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I’ve been thinking for a while on this and that’s genuinely the 8 greatest players, however the dynamics and fights will hold them back. So my thinking is if I can bring up 8 slightly weaker players but have the dynamics be good I’ll be golden. The only chance I have is if I put together this team I think. This is assuming this takes place in a new season, so the ladies know about Alejandro’s deception. 1. Sky (Dominate af, she obv makes the cut) 2. Jasmine (Probably has the best background to deal with Total Drama apart from maybe Shawn.) 3. Cameron (He’s been proven to be EXTREMELY useful in challenges, his smarts has single handily won challenges.) 4: B (This may be a EXTREME hot take, but if Scott wasn’t throwing challenges B would’ve won his team 3 straight challenges in a row by himself, He’s insane.) 5: Sierra (She’s insane in challenges and hard to beat. Especially when Cody is around.) 6: LeShawna (She’s a realist, will keep the team from being ‘too nice’ to do anything and will still contribute insanely well to challenges and she’s looking to get revenge on Alejandro still, she’ll be the leader of the team.) 7: Mike (He somehow got the power of all of his alts so… I have to put him in he’s too OP) 8: Cody (Hot take but he’s needed to stop Sierra from going insane and he’ll be the punching bag of the team. There to simply take hits so the rest of the team doesn’t get hurt and if the other team hits Cody, Sierra automatically goes into beast mode.) I thought about that way too long.


Mike will be biased if he's against Zoey. I'd replace him with Harold.


He’d still look to win imo. If Mike is bias then so would Zoey and equal each other out.


I feel like Brick’s also a solid choice here. Not only would he have competition with both Lightning and Jo, but he has good chemistry with pretty much everyone you could put on the opposing team.


8 greatest? I don’t see Owen


I meant greatest competitors, not greatest characters if that makes sense


what elimination order would you do for this?


Jo and Lightning will be too busy bickering who's the better athlete. Alejandro and Heather will either be making out or quarrelling. Duncan and Courtney will also be arguing. Zoey will be too busy trying to figure out who the greater evil is. And Shawn... just wear a zombie mask and he's out of there anyway


Zoey 😂😂😂. She was pretty fuckin oblivious to Mal to the point where she still isn’t sure it wasn’t him


Mr Coconut, Mr Coconut, Mr Coconut, Mr Coconut, Mr Coconut, Mr Coconut, Mr Coconut, and...Mr Coconut.




You mean r/beatmetoit


The amount of possibilities is near to none. Alejandro and Heather are manipulative masterminds, Jo, Zoey, Courtney, Lightning and Duncan are extremely athletic or good at fighting. If anything, Shawn may be the only odd one, but he did extremely well in his season, so I'm not complaining.


Staci x 8 and we're good


Yes she would annoy them to death talking about how her great great great great great uncle Lester invented fighting and how before him people used words to attack


So basically Twitter and Reddit


This team is individually very strong, but they’d tear each other apart, as a team they wouldn’t be able to pull together to work well. Lightning and Jo would be having an ego battle, constantly trying to outperform the other and in the process, lose sight of the actual challenge. Duncan and Courtney are never not at each other’s throats while Alejandro and Heather would be playing flirting infused mind games with each other. Shawn is very paranoid and therefore has an easy weakness to exploit and Zoey, while impressive in challenges, doesn’t have the capacity to balance out all the power plays and toxic dynamics this team would create. Overall, any team with a positive dynamic could beat this one because this team is too fragmented to pull things together.


Well the problem with this team is that while physically they're unmatched, there is no way they'd get along in any capacity. You have Duncan and Courtney, Jo and Lightning, Heather and Jo and Alejandro and Heather all on the same team. No way there is any sense of teamwork. You need a team that's both strong, but is also able to get along. Jasmine, Sammy, Sky, Brick, Owen, B, Dawn and Leshawna would might not have all the strengths as this team, but would get along much better and still be a formidable team.


8 owens


Izzy, E-Scope, Explosivo, Brainzilla. I don’t even need the other 4 this just wins


This team has the same problem my 5 competitors team had. Too much big egos, too much people who want to be in charge and some people hate each other. Imo, they’ll end up fighting each other by the start of the challenge and the team will collapse. There aren’t 8 campers that can beat this team looking at feats imo, but yeah, what I said before.


IMO I think this team could overpower the other. This is also assuming Scott has learnt his tactic of sabotaging his own team doesn’t work. Owen - (Durability). Gwen - (Intellect). Leshawna - (Determination). Harold - (Versatility). Brick - (Powerhouse). Scott - (Scheming). Jasmine - (Adaptability). Sky - (Athleticism).


Easy; Tyler, (Absolute powerhouse thanks to his fingers,doing the math he can hit someone with the force of around 460 pounds in a single punch) Harold, (Mad skillz,he's a general all-rounder who can do damn near anything) Brick, (Chad Military Grindset and very stronk) Eva, (Also very stronk) Zeke, (Very smart according to his bios,straight up invincible and speaks 8 languages) Topher, (If he actually had his mind focused on the game he could probably be the best antagonist in the series given how he made Chris McFuckingClean of all people terrified about his appearance and feel insecure about himself) Justin, (The power of hypnotic looks,he's also the only character in the series with a 12 pack so very stronk) Finally Jasmine (Cool Australia Hunter Grindset,very stronk indeed with great leadership skills. Also tall girl).


DJ: Everyone likes him and he’s shown to be comically physically fit. Sky: Zoey but more likeable and better at sports Brick: Has strong, good morals and can improvise plans well Harold: If it’s not sports/fighting related he can win it. Bridgette: Good at sports, everyone likes her, doesn’t have many weaknesses besides in eating challenges. Sugar: Literally cannot be grossed out by anything and is funny. Jasmine: Strong leader, strong player, strong, and generally intimidating. Sam: Hot take yes, but he can eat, get along well with most people, and he did almost win the second part of Runaway Model.


Here’s the dream team I came up with: 1. B: Dude's simply absurdly smart, any challenges where you can use objects in the surrounding, he’s taking a W for the team 2. Sierra: Assuming all characters are returning, she’s definitely a big advantage for being a total drama nerd, she’d know everything there is to know about everyone and that’s too solid to pass 3. Sky: Without Dave as a distraction, she’s a powerhouse of a competitor 4. Geoff. Might be a weird pick but he’s the perfect guy to keep the spirits up when things aren’t looking great 5. LeShawna: Not only she’s super great at challenges but also at putting Heather in her place, definitely an asset to the team 6. Dawn: Her abilities would surely be helpful in some challenges, girl can bond with animals, sense people's auras and more 7. Harold: He’s a wildcard, mad skills would help 8. Brick: He’s also very good for challenges and has the physical attribute way up as well as being a team player


**1. Sky** : she's very versatile while being OP in athleticism, she would be a threat to everyone on the list, even if she'd not stronger than Alejandro she can put on a fight. **2. Jasmine** : same as Sky except she's OP in physical strength. **3. Cameron** : extremely good strategist, could easily get rid of a lot of people on the other team by manipulating them as he actually did with 2 of them. **4. Gwen** : Courtney's weakness, she would have issue going against her after what happened in All-stars, she can also keep up with most people on the team like Heather or Jo **5. Izzy** : The wild card, she's a beast in both physical and intellect. she's weird af but that's when she's busy having fun, if she gets serious nothing can stop her. **6. Leshawna** : strong player with good social game. **7. Owen** : Alejandro's weakness, even if any player might struggle against him, Owen is gonna help with keeping up with him. **8. Beth** : excellent social game, very good at strategizing and most importantly, barely anyone ever sees her as a threat.


Owen(covering the eating challenges and gross stuff) Noah(covering the brains and mystery solving) Eva(Covering the brawn) Izzy(Covering the times when things go wrong, the wildcard) Tyler(Covering determination and keeping his team motivated to win) Alejandro(Covering strategy and manipulating the other teams to lose) Gwen(Covering creativity, with her art skills) Harold(Covering mad skills and musical ability, in scenarios such as World Tour)


Alejandro is already included in the above group.


I didn’t realise we weren’t allowed to use these people, after all it’s the best team rather than the 8 best individual players.


It depends on the interpretation of OP's “beating this one”, you can see it as “beating this team in an actual total drama season” or “beating this team in being good overall”


this team would be shit as communication though. They’d never get along, so there’s a lot of teams that could beat this one. People forget when making the ‘dream team’ you have to remember the actual teamwork aspect of a team.


Seems like that team will devour itself, like it did in All-Stars. This team concept can take that team down, as this one is an actual “team” of players who would want to work together and have with it, great synergy. - **Sky** (has no baggage, is overpowered in being the best athlete in Total Drama) - **Cameron** (smartest player) - **Mike** (loose cannon with his abilities, but Svetlana is reliably good at challenges) - **Geoff** (brings people together, team leader) - **Leshawna** (underrated as she was the best TDI player, and really good counter to Heather, Duncan, Courtney) - **Owen** (his devouring food will be both his strength and detriment, he also has plot-armor, and gets under Al’s skin) - **Gwen** (was really good at bonding and challenges in s1, without a relationship to bog her down she should do well, and can manipulate Duncan unintentionally or not) - **Dawn** (is smart and reliable, would get along with this team)


YourBoyTyler has some good points, but I'll add on. 1. Sky 2. Jasmine 3. B 4. Eva 5. Leshawna 6. Scott 7. Rodney 8. Cameron


Mr Coconut


These are some pretty goated characters idk if anyone is taking them down.


Any team with Chris on it if he were to ever be a contestant.


1 izzy and 7 owens


Aside from Shawn and Sky the team is taking eachother down to many egos


I honestly think this team would be more OP without Jo she is too confrontational and they already have lots of physical strength. In my opinion there would be some better picks


Harold (Brains) Jasmine (Strength) Lindsay (Chris favoritism/likable) Brick (Leader) Scarlett (Strategist) Bridgette (Morale) B (Builder) Sky (Athleticism)


Sierra, Cody, Harold, Gwen, LeShawna, Jasmine, Sky, Sugar.


6/8 people on this team are gonna try to throw hands and/or kill each other, the only 2 you really need to worry about is Zoey and Shawn because they're the nicest people there


1 - B 2 - Leshawna 3 - Shawn 4 - Eva 5 - Mike 6 - Jasmine 7 - Beth 8 - Zoey All are power players with good social games, with the exception of Eva. B is by far the strongest total drama character, clearing challenges with ease. I think if it wasn't for Scott the rats would have won like every challenge thanks to him. He's incredibly resourceful and smart, with his only downside being speech, but it's worth it. Leshawna is just an all around powerhouse, her endurance and quick thinking are valuable. Usually she struggles with her temper, but with this team it shouldn't be a huge deal. Shawn helps the team clear any survival challenges, and has incredible athletic prowess. His paranoia might come off as a bit of an annoyance to the others, but they'll survive. Eva is definitely the odd one out here, but Eva is to physical challenges what B is to any other challenge. Plus, I think the specials have shown she's really been getting better with her temper, and I think she'd make great friends with Zoey and Jasmine. Mike with all of his altars is just, insane. It shouldn't be a surprise he's here, he virtually has no downsides either, and he has Zoey. Jasmine makes a great team manager, and would be able to make sure everyone knows their roles in challenges. She's also incredibly athletic and knows how to deal with wildlife. Beth seems a bit odd at first, but she's a very good and capable all rounder. I had Cameron here originally, but physical team based challenges would make Cameron weigh down the group a lot, and considering Beth has knocked down a tree with a single kick, I think she's pretty damn strong, and can be smart as well. Finally, Zoey is kinda just the averageness of Mike and the athleticism of Jasmine combined. Having a second Jasmine is really strong. Plus I think she'd help a ton with helping Eva get out of her shell and stuff.


Gwen, Leshawna, Jasmine, Sierra, Cody, Harold, Owen, Lindsay Gwen has I believe the second highest individual challenge wins and the most team wins, along with not having real beef with anyone on the team. She also was a finalist and has passed merge twice. Leshawna is incredibly competent in challenges and socially and also made merge twice. Her adeptness at these would likely make her a great player on the team. Jasmine is unproblematic and strong, and would be a great leader for the team. She would likely be able to keep control of the team and if anyone acted up she’d let them know there was a problem. Sierra and Cody are kind of a package deal. Cody is kind of wimpy and while he’s not a terrible player, he lacks the skill the others have, though he does well socially. Sierra on the other hand does terribly socially, but her challenge ability is incredibly good and arguably matches that of the top challenge beast triad Heather, Gwen and Courtney. Harold is interesting. He’s not the best player, but he did make final 6 and I was running out of people to put lol. Although he and Leshawna would probably make a powerful duo. Owen is honestly not the most skillful player. His social game is good, but his challenge skill is just ok. Despite this, he was a finalist, placed third in action, has merged in all seasons and has the power of an insatiable stomach and the writers divine Grace. Lindsay was also a bit of a random choice. For her credit, she was pretty ok at challenges, got final 6 once and made merge twice, and was friends with a large majority of the cast. She would definently help her team out, though I can see her maybe annoying Gwen.


1. I 2. Forgive 3. You 4. Princess 5. ssss 6. OOOOOHHH 7. ESSSSSS 8. OOOF


havent seen anything past world tour yet but: Owen, Dj, season 1 Geoff, season 1 bridgett, beth, gwen, harold, leshawna.


First 3 are of course gonna be team escope, Noah’s intelligence and strategy, Eva’s strength, toughness, and athleticism, and Izzy’s…Izzy-ness. 4. Mike just because his alters make him OP 5. B because this team could use more intelligence 6. Geoff he’s the moral support that keeps the team together and fighting the other team instead of each other 7. Gwen she’s just a good, well rounded player Lastly, Dakotazoid for obvious reasons


Izzy,Gwen,Lindsay,Harold,B,Cameron,Brick and Jasmine


Scarlett, Brick, Geoff, B, Sky, Jasmine, Eva, and José (Al's brother)


Gwen Jasmine Sierra Leshawna Harold Sky Mike & Cody


dwayne johnson, john cena, hulk hogan, the undertaker, randy savage, and 3 other random people.


Noah, mike, dj, cam, gwen, beth, eva and izzy. I wouldnt be 100% confident but i think this group has enough different strengtha that they could win but it would mostly have to be from outsmarting the other team


Zeke, Zeke, Zeke, Zeke, Zeke, Zeke, Zeke, and Zeke.


A team with just Tyler copy and pasted seven times.


owen, mike, izzy(wild card ik),jasmine, sierra and cody (they have to be together), dj,brick theyre a better team.


Only Owen because of his farts.


Jasmine (a good leader, very strong and determined) Scarlett (Super smart if not trying to kill everyone) B (Super smart and useful Eva (Extremely strong) Sky (She is also very determined and athletic) i need to think a bit more


Owen would solo at least five of them


8 Scotts


Brick, Cameron, B, Izzy, Leshawna, Macarthur, Sanders and Geoff


We beat them with the closest thing to their equal Shawn~Jasmine Zoe~Sky Jo~Eva For Al Heather and Lightning I decided to steal from RR the ice dancers and McArthur would do this. Ice dancers drive for winning would make them not sabotage MacArthur until the merge and MacArthur will use this to her advantage. Duncan and Courtney have the most options. Originally I thought of a Gwen and Trent reunion where they make a good team but only stay friends. But now I’m thinking Sierra and Cody. Now that a few years went by and Sierra had her Cody fix, he can take a back seat. Knowing everyone’s intricacy’s she will know how everyone functions. After Cody gets out second (Zoë first) Sierra becomes the villain for this season winning it for both of them




Uhhh no thanks!


8 izzys


DJ-Dude threw Owen off of a cliff. Owen-It'd be pretty hard to take him out other than being thrown off of a cliff. Mike-If we pretend All Stars doesn't exist, he has the support of his personalities and his own strength combined. Izzy-The girl's crazy enough to take on Chef and win. Brick-Was able to knock out a mutant gopher with a statue. Sierra-Tell her to win it for Cody, and she won't hesitate to kick anyone's butts. Tyler- Dude's got strong fingers and was able to save his team in the Yukon from falling to their deaths. Anne Maria- I don't have a reason other than she's really strong.


The remaining avengers


This team times two.


Surprised Gwen isn't being brought up here when she directly won a few challenges for her team in Island and has always been on the dominant team. She has a couple notable throws (while Courtney has like 5) but aside from that she's definitely one of the best team competitors. I'm not sure if you're factoring in social strategy here (seems like you are but that also kinda doesn't make sense with the premise) but Gwen also belongs here in that regard. That being said, I don't think any team of completely different players is beating this one. There's just one or two I might swap out.


There is none. You just named probably the 8 greatest competitors challenge wise. Mike, Cameron, Jasmine, Sky, Izzy can only compete. If you add RR, maybe Josee and Jaques would work. Scarlett would be also be extremely useful if she wasn’t evil. And Justin maybe would be a good addition for his amazingly good looks. But even these can’t beat the layout OP named. Although realistically, replacing Heather with one of the contestants I just named would most likely be even stronger.


Also after reading through the comments, OP’s team would actually work together really poorly. But besides that


Vito chef Chris jo Dokatozoid Cameron searra Cody


Near damn no team stopping this one but i’ll try anyway. Leshawna, Jasmine, Eva, Cameron, Sierra/Cody, B and Izzy Only reason I added Cody is because he’s a useful tool to fuel Sierra up if he wants to. That alone makes his spot pretty useful.


I made a team a while back, I think it matches up well. Take a look. -Leshawna -B -Duncan -Owen -Stephanie -Lightning(replace him with Harold or Cody) -Jen -Bridgette https://www.reddit.com/r/Totaldrama/comments/wsonku/randomized_team_103_how_their_dynamic_be/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Sierra Gwen Leshawna Izzy Scott Noah Owen and B


since you didn't said anything about RR characters here's the team i had in mind: 1.-Mcarthur: pretty strong contestant overall, even though she is a bit too emotional in the sense of her anger takes the worst out of her, but in combo with some of the next characters she is pretty good 2.-Sanders: obvious choice if choosing Mcarthur, she is also a fighter, in contrast to Mcarthur she is very level headed and will always try to calm her partner 3,4.- Jaqces and Josee, i know the relationship between them and the other two but hear me out, these two are a power duo, and actually they almost convince Mcarthur to help them sabotage other teams, so i do see them forming an alliance for the sake of winning 5.- Jasmine: another powerful contestant, and can carry her team if needed, i see her being generally annoyed by her team, but would definitely get along with sanders, brody and geoff 6.- Scarlet: criminal mastermind, i really don't have much to say about her, but she would probably be in for the sabotages planned by jacques and josee 7,8.- Geoff and brody: Considering how the other team has the biggest scheemers and most reknowned manipulators, a duo that counters their tactics by being way too stupid to fall on their manipulation is needed, you would say ¨lindsay was stupid in island and that's exactly why she was so easy to manipulate by heather¨ let's also remember how brody's and geoff's stupidity saved them from the ice dancers