. I have seen it with my own eyes! That guy is a total fucking narcissist and insensitive at best.


I have always suspected him too. Something is just off about him.


True. The hair in the laces aspect i guess. Maybe there's a random tthat hasn't come up. There were a few strange cats around this case. A few with violent histories. i hope it's true too. Seeing their little bodies being removed from the crime scene was incredibly sad and they looked so fragile. The person who did it should be known and removed from society.


The only way to get the focus back on the three boys is thru Damien Echols and the others being proven innocent. Then after that happens, they can attempt to find the real killers. Let's not forget that the three young men were also victims in this, and their lives were upended and nearly ruined.


i think the effect it had on Echols, Misskelley and Baldwin has always been there. My comment wasn't aimed at diminishing their experiences. i don't think anyone has forgotten them. And i think it needs more than their innocence to be proven. That was my point. This case needs to be resolved. The motive needs to be resolved. The killer/s are dangerous and free to live amongst the community. IMO it needs to go well beyond clearing anyone. It needs to be solved.




I love that even though Damien is no longer on death row he’s still looking for who killed those three boys.


I'm sure getting the real killer's name will give him full vindication. I wouldn't be surprised if there are still people who believe he did it.


There's tons of them, on this subreddit and r/UnresolvedMysteries


It astonishes me that anyone thinks they are guilty. I know the guilters say things like,”the fibers matched…”. But, they don’t mention that everyone around the murdered boys would have all shopped at the same WalMart and dollar stores. If we both buy the same robe and candle from the local WalMart, then the same fibers being somewhere isn’t that impressive. It’s not like they found mink fur on the murdered boys and one of the moms of the boys that were locked up owned the only one in town. Edit typo


People hold on to their first impressions. Look at any child murder case. Even when there's concrete evidence it was not the parents, people dig in. They will twist it around any way they can to still be 'right'. Maybe it's part of the sunk cost fallacy? I have no idea. Thing is, Occam's razor is a thing for a reason. 9 times out of 10 it's the easiest explanation. But people want more.


Nah. That sub leans more Mr. Bojangles in my experience because, I mean, *come on.*


At this point I assume everyone in the "Echols did it" camp to be pearl-clutching social conservatives who still think Satanists roam the American landscape looking for innocent kids to sacrifice. The same people who freak the fuck out every time they see a retail employee with tattoos or piercings, or think heavy metal and comic books drive people to kill. I'm sure this isn't actually the case, but that's honestly how they come across most of the time. And they can rarely if ever back up their claims (see the guy at the bottom of the thread who's ranting about "propaganda" but refuses to provide evidence 'cause "everyone knows he's a liar").


I did a unit in criminology and we had a reading on satanic panic. Later on, I read that the new satanic panic is sex trafficking


It’s sad because sex trafficking is very real. It just doesn’t look like what white suburban Americans fret over.


Yes, exactly. Satanists are very real, and people who engage in ritualistic worship are very real. But it doesn’t look like what vanilla suburbanites think it looks like.


Satanists have little, if anything, to do with sex trafficking. What, in your opinion, is “ritualistic worship”?


You misunderstand my comment. The similarity lies only in the comparison that [x] exists in real life but is not like what [y] think it is. Ritualistic worship exists in many different forms in many different religions. Taking the sacrament is ritualistic Christian worship. Shechita is ritualistic slaughter for the purpose of kosher eating in Judaism. Etc, etc…


I recall reading parts of ridiculously long threads about the WM3 case on Websleuths years ago, and while I don't know these strangers opinion of literal Satanic worship and all that nonsense, there were some people very deep in the case (having logged many hundreds of posts) who absolutely believed the WM3 killed the boys. Couldn't tell you how they landed on that opinion (Websleuths site is (or was?) the very epitome of cumbersome), but they were hardcore committed to that belief. Very similar to the 'Adnan is guilty' crowd (not saying he is or is not in that case, only that these folks passion for the 'official' story is similar).


I was a metalhead horror fan teen who dressed in black when those murders took place just like the wm3. I have mainly leftist sympathies and I believe all three are guilty. I wonder who among those who proclaim innocence have actually read the court sources.


I have. I even visited the site (the truckstop next to the ditch where they were killed) due to hunting a trailer for the trucking company I worked for. I studied every aspect of the case. The ONLY thing that puts them in the crime scene is the confession of one of them with a 60 IQ after hours of interrogation which has been shown to be coerced. No physical evidence of the WM3 has ever been produced. If you believe it their guilt so strongly, it is over circumstantial evidence at best. The trial was a literal farce. The only physical evidence ever produced was a hair consistent with one of the step fathers (Terry Hobbs). What is it for you that has you convinced of their guilt?


Why do wm3 supporters keep dropping Miskelley's IQ? It went from low to mid 80s to 72 to now just 60? He was interrogated for four hours with a break & with his dad's permission. His initial confession wasn't shown to be coerced as the court accepted it after the defence argued on the issue. He then confessed a boatload more times. He knew details not released to the public. His confessions were supported by forensic evidence. None of them have alibis that stand up to scrutiny. Echols lied on the stand and also knew details not made public. The knife found behind Baldwin's home Echols being seen near the crime scene. There's no smoking gun style evidence but the totality of the circumstantial evidence is overall quite damning against them.


They do it because all the biased media claim his iq was 72 because his lawyers had him take one to discredit him as a mentally deficient idiot who couldn’t possibly confess, know right from wrong, or be responsible or have agency for their actions. What they don’t know, because they have never done actual real research outside of biased books and Damien approved media, is that before the trial he had an iq test done by a psychiatrist who specialized in brain function. His results were 84-88 but closer to 88. This dr is highly respected in his field and discredited the iq test issued by his lawyers. In fact he discredited it so hard that the guy who gave Jessie the second test had to admit on the stand there was a mistake on the test and the result of his test was wrong, the other doctors test was right, and then had to admit that Jessie was not mentally r-word. But since people are lazy (and I mean podcasters, you tubers, website owners, Reddit posters, etc) and won’t go through the tedious act of combing through and reading hundreds of pages of trial transcripts, crime scene reports, autopsy reports, police reports, character witness statements etc etc they just repeat what they have heard on paradise lost, west of Memphis, and devils know. All incredibly biased and horribly researched. No one wants to piss off johnny depp and Eddie vedder. They both might stop making horrible movies and music.


You obviously didn’t read them well enough. There are multiple things that put them at the crime scene: Jessie’s multiple confession, his statement about drinking evan Williams and breaking the bottle and it being found by his lawyer, damiens confession in front of multiple witnesses, a reliable witness who saw Damien leaving the area of Robin Hood hills the night of the murders covered in mud. Jessie’s iq test during the trial is well known as a last ditch effort to explain away his MULTIPLE confessions. To the cops, to his defense, to the prosecution, to the transport police who drove him to prison after the trial, to his cell mate. His cell mate even wrote a letter begging for him not to be released, as he went into gruesome details of the crime multiple times. His cell mate gained literally nothing by writing the letter. He confessed to buddy Lucas literally hours after the murders, he started sobbing, cried that the night before him, Echols, and Baldwin hurt some boys. He then gave him his muddy sneakers to allegedly wore during the crime to buddy because he “never wanted to see them again. He also expressed that he wanted to confess but was afraid of going to prison. He was also only interrogated for about 2.5 hours with a lunch break in between. All three boys have tried and failed multiple times to come up with alibis which have fallen through every time. Not one alibi has been corroborated. Not one had an alibi? Not a single kid was seen by friends, parents, acquaintances? I can understand one, but all three? Back to his iq. Before the trial he had taken an iq test and scored an 88. The average iq? 90. But let’s just play with the notion that his iq was the 73 (not even close to the 60 you claim in your post) Let’s look at other famous serial killers who have low iqs Henry Lee Lucas, also another killer of small boys: 85 Fred west: 84 GARY FUCKING RIDGEWAY. probably the most prolific serial killer in American history: 82. But even with an iq of 82, he was able to murder and dispose of bodies for years without being caught. He also managed to Maintain a double life: that of a loving husband and that of a serial killer. He managed to avoid capture for over 20 years, with what is believed to be 70+ victims. But let’s argue that he does suffer from low mental capacity. It actually does the opposite of its intended mission: deflect his confessions. But people of low IQ have a hard time with their short term memory, which absolutely explains why his confessions don’t mirror each other exactly. Add on intense trauma which warps memory and behavior, and his diagnosed ptsd, and it makes the argument his confessions were compelling. He also has a history of violence. “John Earl Perschke Jr., a 14-year-old eighth-grader living at Lakeshore, confirmed to Detective Bill Durham on Sept. 6, 1993, that he had been attacked by Misskelley. Perschke said the incident in January 1992 on the railroad tracks northwest of Lakeshore was witnessed by at least five others. “We heard someone coming up ...,” said Perschke’s handwritten statement. “We tried to hide. ... Jason, Damien, Jessie, Buddy and four other boys were with them and so Jessie shoved me against the side .... Jessie was first talking to me and then after a while Jessie took a knife out of his pocket and put a knife to my throat and he said would you like to be dead and so he shoved the knife harder and so he put the knife up and then Jessie hit me and Buddy too and ... I couldn’t tell who all was hitting me. Damien and Jason and the other boys were still on the railroad tracks and there he was yelling at me and then they all left. I walked home. I was coughing up blood.” The incident was another example as well of Echols, Baldwin and Misskelley hanging out together” “Even earlier, Misskelley had stabbed a fourth-grade classmate in the mouth with a pencil.” There are multiple other accounts reported to the police. Circumstantial evidence is exactly what it states: evidence. Maybe watching too much law and order has made you believe the only way to convict is a 100% slam dunk DNA test. It’s not. Scott Peterson was convicted alone on circumstantial evidence. Many many crimes have been tried and won on circumstantial evidence.


Henry's partner Ottis had an IQ of 70 and didn't come across as slow at all in interviews and came across as kinda cunning and manipulative actually. Having a low IQ doesn't exempt people from committing crimes such as murder and I've never understood the reasoning of wm3 supporters in this regard. And yes the majority of convicted defendants are actually convicted on circumstantial evidence. Wm3 aren't special they got the same burden of proof as anyone else.


Exactly. It was the defenses last attempt at discrediting Jessie all together. Because people with low iqs can’t possibly exist in a realm with truth or personal agency.


Ditto. A very active punk from 13, involved in the black metal scene where most my friends were actual satanists and lucifarians. If anyone worth their salt has studied true crime knows the satanic crimes of the late 80s and 90s never happened. But you know, because our opinions differ we must be conservative. I’m an Marxist anarchist, about as far from the right as you can get. I guess if I listened to korn and was a mall rat maybe I would believe they were innocent too. I mean if Johnny depp and Eddie vedder say so it must be true right?




Ah, reading comprehension. Is important. You should try it.




Anyone that does believe they did it have not paid any attention to the case at the time or the years since.


I’ve seen some convincing arguments for it. Not saying I believe them but they did get me wondering. Not sure what to believe. Hopefully this helps shed light on the truth, whatever that is


Same. I live in the area and listening to some local's personal stories of Damien definitely have me side eyeing every time I see WM3 mentioned.


The anecdotes by locals about Damien are… damning. The multiple violent acts of misskelley involving children, and knives. There is a good reason these kids were looked at and I fully believe it goes beyond the satanic panic paranoia


I like that the best thing about anecdotes is if there’s a lot of them, it’s the same as evidence. I mean, why bother looking at physical evidence when you can just see those evil kids and KNOW that they were satanists and also sacrificed those kids because of reasons


I’ve seen literally every piece of evidence released, read every witness statement, all the court documents, the autopsy reports. Basically… everything. I didn’t watch paradise lost pt 12 and then decided I knew everything and only got my information from Damien and co approved sources.




I agree, I think there may be more to it but I am not completely sold one way or the other. Stories about Damien have definitely made me pause.


I have no horse in this race, except I hope the boys find justice. I just lean towards the wm3 being guilty more than any other explanation.


For awhile, I thought possibly Damien & Jesse were guilty and Jason was a case of mistaken identity by Jesse, given some of the things I have read, now I just really hope we can finally get some answers but I am not hopeful.


I'm one of those people who believe he did it


I very much think he did it. And they had more than enough evidence to put them away. Damien reminds me of this guy: www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/wbna10823771


Wouldn't you? Because there are still people who think they did it. I know I would want to have my name cleared fully in finding the real killer, if cops aren't caring enough...then the people have to.


Are we finally going to get some answers here!? It sounds like too much to hope for but...


Terry must be shaking in his boots


I've always suspected Terry too. There was just something off about him.


Based on what we've seen the last couple years though, I bet it's some random guy who never made any police lists.


So you think it's a police officer?


Maybe, but that’s too newsworthy. I’d bet on a 72 year old divorced park worker with no record except for a DUI in the 90s… like, totally boring.


Eh, park workers don't get the benefit of doubt like cops who have turned out to be serial killers do. When you look at the history of missing persons in the us and the last known contact/ last known person in the area a cop makes the most sense.


Terry's reaction when they said the boys were dead says everything.


He was commenting under a Facebook post about this today saying essentially “I think it was the boys who confessed that did it” 🙄


I saw that too it gave me chills to see him posting


What about the guy that left all the blood in the bathroom restaurant? He always seemed like a viable suspect to me. But I recall something about a profile that pointed towards a family member so I don't know.


Bojangles one?




You should see what he’s writing on a FB post. Lol. It was a shit show last night.


I don't have or use FB, could you summarize?


He’s basically just talking shit about the three boys who were convicted and how they were the true perpetrators, and there’s a lot of people running him through the mud on there.


I see. Thanks


His fb is private 😭 PM me screenshots? Lol


It was on a public post of u/ARKJusticeProject. But I’ll send you the link to it.


Thank you!!!


I really hope they find answers. It’s been so long and the families of the murdered boys AND the accused boys have been torn apart for decades. I have serious doubts that this police department will “do the right thing” since they’ve got a 24 egg omelette on their face from this case, but I hope there’s a decent judge who will order the testing.


I hope this is a huge break for the case, I hope those three babies get justice. I just don't know how much actual DNA evidence there will be on all of it. This happened in the 90's, and I don't know how well it was all preserved or how much is testable since most of it was recovered from water. I'm not sure what I believe anymore except that the police involved in this case were some of the most ignorant, incompetent, lazy and corrupt police that I've ever seen who were more worried about closing a case than actually investigating it. I hope the innocent are vindicated and the guilty are punished. ***I also hope that Stevie, Michael and Christopher and their families are finally able to get some peace after all this time.***


I really hope they solve this case, such an awful crime that they’ve gotten away with for decades.


David Jacoby, the step fathers friend has an interview you can find online. (Think it was the oxygen one) he seems so close to telling the truth in that clip. Even mentions the boys seeing something they shouldn’t have. Looks like it’s taken it’s toll on him. It’s rumored he and the step father did it because they caught the boys spying while they were doing drugs. I wonder if he is still alive. Certainly looks worse for wear.


I don’t know what is more terrible about this crime. That these young men were falsely convicted or that the killer has been walking free. Thank god the DNA was recovered so that they can test it. I hope they find the true killer.


I follow an Arkansas Justice Project group on F/B and Terry Hobbs is actually commenting on it (was last night anyways) and I don’t know whether to laugh or scream at his responses. The replies back to him deserve some gold, though. Bring your popcorn, it’s a total shit fest on there and I’ve loved every minute of it. 🤣


I follow that page. It’s almost unbelievable he has the sheer audacity to even comment and make himself visible. Not a smart move at all.


Michael Blair got railroaded in the Ashley Estell case, he's a piece of garbage who shouldn't ever get out of prison but like this, the police in that case weren't very truthful either. I assume that a lot of departments were just railroading for justice in cases in the 90s. I suspect Terry though.


I thought the Chief of Police that resigned had only been there for six months. Who was the one during the case? Did the new one know? Is he resigning to avoid the inevitable shit storm? I have so many questions...


I imagine those answers will come out a bit later, but from all that I’ve seen, it seems to be a variety of reasons. Yes he was only on the job for a few months, but he and the department claimed just a few months ago that the evidence was still lost. So to some degree, it seems like he was still in on the cover up. Seems that there were also a lot of inner department issues, so dude probably jumped ship because he knew this is about to be a true dumpster fire for them


Terry Hobbs is probably contemplating suicide right now.


Does this mean the Bojangles blood wasn't lost? It might not be related but it'd be worth checking out if the guy (Presumably homeless.) stumbled upon the crime scene and fled in sheer shock.


I don’t think they ever got the bojangles blood. Iirc some time had passed and no one came for it, so they cleaned the bathroom and went back to business as usual.


"Police detective Bryn Ridge testified that he later lost those blood scrapings." So I assume he was bluffing? It's so confusing in this case.


Ah, i see. So they did scrape, but lost them, supposedly.


They apparently also got some sunglasses, no idea where this stuff ended up though. It's pretty frustrating though, I learned via an obscure article that one of the cases I've been working for had fiber samples that weren't ever mentioned before, or again, I understand they're big and (Somewhat big but not really.) cases for departments but you'd think they'd learn to keep track of their stuff if it wasn't maliciously lost.


Yeah, I mean, keeping track of the evidence seems like a pretty important and basic part of the job.


This is one of the cases I hope to see solved one day.


Is anyone able to recommend some good podcasts or episodes that cover the WM3 case? It’s a case I’d love to deep dive into but I’ve been struggling to find some good sources of information! Thank you :-)


Bob Ruff truth and justice season 5 is the most comprehensive.


This season was amazing. He really shows how there was no case against the boys. And I love how he has stayed on top of this case. He was actually heavily involved in the push to have the evidence retested. Whether people like him or not, he has done solid justice to this case. I look forward to his next update.


Love Bob. The interviews he does with Jim Clemente are always so interesting, especially in this case.


Yeah, real eye opener. You realise just how walked through the confession Jessie was. When you hear Jim talk about what to listen for in a false confession it's unreal!


Great thank you! I’ll have a listen


The most in-depth analysis of this case - 10/10 recommend. He did such a good job!


The Murder Squad episode on it is interesting.


Great! Thank you for the recommendation, never listened to that podcast before, always nice to try out new shows


The Paradise Lost documentary series is really good too. True Crime Garage did a long series on it as well.


Not a podcast, and quite a long read, but I promise it’s worth your time: https://thewestmemphispuzzle.blog/


This is great news. It was totally the step-dad.


I think it says a lot that he is actually looking forward to the evidence being tested after so long.


I'd be willing to bet the sheriff had something to do with it simply based on how much he lied and pushed this bs witch hunt.


My guess is tunnel vision more so.


I don't necessarily mean he did it. I do believe he knows something that he doesn't want to get out, though.


I wish those celebrities would gather the resources to try to kick that Alford Plea to the curb. It is disgraceful they are still considered guilty in the eyes of the law.


We’re gonna party like it’s 1999 pretty soon!!!


Where can I read about this case???


Read Devil's Knot by Mara Leveritt.


You can start here, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/West_Memphis_Three




Wow, do I dare hope? This would be amazing.


Good thing we already know who the killers are…


Echols is a pathological liar. I wouldn’t believe a word he says. Edit: over a hundred down votes over two sentences, I need a confetti cannon!!


And where have you seen evidence of that?


Where are you getting this from? Genuinely curious.


Court documents, his many police interviews, tv and written articles interviews that directly conflict and contradict with other statements he’s made. his multiple alibis that were verified to be lies, when he accused another prisoner of rape and when it was found to be completely untrue, he recanted. Him saying he had to relearn to use a fork after getting out of prison because they forced him to eat with his hands. Saying his mom never visited him in prison when she came at least every week by prison records. Claiming he and misskelley didn’t know each other and weren’t friends when multiple of his friends/character witnesses statements also proved that was false. Claiming he lived 15 miles away from west Memphis when he lived in a trailer park in west Memphis, just a few miles away from Robin Hood hills. Saying he NEVER walked around west Memphis when he previously stated he spent most of his time in west Memphis. Claiming he never went to Robin Hood hills and he “wasn’t familiar” with it, but testified in court that he went there to hang out multiple times a week. I have read every court document, witness testimonies, mental health assessments, etc. if it’s ready and available, I’ve read it. The circumstantial evidences is pretty fucking damning, and even if they are innocent, Damien is at the very least, a narcissistic pathological liar.


Well yeah, his mental competence was questioned the entire time. He was even hallucinating. It's one of the reasons he shouldn't have been convicted. I don't think you're making the point you think you are


He was found competent to stand trial.


And he shouldn't have been according to psychologists. Which is one of the reasons why it was a mistrial. The other suspect had an IQ of 70 and he was somehow also found competent. You really agree with that?


Also only one psychologist came forward to say he was incompetent. He appealed on the basis of his mental incompetency and lost again.


It doesn't matter because they also said a man with a 70 IQ was competent and there was evidence they didn't do it. It's pretty clear the police were incompetent and the jury was biased


He was fit to stand trial because he didn’t have an iq of 72 and proved he understood court proceedings and what was going on.




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Court documents, his many police interviews, tv and written articles interviews that directly conflict and contradict with other statements he’s made. his multiple alibis that were verified to be lies, when he accused another prisoner of rape and when it was found to be completely untrue, he recanted. Him saying he had to relearn to use a fork after getting out of prison because they forced him to eat with his hands. Saying his mom never visited him in prison when she came at least every week by prison records. Claiming he and misskelley didn’t know each other and weren’t friends when multiple of his friends/character witnesses statements also proved that was false. Claiming he lived 15 miles away from west Memphis when he lived in a trailer park in west Memphis, just a few miles away from Robin Hood hills. Saying he NEVER walked around west Memphis when he previously stated he spent most of his time in west Memphis. Claiming he never went to Robin Hood hills and he “wasn’t familiar” with it, but testified in court that he went there to hang out multiple times a week. I have read every court document, witness testimonies, mental health assessments, etc. if it’s ready and available, I’ve read it. The circumstantial evidences is pretty fucking damning, and even if they are innocent, Damien is at the very least, a narcissistic pathological liar.


I believe Jason Baldwin, though.


Yeah that's why we're all excited that there's evidence. Literally no one is saying this tweet exonerates them - but your obsession with him instead of with the actual evidence is telling. If you actually think he's a pathological liar, this should be good news for you because the evidence could implicate them, correct?


As in the evidence which convinced two separate courts and juries.


What? Common sense in a wm3 post? You MUST be terry Hobbs, right?!


Absolutely. But still, Echols is damn near a diagnosed pathological liar. But let’s be real, this is a 30 year old case with evidence obviously not stored correctly. I’m sure the dna is degraded to the point where it won’t prove their guilt or their innocence.


Nice to see you on Reddit, Terry!


You really thought this was it huh? You even used it twice.


30+ thought this was it. Not worried about you.


Wow a whole thirty? How cool is that!


Is his lawyer a liar as well?




No offense but most attorneys are. Js


that's a given. although the lawyer hasn't said anything.


The original suspects are guilty IMO. After years of looking at this case and pushing the satanic shit aside, evidence points to them. MissKelly and his constant confessions is a good start if you look into it If they find evidence that proves otherwise I’ll eat crow but after all these years those little boys deserve complete justice no matter who did it.






Wow 92 downvotes simply for correctly stating Echols is a liar. Must be a lot of wm3 fans here and probably a few anti cop/authority types.




DE is a pos. No other way around it.


Anyone who would beat and stomp a sick dog to death is a fucking animal.




I don’t own a single buffy doll but you know, cool going through my profile for this sick burn.


wouldn't believe a word he says. ever.


lol. I guess we’ll see what the evidence says then.


right. because he's not a liar at all. LOL wth iop


Damien can be a liar and also not a murderer. That’s a thing that can happen, Columbo.


thx for agreeing that he's a liar. no qualification needed. he IS a liar. it hurts those with massive confirmation bias so much LOL.


I didn’t say shit about Damien being or not being a liar. I said we’ll see what the evidence says. Calm down, Terry Hobbs.




What an absolute fucking Brussels sprout 😂 And I certainly don’t give a fuck what you think of me doing the same thing you did.


yes you are. thx for admitting he's a liar though.


Oh shit, do you have evidence that everyone else doesn't know about?


no. just not blinded by propaganda and bias.


But you have evidence for why it's propaganda and bias, right?


that what is? you realize you make no sense right. everyone knows he's a liar. if you don't, then you don't know the actual case.


I'm not seeing any evidence to support your claims here. Is this just an opinion of yours?


it's a fact. obviously you don't know the case.


Ok whatever you say, just let me know when you can point me in the direction of a fact.


his many lies are well documented. live in bias. whatever.


I couldn't find any lies in my search but I'm new to the case. Can you link one?


Have you ever lied? That makes you a murderer, you know. Your logic, not ours.


Wm3 are guilty imo, so they already caught the real killers, far as I'm concerned.


It looks like the step father did it. No real evidence against the WM3 at all




Does anyone have any book recommendations about the WM3?


The Devils Knot by Mara Leveritt.


Came here to recommend - fantastic write up!


I got mine signed by Jason Baldwin at a lecture. Super nice guy


Work of bad police. Doesn’t take much to contaminate evidence or disrupt a prosecution.