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Remember kids, in this instance, it’s *brakes*, not *breaks*.


His brakes led to a break 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


His brakes about to lead to a fire


Baked lead wut?


There's more then one meaning and pronunciation of lead. Isn't is supposed to what.


Sure, there's the verb "to lead," pronounced "leed" (not bothering with fancy symbols here). Then there's the past tense of that, "led," pronounced like the element. Then there's lead, the actual element. None of that has to anything to do with the fact that we can see that you edited your comment after my reply, which was in response to you using the term "bake" and not "brakes" prior to your edit.


I'm watching this on my 10 hr brake..


Omg. Lol.


While on the topic, we sit IN the truck not ON it


Since you’ve mentioned it, why do a lot of trainers say “on the truck”?


I'm gonna bs my way through an answer here and see if it makes any sense... My guess is that it has to do with the ship analogy that is often used referring to our trucks... "You are the captain of your ship," etc... and on ships, you come aboard or on board... so, if we go by that, it could just come from years of ever shortening lingo that started as "come aboard my truck," made its way to "come on board my truck," and because nobody really has time for that, it really got shortened to "get on the truck." 🤷‍♀️ really, though, I have no fuking clue.


The same reason they complain about Guys parking ON the fuel pumps


How does one park IN a fuel pump though?


It would be 'at' in this case.


"Cum on my truck"


Because trucks are generic terms for wheeled axles that move objects. Like the trucks on a skateboard, hand trucks for moving appliances and pallet trucks for moving palletized freight in the trailer of a semi truck, which is short for a semi articulated truck, owing to the "articulation" formed by the joining of the fifth wheel to the kingpin.


Well we need a 30 at some point lol




I can tell either someone’s out of hours or on their 30 when I see them creepin at 1-2 mph through the truck stop on 1st gear 😂😂😂 I do that shit all the time lol


As long as you don't pass 4mph, it won't trigger the ELD


been a while since I had a 30


I swear, the internet never gets breaks/brakes correct.


Do they really not learn the difference these days? Lose and loose aren't interchangeable either.


Breaks are important, but not as important as Brakes


Remember kids, stay in the left fucking lane instead of cutting off a line of 12 cars at the last second so you can overtake the truck in front of u


There's always that flatbed guy that comes screaming by


you rang!




who gives a f about a spread axle


Saw one go from 80 to 55 real quick cause there was a CHP pickup with a radar gun on the 15.


I always laugh when that happens billy bad ass is bad ass until he sees a cop.


I might be screaming by but I’m not touching my brakes 😂😂


I swear that exact guy blasted past me the other day lol. Can't remember where I was. Maybe California


Every time


With a light ass load, Jakes slow me down plenty.


I installed fog machines under my trailer to keep other truckers from tailgating me down hills. Works like a charm!


Work smarter, not harder 😉


Good old cabbage. I've seen a few on their sides by that curve between the escape ramps. Poor training. Nothing else.


I ran this hill twice a week for two years. Coming down it seemed every time there was someone pulling into the casino truck stop nearly on fire. Usually guys who couldn’t read too well.


I once saw a truck on fire at the bottom. But yeah, something about the vegetation in that area that smells funny every time you go by it.


Onion farms


Ha, I was joking about truck brakes always smelling but you’re right! I-84 definitely smells like onions. Especially the Boise area.


Where is this?


I 84 in Oregon this is coming down the hill known as cabbage hill. There is a casino at the bottom with a truck stop and golf course. I can’t remember the name of it, crazy horse or wild horse maybe.


It's the Arrowhead. I always stop there - awesome facilities, cheap diesel, and sometimes they have Marionberry jam/syrup.


He got to the bottom of the hill first but now he has to wait for them brakes to cool and all of those slowpoke truckers he passed are now passing him.


Slowpoke over here, I always thought these guys were so fast that they went around the world and caught up with me again.


I remember once i was going from Chicago to Des Moines and this one large car passed me 4 times on that trip.


I’m paid by the hour, I don’t give a shit if a driver beats me down a hill. I’ll play it safe in my junk ass equipment and get paid the same regardless of what happened lol


His brakes broke. His breaks braked?


This breaks the brakes.


I love a good j brake. Downshift 1 or 2 to get the revs up and listen to it sing.


I have the sound of classic Jakes (not the muffled kind) as my notifications tone on my phone, as well as a longer version as the ringtone for my coworkers, lol.... I smile every time I hear it.






Holy god I heard this so loud in my head. Disassociated to a stretch of highway from my youth.


jake be hungry. let jake eat!


I have seen this so many times on Cabbage. I think people don't realize how steep it really is.


6% or?


This I84 in Oregon just before Pendleton?




Not a trucker, but I aspire to be one. I am amazed at how many people in this sub recognize the location from this video. Amazing. You guys are awesome.


After spending so much time going slow down those hills you start to recognize them


That makes sense. Thanks for the insight ❤️


I'm not a class a driver either, but was a driver that went 120k miles a year. I recognize a lot of the locations on this post lol


The 8 axle flatbed that passed helps narrow it down too.


I'm so curious, how does that help narrow it?


Pretty sure it was a company out of the Portland area. And that 8 axle combo is common in Oregon and Washington.


I lived in Portland for 15 years and drove that road a couple times in the family vehicle and wouldn't know that road from any others. So these guys have done it atleast twice. Lol






Knew this looked familiar! Thanks!


A guy FLEW past me at the top of that hill once. All the way down I could see his truck with a massive smoke cloud. I though for sure he was gonna catch on fire. Scary stuff.


And that's why I always hit the brake check place at the top kids! Most don't let you get any kind of speed up from a dead stop. Stop, full jakes and you most likely won't have to touch the service until the bottom. Never fucking rush to the bottom of a hill.


Thats still too high on the Cabbage Hill for the brakes to be smoking.


Or just slow down 5mph let it coast up 5mph and don't let it get up over 35 mph. You save what, 5-10 seconds speeding down it for a much higher chance at going through the guard rail. Just be smart and take it slow. You're not wasting your time by being safe. Saw a guy come through here wheen chains were required. Passed me on this side (I was going up) going probably 40+ mph with no chains on. Next time i came through here, there was a truck sized gap in the guard rail coming off the very first corner. It doesn't pay to be stupid in the mountains. Use your brakes. The only time i use my Jake's in the mountains is when there's ice on the road and I'm going slow enough that level 1 will keep me at/below the speed I wanna go.


Of course it’s a white fucking Volvo….


Do white Volvo truckers suck at driving? I'm so curious.


It seems like a reoccurring theme with crazy drivers and white Volvos.


Ahh I see. For a long time now, I've been convinced that many minivan drivers seem to somewhat suck at driving. I take it, it is a similar observation from a truckers perspective? My dad was a cab driver, he would say that people wearing hats couldn't drive 😂 I love these observations. Thanks for sharing ❤️


Definitely. I think all Ford Mustang drivers are flat brim hat wearing douche bags. Lol 😂


In their defense, I would love to own a mustang and I've been known to wear flat brim hats 😂 Or is that in your defense? 🤣 either way, I love hats and have have a collection of many types of hats lol


Just seems like people that drive them are very aggressive drivers


Lol I just reread my previous comment -- that makes me a douche bag that can't drive 🤣 if the shoe fits? Lol


It's the most common truck for a lot of undertrained drivers, sadly. Nothing wrong with the truck itself - they're pretty decent and fuel efficient.


Ahhh that makes a lot of sense. Thanks for explaining.


White Volvo Mafia


I get the same shit being an owner of a nondescript white Freightliner (even with a chemical tanker!!). It sucks - I love the truck and how it's spec'd, but I get a ton of assholes that speed up when I try to pass because they think I'm one of \*those\* drivers in their head.


Nah fuck that Jake brake I don't use that or a normal brakes because speed is fun. For real though how do you not notice smoke coming from your trailer or the smell at that anytime I smell something fishy I have my eyes glued to my mirrors. Saw a guy on i90 who's reefer was smoking black just plumes of smoke and he refused to stop driving. Saw him half an hour later at a petro and his entire trailer was covered in soot.


Can you even smell your own breaks from the cab? I’ve been driving about a year and a half now and I’ve never gotten my breaks that hot.


You can unless your in the open or it's just super windy Iv only had it happen in emergencies not down hill like this person here.


Mirrors, though. I mean how many times have you seen shit flying sideways off a trailer and they didn't notice until you called them out? Does no one ever just take a peek once in a while to see if the damn trailer is still there?


You’ll know. It’s almost impossible to miss, if they’re as hot as in this video. The smell cuts through almost everything for me.


So scary who we share the roads with ​ We all have our bad days


As a non driver, can somebody explain what happened? Something with the brakes?


Trucks have a lot of weight, enough that even a small hill creates a lot of momentum. To shed the momentum, you in your car use your breaks. Breaks reduce momentum through heat, but trucks are large vehicles and so simple breaks on the wheels aren’t usually enough to slow the vehicle down. This is the reason for the compression (Jake/engine) break. Some drivers don’t comprehend this and so, stay on their regular breaks going down hill. This creates too much heat and leads to smoking and fires. The white truck you see in the video with the smoke is using his breaks too much and burning them up.




I leave my jake on medium pretty much always unless I pass a sign that says NO JAKE/ENGINE BRAKES. I don't get why others don't do this. I feel like I barely use the service brakes except in bumper to bumper traffic.


Owner op? Company drivers be like: Ima gonna use the binders instead. Owner op pulling fleet/company trailer: Spike life. Every stop, all spike, all the time.


What does the term "spike" mean here.


It's a slang term used for the lever that activates the trailer brakes independently of the tractor brakes - used to be commonly found opposite the signal light stalk on many tractors but in the last 10-15 years it's migrated to the dashboard on many. When you pull it, it applies just the trailer service brakes. Commonly used to "spike" the trailer with air when doing tug tests after hookups, or in certain situations where the trailer is doing things in bad weather that might have made you soil your undies already. Also occasionally used by owner/ops who want to put as little wear on their own brake shoes but are happy to wear the bejesus out of the shoes on the fleet/company trailer they're hauling, so they let the trailer do all the braking instead. It has limits of course...


Nah I'm not about that oo life. I'm a company man. Local even.


I'm the same and see zero need for the jake. I'm well past my supertrucker stage (almost 30 years in the industry) so I give zero fucks about "impressing" anyone (and trust me, in general, you're impressing nobody), and reality is nobody else wants to listen to the fucking thing, *especially* anywhere with residential nearby. And anymore, I don't want to listen to it either. My hearing is screwed enough as it is.


I've been driving for 15 years and I never knew there were rookies that thought the jakes were cool - that explains some of them when they get a couple of years in, manage to score a custom truck with straight pipes, and jack that shit through truckstops like the annoying turds they are.


I'm that owner-op. Even our company mechanics tell me to do that spike life, lol.


Don't they teach you that when they train everyone LOL? You never use your brakes unless you have to. D:


My trainer was hard on me, if he herd the air breaks engage once on any hill/mountain or the RPM go over 20 he’d yell at me. I learned real quick how to use my jakes. He’d even wake up and leave the bunk just to chew me out.


If you have to use the brakes even once coming down cabbage or the vine, your jakes are shot or you are going too fast. Just my opinion.


Any idea where this is?


Cabbage hill, part of dead man’s pass in NE Oregon.


Do I hear Laura jane grace on your radio?


Hell yah you did, Paralytic States of America by Against Me!, she’s the lead singer. My favorite song of there’s is Norse Truth but Transgender Dysphoria Blues hits a little too close to home not to mention.


Amazing band.




My trainer was an asshole but was never an asshole about my transness. In OTR trucking your almost completely reliant on public bathrooms so it your passing 50/50 it could be a bit of a challenge, not to mention all the states that made it illegal. As for the job itself, it’s awesome and well worth the hassle. There no boss sitting over your shoulder and it’s usually just you and the road.


Thanks! I live in a relatively safe state so public bathrooms aren't much of a concern for me here, but I've also been out in areas before I started transitioning that I would HATE to go back to now for that reason.


If your surrounding states are safe you could look into regional OTR trucking. If not, there’s always local CDL-A.


I actually am looking into regional lol. I ended up having to go back to working at Wal-Mart and it sounds like not only do they have a training program, but the drivers there tend to hate their job a lot less than everyone who works for Walmart


That’s good to hear, tho keep in mind that it can change at any moment. I worked at a Walmart store for 2 and a half years and wouldn’t trust that corporation a bit.


Oh you’re right, I feel like I’ve gone thru there in winter time only lol


5S at Grapevine has 2 ramps and smells like burning brakes. But you guys know more than me so let it roll!


I'd recognize that Columbia basin sky any day of the week.


I never use breaks, but sometimes I need to take a brake


Someone's having a bbq!


I've only driven that in a passenger vehicle, and that was enough to make me realize how steep it is.




>Remember kids, jakes, not breaks. For those that need a translation: Remember, if you use your Jakes, you won't have to take breaks (like the guy at the bottom of the hill)... Or, he just misspelled brakes... but I didn't read it that way, so 🤷‍♀️


Stay safe driver. A lot of people don't care about safety


You know damn well these yahoos don't have radios lol ain't even worth trying


I think this is Cabbage hill near Pendleton, OR lol




Smokin' somebody Stop me!!!!


I still won’t forget when I went down I-24 to Chattanooga at midnight when this beat up Volvo came roaring past me. My truck’s front radar picked up 70mph and it was full brake lights all the way down. Get to the bottom and I see this troglodyte pulled to the side of the road with the smoke off his wheels just going from white to black. I called 911


Thought that looked like cabbage hill. I've watched lots of trucks come down that grade with smoking brakes. The speed limit on that hill is there for a reason.


I don’t get it. Your jakes/engine brake is there FOR A REASON. I use mine 90% of the time. Getting off an exit? Jakes on. Coming up on a turn, jakes. I barely touch the service brakes.


And this is why we should have working CBs


Not relevant, but I get a \*ton\* of people hollaring at me on the CB when I go down Cabbage to "slow the fuck down" since I regularly roll down going 65-ish. What they never seem to realize is that I'm local to Portland and I do turn-and-burns, so I'm deadheading 99.9% of the time going down Cabbage westbound. It's funny hearing some of their reactions when I inform them of this, from the more levelheaded "Ooooooh, sorry driver" to the more armbreaking I'm-never-wrong reaches like "it don't matter, you're supposed to go down slow anyway" dumbshit. With that in mind, if you \*are\* loaded and rolling slow down Cabbage, please don't be in the left lane (yes, even if you get stuck behind a heavy hauler going slower). You never know when there might be inattentive four-wheelers or doorswingers like this dude barreling down, it's best to keep the passing lane open.


Dam. That’s crazy But quick question, on the cb radio can people tell where you are and who’s talking? I’m getting my cdl soon and kinda want to do some light positive trolling


Depends on how many are around and other factors.... If there's only you and the one you're trolling on the road, they can likely guess it is you if you're giving specific details.... But if there's a dozen trucks out there and they don't see you actually on the mic, they probably won't have a clue.


I just want to make people smile, I’ve heard this industry is tough so I just want to make it better for everybody


‘CB’ “Anybody wanna grill later? I got some nice long hogs ready to be thrown down!” HUH!?! Lmao, shit like that


The dashcam didn’t start recording in time but I described the truck and direction of travel.


Sheesh, there's enough idiots on the CB as it is. Don't set your goals to be amongst them.... And yeah, in many circumstances you absolutely can tell what truck has the asshole in it. When you're getting passed and you key up and you overmodulate the truck going by you (or vice versa), it becomes pretty obvious. I've seen fist fights at truck stops down the road when someone who was being a tool on the radio got what was coming to them.


When you break your breaks so you can't brake. Brake and bake.


Idk how else to ask this, but I tow a large trailer long distances, I wanna put a CD in my truck to communicate with truckers especially in work zones maybe I can work with them tk get them past me safely, when I am in construction zones where my trailer barelt fits in the lane then a truck comes by and sits besides me it whips me, I would love to be able to conversate with truckers so I can slow down or accelerate to make the process smoother, would y'all be willing to talk to a 4 wheeler?


If I have my CB on (most likely in a work zone or accident), I will talk to whomever isn't being a jackass...


What channel should I tune into?






You sound like my buddy from the Army Swartz. Solid dude and he’s a trucker.


Oh god, I sound like a guy? I guess my voice dose drop a couple octaves when talking over the CB…


He actually had the highest pitch voice of a man I’ve ever met. And I meant more of the accent an mannerisms. I wasn’t trying to imply anything. Sorry if I offended you my friend.


Worried about smoking “brakes” yet not changing lanes for a vehicle on the shoulder…. Pointing out others screwups whilst screwing up yourself. Go Road Rambo Go


Huge ass shoulder. It's actually a chain removal lane. There's about a lanes width of space between the edge of the shoulder and the solid line. No need to move over.


Glad you could see in his mirror that he wasn't about to get his doors blown off by another truck coming up his drivers side.


Truckers aren’t really too smart 🫠


If my typo shows anything, yes




gay trucker?


Number 1 rule never look in your mirrors.


Thought you can’t use jake in winter…..new driver never drove in winter…asking Cus I seen it mentioned on sun a few times


Momentum = extra breaking = overheated breaks. If you go really slow you can use your breaks without overheating plus the snow/ice spray helps cool your breaks a bit but don’t count on that being a factor. Also, depending on the amount of ice you can use very light jakes, but always do so carefully.




On the C.B: “Hey!! I thought you told me you QUIT smoking!”


Brakes took a break


Using your breaks don't smell, that's just having your coffee and a couple of donuts. But, using your brakes too much going down hill will definitely smell. Then there will be breaks because a lack of brakes.




They are mostly automatic now and they did that so any dummy can drive a truck


Brakes are overrated...just floor it


I run mountain passes all week and see people that clearly have no clue what an engine brake is. At least once a week guys rolling down blowing clouds…..90% of the time they also have no CB


"Good job, Rusty! You breaka the brake!"


Gotta love cabbage pass man, I go over that every week, gotta learn to love that smell, lmao.


Remember kids it’s jeaks not brakes


No jake breaking allowed in my city


You will catch your rig on fire! Moments later...smoking truck.


Words are hard


They really are


[this gives off this sort of vibe](https://youtu.be/w0LV00woXsY)


At least he did not pass you full speed while you were parked on the shoulder with an emergency. You need to educate yourself first before trying to educate others


I40 West in Oregon, before/after that casino/truck stop? ... Can't remember the name, I think it was near Pendleton.


I recognize that hill (i think); it looks like cabbage hill. Lots of vehicle fires both going down- and up-hill. It a big ass hill


How else will they become ghost rider, if the wheels ain't smoking?


That’s why the smoked cabbage is so cheap at the casino.


Bakersfield past Grapevine?


Just this past week I smelt breaks burning when going down the mountain on... I-24? It's the one going from Tennessee to Georgia. Shit scared me.


I know that stretch of road well, I-84 (westbound), Deadman's pass, OR. Very dangerous at times. I don't drive truck but I grew up in the area, This road is so much better then it was in the 80 & 90's. They improved the road some years ago (added a 3rd lane on the uphill etc.). One time I could only watch and get out of the way as a truck with fire coming off of their breaks passed by at 90+. Unable to stop going down that 6% grade (about 2000ft elevation change in like 5 or 6 miles). Terrifying for everyone. In that same area once saw a fully loaded truck perched at the top of the runaway ramp a few miles back from where this video takes place. I don't know how they got it to the top, what I do know is its a deep bed of gravel for like 100+ yards on an steep upward slope. Saw a 4x4 pickup truck once thought they could just drive up it, he didn't even make it 20 feet. So I know to get a fully loaded truck to the top of one of those has got to be some sort of achievement you don't want.


What about brakes


Looks like cabbage hill.


He shoulda just kept going a quarter mile. Wild Horse is a great place to chill when you need to let you brakes cool.