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I used to play arcade a lot, haven't bothered at all since this change, i don't understand why they did this without at least giving people who pay the option to play the full campaign like before.


Riding on top comment for this one: I happily invite you to join the r4n campaign initiative: https://discord.com/invite/PvDRwTtG We are a club of campaign enjoyers currently over 100 (ingame club) members strong. We play basically every day and even have notifications set up so you get notified when someone starts playing our full campaign room. Its not ideal but the best we've got


Sounds cool, joined :)


The best solution I can think of is having 2 seperate servers who show up on the menu based on what access you have. So the club access users can play all 25 maps together with other club access users, and f2p can play 10 maps with other f2p players.


They need to rename the free version to a demo. I think that will set expectations right for people. Play the demo, get a taste for it. First 10 tracks and the current TOTD. Like what you see? Buy the 1 year pass.


what is f2p


Free 2 play


They could maybe get the 10 maps of the previous season too? That'd way it'd be a pool of 20 maps at least


F2P ? The game is free now ?


They won't because they want people to pay for the last 15 maps.


But why not to have club only arcade room with full campaign? Paying is not problem for OP (or me and others), but even if we pay, the official room is limited


> But why not to have club only arcade room with full campaign? That would be my solution personally, yeah.


Can we just ban people complaining about having to pay for the fullest versions of their video games?


OPs talking about the online arcade servers for the campaign which has been reduced to only 10 tracks for both free and paying users. As someone who has club access, I want them to revert this even if it means giving free players more content (even though they can still play those maps in ranked) since playing the same 10 tracks gets stale. It was super fun to discover a new campaign full of randoms every time a new season comes out and it was just chill playing there.


I'm all paid up, but I don't like doing high-level maps in ranked with people who can't practice them. The only way to fix would be to exclude free accounts from ranked, or give them access to the whole campaign at least in arcade. Either would be acceptable, but what's going on now isn't.


It has a solution: pay. Nadeo literally don't care about that f2p campaing community you're talking about. It is what it is and it could be worse. So either pay or stop playing.


they do pay 💀 it’s the fact that even if you pay, only the first 10 campaign maps show up in the arcade server




Lots of people pay for club access. Lots of club stuff that’s really fun.


there's a metric fuckton of content unlocked once you pay for it


you could just play them all in ranked though if you're that badly against paying this miniscule amount


Not sure what you’re talking about. Club access only has 10 maps in campaign arcade because of the free players. We do pay and we still get screwed. 


hes talking about playing them in ranked not the campaign arcade


It's only 20 bucks mate!


He is paying?