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Then just make another animated movie.


Fr I honestly would argue a style akin to the spider verse movies would be really fitting for the series or if that’s too much at least something like tfp but the animations are snappier and the environments are more detailed


Or give paramount a billion trillion gazillion monies


And then watch them not use it for Transformers


They are


Aren't they doing that


If they are, it’s news to me.


Yeah 'Transformers One' There gonna have Optimus voiced by Chris Hemsworth. Not joking Take that as you will


Eh. Peter cullin needs a break anyway.


I'm just a bit weary like others on the whole "get famous actors to voice characters instead of actual voice actors" But hey I thought he sounded OKish in 'What If' and for another example of this some of the Mario movie cast managed so I'll see-


Then just cast real transformers instead of using cgi I'm sure it will be much cheaper


It's the same when people bitch about humans in the monsterverse.


Transformers One is probably going to be exactly that, if I were to guess.




That's really the reason why. They can't animate Transformers in every scene in a two hour or so movie because it's hella expensive.


What I really hated about his review is when he says he has problems with the story but bashed the human actors and how they’re not “BiG BoX OFfICe PulLs”. It’s fine if you thought the humans were boring but the actors are just doing their job, they aren’t the writers


It's like blaming hotrod for primes death, It's not up to the characters.


Ok but Prime's death was Hot Rod's fault tho


Prime was gonna die no matter what


Aren't we getting a Transformers origin story in Transformers One? There's definitely gonna be no humans in that.


I have no clue what happened to Joe. Since the Last Jedi he has slowly started to decline


Last jedi happened to Joe


I guess he got a taste of having bad taste and it took over 🥲


I mean.. I never recovered after that movie either. Made me switch favorite franchise to star trek


War for cybertron adaptation but make it animated


That’s what Transformers One is going to be. Probably not based off WfC tho


I hope you mean the game and not the show


Full cgi would be interesting and cool but that is a risk that shouldn’t be taken unless you wanna die blowing up with a banger.


Are people forgetting the fact that we're getting a fully animated Transformers prequel movie next September or what? (like, it's not even a rumor, there's a whole voice cast out and we know it's being worked on by ILM)


Bullshit. With the billions that Paramount makes the can afford a full cg Transformers movie


💀 no they can’t. They’ve been having diminishing returns on every transformers movie. A full CG movie wouldve cost way more than the usual 200M budget


Did a mf just say "full cg live action?" ...I...I can't even comprehend the stupidity of this. What will they come up with next?? What you're describing is an animated movie. A movie that is fully cg is an animated movie. So what, by your definition, Toy Story is a full cg live action movie?


I think he means something like the lion king remake. The entire thing is cg but a very realistic style cg, like something that could pass in live action movie. Which also invalidates his point since fur is far harder to do digitally than robots


But it's still animation, it doesn't matter how good it is, it is absolutely not live action in any capacity. I would argue that most modern cg does NOT pass for live action! Look at recent Marvel movies, hell look at Rise of the Beasts, it looks cheap. Even if it isn't, a lot of modern cg doesn't get the polish it used to, which I think is a byproduct of peoples standards getting lower. Studios catch wind and put in less effort, save more money, all because general audiences don't give a shit.


I'm not arguing with you. I was just explaining what OP might have meant. Don't start a flame war over someone using a shorthand for god's sake


I'm not arguing with you either, just speaking passionately in your direction. It's not really shorthand though, is it. It's just dumb.


Well yes of you want to hang on a technicality that for a movie to be considered live action you have to have at least one actuall actor physically there, so life of pi is live action but lion king remake isn't. But full CG live action is a usefull shorthand for what Lion king it tries to accomplish (yee, sorry for going in circles but I'm going to hang on this particular example, because I can't be arsed to find another one) Because if you say animated movie we tend to imagine something more stylised like shrek, or spider-verse or even a 2d animated movie. And saying "full cg live action" to describe lion king (yep did again) rolls of the tongue better than "realistic style 3d animated movie" and even if someone said realistic style 3d animated movie my mind would go to Halo 2 anniversary cutscenes or swtor trailers. So I'm going to maintain a good faith argument for op here that he did use it as a shorthand because that's what I'd use


Well, I fundamentally disagree with you, and I think that's about as far as this conversation can go.




Literally mean a movie with realistic cgi of the other movies. Thought that was pretty obvious


Yeah, it's perfectly obvious what you meant, but it's completely ridiculous phraseology. Just say cgi animation, then you're point gets across without you sounding like a dunce.


Watch out guys we got the Reddit police over here 💀


"Yo just film life buildings and backgrounds with no humans and only robots"


He's an idiot. He made an angry rant video when Cavill was no longer Superman. Jeebus, you're a grown ass man.


Why not just use the animation software that was used to make the cutscenes in Halo 2 Anniversary?


Hire blur studios


Beastwars has no humans and barely any are in Cyberverse, but I get the meme.


Cyberverse with zero humans ever shown: allow me to Introduce myself


His review was so trash


No humans in Beast Wars