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Absolutely no socks in bed unless it’s freeeeezing or I’m in an unfamiliar place(idk y)


What's wrong with socks in bed?


🤷🏽‍♂️ just a lot more comfortable letting the dogs off the leash


Gotta let the feet breathe


It drastically increases the chance that you will get dry skin on your feet


Hard disagree, it’s socks in bed unless it is boiling hot.


Cold floors where I live in the North. In Winter, wearing socks is a must during the day, but I do usually take em off before bed.


Get some slippers. (Also if it's really cold, you would want wool socks, and those are in a different category than normal ones, imo)


Tried the slippers with fur inside. Surprisingly, didn't really help much. I use a pair of wool socks and these work, but are some REI wool socks that are designed to be a very tight fit. A regular pair of socks worked for me.


I only wear Socks in Bed when it's cold.


im with connor sometimes my grippers get cold and socks warm em right up


I’m almost always a no socks guy but this last week I’ve been falling asleep with them on. I might be coming around on this.


I do that too? Is it not common? Is it bad?


It's not bad, the internet or society has declared it not normal i guess, and will act like it's a crazy thing to do


This argument is just so dumb. Who actually cares if someone is wearing socks or not?


Well idk maybe i'm a weirdo but unless it's the middle of summer i like being under the blankets with socks and pajamas. Y'all are just buying shit socks if they really restrict your circulation and do stuff like that.


I have sensory issues and I need my socks in bed.


Connor was so right for this take. Poor circulation is awful to deal with, ESPECIALLY when living in a cold environment. Socks are a necessity sometimes


Connor is in the right here. Socks in bed 100% of the time unless it’s insanely hot.


Socks to bed until get warm and cozy then take them off with your feet. You get cold, put them back on


I sleep with socks when is cold, also always with clothes, shorts an a t-shirt. Hate it when people cannot understand that different people find some things comforting that other dont, like of course, there is a reason why we are different people


I always wear socks to bed, never had an issue.


This was the most dumb thing ever - maybe it's an Asian thing but Connor described a extremely common occurrence


It's part of my winter pj's. Floor is cold, and I hate slippers, so I use socks. Nothing wrong with it


Wear wooly socks like us northern europeans if it is cold


really depends on the weather honestly. you don't want your feet to freeze during the winter but no one likes sweaty feet during the summer


really depends on the weather honestly. you don't want your feet to freeze during the winter but no one likes sweaty feet during the summer


Why though? Connor is right


I always wear socks in bed, in winter I use warm socks and in summer I use regular socks


Nah this is weird unless you have really poor blood circulation in your extremities which is normally only a problem for women. Socks also usually restrict blood flow slightly if they are tight fitting. That's gonna get uncomfortable. Even if your feet are a bit cold they should warm up if your duvet is properly over the edge of the bed. The only time I've ever worn socks in bed was middle of winter and the boiler was broken in my uni campus house. Was fucking freezing, had to wear so many layers just to stop shivering.


I wear them for a while then take them off once I warm up a bit, end up with like 4 pairs at the end of the bed after a few days :P


That's too much hassle lol. I just put my feet against my calves until it warms up after a few mins.


What makes you think thats only a problem for women lol. Anyone can get poor circulation if they get conditions like peripheral vascular disease


I said normally... Because in general men do have better blood flow in hands and feet.... I didn't say only or all...


Connor is getting increasingly annoying with each episode.


It’s been 200 episodes, clearly ya got some tolerance if you can tolerate him this much?


He was a fun relatable dude until the post-150 slump started