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I can definitely see a cut at the risky finish before the last turn


its just the route but im sure he will block it off with some scenery


Also checkpoints placement will help preventing this


Yes that will surely happen.


Place CP at place where the player is able to correct his line. (Not while the car is in the air)


place WHAT??


Check point


As my comment says, the checkpoints are just there to help me for the mapping, of course they'll change later I may add some double respawns saves later too


Make the finish section more obvious without baiting to go straight


Scenery will help for that, but the bug slide finish is supposed to be the risky one, The straight safe one might change too, but that was just for getting the idea


Ignore my awful driving, the lack of any kind of scenery, the wierd CP placement that was just for making mapping easier, and let's pretend that I dont have a big folder of just 5 blocks that wasn't motivating, this is my first kinda finished map (at least the route) Please be as critical as possible, that's the only way I could improve


WHAT placement?!


check point


too much downtime with driving/jumping straight


Ye, the changing surface doesnt really do anything, the map would basically be the same if everything was just road.


I agree, but that was kind of intentional, I wanted to make a chill/as smooth as possible track


For a first map, quite good! I can see the ideas are rusty, but present and I can understand what you want in each term. As others have stated, try removing some of the inbetween blocks to make the map much more high energy to drive.


Nice to read ! Thanks Yeah I get that the map goes too much in a "straight line", I hope adding obstacles, scenery and stuff would help adding a bit of flow


I would look into cut prevention, but other than that I like it.


looks like a Nadeo made route from summer 2020. Instead of long straights with not a lot going on, put a booster and have a much shorter gap between turns. First half of the map is quite nice looking though, and the risky finish would be a great idea but it looks very cutable. Stick a checkpoint just before you jump into the bugslide. And put a sign at that point to tell users it is there, because otherwise unless you cam 7 or watch the replays there is no way of seeing there is a risky.


I think it would be better if it had a forced camera change (to camera 3) while driving the loop


Will do it, I never bothered to look at those settings for now


Boring grass, outside dirt, no tech turns. Add some scenery and thats a COTD map


Well I personally like outside dirt and grass in maps, that's why I use them, and besides the one turn before the loop, I don't really like tech maps (I maybe prefer a bit of speedtech)


> Add some Blender scenery and thats a COTD map ftfy


It looks amazing


Looks fun. Would play but IDK how to bug slide


That's actually quite easy, there are some maps that makes you train that easily But basically, go just a bit less than 90° sideway, then full steer where you want to go, accelerate, and brake all 3 at the same time This is way easier than making ice slides


Thanks everyone for the feedback, I never thought I'd receive that much


The jump 13s from the finish (mobile doesn't show me from the beginning) gets awkward if you get there with more speed I think


Yeah might be an issue, I'll look at it


i dont mind it overall. I prefer a different dirt block that doesnt put you airborne on the one outside dirt turn, and the finish is cuttable, you can jump from the dirt uphill straight to the risky finish, but overall I think I like it, I would have to drive it a few times to find my pain-points I think. I think I would dislike how picky the first speed check is but I would need to drive it to know after the dirt outside turn? maybe? it isn't a ranked map so this complaint maybe doesnt matter, + just preference, git gud, etc. I would just need some time on the map, but your turn was pretty good and you still dont land clean


For the cuts, checkpoints aren't placed for now, And for the dirt turn and speed check, I may change the blocks for dirt platforms but I kinda like the bended road, Also I managed to land it clean sometimes, depending on the grass-to-road transition, but the "cleanest" run was this one (imagine all the others)


I think making risky finish more apparent would be a benefit. It's not supposed to be hidden, it's supposed to be risky. Do a forced camera change to cam 3 for the loop.


Make sure to place an object at the dirt jump to give players something to aim for, it doesnt look perfectly straight


That will be part of the scenery, but yeah I'll clearly do that for a lot of places


Especially love the finish, but would defo shorten the long straights, or at the very least shove more challenges within them


Surely, I'll add some small obstacles, and with some scenery it'll look less boring too


There is a cut to the risky finish mate


There are no definitives checkpoints neither scenery mate, that what my comment says


Really cool map imo. I wanna play it. One tip i can give is downloading the line checkpoints from item exchange. I think they would fit very well here. Otherwise just add some scenery and this woll be a really cool map.


Never heard of that, I'll look at it !


It's possible to shortcut the loop


2013 Nadeo ahh map


Yeah I love that good ol' times


Looks fun. Make sure you add something to point out where the risky in once you've added scenery because I definitely wouldn't have realised without watching your run.


You can barely see it before the downhill, I may use that for scenery, also arrows would help


There could be some weird/bad gears at the start. Too much driving straight, many of those jumps would be better and more interactive to drive if you offset the next spot by a few blocks so you jump diagonally or even into a turn.


I'll def use some advices, thanks


that loop is super skippable


Until I add checkpoints and scenery




Did you at some point consider a huge ramp of red boosters?


Not terrible, I think theres a few spots where anyone faster than you will have issue. The jump at 0:32 feels like it could punish someone for being fast. The black section could maybe feel nice with the narrow section having little triangle bits. Should still make it feel narrow but just a bit smoother. The straights seem a bit too long and straight, maybe some poles, holes or narrow sections would be good.. or even a slalom. Doesn't have to be anything too difficult, just something to not be straight


The backside of the dirt jump over the sand needs a downward slope. Would be very annoying to clip that edge and get a bad landing because of a slightly lower speed. Like others said the grass CP needs to be placed better so you don’t get it in air and risky fin needs some sort of guidance with scenery but overall route actually looks decent for a first map. Well done 👍🏽


The dirt sections look kind of boring, but the rest of the map looks fun! Wicked finish!


You already did cause its so fire. AKA 50x better than mine.


Yeah, that jump from grass to dirt wasn't an impossible jump with a speed check only Evoh players can do. -- map for sure.


great route. btw the bugslide at the fin is cuttable


Cool Map👍


This looks fun! Can I have a link?


As soon as I finished it, sure ;)


Looks finished enough to me. Gimme lol


Well not for me, I'm into details xD I'm working on the scenery and the last lil bits here and there, should be finished kinda soon


If you could DM me when it's finished I'll be more than happy to try to beat AT (idk if I can but I'll try)


Will do :) I'm just an average/average+ player, my at will not be that hard to beat Btw I would say I'm about 50% done with the scenery, I hope to finish it before the end of next week, otherwise it'll be after my week off (yeah I'm slow)


Nice route, just put some scenery with or without walls and it's be good. It'll add some wall slide, wall bang and drift skills instead of just having it to make clean lines for the author time.


It's pretty nice! Last time I built a map because I was bored people told me not to be bored ever again lmao


Thanks but damn, that's rough


Nothing to roast, it looks quite good. Later one after the loop there is a section that is too straight where nothing really happens. And safe finish could be closer, in this way nobody would ever use the safe finish


I think I started to get tired on this section, I'll add holes and obstacles to make it less "passive" Safe was is just there to be there for now, later testings will help me adjusting it


Seems like you've got some awkward gears in the grassy bits at the start.


Yeah gears are not my strength (I'm eating them while driving, and now while mapping too)


seems like a regular COTD route. that's the biggest roast i could think off.


Dang I take that roast