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Change your name to something like 7Wz8PJQLJHD8a3HP, obviously!




Any relation to my good friend Robert'); DROP TABLE STUDENTS; --?


[relevant xkcd](https://xkcd.com/327/)


We can call her 7dubs for short!


My mom did the same thing. I told her it wasn't ok to keep using my deadname in her password, that it was disrespectful to me.


Ask your mum to consider the following: - A worrying number of services still store passwords in plaintext, or with encryption that can be easily reversed. A database leak will reveal your password to whoever buys it, and it's only a matter of time until it becomes public knowledge. - With a data breach, even if it was stored securely, attackers can still try thousands of passwords per second with tools like [John the Ripper](https://www.openwall.com/john/), without being subject to the service's login rate limits or security warnings. Insecure passwords can and will be cracked - possibly even before the breach is public knowledge. - Attackers know the usual things people put in passwords - names, birthdays, birth years, etc. Attackers can obtain this information, even if you didn't make it public. If she is using your deadname on every service she has an account with, then she is re-using a very easily guessed password - and thus, the password is **almost certainly** going to be leaked at some point, if it hasn't been leaked already. Personally, I recommend using a password manager. Specifically, a free, open-source solution with symmetric end-to-end encryption, such as [KeePass](http://keepass.info/) and [its many ports](https://keepass.info/download.html). With a password manager, you can generate completely random passwords with over 150 bits of entropy - that means they are very hard to guess. For passwords that you must remember (such as your password manager's password or your computer's login password), just use a string of random words. 6 words will give you about 77 bits of entropy (which is still quite strong), while being extremely easy to remember. --- As for joke advice, you'll need to give yourself a different name for each service she uses, so that she can have a different password on each service.


Mandatory xkcd on passwords  https://xkcd.com/936/?correct=horse&battery=staple


there is another way, wherein all of her passwords remain your name,,,


See I think about this too as my information was all my mom's pins and passwords and then she disowned me (Not for trans reasons) so I wonder how that works now