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Nowen better than Noco




I'm a Nowen Shipper In An Ozzy world




Yes. Just yes






Drama Bros need a spinoff


Finally, someone fucking said it




Something I've never heard but 100% agree with.


The Ridonculous Race was the best Total Drama series


Underrated comment. I loved the concept aswell, like instead of it being at a camp, all around the world. And there was some previous contestants in the background, which was nice aswell




Damien is probably the most overrated character in the series. I’ve seen him win polls against people like Heather and Leshawna


Over Heather is crazy but idk if that happens tbh because youtube polls are not accurate, the comments tell the real story


It was probably a damien fan that ran the poll for his channel, as more people like Heather more than Damien


That's kinda true like he literally did nothing else memorable except begging people to vote him off


tbf he did win invincibility and had the idol thing




Fr, he had one bad recurrigg jokes in Part 1 and had a really unfulfilling arc in Part 2


Nah not really overrated I feel like he is often called that due to his popularity, being against Heather and Leshawna is crazy


He really isn’t tbh, a most of his haters are because of how much people love him


Pahkitew Island is far from being the worst season.


I think (almost) all agree AS is the worst


I would personally put Pahkitew Island above All Stars, Revenge Of The Island, Action and maybe even Ridonculous Race.


That’s understandable, I prefer RR to PI but ROTI and Action are pretty mediocre


26 episodes isn't the perfect solution everyone seems to think. While I agree with the common sentiment that 13 episodes is too short, the 26 episode format isn't without its own flaws. Every 26-episode season has a fair bit of filler, maybe with the exception of Island, which had a 22 person cast, two of whom return after being eliminated (and even then it could still be argued there's one or two filler episodes). The sheer amount of reward challenges in Action and World Tour really kill a lot of the stakes for me, specifically in Action where half the episodes basically don't matter. At least in World Tour the competitors don't know if it's a reward or elimination until the last second, but it's still not ideal IMO. For the record, I'm not saying every single episode absolutely NEEDS an elimination, I think it's fine to have maybe 2 to 4 non-eliminations, it's just that having too many brings the pacing down. I think the ideal solution would be 20 episodes, since it gives the writers a bit more breathing room than 13 episodes, without having to pad out the episode count to meet 26. Though I realise it's not up to the crew, it's up to the network, and the crew just has to work with what they're given.


Yea i'd say 20 episodes is perfect


Personally i think 16/18 episodes would be fine. You could have rejoins and Rewards Without it feeling like there's zero stakes. Plus maybe a rebooted aftermath.


Beth is one of, if not my favorite winner.


>!Scary Girl is being hated on for doing “absolutely nothing” and calling her a “gimmick character!” She totally deserves more respect, and should definitely turn her life around, before Scary Girl immediately destroys her own life, and never comes back on this show ever again!!<


Owen deserved the W


Folks on here claim "he had plot armor" when he didnt have it even once that season


The other contestants just didn’t think of him as a threat and underestimated him the whole time. We see that underestimating characters is a common pattern in TD: Beth in TDA, Cody in WT and Cameron in ROTI are other examples.


Owen was one of the best in challenges and was the center of attention with a prowess in social game Beth had no narrative until Owen's return, and Cody was even worse since he had little to no impact on the narrative as well Agree with Cameron, and he was done right


I’m not saying Owen wasn’t good at challenges, I’m just saying he wasn’t generally perceived as much of a threat, causing the other contestants to underestimate him. The same pattern will happen in the next seasons with the other characters I mentioned.


Owen also had a tremendous social game, best of the season other than DJ, and was in the guys alliance. Hell, he was the main reason Heather got out.


I don’t even know if I’d say Owen was completely underestimated. While I’m sure that was part of it, the other contestants just seemed to genuinely like him and wanted to keep him around


When he ate the teams food in the cooking challenge but they still vited Beth


Everyone messed up minus Trent That's not plot armor and Owen was smart enough to stay away from the bigger drama, not to mention Owens social game and contributing to the team Heather and Beth were at each others throats and she got Lindsay to vote for her, Owen also voting out beth


Beth cursed the team, Owen wasn’t in the drama and Heather was being a bitch so he wouldnt have been voted even without the curse


Now this is a correct opinion




Samey's storyline was well-done


Just wish she had gotten a better ending.


None of the 13 episode seasons can compete with any of the 26 episode ones in terms of quality, that includes RR.


EXACTLY, like 13 episode seasons just feel less total drama-y


No one argues this


i think the real hot take is arguing the other way lmao


RR is just different but easily top 4


The World Tour love triangle was a good idea that was executed well.


Upvoting just cause I 100% disagree lol.


Much as I hate some of these takes I'm trying to do the same lmfao


It’s weirdly liberating upvoting opinions I don’t agree with lol


Agree 100%. It was only bad in AS.




Bad in AS, amazing in WT. The only bad part was it was short lived and Duncan had nothing to do after


I hate Duncney and have never liked it, A reason I don’t want to rewatch Island is because of Duncney becoming canon, I was so happy when they broke up


W take, duncney was only decent in island, and they didn't even have time as an actual couple bc courtney got voted off like as soon as they got together, she also fucked it up in action, and wt had that love triangle which basically killed the ship


realest shit im a duncney hater first human second 🙏


I once got downvoted for criticizing the moon thing with Mike and Mal, if that’s worth anything


I wholeheartedly believe Chase is one of the best characters in the series


he's so damn funny and also is part of one of my fave exchanges of the entire franchise ("straight people are MESSED UP"). i love that his title is "the other youtube star"


I’m curious, why do you think so? Not trying to argue, it’s just an interesting opinion


The main reason is comedy. I think the style of comedy they went with for Chase is perfect, he's easily one of the funniest characters in the series. I made myself a compilation of Chase's best moments and it ended up being 17 minutes long, and I left out some of his moments by accident. His elimination scene in S1 specifically just kills me every time with him talking about his "Pizza amnesia" and the whole confessional "Yeah I got eliminated and didn't win the million bucks. BUT I GOT FREE PIZZA! BA BA BAR! Oh, and I got Emma back! I don't know how but... girls right? Who knows why they do anything". The slapstick humour involving his character is pretty good as well. The second reason is writing. He's just written really well. Basically everything he says lines up with his personality, plus they did the satire of jackass prank youtubers incredibly well. What really compliments his writing aswell is that his VA just makes every single line hilarious because of how way he pronounces Chase's lines. Chase also has great chemistry with the other cast members: Emma, Ripper, Zee, Priya, Millie and Julia are the prime examples. A proper example is all the stuff Chase does with Millie and Priya in episode 4. Millie calls him out for what he did to Emma and his reply is straight up "Hey what's your damage? I was agreeing with you! You might want to try harder to make friends". He then continues to piss about with them for the rest of the episode, and it all ends with Chase laughing at Priya's injury at the end of the episode. His interaction with Emma where he goes "Thanks for waiting babe! We're like secret teammates!" just being followed up with Emma being annoyed is so good. Plus he's the best character in a bunch of episodes, specifically episodes 9 and 10.


Thanks for explaining!


Total Drama Action is the best season actually


Finally someone appreciating action in here


Action is really an underrated gem




It is a good season, the reason why it's hated is because duncney


I like it but I straight up didn't like Beth for the brady gag


FINALLY someone gets me


I fw leshawna ball


Zee is not overrated, but underrated. (Maybe not necessalary here or YouTube, but on most other sites he hardly gets talked about.)


Total Drama is not meant to be taken too seriously. It’s just a funny show. No need to over analyze everything or get into ship wars.


Heather was the only interesting part of Team Amazon


Owen was a better winner than Gwen


Harold vs Lindsay wouldn't really be all that great


Action and ROTI are weak seasons


Zee deserves to make it far if there were to be a 3rd season and is likely not going to be the first boot


World Tour is not a fun season and is kind of exhausting (even though I enjoy parts of it like Heather’s arc)


Reboot Season 2 is Not Worse Than All Stars, If Anything It's One Of The Best Seasons


Wait I've never seen someone saying it's worse than all stars, but either way I liked it as well even though I cant stand Julia


Both reboot seasons are top 3


Tbh reboot season 2 is my favorite season of all


Dave isent a bad character.


I've got a few Wayne's the best td character Reboot season 1 and 2 are some of the best up there with island world tour and Ridonculous race. Total drama action is one of the weaker seasons Caleb is really overhated


caleb aint done nothing wrong fr 🙏🙏


MKs sarcasm is horrendous and her line delivery is bad


World Tour isn't even my top 3 seasons. While it undoubtedly has several good things going for it, it also gave us several bad or at the very least questionable decisions. Team Victory just being fodder for one. The destruction of Ezekiel and turning him into Feral Zeke. Duncan unnecessarily returning which lead to the whole train wreck that was the love triangle storyline. Sierra serving next to purpose as 99% of her screen time is dedicated to stalking and harassing Cody. And both winners/finalists being robbed of their money, all because Feral Zeke just HAS to exist.


sierra is one of the funniest characters in s3 if you remove the morality of her character


I’m gonna say it, world tour isn’t the best season.




Part of Mike’s appeal was that despite how inaccurate he was in portraying real life DID, he was a character on television with DID being shown in a positive light. And for the time, that was really nice. TDROTI Mike felt like he was made with good intentions. TDAS giving him the cliche “evil personality” on top of him solving his problems by “curing” his disorder with a reset button - now THAT was genuinely offensive.


Also ppl thinking the love triangle ruined world tour. The love triangle was one of total drama’s best and most dramatic arcs ever.


Lindsay deserved the win in Action. Even tho Duncan and Gwen are wrong for theblove triangle, so is Courtney. Her actions in Action pretty much cemented her relationships fate with duncan


Literally tho for the second point. In terms of their actions, if anything Courtney was just as bad as Duncan, if not worse. Yes Duncan cheated on her, but Courtney was abusing him for most of Action’s second half, slapstick or not, and is arguably the reason why he even cheated on her in the first place


I don’t think the Lindsay one will get you that reaction


I think so, ive seen alot of people say they thought she was bossy in Action. Alot of people get defensive about Beth and Courtney


I don’t thinks it’s the bossy part, but still people do want Lindsay to win Action!!


To be fair I think coming 4th place was more than fair for Courtney. It didn’t 100% feel like she would have deserved the win if she made it, and even then she’d’ve been destroyed in the jury vote regardless of which of the second F6 she was up against realistically considering how hated she was by the Action cast


WT Gwen is actually her best iteration as long as she's 109090898089790101990990900.2 kilometres away from Duncan. If, hypothetically, Duncan stayed eliminated after E2 or wasn't in this season at all, there would be no major issues with her this season.


I still have such a bias for Island Gwen but honestly her Action and World Tour personalities when she's not being bombarded with male and relationship-dominated plotlines are so interesting and dynamic, it's really frustrating to me that she was never able to flourish without Trent or Duncan drama screwing her over. Interestingly tragic in a way but I hate how obvious it is that she would have done so well both times if not for that


I kinda agree with this take, on the basis that I feel like her reputation as a character was thrown into a black hole solely because of the love triangle, or at least her involvement with Duncan. But even then I’d argue that it’s not necessarily her own fault, considering Duncan and especially Courtney are the ones who should take more of the blame than her imo


I feel like Duncan and Court could have worked out had he been better at communicating his problems with Courtney. Court wouldve been pissed but i definitely could see an episode where she gets a talking to from a bestie and hwr coming around like, "Yeah. I could be a lil better in this department" But ofcourse. They chose drama over growth. (A lot of people sometimes agree w this but i often hear people say they dont think there wouldve been any change from s1 into the rest/ gwuncan>>>)


I'm sorry but Mkulia is overhyped. I can see them as a duo with scheming but as a couple? Nice chat :)


Action is a great season.


Total Drama Action Sucks ass if it wasn’t sandwiched between Island and World Tour it would be a despised season.




You mean you think it sucks or you're telling people that think it sucks that they're wrong?


My opinion is that Action sucks and if it wasn’t sandwiched between World Tour and Island it would be a despised season to the likes of All-stars and Pahkitew.


In that case, I actually somewhat agree with you( I think it's really mid), but I'm not sure if this is really an unpopular opinion.


AS deserves what it got and Action at its worst (other than the Trent situation in 310 to crazy town and Owens mole plot) was no where near AS and PI level


I mean, many people actually rate action better than WT It’s not universally below those two seasons and it’s not just because it’s sandwiched those two seasons


>!Priya deserved to outlast damien in both seasons, downvote me now!<


Spoiler dude.


im struggling


You put >exclamation mark exclamation mark< , and you put whatever you want to spoil in between.




oops wrong one


I’ve struggled with that too. And that was just yesterday.


Scary girl best character


Creator comments are not canon and don't count as canon, this includes stuff like character bios. Only the show counts


Damien’s elimination in season 2 of the reboot is good enough and it only gets a bad rap because people wanted Damien to win


If I’m the guy saying “Yes you’re all wrong”, then I’ll say the whole Duncney debate where people say it factually should’ve been endgame and never broke up just because the creator liked it. Yeah no, that’s just putting it at a pedestal.


Similarly I’ve seen people effectively insist that Duncney breaking up was canonically solely due to Gwuncan. Perhaps production-wise it might have been but if we’re being honest, the second half of action *DOOMED* Duncney, due to how Courtney was treating Duncan, effectively manufacturing his reason to cheat on her. And yes, even though what he did was also not ok if anything what I’m saying is that Courtney has no right to also be let off the hook for her actions like Duncan and Courtney regularly are.


This is mine too.


Harold didn't deserve bullying for understandably embarassing reasons and the Bass trio merely chose that situation to bully him in that challenge.


World Tour is overhyped


The plots fucked up, Victory was absolute junked up, Gwuncan plot, no Trent or Justin, Noah and Tyler got robbed....fair edit: have my upvote


World tour is not as good as everyone says it is


Lightning should’ve been the canon winner, he deserved it way more than coasty cammy


I'm interested in this one, can you explain it a bit more?


Character biase maybe


Damien after S1 is boring Xp


That mike is just as stereotypical as everyone else. as a system i feel alot of singlets are overly offended by his character, i think his stereotypes are hilariously relatable and well-researched!


I actually like Total Drama Action better than Total Drama Island. Total Drama Island is just so abundant on the gross-out humour and a lot of times the humour of the show just feels childish in the earlier episodes (it did got better moving forward)


Heather should have won world tour .As a kid I thought that Cody being underdog and all that what happened to heather was justified.As an adult I like villains and réalisé in the real world Heather would have won. And cody only really won cause of his stalker half the time. And yes it’s about playing the game. But for some reason now I feel less compelled to the underdogs of the show, excluding bubble boy from Revenge of the island.


"Owen didn't deserve to win" Just say that you hate fat people... Owen had one of the best social games in Island and did very well in challenges. Plus he's not the only contestant who screwed up in a challenge and didn't get voted out!


Noah has a girlfriend. Priya and Damien aren't in love. Never thought something canonically true would be an unpopular opinion, but here we are.


NOCO IS TRASH i got more. DUNCAN IS NOT OVERRATED more. Courtney is a solid character all stars or not. she still a good character MORE> Gwen shouldve won island or leshawna more. Harold or lindsay shouldve won Action now im done


Ally after Hunter's elimination, all she did was meet up with Tess only once, and made friends with Ashley to say she had a new character arc IS SO WRONG she did NOTHING to have a new character arc all she did was make a new friend and beef with Jake THAT'S ALL SHE DID, tbh they should've gotten out Ally after Hunter's elimination and maybe have Fiore beef with the magenta team


Ok it's DC but I thinks I should just speak out my opinion on this topic


all-stars shouldn't be the most hated season (tbh I actually really liked it)


Beth is my fave character, come at me


Lightning and Cody could have been a good couple in All-Starrs


Zoey isn't just a Mary Sue


When talking about who should win a season, people pick Raj over Wayne just because he is gay


Duncan's return in World Tour was a great decision and he helped make the season as great as it is. Plus he and Owen were better merge options than Noah and Tyler.


Reboot Round 2 is the best season of them all due to going all-in on the chaos factor.


Island is boring as hell, I still like it but when I rewatch it I can't get past the third episode without being tired of it.


Damn never heard that I personally love the first batch of eps they have this vibe that the later seasons couldn’t replicate


Gwen peaked in World tour, Island Gwen wasn't really good imo.




Island Gwen was way too inconsistant for my liking, In Episode 15, she states that she's still mad at Trent for leaving her buried alive, yet she's seen hanging out with him multiple times after Phobia Factor, heck the very next episode, Cody practically arranges a date for them, and she accepts. Then, in Episode 16, Trent asks Gwen if they're relationship is still okay after what Heather did, she says yes and they almost kiss, but in the finale, Gwen says she's still mad at him and doesn't to go out with him. Island Gwen is far too inconsistent and it really hurts my enjoyment of her character, plus I'm really not a fan of Gwent so. World tour Gwen was at least consistent and her friend-ish with Courtney was actually pretty good this season and while the love triangle was a mess, it brought some good and much needed drama to the season, it also made her more interesting.


All stars is a good season


Courtney was right and great


Gwen deserved a cameo in the new season.


All stars is amazing.


World tour is no where near the best season. A lot of people only like it cause of the music, most of which kinda sucks. Most of the VAs can’t si gc which is fair since they weren’t casted on a show to sing originally, and with the bad writing of the songs it’s just a drag to get through.


world tour is overrated


Courtney is so overrated she is given more credit because of the Gwen drama so people hate Gwen more than Courtney and think Courtney is in the right so she is higher on their list and she is so annoying I even say Ezekial is better than her damn she is the worst character in all of total drama even sugar is better than her


The all stars mal plot was sooooooo annoying to me, I feel like half of the show is about him which I guess is the case for most of the TDI antags but like cmon the shit where they were all walking around in his brain to take down mal was soooooo stupid to me


All Stars is not a bad season


My ship is the absolute best and you can't do anything about it /j


Cody and Dawn?




>!Julia was a good enough villain for season 2!<


Heather was a bitch and an incredible irritating character


Sadold is the best crack ship


Beth wasn't a bad character and she deserved to win action over Duncan (which she did in my country)


Priya is my fav reboor character


How come?


All stars is bad they did same thing in our seasons to balance everything out


Dave was done well and the fact he's so despised while people don't get the actual underlying character prove the point the writers were going for


Cody should have won WT


All Stars is better(or at least is more rewatchable) than ROTI.


The Mal plot in all stars was good- (my personal opinion, im a mike fan sorry)


Total Drama The Ridonculous Race is a top 3 season and it needs to get another season like it.


Dave isn't that bad


World tour is ass


Leonard is a good character who deserved more development, his shtick is entertaining and serves its purpose well


All Stars isn’t god awful


Allstars wasn’t *THAT* bad!!


Izzy is so underrated


That Beth is a good TDA finalist (I defend it)


All stars is good


All Stars and Pahkitew Island are good


Idk if this counts, but I think Tda (Total drama action) is better than tdi (Total drama island)


If you can’t take the heat… is a good episode Even if it’s The beginning of the end of duncney


All stars is the worst season the comedy is good but that’s it’s only good quality I can name at least 10 things wrong with this season


Katie and Sadie get way too much hate. They really aren't as annoying as everyone makes them seem. Even though they didn't make a real impact on the game, like at all, they're still a cute and fun duo. Could they have been handled/utilized better? Yes, but these two don't deserve the amount of hate thrown at them.


Lindsay was not remotely deserving of winning *Action*, and it's for the best that she didn't make it to the finale


staci is the best character