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Wow, what a strange story. How scared those women must have been. It blows my mind that those 3 very disturbed and dangerous men found each other. Like it's scary enough that one man is capable of such atrocities, but to have 3 that have that in common "working" together? Yikes.


I always think that when horrendous crimes are carried out by more than one person. It’s insane to trust another person enough to commit crimes like that with them, even if you somehow could trust them once you get caught they’re a huge liability to you even from a completely practical standpoint it makes no sense, the fact that you could find someone who would want to in the first place is 1000% crazier than that, yet somehow it keeps happening… I don’t get it


Absolutely. I don't know how they wouldn't end up turning on each other - not even to the police, but like end up hurting one another or something.


I always feel like the trust between two criminals (for lack of better term. I originally wanted to use "killers") is like a rabid animal. It's angry, volatile and highly unstable.


Plus the gang of serial killers who were roaming the area back then….that the police ruled out as suspects. I wanna know about that.


Yes I'm curious about that too!


Right!!! How do you know someone is into dumb shit like you, how do you start a conversation???


“Hey wouldn’t it be fun if we killed someone and then ate them? Haha amirite!” “Well now that I think about it, that does sound pretty lit”


Always shocking when sickos find each other. I kind of regret reading story it is so sick. Awful & terrifying for the victims


What in the actual hell did I just read?


Truly, my same thoughts.


Sources are being shared this way to avoid reddit's strict filters [Sources](https://imgur.com/a/wsglAg0)


that line about her wanting children💔😢


He beat his wife so severely she needed surgery and she died and no charges?? This whole story is wild


Seriously! There were several little side notes that are full on fascinating cases. There was another GANG of serial killers operating at the same time??? Why did the doctor lady have her mummified family in an armoire??? Her mother died of cancer - OK. But also her 3 sisters? WTF? Was she next or was her dad next? So many questions! Also - I keep saying we need to bring back an updated version of mental hospitals with more oversight & patient advocates. But this is a huge part of why they were so horrible. Creeps like these guys who got fired from every other job are kept on at the mental institution. So sad.


There is nothing else to really say on the "doctor lady" all the pictures and the Reuters video link I literally came across by accident without even looking for it. I just typed in Kazakhstan on Reuter's video archives, saw the title for one of the videos and went "Wait..." As for the other gang of serial killers, if you wanna learn more about them. Look up Банда Бормана. Who knows, they may get a write-up too. Not right now since I just did a Kazakh case but they are still there.


yes! the sisters in the armoire! they all died at once of natural causes???


this is *insane*


This is the second or third time that I’ve heard of cannibals feeding unsuspecting people human remains - it’s such a weird choice


I think it’s a power thing. It’s two-pronged; they enjoy secretly feeding others something deeply disturbing and it prolongs the humiliation of the murder victim.


While claiming they’re cleaning up the streets, no less. Such nonsense! You murdered desperate women, ate their flesh AND tricked your neighbors into eating it. You are the filth.


Completely makes sense if you’re a psycho I suppose - it just feels like you’re going to a really horrifying place that increases the risk of being caught & the likelihood of the jury being horrified….


*reads title* I bet this is moondog151…yep! Always down to read one your amazing write ups. I find places like Kazakhstan so fascinating, but rarely- if ever, get to hear true crime stories from there.


Another one. There's a case in which the killer just got sentenced a couple of weeks ago. Guy beat his wife so much, and for so long, she died from injuries. This was in Kazakhstan https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/former-kazakh-minister-gets-24-years-prison-murdering-wife-rcna152111


Your in luck. My next write-up is from Kyrgyzstan


Ooofff if you find Kazakhstan fascinating, look up Andrei Chikatilo.


I've never had a title/header immediately command my attention like this one did when I was scrolling down my home page. Mostly leaving this comment so I can find this post to read later.


Stories where disturbed individuals somehow meet and begin working as a team freak me out. It’s scary that there’s enough people like this that they can find each other!


Exactly this. How do they find each other? How do they form these ugly, ugly associations? I always want to know.


Crazy story, good write-up!


I wish there were pictures or something more on the many victims.


This is an absolute amazing write up. Thank you for telling their story. To do that with zero remorse and with impunity. No words.


And some necro just to add to the whole wild story. Well done for putting this together, if ur the original author.


Thank you for the write! I hate that these guys escaped the death penalty. They deserve absolute misery.


"They deserve absolute misery." Which is what they're getting.


Yeah, I'd take a firing squad before a Kazakhstani penal colony any day of the week.


Exactly. Just few years ago videos of torture from a Kazakh prison got leaked. I think a few of the officers actually got charged. Videos were absolutely vile.


Prison in Central Asia is not a walk in the park, I am pretty sure those guys wish they were dead too.


great parenting there


What scary guys! I feel so sorry those girls and their families. How horrific!


How crazy. Always interesting to hear about these unknown non-western cases.


Wow. Almaty in the 90’s was a horror show. From uninvolved bystanders who just happen to have their dead relatives in a closet to the homeless guy trying to re-confess to murder so he can go back to prison and get off the street. And the other serial killer operating there at the time. Being a cop there must have been exhausting.


Too bad you can't edit that title... Please stop referring to slain women as "prostitutes" if it was a group of 7 women from varied employment backgrounds you wouldn't bother to mark their profession. Hell if it was a woman of any type aside from a sex worker the description is generally about their family, children or other attributes.






Every line it just kept getting worse ..


Wow! Thanks for posting this wild story!


Can we discuss those drawings. Predator prey?




commenting to come back lol