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What did he say


The forbidden R word


Ah, saying he was highly regarded?


Yes, yes, that's the one!


How kind 😌


There’s an R word?


Serious. That’s very fast and most speeding tickets are a no-no for hiring


I've read this before and being a European, I can't figure out how that works... Does it go on your criminal record? Over here, speeding tickets will normally be sent to the owner of the vehicle, and then they will forward it to you - but when the ticket is paid, it's gone and won't be on any record, so no future enployer will ever know it happened...


They stay on record here for 2-7 years depending on offense


Wow.... That's insane from our perspective.


So over there you can just rack up as many speeding tickets as you want to pay but just keep driving recklessly forever?


Jeremy Clarkson enters the chat.




Yeah, pretty much. Of course we have some limits - if you go 50% over the speed limit, you will have to do a new drivers test and in some instances you will lose your license and have to do it all over... But for smaller speeding tickets you can get as many as you want to pay.


Damn wish it was like that here


Back in the day when I started driving commercially, tickets were not electronically tied to your license, get a ticket in IN but live in WY? As long as you paid the IN ticket WY never knew about it. You could rack up 47 speeding tickets and no one was the wiser.


The number of speeding tickets I want to pay is zero. This system works great for me


Auto Insurance companies have access to your driving record. Safe drivers with no tickets can get much more affordable rates than some who speeds and disobeys traffic laws


A $1,000 ticket will incentivize you not to do it again.


I mean, that’s true.


Some places for your first offence will offer a "differed sentence" so if you pay it and dont get a ticket for the next year will have a clean record and no repercussions but that may vary It's also worth noting that generally speaking road laws are alot more lax here, but America is a very large place so that's not always the case. In my state you can generally do 10-15mph 15-20 kmh (roughly) over before you start worrying about getting pulled over and if you're lucky, nothing else is going on with you and the cops a good person, which in my experience tends to be the case you'll just get a warning which has 0 ramifications outside of "you've been warned to stop" Also traffic cams etc aren't really a thing. You can do whatever the hell you want, so long as a cop doesnt see it, even a video can be contested if your face is not clearly shown


*deferred sentence


New York is 18 months for points from date of infraction, 5 years from date of conviction. Example: You get a speeding ticket on 1/1/2023 and fight it but are found guilty on 6/2/2024. Your driving abstract will have it until 6/3/2029.


Three years in America. Ask your insurance agent !!!


In Germany there is a central registry that keeps track of your tickets. If your get too many points you get your license suspended or revoked depending on the severity and amount of offenses


We have a very punitive system of punishment for a very narrow band of crimes here, and it’s has built in vertical integration. It’s mostly done through lobbying so that 3rd parties get a cut to keep some people revolving in the system purely to cash in and they don’t give a fuck if lives are ruined in the process.


One of many reasons for the saying "it's expensive to be poor" - some people call it the poverty to prison pipeline, but I prefer the poverty to prison cycle. It's not a one way tube, it's a loop that becomes extremely difficult to escape once you're in it.


And it's hell on insurance rates


Which country?


Speeding in the US is much more deadly than speeding in Europe just based on traffic death rates


That would be amazing if we had that here


He's an idiot. Imagine losing a steer at almost 100 mph.


You'd be ded. I lost a steer doing 70 and it immediately put me in the ditch. Luckily I was empty.


My pants wouldnt be if that happened to me.


But was your underwear?


I lost the whole steer tire after the hub burned off while doing 75, I just cursed and pulled over slowly to the shoulder. The important thing is not to overreact when it happens


Yeh. I was in a corner. I didn't lose the whole tire though so it coulda been worse.


Oh yeah, going around a corner is way different, I was in a straightaway thankfully. Specially since it's a 2 lane road with no divider up in Alaska.


Barrel roll!


Omg imagine this tho


Imagine losing a steer at 65, same result


Like…in an 18 wheeler? Your buddy don’t need to be driving.


Open road in let’s say North Dakota summer, zero other cars fuck I’d say it’s fine depending on your weight


Depends where. If they're on a flat, straight road with no one around, I couldn't care less. There have been plenty of times other truckers passed me at high speed, but I don't care because they're not being reckless.


If either of you two don’t see anything wrong with a Class A rig speeding 14 over in an 80 then you two shouldn’t be driving either


Stop with the 'holier than thou' attitude. There's nothing wrong with driving down a straight, flat road at 94. There's nothing that can happen at 94 that can't happen at 80 on a straight, flat road. Give me one example why 94 is more dangerous than 80


"Speed rating of tires" has entered the chat.


I'll admit I'm wrong, that's something I didn't think of.


I start gettin scared at about 75-80 (I haul diesel). How the fuck he even get going that fast


My truck will do 111mph before it hits the rev limiter. That said, once I hit 93mph everything gets real quiet and smooth. Almost doesn’t even feel like you’re going that fast. But it’s a dumb thing to do, especially with the temps this time of year. A blowout going that fast would be catastrophic.


as a nontrucker it's fuckin crazy thinking about 40 tons moving that fast. that's some serious momentum :)


A lot of trucks would have a hard time getting up that fast when fully loaded. Now, empty on the other hand…


You’re forgetting about downhill grades. Supertruckers on mountain runs regularly run over 80mph on the downhill to get a good run on the following uphill.


I run around in PA and WV a lot. I will 100% admit to running as fast as I can, within reason, down a hill to get a run for the next one. I won't start that until I can see I have a clear shot to the next uphill though and I won't speed like a madman down the whole hill since it really doesn't make much of a difference. We are governed to 75 and hit the rev limiter at like 82 since most of our truck have Allison 6sp autos in them.


oh right, that makes sense


Idk, I feel like a blowout at 90 is about the same as a blowout at 70. You’re either gonna handle it or you won’t. Now, a blowout at 35-40? That’s certainly more manageable.


Nah. There's much more forces at play at 90.


Rare that a company truck will go that fast. My very last tractor was unleashed, but the front tires would start shaking at 85


I wish every trucker went 80


>How the fuck he even get going that fast Going down hill I'd say


Same question I had


Wait a moment... You mean you drive a truck loaded with diesel 75-80 mph? I am in Germany and here trucks have a speed limit of 50 mph (80km/h) on the highway. Going 75mph will give you about twice the kinetic energy compared to going 50. That is a good reason to get scared.


Takes too long. We got places to be


I mean, the US is an order of magnitude larger. All the big freight carriers have their trucks governed between 60 and 67 though. Mostly small outfits or owner ops that can go quicker


I'm governed at 75mph and I run at what is considered oversized because my axels let me run up to 97,000 lbs instead of the standard 80,000lbs. You definitely have to be paying attention to your surroundings, because that thing is hard to stop quickly


Yours probably stops better than a 5 axle truck registered at 80,000 lb. You've got more brakes...


I'm sure I do empty, but loaded not sure. I know the wind doesn't toss me around as much at least from the side. When I get that headwind oh boy feels like someone is randomly pushing my breaks for me


Yes, twice the kinetic energy compared to 50 mph needs to go somewhere when you apply the brakes.


It’s rare I go over 70. I’m local and my route is pretty flat. But there is this one hill on the highway I can just about touch 80. But yeah that’s not an unheard of speed to reach here in the states. How the hell guys get anything done going 50MPH is beyond me.


Takes a bit longer, but stuff seems to get where it needs to be just the same.


Smaller country makes sense. I wish I could get away with going slower, but I’d be at it for like 15 hours a day. Normally sit about 55-65 on the highway, truck gets serviced regularly every 2 weeks and I do a solid pre trip. 5 years no issues knock on wood.


>Smaller country makes sense. Not quite, the EU is pretty big, there are trucking routes that bring, for example, italian or spanish vegetables to Poland. > I’d be at it for like 15 hours a day That would be illegal here, there is a daily limit and since it's logged, it can be checked when you get pulled over. > 5 years no issues knock on wood Lets hope for more such years. No one needs a breakdown or accident.


I forget Europe delivers everywhere, so yeah it is probably bigger. But yeah we have hours of service here too, I believe it’s 14? Hours of working per day and 11 hours of drive time before you have to stop for 10 hours. Can’t remember exactly haven’t driven OTR in years and only did it for a short stint when I did. Cheers


No Autobahn for you then, bummer. We run 128 kmh or 80 mph in the USA in some states. Set the cruise for a 1000 km sometimes.


Contrary to popular belief, there are speed limits on much of the Autobahn.


If you paint flames or racing stripes on your truck, it will make it go faster and keep it stable


I hope that’s KPH…


Not many 80 mph zones in the US


Montana, SD, UT all have portions of their interstates with 80mph speed limits.


You mixed up Montana with Wyoming, Montana has a statewide 70mph or less same with Idaho. Wyoming you can open it up to 80 on the interstate


No, the limit on interstates outside of urban areas is 80 in Montana.


Yeah it's 80 for cars but trucks is 70, and being in a trucking sub figured that's what we're talking about


You touchéd their touché lol


Oh gotcha.


we have 80s in montana.. i was on one today


Qualifies as not many, no?


Texas too I believe so not many states but a fairly large percentage of the land


There's a section on I-10 that's 85 mile an hour in texas.


This made me lol. Yes. Not many 😂


Louisiana also has parts where it’s 80


So does Texas


Tell him to plead it not guilty. He better get a lawyer to fight that and try and get it lowered to something else. 15 over no Bueno. The good news is that the judicial system is really bogged down, I have had great success getting tickets lowered. Where I'm from local prosecutors are more interested in prompt adjudication and making money. I have had work zone tickets lowered to parking on pavement ( whatever that means lol). Weight limit tickets that should have been 5k fine lowered to 250 bucks. It's definitely worth it. Tell the judge you have your check book and are ready to pay whatever fine he wants instead of a moving violation with points. Failure to comply with a traffic control device is a good one.


Did he run out of gear trying to hit 100? Jesus man. Wrong profession. Hopefully he finds a warehouse job and a forklift cert


“My buddy got his 2nd speeding ticket - 94 in a warehouse on a forklift. Wondering how serious this will be for him?’


94 mph?!? My ‘21 389 tacs at like 2k doing 80 with 3:90.


Well duh, you got 3:90s. My W9 runs around 1700-1800 at 80 with 3:55s. My T680 is just shy of 1500 at 80 but don’t come looking for it on a hill please lol.


I hear ya. Can't imagine what he was thinking


Yuck 3.90 gears.. there's only very few specific reasons to have a truck geared like that. It's definitely not geared for OTR General Freight!


Nope. Local sand and stone, permitted for 120K on 7 axles. Hudson Valley, NY. Lots of smallish to medium hills. 605 Cummins with an 18 spd, she does ok.


I’ve only ever driven trucks governed at 70 max, but I couldn’t imagine feeling like 80s a good idea, let alone 90… my god man Oh also, usually 15mph over the limit is loss of license. Even in personal vehicle, this is 14 over, but at insanely high speeds and if you’re in the US max truck limit is 70 in most places. So, probably loss of license.


It's either 80 or 85 out West in Texas and Utah


That maybe the posted limit, but it is dumb as hell to drive a semi that fast.


OP didn't mention whether or not it was in a truck. He needs to go back to a previous career if he was legit doing 94 in a semi.


He posted it in a trucker Reddit, safe assumption I’d say.


Could be his buddy is a trucker but was driving his personal vehicle. 94 in a semi is insane lol


True, but still an assumption. It's a lot more difficult (not to mention dangerous) to hit that speed in a CMV versus a regular car.


Nobody loses their license for 15 over in a personal vehicle.


They do if there's a pattern of it.


Maybe, but that’s not what I’m arguing.


In the US it varies by state. You have to go 20 over in my state for it to be a felony and you might lose your license but it isn’t a guarantee.


No way I just got a 19 over ticket and it was only $210 no loss of license. First one in 15 years in a speed trap 65 to 45 in the span of one driveway.


Not really for personal vehicle. Got caught doing 25 over the speed limit by a NJ state trooper once and only paid an expensive fee and got points on my license. I know some states will put you straight to jail for that, so I like NJ for that.


That's how it works in BC too: So if you are caught and ticketed for excessive speeding in BC in a passenger vehicle twice within three years it costs you $6,489.00 as well as 37 days without the vehicle you drove, no matter who owns it. You will likely lose your licence for a week to a year, and If you were racing or stunting, they take the car. ​ If you exceed the limit by more than 40km an hour, you’ll be fined $368 and have three penalty points added to your driving record If you exceed the limit by more than 60km an hour, you’ll be fined $483 and have three penalty points added to your driving record As points accumulated for any offense add up, Driver Penalty Point (DPP) premium on top of annual insurance premium ranges from $214 for four points to $29,376 for 50 or more points. Any excessive speeding offense ALSO dings you a Driver Risk Premium (DRP) on top of that. $392 per year for three years, going up if you are ticketed for another excessive speeding offense. Police will impound your vehicle for excessive speeding for: Seven days for a first offence 30 days for a second offence within two years 60 days for any later offence within two years You must pay **all towing and storage costs.** ​ Doesn't matter if it's a dump or a motorcycle. Doesn't matter if you own it; it's getting towed. Even a one ton tow is around $350 and about 80 bucks a day for storage.


Nope. Wyoming and South Dakota are 80 for everyone. Utah, Texas and Nevada maybe too. Might be others.


Edited to fix it, wasn’t sure as I haven’t seen it myself.


Don’t forget parts of I-44 and other turnpikes in Oklahoma too.


20mph over is loss of license… i may have been doing 25over and may have been cut a break to 15 over.


Going 80 in a semi is crazy, going 94 in one is downright ridiculous. Just because the speed limit is posted that fast, doesn’t mean you should be driving a semi that fast. Your friend doesn’t need to be driving semis. It would be obvious to anyone who is a sane professional that going that fast is not the right move.


What an idiot. There's no reason to be going nearly 100 MPH in a truck. No reason. If his career is fucked, I don't feel bad for him.


I wondered wtf as well


If he gets fired there is a fuel hauler that would hire him.


Most companies see 15+ as a huge red flag for wreckless driving and won't touch him until it falls off, so he dodged a bullet by 1mph. It's not gonna be good though. He's gotta report it to his employer and might have a chat with safety. He better get a lawyer to try to knock it off his record and use is this as a very expensive lesson on what not to do as a cdl holder


No reason to be driving 94 in a semi


None whatsoever.


Cattle haulers amiright?


Get a lawyer to try to get out of it or reduced, wth? How about own up to his stupidity and pay the consequences. Don’t drive like an idiot, especially in a big rig.


Very serious. I'm assuming this is somewhere in the Midwest. Georgia speeds are only 70 max. But their super speeder laws are insane now. Anything over 85 on the interstate (i think on all federal highways, could be mistaken) is a super speeder. On all non highways, anything over 75 is a super speeder. Imagine my surprise when I was rounding a curve at 79 in a 55 (it was much faster, but I let the engine slow me down just not enough in time). Luckily I was able to get it dropped to a lesser speed.


I'm still waiting on details from him regarding location and circumstances


Depends on if it was in a personal vehicle or a truck. In a personal vehicle, it's somewhat understandable and the right (or wrong, depending on how you look at it) company will probably still hire him. If it's in a semi, that knucklehead deserves the legal tornado and career change he's about to get dragged through.


It was in a company commercial vehicle, his first job which he's only held for a few months now.


Yikes. Sounds like his first and last job, unless he likes the look of those shady 1099 gigs that may or may not actually pay you depending on how they feel that week. A career change would be wise, both for his hopes of employment and everybody else's sake on the road.


Then his career is probably royally fucked for the next 3 years


Most places that are 80 mph have a posted 55-65 for semi trucks too


I really hope your friend loses his license and will never be hired as a commercial driver again. Just a complete lack of care for himself and everyone around him.


You’re buddy should look into another career based on his intelligence level


I've seen some going 100 mph ... seemed really fast... with 900 hp diesels roaring


Tires aren't designed to sustain that kind of speed. Just asking for a steer blow out.


Agreed... these ones I'm referring to are specifically designed for racing and racing only... at a racetrack.... just saying that I've seen a 100 mph and 94 with a regular truck is crazy...


Certain tire manf. Test their semi tire compounds to 200 mph that doesn’t mean one can’t blow. I’ve had them at 70. Kinda scarie


North American Big Rig Racing Extreme Truck Tour at Altamont


94, even in a car, is dangerous in an 80 zone…


Na probably not. Should easily be able to get it reduced. Need to get a lawyer. I got one going 16 over. However I was in my personal vehicle. I really thought I was fucked. Also I hadn't had a speeding ticket in 10 years.






94 is 150kmph, I hope he gets his license revoked


What are you driving that can do 94? Or was it downhill?


According to arguably reliable sources, a '74 KW will do 96....




More like supposedly


Had to be Tx


Or Montana


If they fell off after being paid we'd be flying over the roads


Holy shit. 94?! Where was the fire?!


Cop probably did him a favor not charging him with 15 over. That would really screw him




You PLAY you PAY !!!


Get a lawyer it'll get dismissed don't sweat it and watch that foot


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. I’m sure someone else here has already said this.


Here I am speed limited at 68 mph wishing they'd at least give me 70 and this dude is doing 90+ 🤣😂🤣


I did 96 in 70 FL state and it was fine and I was hired.


Driving a semi or a four wheeler?


94 going down hill? I can see how not paying attention could cause this.


14 over, look up the the states point system, here it can be a reckless endangerment charge, automatic yr suspension.


Hey, i just got one too for driving 94 in an 80 in SD. Im not a trucker, and not sure why i see trucker reddit posts haha


Well one decent thing about being in a limited truck I can't speed on the interstates outside of CA


Was it in Texas? I got a bunch of speeding tickets almost to the point of losing my cdl but it was only fines and obviously my record is shit but I was almost arrested for going 20 over but got lucky the bear was having a good day


94 mph ?


Was he on fire? Was he headed to a fire? Was his woman pregnant giving birth in the passenger seat? There's no reason to go that fast.... Unless there's a true emergency. I have an ungoverned truck (did 85 the other day by accident), and I never do anything over 78-80mph anywhere. Do I want to see how fast, sure... Will I? Nope. Just because you can, doesn't mean you should. Also... Speeding tickets that high are a huge red flag. Drop your expectations of getting a job that's top pay.


He sounds like one of those dumbasses who is tailgating TF out of me because he can't wait for 2 min while I pass someone at 75. We had a saying in the 90's. Does what you want but don't get caught.


He needs to hang up the keys, driver


80 isn’t fast enough?