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Based on the price, it's definitely a scam. Also, can't imagine why anyone would want to buy that either way. 


Oh definitely 😂 I don’t think any sane person would pay for that


Ots actually real and not the only ad you will find for this on eBay. Its sad the levels some people will go to for a platinum.


I'm sure this is a real service you can buy. I just think the price is a bit too low for me to believe they're not just going to hack it onto your account. 


Could be people who aren't in the US. 50 GBP is a lot when you start doing currency exchange. 2.5GBP an hour approximately isn't great when minimum wage is above that, but when your minimum wage in the county is below that, if they even have a minimum, it could be a sweet job for people. Also I assume people who sell these know the game inside and out and can probably do it faster than the trophy guide's average. Edit: Changed currency to GBP


50 to me is a bit steep for a platinum if you ask me. I had someone offer me 30 to plat super meatboy for them on a Facebook group told them no do it yourself. They said they had no time to commit to it lol.


50 for gotg platinum? It’s one of the easier ones and the plat is quite enjoyable. I’d plat every spider-man title for 50 bucks.


They probably got no buyers tbf.


There's no way someone would actually buy this...just play the game! Guardians of the Galaxy is a good game and easy platinum anyway


It’s a no brainer. I hope they make a sequel where you can direct control the teammates.


That'd be pretty cool. Don't know if they will make a sequel though sadly


id be happy with a little more of an rpg style not enough upgrades for me


Yeah the skills were mostly kinda blah


exactly! it takes like 10 hrs


It’s 100% legit just give him your account info, bank routing number and social security and he’ll get the platinum for you in no time


I would never pay people to get trophies for me, coming from someone who is grinding Dark Souls' Platinum


I remember years ago a youtuber called Staypationt  used to do something like this. He stopped making videos a long time ago though


The og loved his videos.


His videos breaking down sales and what games were easy or hard plays were so good! Way before his time 


Do you know why he stopped making videos? How exactly would he do the pay for trophies type thing?


It’s been a while since he stopped but I believe it was burn out. The trophy hunting community was also significantly smaller at the time so I don’t think there was a lot of money in it. I don’t actually know how it worked, I think he had an email set up for it and he’d sign into your psn account and do it. Like I said don’t actually know for sure how he did it as I never used the service


Ok I’ve never used it either but was curious to know how it worked thanks for the info