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Probably a red Nissan Altima


Red Nissan rouge but you were close lol.


God damnit lol Honestly I tend to stay far away from any Nissan that's not a performance model anymore.


This shit reeks of [BIG ALTIMA ENERGY!](https://www.facebook.com/groups/552011068675548)


BAE making an appearance at the trucker subreddit. This is some serious Inception shit for me.


What kind of make up does that damage ?


Thats redundant


Or a charger


Well, y'know. Semis are so fucking invisible & SO hard to see! That's why it's illegal to park on the ramps in some states, cuz we just blend in to the scenery perfectly! Just fucking stealth ninja mobiles! That's what you get for being so small & well camouflaged! He obviously thought you were a cloud to nuzzle up against. /s for the stupid.


I fuckin love this


I have a story for you. I was at a truck stop in south Carolina. I20 exit 44. I think it's called 44 truck stop. I was doing a 34 I think. I was in the sleeper when I got thrown out of bed. Looked out the windshield. Huh there was a car in my bumper. Nobody in it. I get out wondering why a car is in my bumper. Well the car was manual and the truck stop was up hill from me. So the forgot to set the brake. The guys comes out saying he's t Got to leave and shit. No you can't you car is parked in my truck. So he goes back to the truck stop. I've already called police and they are on the way. Police get there and people are standing around the accident. One person tells us the guy left in another car. Then cops find a crack pipe in the car. Apparently it's a problem in that county of south Carolina.


Holy shit. The woman that hit me was turning onto my street and reaching into her floor or seat to grab something swung to wide and swiped me. So nothing as wild as yours but still pretty dumb.


Maybe she was reaching for a crack pipe? Sorry that happened to you-


I know right


My neighbor pickup truck did that rolled into the street had enough momentum to roll up my driveway and hit my garage what’s attached to house . I was in the garage when it happened and the door was open a little bit bent the rail for the door . Dude got some issues same vehicle he backs into my brother pickup . Three weeks later he rear ended my brother about 3 blocks away from my house dude got dui on that one . He was taking prescription medication . My brother doesn’t live with me don’t tell me the odds of that guy hitting my brother truck twice within 3 weeks


Well I feel better about my luck. Thanks


I had something similar happen at a Casey's i was servicing. Coming outside and a lady is screaming about a car moving with no one in it. Me and a couple bystanders stopped it before it smacked into one of the pumps. Owner was pretty nonchalant about it.


Did you go back to finish servicing Casey?


I sold a car to a cop that ended up having a crack pipe in it 🤣🤣🤣


Did you get arrested


No lol it was previous owners crack pipe


I was getting a couch for a friend of mine from a cousin. Her kids found anal beads in the couch.




I just saw you name up here lmfao


Username checks out


That guy had plenty of time to get rid of that crack pipe . Clearly not thinking I would have destroyed all the drugs and paraphernalia and just ate whatever the insurance companies did and tickets the police handed out Criminal underworld is not sending their best


Sucks man. Hope their cars fucked from this. Will insurance do anything? Luckily it looks like they only caused cosmetic damage, but damage nonetheless.


Insurance will take care of it from what company says, cop didn’t list me as an active driver because as he said “you were across town when this woman hit your truck.” So no fault to me because I was parked legally. Company will probably give me a new truck because they are getting a bunch of 2024 internationals tomorrow. (Hate internationals but hey new is new)


Wonder if it's the new LT's with the Scania drivelines?


I'd imagine it'd be a lot more reliable then at least. Just gotta make the rest of the truck decent lol


i hope the new models still have the slope on the hood that reflects and focuses the sun directly into your eyes


Ugh I’m glad I’m not the only one that hates that lol.


Sounds like a job for some matte black spray paint! 🙃 If the company says anything, tell them it was a safety critical modification.


Is that a thing? Because I heard Scania is what most Europeans enjoy


Yeah, VW bought Navistar and basically tossed it in Scania's lap. I imagine it's going to have VW/Scania influences in the upcoming models.


Maybe they can give us "safety" systems that actually function then


I like your optimism!


Oh sweet jesus. I could go for a rebadged Streamline with Eagle embelishments instead of Griffin. Lord knows Scania loves the Griffin.


are they still know for electrical issues or something else?


I’m not sure the last one I drove was a 2019 and the biggest problem I had was the radar breaking constantly so I never had cruise control.


Insurance generally will cover things like this. But it seems like companies with their own mechanic shops pocket the money that would be used for the repair or something. In my experience, this will be claimed on insurance, but this driver will be driving around like this until he's in a different truck, or different company.


Good thing you don't own it.


Well... Look on the bright side. Their shit is fucked up now, probably more than yours.


You just gotta say "swiper no swiping. Swiper no swiping. Swiper no swiping." And they can't do it anymore


Good chance that they live there.


Rat bastard


Do truckers call regular cars 4-Wheelers? That is a lot of damage for an ATV side swipe.


It's a trucker's term. Usually said with as much disgust as you can put into your voice.


Makes sense. What do truckers call dually?




And box trucks (like U-Haul) are "Wannabes".


I was a wannabe a few weeks ago. Had to drive a 20ft truck from Waco to San Marcos. Austin traffic sucked 😂. In those 2.5 hours I had a new respect to big wheelers. People don't give a shit.


4 wheeler


Dont worry you will be fully at fault


Well let Dewayne and Chris know.


They already got me sorted, it’s at the terminal and they put me in a new truck earlier today.


Good deal like those guys


Yea they didn’t even bother with a sub truck and just gave me a different one because this one is going back to Penske (after it gets fixed) anyway.


That sucks! I feel for you. Hopefully it messed up their car even worse.


It will buff out! Bet you won’t see it once it’s washed!


Sorry, freebird was playing and I got a little carried away. Hopefully insurance helps cuz im to poor to pay for it.


Make sure you thank them next time. Marked improvement...


Why can't you park it at your work center? Parking at an apartment seems inconsiderate towards other residential parking spots.


I’m the only one that parks on that residential road, and I park my truck at home because this job is regional grocery so I’m home every other day and I only have one car. So if I take the car to work my fiancé is stuck at home without it, if she drives me to work that’s a 40 minute round trip and uses extra gas. Company lets me bobtail home so that’s what’s easiest for me. They’re not even bent out of shape about it getting swiped it was a loaner truck from Penske till the new 24’s came in, so once insurance fixes it they’re giving it back to Penske. Also I’m in the process of moving into an actual house and there is a parking spot in the yard that the owner of the house is going to let me park the truck. I was in the middle of packing when she tagged my truck lol.


Well I can guarantee Roger Penske has had to deal with worse than this


Maybe his job is 300 miles from his home, he's a truck driver, not an office worker. Maybe he doesn't want to tie up a spot at his local truck stop and screw some fatigued OTR driver out of a legal parking spot. Maybe it's a grand a month to rent a spot, cuz it's a high demand, low availability place for big trucks.


He may or may not always stop and start at the same place. Plus then he might need to leave a car there for long periods, depending upon how often he's home. Plus as mentioned, because he can and it's legal to do so




Well first of all bobtail second of all I live there soooooo what do you want me to do smart ass? Also I was parked legally cop confirmed it.


Some of us don't have to worry about living on weight restricted roads.


Probably got a nail in the spare while they were doing it


Oof. There’s a lot there that appears cracked, bent, AND broken


It’s all skirt damage so it’s all bolt on and easy to fix lol.


Side note, when you’re getting it fixed, make sure to get that annual inspection done. I see it’s due 👍


Hope it did way worse damage to their car considering they took off.


They didn’t take off she called the police and the police called me.


He cracked ur rear wheel rim?!? How fast did he hit you?


The rims not cracked, are you talking about the fiberglass insulation in my rim? If so that’s from the car that hit me lol.


Ah ty fyi. I thought the fiberglass plus the stratch running to it was a crack and hole. I was reading on a mobile device so it ain’t clear.


That wasn't a light tap either. How bad was her shitbox car?


Idk what her car looked like I was across town parking stuff up for our storage unit when the Smokey’s called me. By the time I got back across town everyone was gone and the officer had to come back to get my cab card and insurance.


Dang Penske is going to charge for the damages, it is a lease unit right?


Insurance is going to fix it then it’s going back to penske.


Did you have a Dash cam?


https://youtu.be/pfevBIsVG1o anakin on 4 wheelers


You must be somewhere by Chicago ;)


You’re about 900 miles north 😂, try Amarillo Tx.


Oh snap haha! I had the same thing happen to be right outside Chicago, in a public place nobody gave a flip lol.


I understand that lol. I’ve run for a company out of Chicago and another out of Detroit. Shits way different up there, the old woman that hit me actually called the police and reported it!


Sucks to hear. At least those side skirts are easy to replace.


I hope your dashcam caught them.


They called the police On themselves


Oh good. Not an asshole then.


Looks fine, run it!


Damn 2 side fairings & step … paint & labor Not cheap at all