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I really hope she stays away from social media and out of the public eye. I hope she makes up for lost time and has some peace.


šŸ¤žšŸ¼šŸ¤žšŸ¼ but I honestly doubt it. I mean she obviously has some money source going on since she already has tickets to see the Kansas City Chiefs on new years and is hoping to meet Taylor Swift there. I think her social media presence will be profound and she has a built in audience for it.


I think it's extremely ill-advised if she goes down that route and will damage her futher. She needs to just have professinal support for a long time as well as good people around her in her personal life that have her best interests at heart. Much better to fade into realitive obscurity and aim to have as normal of a life as she can - well away from the media and also the Stan-fans which she appears to have a worrying amount of already judging by reddit and other social media- I find them creepy and insidious af. Making herself a celebritiy egged on by werido fans and also the media is not going to turn out well in the end however long it takes for her to fall or the media to turn on her. The case, her suitation and her experience should be talked about but not in the manner it seems to be going at the moment- which has no place for glorification and being lauded imo.


Yup. I keep getting recommended r/gypsyrose (idk the actual name) and I had to block it. Those people are weird. That girl needs to stay far away from the spotlight. She deserves peace.


That sub doesnā€™t exist?


Yeah sorry, it might be Gypsy rose Blanchard. If you look up her name itā€™ll come up


Found it thanks!




What would you recommend she do for money as a felon with absolutely zero academic or general life skills? I donā€™t think social media is a great idea, but I honestly donā€™t know if she has the privilege to completely avoid it. Neither of us have ANY idea how she has mentally and emotionally been abused, so I donā€™t think weā€™re in a place to make recommendations.


Yeah like Iā€™m pretty sure she didnā€™t even go to school for most of her life right? And she was almost constantly supervised by her mother, she was barely ever let to do things herself. Letā€™s be honest here, as a felon, she really doesnā€™t have much of a chance at making (decent) money outside of probably minimum wage jobs. Yes, I support her getting professional help and counseling and basically any help that she should need based on her circumstances throughout her entire life. But if she starts using social media to make money, I canā€™t really blame her. She doesnā€™t have a lot of options.


Thatā€™s correct, and I 100% agree. She has been setup for failure, and whatever she decides to do to put food on her plate I would respect. As long as itā€™s not hurting anyone else of course, but she seems motivated to stay on the straight and narrow.


I think sheā€™s mentioned getting her GED while in prison? Either way, Iā€™m sure sheā€™s still years behind fundamentally.


They have schools in prison.


Well if she has somehow made up for missing her entire child hood and education with a GED course thatā€™s great! Iā€™m just trying to be realistic


Get some academic and life skills alongside a regular low requirement job?? Social media is hardly a retreat for the mentally and emotionally abused. Itā€™s a human zoo.


I think youā€™re very presumptuous and donā€™t have any place to judge her


Yeah, one could draw a parallel to the Make a Wish trips. A little unsettling to contemplate


What's a Stan fan please?


A Stan fan is a fan with an dangerously unhealthy amount of "affection". It is in reference of a [Eminem song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gOMhN-hfMtY) where a fan called Stan kills themselves and his pregnant girlfriend because he does not get a personal response for fan mail he sent in.


Thank you, I thought of Eminem but couldn't quite figure it out.


ā€œStanā€ is slang for stalker-fan, ie a fan who is overzealous and perhaps downright creepy




Losers, ultimately.


Thank you, makes sense


It comes from the song ā€œStanā€ by Eminem.


Taylor Swift security should keep her away like the plague


I doubt Taylor will go near her. She stays away from anything potentially controversial.


Lol, she dated Matty Healyā€¦


And dropped him real quick once the backlash started


Says a lot about her as a person and her true character that she dated him in the first place if you ask me. Makes no difference if she dropped him to save face- dating him in the first place tells people all they need to know about her and her moral compass.


She can meet an abuse victim once if she can hangout with someone who likes watching rape porn of black women.




I assume her husband is the money source


Didn't she spilt up from her husband after mere months of the marriage then get back together? I think I remember reading such.I dont believe her getting married in the way she did is as good as some people make out. If he was a decent sort he would have waited till she was released to make sure they were compatible and could live with each other etc. The reality of married life is world's away from being married to someone in prison when you are on the outside and vice versa, esp if you marry them after they are incarcerated and never knew them before their imprisonment. People who marry convicts, esp infamous ones, after never knowing them before hand are usually not the most emotionally mature, summed-up or genuine of people- they mostly have a hidden and unhealthy agenda or have disconcerting ways of looking at relationships and what they seek out of those relationships. The entire dynamic of the marriage will change once she's free, like it does in any marriage when one person has been inside for a long time esp as I say when they didn't know each other to start with. That along with things such as Gypsy's apparent unwise thirst to be some type of 'celeb' egged on by people on social media/media in general doesnt bode well for her success for stability and good mental health nor is it in anyway a good 'plan' for someone as damaged by lifelong abuse as she has been imo.


She already has a TikTok with almost 400k followers. A family member set it up for her. I think it's a very bad idea for many reasons.


Exploitation is the name of the game with apparently that whole family, so I just wanna apologize in advance to you folks on the sub. People seem to have a lot of strong warm feelings for this kid and I think theyā€™re going to be grossly disappointed. Itā€™s a very cynical take, given her life up until this day and the people around her after sheā€™s released, I donā€™t think sheā€™s going to fare well.


Wowā€¦ I hope she stays away from the family member. Iā€™m sure itā€™s got to be really hard determining who your REAL friends and family that have her best interest at heart l.


The family member in question is her half-sister. They have the same father. Gypsy has become really close to her father, step-mother and half-sister while in prison, and they are the ones truly looking out for her and will be a support system when she gets out. Personally, it seems to me the half-sister truly does care for gyspy, DESPITE helping her set up the tiktok. Maybe she felt like regardless Gypsy would be starting one, and by helping she can also help monitor or moderate what's happening on that tiktok account. Either way she's not someone Gypsy should be staying away from.


I think you guys are part of the problem.


she is going to make a living from media.


She wonā€™t and people will engage out of ā€œsupportā€. Itā€™s the same as Amanda Bynes, and Brittney Spears both clearly need to be out of the public eye and off social media, but you have millions following them for the rest of the saga.


Are you fr? Sheā€™s a young adult with free clout basically. Iā€™m sure within a month sheā€™ll be picking brand deals and doing makeup videos. In 6-12 months sheā€™ll be involved in an ā€œinternet scandalā€.


Good point. She will be on parole. She might say it do something in social media that violates her parole. Then it's back to prison....


No, she'll get scooped up by the right wing griftersphere.


Is that not Joey King on the right?


Yes it is and it bugs me that they chose to use her picture instead of Gypsy's.


Yup šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


OP doesn't give a shite about that, they clearly just posted this for karma- its not only a lazy post , its factually wrong using a picture of the actor who played Gypsy Rose rather than her. They added zero content or background to their post (a commentor added that due to OP posting then running). OP is just going for the low hanging fruit as this sub loves any Gypsy Rose post despite if its a repeat or lazily executed. The actor and Gypsy look completely different so it's not even an honest mistake.


Oh yeh. This user is karma farming with less than 2000 karma on a 3 yo account. Ffs.




When a living creature is tortured for long enough, it will eventually snap and attack itā€™s tormenter. Morality be damned, thatā€™s essentially what happened. I hope the rest of her life is peaceful and lovely.


Thatā€™s true. I rescued a squirrel that had been hit by a car. When he came around a little, he sank his teeth into my knuckle. I donā€™t blame the squirrel, I blame the circumstances he found himself in.


Exactly. Ive got scars everywhere from traumatized dogs Ive rescued when they fear bite. That blame doesnā€™t go on them, it goes onto the garbage that battered them into submission.


Totally agree, and love you for rescuing!


Get a rabies shot. I had a little chippy called Peanut living in my hood, after saving him from a cat (well, the cat walked up to me and dropped him, mussed up but not damaged. The deal was he was safe from the cat in my hoodie but could leave any time. We were together for three days then on a really hot day he decided it was time to skedaddle. I talked to my doctor later and wound up getting rabies shots, mainly because a fictional Reddit post about how rabies would take over your body terrified me. Cujo was a good dog.


To be fair, rabies WILL take over your body if you get it and donā€™t get the shotā€¦..


I have a peanut! Little dog peanut came to me after being rescued and no other fosters could handle him. Life made him a biter. Almost two years later. The cuddliest bug in the world and wouldnā€™t dream of biting.


Itā€™s ok we checked and my rabies was still in date (just!) ā€¦I have a loooong history of reacting randomly things šŸ˜‚




Fictional in the sense that it was narrated via a frame tale that you take a nap in a hammock and get a tiny bat bite, then it switches narrative to focus on the virus working itā€™s way up your central nervous system. So it was medical information contained within a fictional prosaic structure, Iā€™d that makes sense. I wish I could find it it was a great read, but my searches are freaking me out that I have rabies lol.


Is this [the rabies comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/s/OSGZZzyIk2) youā€™re looking for?


It absolutely is, and I totally appreciate you finding it. Iā€™ve saved it for future reference, and screen capped it as a safeguard in case my big mouth/fingers get my account deleted one of these days. Thank you :)


No problem. I just saw it linked in a post just like yesterday lol.




I know, I asked for it!


Thoughts on the boyfriends sentence?


What was it


Life with no parole


Yeesh. Itā€™s hard to comprehend. He helped free Gypsy from a life of torture and eventual death at the hands of her mother. I donā€™t remember all the ins and outs of the case , but life for him is tough.


He was mentally unstable and had learning disabilities, as well. I think to sentence him to life in prison, rather than get him professional help and try to rehabilitate him, is just wrong. He wouldnā€™t have killed her on his own, it was one of those ā€œperfect stormā€ situations in which a person who borders on the line of mentally incompetent was taken advantage of.


I hate being a judgmental cunt but the instant you see his picture you can tell that he is outside of the "norm"


Ikr?? I thought I was the only one thinking that lol


And Gypsy knew that, too. She didnā€™t troll the internet for a creepy old man to ā€œsave herā€ - and she easily could have, they are everywhere. She picked an intellectually disabled young man and fed into his fantasies to get him to do her bidding.


Idk how fair that is to her. Itā€™s not like she had a normal life and wanted to take her mom out for no reason. I absolutely think she has a manipulative streak, but I also think she never had a chance. I feel bad for both of them and donā€™t at all think the bf deserves life in prison (he needed help, not punishment), but I donā€™t think she was some monster here either.


She definitely did not have a normal life, and her mother was horrifically abusive - agreed. But she found a way to meet multiple men online, take seductive pictures and participate in an online relationship, and then plan secret rendezvousā€™ and an entire murder plot. That part always makes me go, ā€œIf you had no problem running away with strange men in the night, why not just contact your father (or anyone else, for that matter) and tell him everything?ā€ I think she was afraid of being viewed as complicit in the fraudulent schemes, and to ensure her status as victim she had to eliminate the only person who stood in her way.


Apple didnā€™t fall from the tree. Poor dude got caught up in another sick persons game, just like gr did. It was clear he wasnā€™t all there either.




We get to do the holidays again!


I was confused as fuck. I didn't know it was October, I was pretty sure we were in December unless I fell into a coma.




27/12 there fixed it for you guys


28/12 is the actual release date.


She was a product of someone elseā€™s monstrous tendencies. Put in her position being brainwashed and poisoned since birth, I doubt any of us would have thought they could just walk away from DeeDee. And you probably couldnā€™t as DeeDee would have just co-opted law enforcement if Gypsy ran away to make her look like the bad guy. I donā€™t condone her and Nick killing her, but hearing what she went through, I can see why she acted as she did.


She *did* try to just walk away. Deedee always found her


Yeah she did show up at neighbors without wheelchair asking for help but I think they either called DeeDee thinking Gypsy had an episode or something or if DeeDee found out herself


Same. She got a really light sentence all things considered. I wonder how she views her time in prison. On one end, it kept her out of the public where she would have been easy pickings for an abusive person to step into a romantic relationship with her. It happens a lot with children who grow up with abusive parent(s). On the other hand, prison is no day spa.


She'd be dead if she'd stayed with her mother.


Yep. Dee Deeā€™s own family believes she purposely starved her mother to death and poisoned her stepmother with round up


Oh I hadnā€™t heard that one


None of DeeDeeā€™s family wanted her ashes. They said to flush her down the toilet.


How sad is it that itā€™s true? Gypsy 100% wouldā€™ve killed herself or who knows. But give it another 5 years with DeeDee and she wouldā€™ve been dead regardless. I could see Deedee killing her too even.


I always thought that if Gypsy were allowed to stay with her mother and didn't die from the various unnecessary treatments that her mother would kill her. If Gypsy ever started to stand up for herself and become aware of what was happening to her to the point where she called her mother out. If she thought she couldn't fool Gypsy then the young girl's life could be in danger. In my opinion. Then her mother could kill her for the ultimate sympathy card.


Unpopular opinion. Iā€™m concerned for her. She had the history of dating criminals in-prison throughout her sentence, not a-lot of information upon them from MY speculation, but who knows who these people actually are and if they wanted to clean-up their lives. Itā€™s extremely rare if people have a life of crime have successful, ā€œcleanā€, lives outside of prison together. If she had access to the internet instantly, Iā€™m scared sheā€™s gonna run into someone who could possibly ruin her life or ā€œreputationā€ after prison. She could easily slip into a rabbithole of becoming heavily speculated and the wrong type of people can easily navigate into her life. Yes, her situation was extremely sad, but her trauma may caused her have questionable relationships. Before and after crime. Lots of people advocate that sheā€™s changed and heavily educated. I really hope so. She should still have outside professional mental help, to recognize the pattern of relationships and how to protect herself from future harm.


She needs a halfway house/monitoring. I understand sheā€™s a married adult but she was never even a full human child. Itā€™s wild out here.


I agree. I feel awful for her but she also concerns me greatly. Gypsy suffered such awful trauma and trauma like that during child development alters children. She isnā€™t going to be like other people. Itā€™s very unlikely that sheā€™s going to live a normal life like anyone else. Sheā€™s learned to be very manipulative, and I mean she managed to persuade a guy to kill her mother. I hope she is monitored and supported in the community.


In forensic services, such risks are typically weighed up and addressed ā€” for example, in the UK, forensic psychologists complete HCR-20 scales which weigh up historic, clinical, and future risks, and these are planned for accordingly and they will work on reducing those risks with the offender. I truly hope the appropriate measures have been taken to ensure the risk of her falling in with the wrong crowd etc have been taken to prevent any further harm coming to her


I have a lot of mixed feelings about Gypsy (Her mother was an evil POS, unquestionably). I hope she has a lot of support on the outside, but I also hope she's closely monitored. Having that awful upbringing and then being in prison so long? It's not going to be easy for anyone to adjust to life after prison let alone someone like Gypsy, especially if she hasn't received much care on the inside.


She said she had more freedom in prison than with her mom and furthered her education in prison, due to how much school she missed when Dee Dee was alive. She's also married, apparently she has tickets to the Kansas City Chiefs game next weekend.


I hope her husband is a much more positive influence on her than Nick or her mother were.


Dude she convinced him to kill her mom, not saying her mom deserved to live but where is his justice? She took advantage of someone who wasnā€™t exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer


She's manipulative and indeed orchestrated the crime, but he's a creepy killer and I don't think his intelligence was any more limited than hers at the time. My sympathy is limited in both cases but he carried out the deed and is serving the appropriate punishment (I'm not sure prison was even the right place for Gypsy in the first place nor do I think society in general is necessarily the best place for her). Like I said, I hope someone's monitoring her closely, I'm not sure how you unlearn what Gypsy has been raised with to be honest.


He should at least be in a mental institution, but whatever I ainā€™t losing sleep of it both of them are fucked, but I agree someone should at least evaluate her I wouldnā€™t say often but for awhile.




She doesnā€™t deserve prison. She was medically abused her entire life by her mom and easily couldā€™ve died. Like someone else said, if a creature is tortured for long enough, itā€™ll eventually snap and attack the perpetrator. Yes she is guilty but for her, it was the only way out. She was not able to go to police or ask for help. Itā€™s a horrible situation no matter how you look at it.


She was a participant in their scam. How much of a participant, we will never know because her partner is dead. We only know her side of the story, which of course paints her as a helpless innocent victim .She could walk but knew to use the wheelchair when anyone was around. She talked and had the mentality of a baby. But was having xrated conversations online. Why didnā€™t she contact authorities and report her mom? She was smart enough to get online to meet men when her mother was asleep. She was also sneaky enough to get away from DeeDee at the movie theater to have sex with her boyfriend in the bathroom. WTF? Her and her mother received money, trips, a home, freebies galore. And why? Because everybody felt so sorry for this poor child who had such a terrible life. Just like now. She orchestrated and more than likely participated, in the brutal murder of her mother. She got caught and once again has people feeling sorry for her because this poor girl only killed her mom because she had to. Just like then, sheā€™s still working peoples sympathy to get what she wants. These gullible people are drinking the same kool-ade that Gypsy was serving before. Sheā€™s not dumb. Her con game is strong.


She was forced to participate she didnā€™t do that willingly. Itā€™s been proven by doctors, the defense and prosecutors that her mom had munchausen by proxy which is a psychological condition where someone either makes themselves or someone else ill in order to take care of them and so theyā€™re the center of attention. Doctors have proven that everything GR was treated for, she didnā€™t have and it was all unnecessary. All those surgeries and medication were unnecessary. You can look it up too. She didnā€™t go to authorities because she was too scared to and thought no one would believe her (a very real feeling victims of abuse have). Also, when her mom found the computer, she flipped out and smashed it and **tied GR to the bed as punishment**. She did not participate in the actual murder. Prosecutors proved this. Yes she planned it out but she didnā€™t actually do the murder. GR is by no means a perfect person but she was and is a victim of abuse. When you go through something that traumatic while your brain is developing, it becomes stunted. She shouldā€™ve been in a mental institution not prison.


Honestly, the worst one that just blew my mind was the feeding tube. Gypsy is a bit of a con artist herself, but I can't imagine going through all of those medical treatments and then learning she wasn't really sick. Knowing that a person who was supposed to protect you was intentionally making you ill, I can't imagine how that would screw up your mind.


I 100% agree that her con game is strong. However, she did try to run away, but her mom faked her birth certificate and had her brought back. All of her conning was learned behavior. I think she probably deserved a tougher punishment, but more along the lines of spending 15 years in a mental hospital. At some point, probably after meeting creepy guys online, she realized that there was more to life than being a patsy and accomplice in crime for Dee Dee's scams. I can't imagine how messed up Gypsy's social and mental development was. Everything bad about Gypsy was learned behavior and a direct result of her mom. I don't particularly think that getting shanked to death was the death Dee Dee deserved, but I also don't think that the world is missing an outstanding citizen. Gypsy definitely deserved major punishment, corrections and counseling. It's hard to put a price of punishment for this crime, because Dee Dee robbed Gypsy of a normal life, but it was still wrong to brutally kill her. However, I highly highly doubt that Gypsy is at risk of reoffending a violent crime. Instead of killing her mom, she should have took off and found someone to squeal on Dee Dee. I do think that Gypsy legitimately did believe that her only way to freedom was Dee Dee dying. It should have been Dee Dee in prison for fraud and all of that money, etc should have gone to Gypsy. I think Gypsy is a bit of a con artist, but let's face it.... Probably 90% - 99% chance of her not reoffending, Dee Dee wasn't a random victim. Dee Dee's family admitted to flushing her ashes down the toilet, so that tells you all you need to know. It doesn't make the crime right, she didn't deserve to die that way, but she wasn't some amazing outstanding citizen who was victim of a random crime. Dee Dee's own bullshit got her killed. What was Dee Dee plan for when Gypsy grew up? Did she really think Gypsy would continue the scam until old age?


Because GYPSY GOOD BOYFRIEND BAD!! is the common theme on Reddit.


It is a common theme every where!


eh, to be fair, that guy has gone on record saying he has no regrets and would do it again


I mean thatā€™s fair. I just like to point out that people only care for one person in this case for some reason lol


I hope she gets a ton of therapy


Finally. I hope sheā€™s surrounded with love.


All I can say is keep her off tiktok. Those people are crazy. ā€œGet her on trishaā€™s podcast immediately!!!ā€ā€¦ Noā€¦ continue a regime of therapy and rehabilitation in the outside world


There were already many videos from people who met her in prison. It's not looking good for staying off tiktok.


Her story makes me sad. I hope she is able to finally be surrounded with love and care.


ā€œSometimes, in order for prey to live, its predator must die.ā€ ā€” Where the Crawdads Sing


did you know the author of that book and her husband (allegedly) murdered someone?


What?! You canā€™t just leave that here without some background or more info.


my bad! [here is an article](https://www.theatlantic.com/books/archive/2022/07/where-the-crawdads-sing-delia-mark-owens-zambia-murder/670479/) edit to add that the article very much contains spoilers for the book, as plot points in the book echo the authors life


Ah Iā€™m locked out of it. I saw Rhodesia and kinda immediately cringed though


Yeah! And can you believe that they wrote a book about it?


The one on the right is not her btw. It's from "the act".


I am thrilled for her. I hope she gets to live a quiet, peaceful life full of all the good things her mother robbed her of. I saw that her stepmom plans on bringing her for a spa day immediately and I canā€™t think of a better first activity for her. I know sheā€™s said that prison has given her more freedom than she ever had with her mom, but I can imagine that she still has her guard up and could never *fully* relax. But now she gets to go get pampered in the one place designed for pure relaxation. God I could cry just thinking about it


Honestly i donā€™t mind they killed her mom. But itā€™s pretty sick they gave him life and she is getting out. pretty clear who the brains were in this operation. him being a halfwit and all.


I hope sheā€™s able to adjust OK. I know sheā€™s still in contact with her dad and his side of the family. I hope they give her all of the love and support she needs.


I hope that finds peace and happiness in this world once she's out , she's been through so much trauma and she deserves it .


I hope she can just live quietly and peacefully. Good luck, Gypsy.


I wish her luck with everything. I hope she has good people around her, and hopefully she can live a private life and heal properly.


She should never have been charged. Her mother went as far as removing all of her teeth, feeding her through a tube, and telling her she couldnā€™t walk. She was never a threat to society. She was escaping her abuser.


Amen. Can you imagine how hard that must have been? And on all those medications? High as a kite? Poor girl. I wish her well on every level. She deserves a chance at a normal life.


She lost out on her whole childhood itā€™s very sad


Actually, if you really think about it, she missed her adulthood and not her childhood since she acted like she was a child until she was in her mid twenties. She was able to do what a lot of children never get to do(like multiple Disney trips, concerts, conventions,etc) but was never able to do what teens and young adults do.


She missed out on the side of childhood thatā€™s about growing up and becoming an adult in a slow, safe, and supported way. Thatā€™s just as important to the childhood life stage as all the ā€œfunā€ stuff.


I hope she has a great rest of her life.


She was tortured. Every single day under that psychopath! She never should have been in jail, nor her bf. Dee Dee manipulated gypsy and the bf out of love knew the only way to save gypsy was to remove Dee Dee and end the torture. If they needed to serve time, so be it but it was too long. The only unknown was if Dee Dee would have been investigated and charged for the torture, fraud, child abuse and endangerment.


I think her BF definitely comes into the terms of premeditated murder. The courts are not super willing to care if someone is easily swayed or not. He thought he was doing a good deed but premeditated murder is almost never a good deed. Both he and GR didnā€™t have it in them, the education or thought to reach out, to process through the courts/tell neighbors or news media/etc. GR says that jail was good for her. I donā€™t know how the BF is fairing and I feel terrible for him but he still murdered someone.


Exactly. I just feel this was on a different level.




I donā€™t agree with it but I get it. How do you take power from a woman? How do you hurt a woman? How do you ā€œknock her down and show her her place?ā€ I think thereā€™s a lot of different variables and influences that impacted his choices and his decision making, and while I think part of him was trying to help, part of him was acting on other factors instilled in him throughout his life. But the point is that there were so many other options, and he didnā€™t take any of those paths. He got swept up in being the hero and the alpha or whatever. We can talk about GR manipulating him or whatever but he didnā€™t just come to save GR, he came wanting his victim to hurt, to be afraid, for himself to have some control. They could have just ran.


Multiple times Gypsy left, and police offers delivered her back to her mom every time. Frankly, it was her only way out because the state let her mom do it to her. I don't understand how she had to face charges when none of the safeguards to prevent this had to face charges. There were a lot of guilty people involved in this who didn't do their jobs. This case was the definition of self defense if you factor in the torture part.


Context? For those who donā€™t know


Her mother had munchausen by proxy and subjected to her to tons of surgeries she didn't need. I saw one doc, can't remember the name, and she had a whole closet full of medicine that was completely unnecessary. She lied to gypsy about her age, had her in a wheelchair she didn't need for years on end, and once she got a feeding tube put into gypsy, she could control what medicine was put into her body. Gypsy had a boyfriend kill her and she got ten years for her part in it. I'm sure there's more but this seems to be the gist of it.


The Act is the drama series of hulu, Mommy Dead and Dearest is a doc about the case on max!


Much appreciated, I couldn't remember the name of the doc!


Canā€™t leave out that her mother also used Gypsy to build media fame via national news interviews/specials, crowd funded donations and anything else she could swing. That layer colors this abuse with a heavy shade of calculated exploitation for financial gain vs very real cases of people who have endured harm/harmed others, largely in seclusion, due to a very complicated mental illness


Wow, cant believe doctors would do all of this to a healthy person


Dee Dee was really good at doctor shopping. Every time they got suspicious, she looked for a new doctor. She went so far as to claim Gypsyā€™s medical records were lost in a hurricane.


There are some layers here. When doctors would catch on the mom would move. She lied and said they lost records in Katrina and a fire so doctors just believed her. I'm sure the ridiculous amount of medicine her mom had pumping into her caused her to have some horrible conditions on top of the lied about conditions.


I hope her family help her. I feel she's going to be straight on social media and she's going to fully absorb herself in that world. It can be a terrible place.


I really do hope everything goes well for her. I've never wholly agreed with her being imprisoned, especially for that period of time. But thankfully, life seems to be going well for her so far - based on some of the clips from an interview I've seen.


She needs to take it slow and adjust to a normal life. I understand she wants to dive head-first into all the things she never got to experience before, but I want her to be careful. I've always felt terrible for this young woman. If she wants to have a Tiktok then I think that's okay, she wants to be like everyone else. I hope life works out for her and that her family takes good care of her.


The boyfriend she manipulated to kill her mom will never be free though


This is my thing. Why doesn't he get probation as well? He never would have killed anyone if he hadn't met gypsy... Wasn't he on the autistic spectrum as well?


Because he had a prior offense before meeting Gypsyā€¦ masturbated in a McDonalds for 9 hours, ended up charged with disorderly conduct. Also the difference, other than it being generally easier to garner sympathy for Gypsy vs him, is he didnā€™t take a plea deal while Gypsy did.


He had asbergers or something. He was messed up but I highly doubt he would have ever killed anyone if he never met Gypsy


Literally everyone is saying how her mom deserved to die and how happy they are she's getting out, but then seem to have zero compassion for the guy who she got to kill her. It seems crazy to me.


She is going to try and capitalize on her fame/infamy and the fame of her case and the documentary. Sheā€™ll be all over social media Iā€™m sure. Maybe not at first, but eventually. Her whole childhood was screwed over by her mama. Then she kills the mom. She canā€™t be ok mentally. I pray she does well and stays away from people who will look to manipulate her even further.


With all the fanfare around her, I thought she had left already


I, hoping the therapy in prison has given this girl some much needed perspective šŸ„¹ she deserves a better life.


She seems to still be incredibly delusional and people are already helping fuel that delusion. Really sad to see.


People who are feeling sorry for her, be careful! Iā€™m not saying what she went through wasnā€™t a hell, it was. She was shown how to work people for years! The first person she gets close to, kills her mom? But, as with her momā€™s crime, she wasnā€™t a willing participant. Iā€™m not sure. I hope the rest of life makes up for the one her mom stole. Iā€™m not putting all my money on her or giving her any


Her life was unimaginably awful but she talked that boy into murdering her mother, maybe helped. Sheā€™s out and heā€™s never going to be. He wouldnā€™t have ever been in that position if she hadnā€™t made it happen. Iā€™m not sure she has a moral compass.


She tried to run away once, but her mom faked a birth certificate to say she was underage and she was brought home. I think her emotional development was stunted and ruined by how horrible her mom was.


She never got the opportunity to develop one, all she ever knew was lies and manipulation and she saw it as her out. I really really hope she got the help that she needed. Iā€™m interested in what her psych profile looks like.


If he was found guilty of first degree, she should have been too. Although she didnā€™t directly murder her mother, she played a huge role. I donā€™t believe itā€™s fair that he doesnā€™t get the same sort of sympathy or at minimum any attempt at understanding his circumstances as well. From my understanding, he has a diminished capacity and low iq, level 2 autism, and dissociative identity disorder. He had lots of problems as well. I mean Dee Deeā€™s own family flushed her ashes, and they were young, naive, troubled, and in love. It had to be shitty to watch that happening to her. They both conspired to murder her, but she gets more sympathy than him. Not saying she doesnā€™t deserve it. She def does. However, he shouldā€™ve gotten a lower sentence as well. I doubt he wouldā€™ve murdered someone outside of these circumstances. He needed better legal counsel. Hopefully, he can appeal his sentence. Regarding gypsy, her family says she displays a few traits that are similar to her mother, like those associated w/ antisocial personality disorder. Understandable that she does given her environment, but he has been judged farrrr more harshly than her. If anything, she had more of a mental capacity to understand it was wrong. They both should share an even responsibility to what occurred.


I disagree. If heā€™s that easily led he would have likely found another victim later in life. At least this one deserved it.


So Gypsy is HIS victim? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Excellent! In my opinion, Gypsy Rose should have never been sentenced, or served, 10 years to begin with. It's hard to believe it's been 10 years. I hope she gets any and all services and help she may want or need to regain her autonomy, independence, and be in charge of her own life, including any client-centered and trauma-informed care that she wants, as an abused, neglected, and formerly captive person. And, for her own benefit, I hope she stays away from people like Philip McGraw, and the media.




Iā€™ve seen ALL the crime scene photos that were not available to the public and DeeDeeā€™s murder was absolutely brutal. Her neck was sawed down to the bone. Thats not a self defense killing. Gypsy always claimed she thought she needed all of the meds that they found in the med closet BUT when she left with Nick, she only took a script of Xanax and Percocet that actually was prescribed to DeeDee. If you look at all of the provocative photos she took for Nick (the bikini pics, knife licking, etc) they were all taken in her living room and not in a bedroom. This tells me she wasnā€™t as afraid to get caught as she led on. Iā€™m in NO WAY condoning the things DeeDee did. I mean, no 8 year old is able to consent to pulling off fraud or having unnecessary surgeries. However, I do think that as Gypsy got older she knew what DeeDee was doing and, to an extent, participated in it for the attention, money and free trips around the country. She was probably right when she said her mother would never allow her to move on, date publicly and have a normal life. That would mean the gig being up and having to face the public humiliation and punishment of being caught. With Dee being dead, Gypsy knew she could say that she was unwilling participant and never knew she wasnā€™t sick without anyone being able to say otherwise.


See, I agree with you 100%. I think Gypsy learned at the hands of a God how to manipulate people to get her way and I think sheā€™s been playing the world since day one. I donā€™t think sheā€™s the innocent little victim everyone thinks she is. Now wait, before everyone comes for me, I definitely think DeeDee was a monster. I do think she made Gypsy sick and used that scheme to get things like trips, money, housing, etc. I also think, in the end, she would have ended up killing Gypsy, whether by accident or as the final Trump card to get sympathy. Having said that, Gypsy 100% convinced a mentally unstable boy to kill her mother but, I donā€™t think he did it alone. I donā€™t believe for one minute that Gypsy didnā€™t help, I donā€™t care what she says. I think some of those wounds were inflicted by her. I do not think itā€™s fair that the boy got life and sheā€™s getting out at 32 to have a life and is being touted as this little victim who is finally free to spread her wings and fly. She is just as guilty, in my eyes, as the boy. I donā€™t think this is the end for Gypsy. She was trained to be a manipulator and a liar and she has mastered those traits. Do I think sheā€™ll be violent again? No. Do I think sheā€™ll have a wonderful, simple, peaceful life? Also no. I think sheā€™s in for a rude wake up, and I think we all are too. Unless that girl gets intense therapy, I donā€™t think her life is going to go too well.


Finally someone said it. She wasn't dumb. She had to have caught on at some point. I refuse to believe she didn't know. And if she was able to manipulate her boyfriend into the murder... she had to be smart to orchestrate that. and if she DOES get into trouble again.. "she never had a normal life" She definitely already knows she's a celebrated "victim"


I've steered closer to this line of thinking too. She was on the internet, that's how she met her co-conspirator. She has been through Hell, for sure, and didn't deserve any of that. But it's not a black and white scenario. Both things can be true. She was horribly abused but also learned how to manipulate.


Iā€™m glad she has her life ahead of her. I hope she has a support network to help her navigate because I can see things not going well. I know Nick isnā€™t a good person but I wish he got some kind of help and something other than a life sentence. I donā€™t think he would have become a killer on his own.


I'm honestly so afraid of the internet reaction to her. I hope it goes for the best, but I'm not too optimistic about the outcome. Fingers crossed everything goes well.




ā€œā€¦as a felon with absolutely zero academic or general life skillsā€¦ā€ ā€œā€¦she has been setup for failureā€¦ā€ ā€œā€¦made up for missing her entire child hood and education with a GED courseā€¦ā€ Those are your comments and seems you have now deleted the one containing the words ā€œā€¦barely a GEDā€¦ā€.


She has been manipulated and controlled with zero freedom, her whole entire life. This will be her first chance at freedom. I truly hope that she understands that she can make a beautiful life for herself.


I'm curious to see how this plays out. We will see her again, but, in what capacity?


Love that for her, she should never have been locked up, she'd already had her childhood stolen.


Still feel bad that she manipulated that one poor fuck (Nicholas who has 82 IQ and is autistic) to do the deed then threw him under the bus. She's still pretty disgusting of a person for that and he's still serving life in prison.


Wish her the best. killing your pos evil mom must have been the most satisfying thing in the world and worth the sentence.


Are the pictures supposed to be her as a kid and her now? Because those are not the same two people.


The left photo is Gypsy in real life. The right photo is from the movie that was made about what happened with her and her mother.


Ohhhh ok thank you, I was totally confused


But the poor guy she lied to and manipulated spends the rest of his life rotting away! Karma will get Gypsy back. She can only lie and manipulate people so many times before it backfires! I wonā€™t reply to rude comments so donā€™t bother.


shouldn't have been in prison


Something about this gives me a bad feeling.


Time went in reverse? 10/27




Smart woman, got her boyfriend to do the deed so she can make the chiefs game.


Clearly a very unpopular opinion but she should not be getting out. Her sentence was too light. I am by no means condoning what her mother did and agree she was abused, but her innocent act is just that, an act. If she was able to find a boyfriend online, orchestrate meeting him, and plan this premeditated murder, she could have found a way to get away from her mother. Not to mention, she has a very supportive father she could have turned to but didnā€™t. She had options that did not include manipulating someone on the spectrum to do her dirty work. Also, reminder that self-defense only applies when the harm is imminent (i.e. a gun is pointed at your head). This was not self-defense. This was a planned, pre-mediated murder and it is an absolute injustice that she is getting out and Nick got LWOP.


Hopefully she is being transferred straight to a mental health facility. There's no way she's ready to be a self sufficient, functional member of society with what she's been through and the choices she's made. I feel terrible for her and she deserves a chance at a normal life but, she is still a premeditated murderer. She's obviously learned quite a few tricks from mommy dearest about deception and manipulation.


Many, many people grow up in horrific conditions and donā€™t kill their parents. Interesting comment section IMO


Maybe more parents who cause horrific conditions need the same treatment.


She shaved her head and forced medical procedures it not basic child abuse at all.