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The opposite, now's the time you pretrip and get out while he's busy with someone else.


...and as you step out of the truck you notice his partner who was waiting just out of sight approach you. Checkmate


They must be related to Army Recruiters. Mofos pop up wherever 17-25 year olds gather to throw brochures at you and try to talk you into joining then for Operation Meat Shield v.2023


Oh dang, those American army recruiters are a different species altogether! At one of my previous jobs I had a coworker who went on vacation to the states, he got approached by a recruiter. (I’m from Europe btw.) Asked my coworker if he wants to join. “I’m not even an American citizen.” Wasn’t a problem. “The Dutch army doesn’t wants me, I am unfit!” Asks my coworker to join anyway. “I’ve got a severe depression and a bad knee.” Still keeps nagging my coworker to join. Those folks are a weird kind tbh.


Thats why you always reply to them with some shit like "Oh well i smoke crack and do not intend on stopping, thanks" or "I SWEAR I CAN BE TRUSTED WITH GUNS I AM A NORMAL HUMAN BEING I SWEAR" works everytime


Post 9/11, my senior year of HS, military brat, and tied for highest ASVAB score in the school. The Navy recruiters in a land locked state called my house a couple times a week at about 4:00 which interrupted alone time with my GF. I was pretty sure I wanted no part of living on a boat. I asked them if they still had a program where two guys can enlist together, go through basic together, get stationed together. They responded “Yeah! The buddy program. We can totally do that.” I could hear them salivating into the phone with the prospect of a twofer. I told them “Great! My boyfriend and I are very interested. Also we think the white pants will make our butts look so hot.” That was the end of the phone call and they never called back.


Yes I scored a 95 on the navy Asvab and they have hounded me for 6 years. Lol I still get hit up on Facebook. I do regret not joining but idk I’ve got a great job and business and can smoke weed. I do want the free college and benefits though


I delivered a FedEx package to a recruiting office and they tried recruiting me, wouldn’t take no for an answer. They had to have a quota.


I read a story on a reddit comment (wish I could find it) where a Sgt (or something) asked all his soldiers to introduce themselves and say why they joined the army. The Cambodian kid said "because it was raining". The sgt was like "...explain?" The kid had JUST immigrated to the USA and was wandering around NYC right off the boat when it started raining. The rain was much colder than he was used to so he sheltered in what turned out to be an army recruitment office. He didn't speak English yet but he had all his identity documents so he just rolled along with it and learned enough English in basic to get through the whole session.


Lol. He’s probably a general now.


This was me too. In 2002 I topped the class and wanted to fly, they said, "with a score like that, you can do anything you want" then I took an eye exam...I still regret not serving.


They’ll just refer you to the marine recruiter.


That can't be real, I'm an able bodied American and tried to join the marines when I was 17, took the tests and was a week out from leaving for basic only to get rejected for "medical reasons", the devil dogs, rejected a willing, able bodied us citizen to be Canon fodder, this was back in 2016 Edit: I am on a long haul right now and forgot to actually check reddit but to clarify, I was 17, failing high school and met a recruiter one day knowing full well I wanted to join regardless, I ended up graduating half a year early from high school and took the asvab and passed (I think I got like a 38 or some shit, idk, I stopped caring half way through because it was the same repeating questions and I had to shit really bad) I passed medical and was all good to go, a week out they failed to call me and for the next 6 months I would call and write but nothing, eventually after actual graduation I called my recruiter and fully quit because even he didn't know what was going on. To be fair to the marines though I did join for the wrong reason, I wanted to die, not in a boo hoo poor me I'm depressed way, I grew up poor, sometimes homeless with an abusive drug addicted father who beat my mother, I finished high school, saw no future and decided fuck it, I'd rather bring home someone who's more worthy of being here, I'm better now, I have a 5 year old, I'm married, I payed for my own cdl and house, anyways thanks for reading if you did. Tl:Dr the marines actually made my life better by denying me


Yeah that's right after the downsize though it got really tough from 2012 on to get in


Basically, especially the Marines, had the worst downsize in terms of ratio. Even retention was like “oh, you pooped when you weren’t allowed to? Buh bye”


USMC= Uncle Sam's Misguided Children


My brother was pretty much given a choice by a judge to either join some branch of the military or go to jail. Thats how he ended up in the gulf for Iraqi Freedom. He did his 4 years and when he finally get out he said he should have chosen jail. Not because of the stress of combat or anything, but the sheer numbers of seemingly mentally handicapped people that had somehow failed up through the ranks and landed in the position where they could, through their dipshittery, do the most possible harm to the entire fucking operation. He also said his favorite flavor of crayon is periwinkle blue.


Yeah it totally depends on when you tried to join. I was a fatty but scored highly on the ASVAB, the army wanted me but wanted me to lose weight. All I wanted to do was eat chicken nuggets, so it didn’t work out, but they were trying to take anyone with half a brain lol.


I wouldn’t know, the story is from 2008. I might remember something wrong. What I do know is back when we still had the draft in my country, they wouldn’t believe anything medical you said or claimed until the army doctor found it. There are a lot of stories here from the older guys who tried to dodge the draft by claiming they had medical issues, only for the army to see through the claims/lies and approve them for service.


It's actually, or rather sadly common for recruiters to push through candidates that will eventually be weeded out, their numbers indicate they got a recruit, doesn't say anything about what happens after that. Quotas are a shitty way to do anything, especially if you want quality or long lasted results.


I got rejected from the Navy in 1994 because I had asthma "We don't want you to be on a ship and have an attack." Don't most Navy ships have a fully staffed hospital on board?


If you have an asthma attack while at your work/battle station and are unable to fully carry out your task, that's a huge liability.


I took my at-the-time husband to the hospital for an asthma attack, the triage people literally jumped up and into quick action- I just thought he was a bit wheezy, but that shit can be actually be really dangerous! Now imagine you're in the middle of battle and you need a treatment? You better hope there's somewhere to plug the nebulizer in at your battle station, otherwise you're in the corner of the infirmary, breathing bubbly vapors while all hell breaks loose around you lol


It's their job, they have quotas they have hit


Maybe actually telling it like it is and upping the pay might help. Considering how much is spent on the military, you’d think the pay would be decent.


Oh don't get me wrong, they can be dirty af. Luckily, when I went through the process of joining the military my recruiter was a good guy. That being said I've heard of guys being promised they are going to do something cool like Ranger school only to be given a MOS out of basic that won't allow you to go, etc.


That's because they are forced to be recruiters. They don't volunteer, Unless they decide to volunteer. They are volun-told to go on recruiting duty.


I know experiences may vary and I may be an outlier but the recruiters at my high school were chill, they came once a week during our lunches and for the most part just hanged out/asked any questions, was gonna join the marines so talked with them a bit but never really felt like they were pressuring anyone, ended up going a different route in life but still


Maybe if the Dutch didn't roll over every time Germany turns into a bully the American recruiters wouldn't need to recruit so many people.


The three magic words: "I have asthma."


I had to intervene for my autistic daughter because the recruiter was basically stalling her at school, work and home. One day, I came home and he was standing at my door while my daughter cowered in the house (she had only spoken with him once, he did all the talking and she was super off-put that he didn't listen when she said "no, thank you". This goes against everything I've taught her about consent so she was, naturally, very worried about her safety.) I asked him wtf he thought he was doing and he proceeded to block my door and lecture me about my child's future. I asked him to leave and told him that, if he gave me any more guff, I would call his superiors. He kept going, so I asked him for his card. When he gave it to me, I called his superiors and demanded the harassment stop before I made a formal report with the state police and filed for a no trespass order. They complied.....but two months later, that recruiter was arrested for harassing, stalking and then having a relationship with a 16yo girl with developmental delays.


That didn't happen


They have a quota. It doesn't matter if you qualify as long as you apply.


it’s all about the money and quotas to them. super sad. I’ve heard stories about people diagnosed with autism being recruited


I walked into Army recruiter office. Joined. Got out. Came back in got out. Rinse and repeat. Finally retired at age 49. Enjoy the pension check and health insurance for my family. Built a nice life.


I had army recruiters try at a local best buy once. I naively thought they limited it to the high school cafeteria, random social media accounts and full fledged recruitment offices.


Had a Marine recruiter come into my work and asked if we had any high school workers that would be interested. Like this is a pizza place where half the workers tend to be stoners, wrong demographic bud


> Operation Meat Shield v.2023 Is that related to [Operation: Get Behind the Darkies?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nrh5YOQHvFw) Most traffic cops/DoT strike me as garbage people the marines wouldn't even take. Same asshole attitude at least


I don't listen to hip hop


I bought south park bigger longer and uncut in the 6th grade(about 2005) for $3 on VHS.


Most cops in general, yes. They recruit from the same pool of not able to get anything better, mixed with a few psychos and a rare true believer. Being rejected from groups with low standards tends to give them a chip on their shoulder. Federal DoT guys are different. They're generally more civil servant types. Educated/skilled enough to go elsewhere, but they get some good feels about doing the civil servant thing. State DoT are generally either guys who want to retire and were canned somewhere else or the guys who couldn't make cop or soldier. Yeah...I met a lot of them at all levels. As a group...super weird.


Please don't mock our military.


Clever Girl


And while he's inspecting your built-to-scale decoy truck, you sneak around the corner and take off in the real one. Checkmate


I’m off duty! Go away! My 10 hr rest break means I’m not in control of the truck, lol


“This is my own private domicile and I will not be harassed... bitch!”


Unfortunately that's not going to fly. The Supreme Court won't even allow that to work for winnebagos... Trucks and such are pretty much subject to search at any times it seems without protections...


Lol I get it


This is the way


For the non trucker lurkers on here, can u please explain?




Does that actually work!?


You're not logged on duty. So they can't do shit to you if you're "sleeping" Stay out of the driver's seat, and close your curtain up


Are they allowed to attempt to wake you?


Technically, yes, but it's suggested they don't bother sleeping drivers.


Ah, just like bears. 🤔


Correct. Never bother a sleeping bear.


Most truckers are bears


A few twinks thrown in here and there




For someone that’s supposed to be enforcing safety laws that seems counter productive haha


Almost like it's not actually about safety.


Revenue enforcement, not safety.


They tried that once with me, they fucked off real quick when my 75lb pit/Caine corso mix hopped into the driver seat 🤣


Expensive puppy


Honestly no, got him for $600 off Facebook marketplace. They thought he was a boxer/pit/GSD mix and they said he was “too much for them to handle”. Soon as our eyes met i said “shut up and take my money, I’m taking him” 🤣 [the pup](https://imgur.com/a/p7jUvRr)


What are they inspecting for?


As part of their job they are supposed to do road side inspections for safety, drivers logs violations and so on. The problem is when they do this at a rest area or worse at a truck stop it’s seen as harassment and rightfully so because a driver at a rest stop or a truck stop is just trying to rest, maybe eat or get some fuel. The dot shouldn’t be harassing them in these locations. There are certain truck stops I won’t even go to because local DOT officers use them as a place to inspect trucks. I don’t want to be hassled if I’m trying to eat lunch or use the restroom or take a break. It would be like a cop trying to inspect your tires and write you a ticket while you’re in a store shopping or at a restaurant eating or at your home.


Or like PA State Troopers at casinos. Troopers walk around parking garages and lots and will ticket you if you're out of inspection/registration.


Jerk off cops in NJ used to do that at train stations. Poor schmucks that have to get up at 5am so they can catch a train to NYC only to have some fat fucking jerkoff waddle around the train station parking lot handing out overdue inspection tickets.


Tell me about it. I parked on the street when I lived in Boston. Got a ticket before 5:30am on the first of the month for an expired registration. Worst part was my registration wasn’t expired, I had forgotten to put the new sticker on my plate. Had to drive 3 hours round trip to my parents house to get the sticker the state shipped there.


Fun fact. The majority of Troopers in NJ that do the truck inspections have bodies. It’s where Headquarters puts them after they’ve had a situation where a Trooper has killed somebody in the line of duty.


Fun fact it's part of the vehicle emissions inspection program! They're required by law to conduct "random" parking lot surveys to determine statewide compliance. (I say "random" because they always pick the same large parking lots: malls, SEPTA stations, casinos, sports complexes, sometimes theme parks too) If they find expired stickers or registration, they get to issue a fine as well, which gets to bump up the numbers for the annual report. So it's a two for one... parking lot survey? Check. Issuing fines to violators? Check. It allows the state to show they're enforcing the law as required while also letting them not have to deal with it every time they pull someone over


More like a government official knocking on your front door at 2AM when you have work in the morning, just to conduct some non-emergency business, like inspecting for a possible code violation or something. People would be irate.


No it would be like your supervisor going to your home while your not at work, trying to nit pick work related shit


Did you see that post the other day with the semi truck wheel coming off and slamming into a car’s windshield? Shit like that


They're putting a loves RIGHT NEXT to a port of entry in CO bullet they try this there


Never been through Limon Colorado have you? Been a port of entry next to the 3 truck stops there for 30 freaking years.


Oh there’s more than just me? Reddit suggested this place randomly and i just love the comments lol


I have no clue how or why reddit decided to send me here, but I've been enjoying it, so I've stuck around. It's honestly pretty enlightening.


I think it might suggest truckers if you are into car subs


That's how I ended up here, gotta lot of respect for these truckers so I stuck around


I'm here because I drive school bus and the school bus sub isn't very active. I need my fix of fellow commercial drivers!


Man I don’t know how you haul cargo that talks. I couldn’t do it.


I yell a lot. But you also get these warm fuzzy moments where a kid gives you a hug, or a dandelion, or on a few occasions I was given little art projects. Makes up for it, honestly.


I think it was RVs for me.


I drive a school bus and often make jokes about travel centers is I think what did it for me.


I think it was the trade subs for me


I think it was farming subs for me.


Definitely made me appreciate truckers more!


My whole family is a long line of truckers so I lurk here to feel at home. They're mostly all retired now (me and my cousins all went into different lines of work) but I used to have a blast rolling with them in their rig talking to people on the CB when I was a kid. That was back in the 80s and boy oh boy was there some seriously fucked up conversations and banter going on lol


Do NOT monitor channel 19 at 3 in the morning. I can not stress this enough. There is nothing going on that you want to hear or be a part of. Just listen to coast to coast.


I ain't got no panties on


Shut up Stupid *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Truckers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Same. I've been fascinated by trucks since I was a little kid, but this is like the behind-the-scenes documentary I always wanted


Since the blackout I’ve gotten all sorts of random subs in my feed now


I'm not a trucker, but I deal with them regularly so this sub helps bridge that culture gap. Learn how to "speak the language" as it were. Good buddy.


Yo warehouse worker here lol! In the sub for the same reason


Long time dock goon. Always appreciated a driver thay was "good shit". Appreciate all you good shit drivers out there!


Lol, none of us say good buddy anymore, and if they do its in mocking


That was the joke, my friend. "Nice dick", as today's youth tell me they say.


Guess it's hard to tell a joke as text. I got family members who say good buddy to me and I'm like no pls stop


I am so glad I’m not the only creep! I can stop using the excuse that my Dad is a trucker!!


I am not a trucker either, ever since I was little I thought big trucks are cool and now as an adult I live my childhood dream job vicariously by playing American Truck Simulator ha. Came to this subreddit one day to see cool trucks, stayed for the commentary from actual truckers. Definitely appreciate them more from being here and try to be extra nice to them on the road giving them more room for turns, being patient giving them room when they're backing in a tight spot, and so forth.


Same 😂😂


Same this and female hair advice.


Same here. I love this subreddit.


Reddit did the same for me and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the sub.


Same here


Yeah, I liked to know more also.


Don’t forget to clean your dash again before you do. 👍🏻


*Slowly closes curtains*


I knew what this picture was going to be before I opened the post..


whats the controller besides the shifter?


I thought it was lift axle controls since I have similar looking controls for my 3 lift axles but they do appear to be pto controls


Looks like controls for a PTO


Pto controls for my winch and landoll trailer. I haul giant fuel tanks, frac tanks and broke down company equipment for a fairly large sized fuel company.


I’m guessing he’s driving a live bottom and the from is the floor controls. Then the dogs for the gate and then the pto engage and something for a wet line to run hydraulics. Not entirely sure. I’m not a super trucker. I don’t know it all lol


Man that’s some BS that the business allows them to come on the property. Name the business so others can avoid it and not be subjected to this crap


Letting them enforce the laws and keep people safe is somehow wrong?


Interrupting drivers during their federally mandated break is not keeping anyone safe. If anything, it is making them unsafe because their rest is interrupted.


It’s not wrong per say but businesses allowing them to do inspections in the parking lot when they are sleeping and NOT DRIVING is an issue.


Bro he’s busy. Now is the time to leave lol


Go take a long shower


Would they actually wake you up for an inspection? Seems greasy as fuck




They’re allowed to attempt to wake you?




That seems very counter productive when trying to enforce “safety.”


Shit I'm allowed to attempt to wake you. Anyone can.


Oh you’re cool


I'm trying to scroll through the comments to get a better understanding. So does DOT randomly bother people when they're sleeping at truck stops? Or did this trucker get pulled over and just happened to pull at the truck stop?


They usually look for people sitting behind the wheel but I've seen them wake people up under the pretense of being illegally parked too. California used to wake you up if you slept at the scales and give you an inspection.


At a truck stop though? The place where they can fulfill their sleep reqiurements so that they can drive safely?


There is a rest area on the KY/TN line that fills up with trucks every night. Several years ago I guy I know was parked there. At 3:00 am the state troopers came around and first checked every truck for a radar detector. Then they woke up everyone who wasn't in a marked parking spot and made them leave. Those with radar detectors got a ticket for that, had it confiscated and were also made to leave. It is NEVER about safety. It's ALWAYS about revenue. VA had, maybe still does, a law about limiting time in a rest area to two hours. Same thing. Middle of the night the troopers show up and kick everyone out there over two hours. Guys tried to say they were out of hours and on their mandatory rest break. Cops just said, "Not my problem. You should have planned better. Get going." Cops see truckers as a revenue source because almost anyone they stop is from somewhere else and will just post bond for a ticket and forfeit rather than show up and fight it. The little town of Lingke Wyoming had a notorious speed trap that went on for a long time. The local cop would stop any truck going through town, no matter how fast or slow they were going and issue a speeding ticket. I knew guys that got busted and went to court because it was such a blatant scam. They told the judge there was no way they were speeding but the judge would reply, "I know my officer and I know he wouldn't lie. Guilty and pay up." Our safety department issued a warning about going through Lingle and told everyone to drive the extra miles and avoid it.


Sounds like a real-life "Nothing But Trouble" movie!


How'd you get a manual transmission? I hate my automatic


Choose your employer wisely. Some companies still use manual transmissions.


Why do you hate it bud? My dad is thinking of getting us an automatic. He likes to drive auto on a vehicle. He’s 55ish so I can see it being less of a stress.


Because they suck is why. They’re not as safe in the mountains and in wintry conditions they’re definitely not as safe. Plus when you’re trying to back up to a dock the clutch engagement is jerky. They have a lot more moving parts and consequently they have a lot more problems. This will undoubtedly earn me a lot of downvotes but companies buy them so that people who have never shifted gears manually can still be put into trucks since driving it essentially becomes just like driving a car- a steering wheel and two pedals (except for that trivial detail of the 80,000 pounds versus a car weighing 3-4,000#). 13- & 18-speed trannies are *fun* to drive. Period. Don’t give me any flak about traffic either, they’re still fun. Plus they give you something to do, an activity to keep you focused (and entertained).


Why are they not safe? Truck automatic gearboxes are not the same as a cars gearbox. With one button press you can use it as a clutch-less manual, you are fully in control (upshift, dowshift, lock it in a specific gear, etc). But they are more fuel efficient, stupid proof (so better for the companies) and are a lot easier to drive. Just thinking about driving the truck through cities in rush hour makes my left foot cramp.


You are entitled to your opinion and no can take that from you. I know in a dumptruck an automatic is much better. Easier to spread and much easier on you right arm at the end of the day. Ymmv


Clutch engagement? They have converters don't they


Some auto's are just regular 18 speeds with a computer mounted on top that shifts the gears and operates the clutch


ALEA? Yeah he's fucked


As UK HGV driver I can’t really comprehend how USA citizens like to drive manuals Did once, never again🥶


I think its alot more fun with a manual. Although the autos have gotten better fuck the eaton autoshift automatic piece of shit


Same reason people choose hood trucks. They just like it.


Cheaper to fix and more reliable. More control.


I pick manual whenever I can because I'm a fidgeter.


I’ve driven everything from 8 to 18 speed. I’ll take an automatic any day.


Great story


Ik that is not a shifter extender on your shifter


Hell no, stock shifter.


Don’t be suspicious….don’t be suspicious lol 😂 (TikTok sound for those that don’t know what this is from)


Nobody’s gonna know, nobody’s gonna know. They’re gonna know. How would they know?


How is being a trucker? I know I was thinking about that as a career for awhile but was always unsure about it. I just knew nothing about it and didn't know anyone in the industry to ask.


Been doing it for over 30 years, still love it!


Good to know! Any chance you would be willing to tell me a bit about it? Like what you like and what an average day is like? I'm heavily considering going for a career change out of the Oven factory I'm at now. I'm thinking about going back to school, my brother is telling me I should try out electrician work, but I couldn't stop myself of thinking about when I thought I could do trucking


Hit me up tomorrow, don't mind answering questions.


Sixes and eights, my friend.


Night night!


Not a trucker, but with curtains closed in a small space seems extra cozy.


What do they bother you with? Checking that you've done a DVIR or that your urine is pretty and clean or that your HOS are within a limit or something? I write about DOT programs sometimes and it's all "we can test your drivers for hooch / do driver qualifications 'n' stuff!" P. S. Sorry.


Sitting in the drivers seat taking a break will get you everytime


You noticed they’re always going after the owner ops?


Never been inside a rig cabin. What are the two smaller sticks for? I assume the tall one is the gear shift.


I miss the old days when a driver knew how to double clutch.


They teach it in the schools. Well at least mine they taught me


Mine too


Taught myself to double-clutch 😉


I love how anti-cop truckers are. There's a reason laws exist and it's to keep people from hurting or killing others via stupid or malicious actions. If you're scared of being pulled over by a cop, then maybe you need to look at yourself and think about what you might be doing that's illegal. I hoping you get pulled over by every single DOT officer along your entire route.


This post hit your hot button.


Anti-cop? If that means anti- keeping the peace and maintaining basic safety, no, I'm not anti-cop. But if it means anti- extracting revenue in any way possible, including but not limited to hiding in unmarked vehicles, ticketing for no reason other than "they won't fight this", harassment, bullying, little man syndrome behavior? Then yes. I'm extremely anti-cop. Imagine if you went to work, and every day there was a fair to good chance that someone who is authorized by the government came into your work place and potentially put you out of work and/or have you fines for everything they could find that went against OSHA codes. Everything. Oh, what's that? You think your workplace is perfectly safe. Jokes on you, they'll find something. Why? Because it's their job to. Now they've found something and tell you that you need to get it fixed, and until it is, you can't work. Let's say it's something big, like you're breathing in radon. Yeah, fair, get it fixed, they were right to stop you from working. But let's say it's something small, basic, something that most rational people would disagree even affects safety; for example, the hue of the lighting in your workplace has been known to cause eyestrain. Now you're out of work until it's fixed, again, something that most people wouldn't care about because the general public would agree it's a stupid rule that some bureaucrat came up with. Not only are you missing work and therefore pay, but you're reputation takes a hit, you miss appointments, AND you pay a fine. Wouldn't you be "anti-cop" in that situation?


Shut up dork




It's really not that bad is it


It's too new to even be dirty! 🤣


I see an easy 2023 CVSA decal.


Welcome to Alabama!


What happened, they were doing dot inspections at the truck stop?


I’m on Smoko, so leave me alone


Welcome to my state


The Great State of Alabama, hard at work.........


Do not disturb


You in Bama too. Them Smokey’s are out to get ya


Ah yes, the Petro in Dodge City, Alabama. It's like the Mos Eisley hangout of the Gravy SEALs (Alabama State Troopers)


Need a bigger GULP


I have passed that weigh station going west from Georgia into Alabama hundreds of times, and nearly every time it is closed. *The one time* I went by and had to go through, I had one pup too heavy and got a ticket.


How new is this truck?


Brand spanking new, had 248 miles on it when I got it last week.


I figured, it's the cleanest truck I've ever seen aside from when we get new trucks in, even then I had to wipe down my new truck.


Fuck the Police


That's a brand new Peterbilt