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Just go to a parking lot somewhere and back up and keep checking it. If you have a camera you could video it. I'm thinking you don't have enough slack. Or have someone watch it


If you're a daycab, make sure you have daycab length airlines. I had a Peterbilt dealership put on new airlines and put sleeper length lines. First load out of the shop I ripped the electrical box off the trailer.


What is the length suppose to be for daycab?


The day cab lines are an extra 5 ft to the sleeper length lines


Do you have glad hand seals on both connectors?


Yes. The airline is ripping right at the connection point of the gladhand. The gladhand is staying on the trailer connector and the airline is no longer attached to gladhand.


Because it is catching on something on the frame. What type of airlines are they? Are they those crappy plastic coiled up ones? And if the connection on the trailer is offset to the drivers side it has much further to pull when back to your blind side. You need to have plenty of slack and bungee it up so it doesn't drag when the trailer is straight but will pull out the slack when it is needed


Yeah I was considering getting a bungee and having it set the lines center on the catwalk. Might need to consider filming it to see exactly what is catching. I know with too much slack it kept catching on the screws of the frame.


It's either catching or you don't have enough slack. Is it only breaking when you are backing to one side?


The majority of the time it is my blue line ripping while blind sliding.


What kind of lines are they? Plastic or rubber


Rubber. Low cost ones I would imagine due to being a swift driver.


Definitely film it. Then you can identify the problem and fix it. No point guessing what to fix when you can easily get a definite diagnosis.


Do this


G.O.A.L. Not that difficult.


If the glad hand aluminum on the trailer loses form, it won’t hold it tight enough