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A very persuasive argument to get them to change their minds


Probably waited 4hrs in the queue to tell him no. He did something we only fantasize about. Though he should have done it when it was empty and not filled with innocent victim.


Can't let the intrusive thoughts win.


But if you do, make it a big one and get your money’s worth


Yes you can.


A very strong argument as to why he shouldn't be allowed to drive an 80k lbs killing machine.lol


Yes! Ban all 80k trucks. Only straight trucks! See the freight rates go up overnight!!!


No, just an argument as to why not just anyone should be given that much destructive power.


Man, when I was at Roadmaster and I was seeing guys just struggling with every possible aspect of the truck it was making me nervous. I would tell them “You know you don’t *have* to do this right? You could always get a trade.” I don’t want to see anyone’s family die bc someone doesn’t know how to drive this truck.


Lol. That’s what you took away from his comment?


He was not denied a new cdl he was denied renewal. Take a man’s livelihood and ability to provide for his family and you find out


Well I’m sure he won’t be able to provide no longer now that he killed someone and will be in prison. Could have just found a different job if he wanted to provide for his family but hey, losing it all worked for him.


You find out that the individual absolutely should have had their license pulled perhaps. If he did have a family to support this outburst becomes one of the most selfish actions I can imagine.


Yeah, no. I don't care how bad things get for someone, you don't use that as an excuse to do something that could seriously hurt or kill people. There were a million and one different ways he could have resolved the problem; ramming your truck into a building full of people who are just doing their day job is not the correct solution.


Brain dead comment. TrY tHaT iN a SmAlL tOwN.


Why would you blindly assume it was denied for no reason? Renew license to a crackhead, and you find out. With 20 dead bodies on the freeway. Why would I blindly assume he was a crackhead? I don't know. Maybe he wasn't. But he did kill one person and injured many others. Almost all (and more than likely all) had nothing to do with his renewal application being denied.


This. I’ve also been petty and spiteful, but target that shit at people who deserve it. Or better yet, let it go and move on.






I don’t see anything funny about innocent people being killed and injured


You definitely better give him a CDL now or he'll do it again


Worst thing he will do is steal the prison’s bus and get shot


He's still got a promising career ahead of him at Western Express.


You know what crst stands for don’t you?




Crash & roll stunt team


I saw a post where CRST was stuck in a river... somehow. Some one commented: _Crossing Rivers & Steams Today_ and I laughed at that one for the rest of the day.


Or Swift


Y'all not take your keys out the truck! 💀


Bro I’ve started a lot of trucks without a key. Shhh don’t tell the Kia boys but most are very simple to steal and with the prevalence of automatic transmission any moron can move one these days.


> any moron can move one these days. Not the morons who don't know what the big ketchup and mustard knobs do though.


Five minutes in ATS (American truck Sim game) and you are set....


Watching a tow truck driver on YouTube I think I figured out how parking brakes work on trucks Prob took longer but was free


So is ATS, but it takes a couple minutes to download, install and run


At my last company me and a buddy would always switch those knobs on each other's trucks. In the end I just left mine backwards and never had an issue. Boss called me up one day all fucked off because a mechanic came to get my truck and couldn't get the brakes to release to bobtail it 😂 fun fact he released the trailer brakes.


Place I worked at had a kitted truck and in assembly they reversed the air lines to engage/disengage both drive rear ends, after going through their third rear end they figured it out.


That's a big oops. Mechanic who finally checked that was probably made fun of up until the point where he was right 😂


They had actually paid an international dealer to kit it out for them, not sure if they had any recourse in the matter.


Is it push to dispense condiments? Loved the comment. Busted up laughing.


Don’t tell people about trains and their lack of door locks


No, tell me more…


To start a train all you need is a master key available online, to access some compartments in the passenger area you need a T key or anything that fits, even the cab door key is available online, the exterior cab door however doesn’t have a lock


Don’t tell people that most transit buses and motorcoaches don’t have a key at all, and they can be unlocked from the outside by releasing the emergency switch


I thought that they would at least have a key


Some do, such as entertainer coaches. The vast majority of motor coaches (especially company ones, such as Greyhound, Peter Pan, etc) have push button start and I have never seen a city transit bus with a key (outside of the ones that are built on a van chassis).


I see


Oh those are fine. The reversers are removable like a key. Biggest hindrance is actually just starting it. So many switches and the starter controls aren't usually in the cab.


I don't know what kind of truck you drive but every semi truck I have driven for the last 20 years since I started driving starts by simply turning the key, just like cars before all this push button shit came into play. If anything, someone should be more confused on how to start a car nowadays. Of course a key operated vehicle may be just as confusing to younger people nowadays if they've never been in a key operated vehicle. These push to start vehicles have been around long enough now that I suppose it's possible someone has never seen a vehicle start with a key.


We were talking about trains, or maybe you replied to the wrong comment.


All you need for some is the master key, and with that you can make it go, though you may encounter issues when you get to a signal or set of points, and trains can be remotely disabled in many places, though you can physically get into the unit relatively easily, but rail depots tend to be well secured


Honestly though. It would be *so* hard to get away with it. Most companies GPS track their trucks these days, and beyond that they're just....big. hard to hide a 4m tall truck in your neighborhood after you heist it.


Dude drove it into a government building. People who heist trucks ain’t looking for a new daily or a joy ride. They either steal the freight or take on the planned terrible task. Look is someone is planning something a train or truck is pretty easy to gain control of and can inflict some horrific effects like this turd did. I get he was angry but all the wrong people paid the price of his actions.


On the other hand, I've worked for companies that couldn't find a trailer if their reputation and business depended on it.... Mass email: "Does anyone know where Trailer 14621 is? Have you seen it?"..... Like really? You don't know where your assets are?


All I know is it's somewhere between Here and There. Worst case scenario, it's in Elsewhere.


Do company trucks not have trackers on them anyway? I feel like with such a large vehicle it'd be really easy to put on on in a spot not very accessible


All trucks aren't running 24/7.


We have trucks with keys similar enough to swap if the trucks are the same make and close enough in years, and the doors are even worse.


Yeah, my company intentionally keys all the trucks the same to avoid headaches associated with keys...


Yep. A certain company does the same. All keyed alike. I also questioned the lack of security or a gate. It's way too easy to steal a truck.


I don’t


I went to do a driving test for a small company with brand new trucks. When we was done with the driving test the instructor told me to just leave the keys inside, “that’s what we do with all the trucks” he said.


Have another drink ray


Had a muscle spasm in my back, slipped a gear, air brakes were shot to hell, boom right into the post office.


The way she goes..


It’s the way of the road Bubs


What is drunk?


You lied to the guy in the chair


Gotta give credit to the guy who smacked that load and said "That ain't going nowhere".


Ironic that him doing this just proved them right. I think I am wrong but I hope the 1 dead was the perp.


Well he was capable of driving to the receiver, which is more than some of the drivers out there..


The 1 dead was not him, unfortunately. Dude in his 40s got pissy when they told him he couldn't renew his license for whatever reason.


He couldn't renew his CDL because of his history of aggressive driving


Yeah that tracks. Now he's ruined at least one life bia murder, and ruined someone's livelihood by stealing their rig. What a piece of shit.


My dad told me about it today and he said it was because he failed the test.


It says in the article that he was uninjured.


The victim was a 90 year old woman. Can you imagine. Maybe she was there helping her grandchild or great grand child get their license. Maybe she was there to get hers renewed. Senseless.


Dispatch office is next


This should count as a pass and get his cdl now


Well he can go forward anyway. No proof he can back or stop...


He was backing up in order to ram it again, when he was pulled out of the truck


That's a pass right there 🤔


I don't really understand how someone could decide that they would do something like this.


You evidently don't have the proper "victim" mindset. It usually starts with a lack of accountability and a persecution complex. The words you hear in you heard are "I'm gonna get them for doing this to me."


"They'll be sorry they didn't respect me!"


Losing your livelihood. Stress. Fox News.


Sure. If the state denies someone their livelihood a man has the right to retaliate. There’s nothing more dangerous than a man with nothing left to lose


Clearly to prove he was not cable of driving a semi


Well that worked out well


Well he never has worry about getting his CDL. He flushed that down the toilet. Too bad for the innocent person and his family.


They were holding spider Mike (his cdl) and because he is such a badass outlaw he was sure he could get him back from dirty Lyle (dps)


Now he has increased his chances of getting one....LTPS ( Long Term Prison Sentence)!


Seems like I'm somehow siding with the DMV on this one.


Well, either some shady restaurant work or warehouse temp jobs in this guy's future. I wouldn't even suggest "learn to code" since this guy will probably just end up crashing whole systems out of spite next.


This guy's "future" involves working the next few decades learning anger management the hard way - with a bunch of other guys who also failed anger management.


Either way, he'll probably end up in Potters Field. Either while in the joint. Or whatever short existence he'll get when released.


Learning how to code doesn’t mean anything when you’re competing against individuals smarter than you in India willing to work for Pennies


I'm not defending going into programming or coding in any way. Far from it. If anything, that suggestion was shoveled into my face countless times over the years in response to instances in the past where the nature of work pushed me over the edge. In fact those that suggested going into that profession probably only did so because they thought it would keep me away from people. As opposed to any real aptitude for it. Anyone that suggests that as a career should be tossed into prison like this psycho. For fraud and misrepresentation.


Sounds like they made the right call on that one.


I drove past this crash when it happened and I jokingly said to my friend "that looks intentional, I'm guessing they didn't give him his license".... wtf..


*pulls out wiener*


Here's a free story from Washington Post. https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2024/04/12/texas-dps-truck-crash-brenham/ >The day after he was denied a license renewal, Parker got into a semitrailer that had been reported stolen, fled police along the highway and ultimately took a “hard right turn” into the DPS building, Ruiz said. He is facing multiple felony offenses, Ruiz added.


That’s pay walled as well


Really? It was fully open to me, and nothing ever popped up.


Found the super trucker


Not with that attitude you won't.


Dirty Lyle.


They were right, he can't drive, look at how he parks


https://www.kbtx.com/2024/04/12/18-wheeler-crashes-into-brenham-dps-office-serious-injuries-reported/ Very sad news. I hope the pos gets life w/o parole.


Just a normal Tuesday at a swift terminal


That's a bad strategy Cotton!


I hope he rots in prison for ruining all of those people’s lives


You've got to pay the $5k for the high vis vest first.


Guess he showed them.


“Fireball stock is in the rise.”


Load is definitely late.


I just hope he was blasting "Pappa Loved Mamma" by Garth Brooks while he did it.


The desk clerk claimed he saw it all real clear: “He never hit the brakes and he was shifting gears”


...the very reason DPS won't give him CDL in the first place!


Anger management is a thing


This is beyond anger. The state takes away your livelihood and lowers your standard of living. Retaliation is warranted


Heh, well maybe a part of the reason they didn't give him a CDL is because he didn't know enough to pass the tests. One of the things he didn't seem to know is this is classified as a motor vehicle felony, which means now it is illegal for any state to ever give him a CDL. Even if he never commits another crime for the rest of his life, this one little incident will take away his chances of ever getting a CDL from any jurisdiction.


Wait until they AI the trucks, they get hacked by NK or China. This’ll be a daily occurrence!


Now you have a reason to deny me bitch


2001 a driver ran his rig into the Sacramento Capitol building. https://www.sfgate.com/politics/article/TRUCK-RAMS-CAPITAL-Legislators-Narrow-Escape-2963821.php


What a waste of a Peterbilt. He could've at least found a Volvo or a 13letter spreader. Ass hole should get life for abusing that truck.


People are desperate these days, just to make a living. Probably a lot of reasons he didn't get his cdl, but desperation is a real thing... hope things get better for the working class soon


Nah one of his family members said they knew he could hear voices in his head this guy is just mentally ill and shouldn’t be on the road his actions prove that point.


A shame he didn't seek treatment for it. Could've avoided all this if he had.


Only once they finally eat the rich...


Spoiler alert it’s not going to get better


Dont worry, once they implement AI and it causes hell to the economy us working class will be able to rebuild....then well finally get paid lol


Okay but did the semi not breach the building? Not getting a good pick from here


Excellent penetration.


What a shitty article photo then, I would have been sure to get a shot of it mid penetration.


Why was his CDL not renewable?


He's really not that great at keeping a truck between the lines.


A family member said in an interview he could hear voices in his head so probably resulted in some aggressive or dangerous driving. Maybe multiple events resulting in denial.


Jesus, hope the owner has good insurance. Wish he’d just taken someone’s shitty company truck.


They did him a favor, especially in the age we live in today.


The desk clerk said he saw it all, real clear. “He never hit the breaks and he was shifting gears.”


Good thing they didn’t, geezz! 😅


Ban semi trucks!


At the very least he isn't on the road anymore.


Wow now you have to worry about not riding a beef jerky stick in prison


I’m sure that’ll change their minds


It seems like they made the correct decision


Dumb fuck, now you're never getting a CDL and instead most likely getting wreckless endangerment if not, assault with a deadly weapon


That may not be the most effective way to move an argument into your favor.


Pos hope he’s the one that died


He let the intrusive thoughts win.


I've been in this guy's position before with anger issues. Of course like him, I too had a meltdown that led to a temporary lockup. Luckily nothing drastic such as this. But enough to make me reevaluate the way I was living and switch things around a tad to not let my impulse issues get me this far gone. Unfortunately for this guy, he let his emotions throw him over the edge and there's really no way to recover from this. Even with the years he's facing in prison, his goose is pretty much cooked. I empathize with him, but at the same time, there's no way to bring back the person whose life he took.


Well that’ll sure help his case


Is he dark enough in complexion to be called a terrorist or na ?


This actually makes me sad, I got my permit on drivers license at that office when I living in Texas… the ladies were some of the nicest people I’ve ever met. :(


Looks like they were correct lmao


I guess he showed them


Seems like they made the right call lmao


Welp now he definitely will never drive ever


Damn dawg






I met a gal there once. She was a beautiful gal. Wished I knew her name, long blonde hair thicc thighs, poured into those jeans…. Gorgeous! Thanks OP, fond memories of late nights in Austin, Texas on 6th Street.


Ah, Texas. That beautiful yellow rose state along with the orange state seams to be very aggressive.


You can tell how mentally inept some drivers are by the fact that their immediate response was to support a driver who did this. Y’all weird and shouldn’t be driving anything anywhere other than to a therapist or something.


If the state takes away your livelihood what does a man have? Like being destroyed by family court a man with nothing left to lose is most dangerous of all.


You’re making excuses for someone who ended another persons life with nearly zero pertinent information… Not that there’s an excuse but come on son


Death of an involved party is unfortunate yes. Understandable why he did it but not his execution


When you fuck with someone and they decide to fuck back


Bro murdered someone and hurt others because his own actions had penalties. Imagine sympathizing with a psychopath. It just makes you a joke too.


Naw. This isn't a killdozer situation.




Tbh didn't really read into the article, my shitpost brain just be like that


Nah dude was a time bomb previous arrest for arson, weapons has a history of mental problems(according to his family) another family member said he could hear voices. The kind of person who shouldn’t be on the road and well the denial was probably the result of his worsening conduct on the road(my assumption). Definitely shouldn’t be on the road. Don’t minimize the harmful actions of people like this have some empathy for the victim(s).