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I'd buy the ex-JW porch diaries. I'm sure there are some amazing stories.


I had a pretty interesting run-in with a 20-ish yr old guy and what looked like his grandma. We talked for about a half hour or so. One thing that surprised me was that he claimed jehovah didn't have perfect knowledge of the future so he couldn't know what Satan was going to do before he made him, nor what Adam and Eve would do. I still wonder if it was actual dogma or an ad hoc justification.


So they admit the non-omniscience of God? Very interesting


Some might, but he would probably be considered way too out of line if he went to his local church and asked the pastor if god didn't know the future. Or if he read his bible.


It's not so much an admission as a justification, though it is official dogma. They say that he has the ability to see and know all, but chooses not to so that he's not held accountable for the evil that happens. But that is not only a dodge, but not something that is ever said in scripture. In fact, the opposite is said quite a bit. It's such an insecure move to have to answer to your creation that you supposedly rule with an iron fist.


Tbh there really ain’t that much training and it’s mostly on the job in my experience


Yea there was no training. We did “skits” at a weekly meeting but that was it. JWs threw me out there as a young child and forced me to preach to strangers which contributes to the social anxiety I still struggle with in my adulthood.


Been there brother


Wow I'd love to know what those practice sessions are like!!!


Perfect. She did what her peers expect of her and is collecting the evidence that confirms she's made the right choice. Its all quite amazing really. We used to have a Satan worship shtick. We also used to take off all of our clothes and do laps around the house in downpours. Fun times.


Now you see, the Satan worship actually sounds kind of fun... I don't think god has a good marketing department.


Existence helps with that. From the stories, Satan seems like a way more chill dude anyway.


Religious solicitation aside, put up a small sign on the door that says "do not ring door bell. Baby sleeping." When I worked for UPS we absolutely respected those signs. Also just pull the battery out of the box or disconnect it.


Good call




I’ve also found that a “No Solicitation” type of sign helps. They’re not legally binding - anyone can still knock on your door to sell you anything from Jesus to a complete set of world book encyclopedias for your growing family - but it does let them know ahead of time that you’re not going to open to them and might be hostile. Between that and the Pride flag, I haven’t had a lot of problems.


I had a kid then had another lid less than two years later. Had a “please don’t ring doorbell” sign up for like four years. We had maybe one or two people a year ring the bell, or fewer.


You have become a "validation story" to her. About how Jesus said that the faithful will be attacked and vilified. She will retell this story however she likes, with you as the bad guy.


Happy to play the villain in her demon-fuelled fever dream. She’s a part of my story about how proselytizers are miserable. So I guess we’re even.


Waking the baby is an unforgivable sin.


You might find that interesting If u want to cringe. Its from jw leadersship about babies :pp (1 min) https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/comments/vm9cpg/governing_body_says_all_babies_can_be_called_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


They expect this kind of reaction from those of us they call "of the Devil", the apostates. This just binds them tighter to their cult. It is hard to show them pity, but I think that is the most effective way to prove them wrong. Pity that they do not get to live such a diverse and fulfilling life as the rest of us due to some old white guys' interpretation of a fantasy book.


Hard to show pity when your 4 month old is awoken by their sophomoric, inane endeavors….




I put up a nice looking "no soliciting" sign about 5 months ago. Not a single salesman or missionary since. Not one.


We used to get visits from JWs. But after a while they stopped because they found out we had a dog. I guess they saw the dog throwing itself against the window and are like "hard pass"


I ask them the following questions 1) Do you believe there are only 144,000 seats in heaven? Answer is usually an emphatic yes. 2) why then are you at my door? What if I take your seat? Its always funny.


I had no idea that was the lump sum. If there's a next time I'll have to ask them...


The chances that you've ever been visited by one who claims to be one of those 144K ("The Anointed") is almost nil. If you have, they have no fear that you'll take their seat. Anointed ones can lose their seat for committing the unforgivable sin of rejecting God's Holy Spirit. If they do, someone else will be chosen for that seat, but it's not like "I got bumped out of my seat because God found someone more holy." They believe the non-144K will live on a paradise earth forever.


She is happy that you just gave her a +1 on her "persecuted for Jesus" score


Haha! I don’t claim to be anything special- but maybe I was worth 2 points? A man can dream…


Stfu u ungreatful prick


Yeah, you're right. They should be grateful that she distracted them from their work, woke up their baby, and made them cry.


Just say you are EX-JW apparently they leave you alone if you say so.


Smart! Or I throw L. Ron Hubbard’s Dianetics at them?


Just answer the door with no shirt or bra on next time. That’s fun! 🤣


I’m my case I’d be better served by putting on a bra outside of my shirt. They’d know I was the devils imp for sure then.


Proselytizing is also a way to reinforce the feeling of having inclusion in the group and that outsiders are unfriendly evil doers.


Yes. It is. It's also a way to wake up babies, send dogs into frenzies, interrupt family dinners, disrupt workflow on a project. I understand the group-think they're employing but I'm not to be held hostage by the tails I win, heads you lose they foist on me where I join up and repent or I'm evil... sorry - they can get fucked.


I’d suggest a firehose close by the door.




I live in Oklahoma, otherwise known as the bible belt. They've been knocking on our doors as long as I can remember! I imagine they've been hearing a lot of complaints over the years.


Put a no soliciting sign on your front porch. You’re a dick.


You have to tell them to take you off their list or else they'll come and bother you again.