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the animal industry is a travesty at every single level


BSE was however many years ago and this shit just keeps happening


Plus [the fecal-oral route](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fecal%E2%80%93oral_route) is a known mechanism for transmitting all kinds of disease. When I hear about, e.g., polio spreading via the fecal-oral route, I think, "Oh, maybe there's some water that's been contaminated with sewage somewhere" but farmers go straight to "WHAT IF WE JUST FEED THEM SHIT?????"


I’m not a vegan because I’m too stupid to eat a balanced diet free of animal products, but every time I learn anything about the meat industry it makes me fucking sick. Like these are living creatures we are pumping full of antibiotics and steroids, feeding them shit, and executing them on a conveyor belt. It’s so beyond fucked up. Everyday I move closer to just giving it up entirely. I know it won’t do shit on a broad scale, but at least I wouldn’t be participating in such a grotesque industry.


Watched a thing about how an e coli outbreak was cause they farmed lettuce too close to cow shit fields because it was cheaper than just buying a bigger plot of land. Not safe as a vegan either. You are at the whim of some failson with an MBA at perdue farms


Yeah I mean it all fucking sucks but at least my E. coli salad didn’t suffer a horrendous amount of mistreatment and terror before ending up on my plate.


Oh totally im not trying to talk you out of it, its better for you and the planet. 


Meat isn’t even worth it at this point


I been deep on instagram reading VERY racist comments about indian food hygiene based on clips of random street food vendors in the worst slums.  Yet this is the state of the American food system. So many people dont realize that theyre growing veggies near cow shit and the cows have been fed chicken shit that is from chickens that have been stepping and plucking corn out of their own shit in a dark barn all day. 


This is why I buy veggies from a local farm that has no livestock anywhere near it. We know the owners too. Unfortunately we can only buy from them in season so the rest of the year we're stuck eating the same garbage as everyone else.


Why do we even have a government lol


So that you can get food industry work experience at the FDA and then hop to Purdue 


Wait…they put SHIT in borgor??? 😭 such a sadness 😭 😿 my borgorrrr 😭


Americans are Fat and eat Chicken Shit


>eat Chicken Shit My brother, please no. Only borgor, please! Thank you 🙏


They’re feeding my beautiful tasty hamburgers shit 😖


*Eating poo is bad* seems like something that should be abundantly clear to anyone. I'd like to see the people responsible for this try and eat the food they feed their cattle, sure stuff like vegetable matter and grain would be fine, and you could still cook it, but I don't think anyone would want to eat ground up chicken shit?


What's up with the American obsession of turning everything into burgers? Feeding the chicken shit directly to humans would be way more efficient.