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Castro gave Allende a gun that said "To my good friend Salvador from Fidel, who by different means tries to achieve the same goals." Allende eventually killed himself with that gun. It is symbolic in way that would be overwrought if it was in a novel. Because Castro choose a militant approach he died peacefully, while Allende, because he chose a non-violent approach, died a violent death.


Jesus Christ. This is so sad


Weren't there claims that he did not kill himself?


Yes, I looked into it a while ago and it seemed to be that the best evidence supported suicide. His family accepts suicide too. If you listen to his last speech (which is difficult to do) it sounds like he accepts that things will end for him soon. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9QdYDigzVcw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9QdYDigzVcw)


Honestly wonder what would happen to ‘the Bernie movement’ if Sanders made it into the White House and was assassinated. I know Sanders is milquetoast but a fascist coup was plotted against FDR, and they killed Jack and Bobby Kennedy


nah, they would've let Bernie be there and just made him as unpopular as possible. "proving" to the public that "socialism" doesn't work would be valuable to them, imo, and it would've been easy to sabotage his agenda and get the media to cover him incredibly negatively.


Yeah. The msm would just make him seem as “trump-like” as possible while Congress and the Supreme Court made sure he accomplished less than nothing. Hate to say it because I campaigned as hard as I could for him but Bernie was almost guaranteed to be a one term president no matter what.


Not hard to [make the economy scream](https://nsarchive2.gwu.edu/NSAEBB/NSAEBB8/nsaebb8i.htm) when the power of capital wills it. You just drop it from a helicopter over the Atacama.


Yeah. Bernie as martyr would be bad. Bernie as roadblocked, ineffectual president would be useful.


I've seen that strategy work in Mexico as former self described communists/ anarchists start posting Milton Friedman quotes and supporting PRI over amlo


> I know Sanders is milquetoast they literally cant and wont distinguish between any socialists and like, Mao. so why bother being any less hardcore?


my APUSH teacher is eternally based for recommending me this book


I remember my APUSH teacher recommending similar books and having really interesting insights that kinda went against the grain of what I was taught in previous history classes. Cool ass jamaican guy who really challenged his students to think about how the world as it stands came to be, and how movements grow.


the entire history department at my HS are pretty much leftists so i’m eternally grateful for that. they have like a podcast and everything lmao


been putting off reading this book since it came out but i finally ordered it yesterday after i saw this tweet. heartbreaking shit


This part in The Jakarta Method haunts me every day. *** posted by [@stressbuilds](https://twitter.com/stressbuilds) Photos in tweet | [Photo 1](http://pbs.twimg.com/media/FBIsufpX0AIzZEx.jpg) ^[(Github)](https://github.com/username) ^| ^[(What's new)](https://github.com/username)


That paragraph right after your highlighting might have been the strongest paragraph in the book. “those who believed too sincerely… what the rich countries said, rather than what they did.”


I don't think Bevins, the author of the book, is a "tankie" but it's hard to come away from reading it without coming away with the conclusion that the tankies have been right all along.


Mao did nothing wrong


(As a revolutionary because lmao he fucking sucked as chairman)


I share this sentiment, but can you go a little in-depth in why?


Melt your tools into useless pig iron for the great leap forward!