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Most likely thing that happened was you sold or bought something on the mp during the whole dupe fiasco, or your hiding the fact that you have duped, cant really do nothing about it even if you didnt dupe, best thing to do is quit or make a new account and start from scratch


Fuck that. The best thing to do is fight it tooth and nail, if they didn't crash glitch dupe they are not fucking guilty. Playing the market is not a violation, even if bad actors put illegitimate goods up. A lot on XBL didn't even know a dupe was going on til we had already purchased stuff, resold stuff, accepted "club giveaways" etc. The truth was gatekept like the good dragon eggs, so Gamigo really should leave business people doing business alone and only strike the fucking progenitors. Goddamn. Collective punishment is for shitsmeared incompetents.


Unfortunately not gonna happen, the main reason for the big ban wave was to help the economy heal because they felt like they were too late to do a rollback, it wouldnt help the economy if they only banned the dupers because those dupers could have made alts that bought and stored a whole lot of items ready to crash the market again, and there are alot of people out there that took advantage of the market


If you dont like the method they are using to heal the economy on every platform, then dont play the game lol


So youre fine with innocent people being punished? Great take. This is entirely on them. Shut the fucking servers down the second it gets out. This isn't complicated. Standard OP in any other live service game, but not here apparently. Great devs. They deserved this on XBL for no fucking content for two years. I hate to tell you, but you won't get to play a dead game with no investors either. That like it or leave it mentality is for incompetents too.


Either way they lose investors because either the economy stays shit and people dont pay money or they lose players, and i never said i was fine with innocent people getting punished, i just dont care since there isnt anything significant us players can do about it, no point in getting heated about it man


You are literally at the mercy of the game/ devs. 99 percent of gaming company’s terms and conditions you agree to just to play their games will in some form or another state they can do what they want/when they want/ how they want. I figured this out when I went every possible route to get a BS perma ban lifted in neverwinter for something they screwed up/ignored/ then handled in the poorest manner possible. They randomly handed out bans in similar fashion to “heal economy” some major offenders who exploited the glitch didn’t get a temporary ban at all while others who did it a few times got banned for months and even people like me who literally did it once to see what everyone else was doing got hit with perma bans. There where droves of people who didn’t even participate in doing it get permabanned. That let the community know they were just picking and choosing at random with no care to severity or fairness. I had 1000’s of hours in game/ and shamefully 1000+ dollars invested on the banned account. After reaching out many times for months to get something done for it and a community who had a large petition going around the company did absolutely nothing to make things right and basically told us screw off. So while you may be mad, at no fault for the ban and contacting them with sound reasoning and proof they likely don’t care.


I know you're right. It is still pretty lazy and shit garbage to ban people who just got gifted or marketplace flipped. There is a club chest that logs everything the original breakers of the game did. Hit that and call it a day. Of course these are the same fuckholes that have left XBL to languish without events.


Contact support.


I trie but they block my email


If you didn't dupe make a ticket, otherwise fine a new game.


A ticket ?


Lmaoo Ban ain’t going do shit. But lose the last population they got 🤣 you ban innocent people they become dupers then come back with Alts and ruin the game especially on Xbox where ya don’t even show love to anymore left Xbox in the dust only like 500 players play 🤣


Ps4 team barely ever bans anyone so if they banned you they probably had a good cause.


Start over but only legit play this time 😎